ttife ONTARIO AROM uiiJfv? M, 1935. FAilK IWtt Kodaks LOCAL NEWS .lui.ii- - K Weston of Burns, wan vlaltor here Saturday. I) II II mi I it whh up from Nyasn, Monday. J. H. High of Vale was a vlaltor hero Saturday. Alice II. Curtla wan a vlidtor from Vale Friday. II II llryant of llolan waa here Thursday. K. O Morla and wife of Boise were vialtora here over Sunday. Claire Hihson of Nyasu was a via Itor here liiat TbnrMilay. Mrs i' V Lime, of llroKan, apenl Friday HhoppltiK here. Mrs. Fd. KiiwmIoii whh here from linker City Monday of tbla wek. Arthur Van Slcklln of Welaer. waa liere Inal Friday. Henry lllurkwell here liiat Friday. waa a vlaltor C II. Sheldon of lleulah waa in lOWl Salurday. J. I). Mum mi up from Welaer Saturday. A. I. 'I'reman of Welaer Ontario vlaltor, Suuday. waa an It II Hennett waa up from Mniin i. mi Home over Sunday. Ida Siewart waa down from Weat full, laat week. 0, II Oxnian of Jamleaou, here lual Thursday. K. S. Horner la spending a dltya In llolae. few Mlaa Kvu an. hi In. II of Vale. Hie Rlloat of friends In this city. Is S IV lirimiueii of I'endletoii, Ore apellt it few days here laat week. Mr. and Mrs J. I. tiruut, of llurna MM in Fnduy for u almrt vlalt heir Win. Liixou bus relurned n 1.111 a.11 ouliliK spent ul New Muadowa. Mr. and Mra. t'haa. Johnson of Weatfiill, was here last Wednesday Mrs Itoht Smith uud aon of Juntu rit. were here Friday. Mrs F. S. liulley returned Satur day noun from 1'ortlaud where she spent n short vacation Mr and Mra. IV V. Gallagher of Junturii, were here Friday on their way to I'ortluud. .Mrs. inters of New York la the 1 ol her cousin Mix F I Hal ley. Ul her Inline near town. Mis. Hugh MorRHii baa returned to her home after a visit with friends in link. 1 Mra I .eon Kldridgo and children huve been rn joying u vlalt with re lul ives ut Fiuillund. Tnnolhv liore of Salmon, Idaho, win. u business visitor here the latter part of last week John I. Fletcher, of Glenn a Ferry. Iil.tho, waa here the latter part of lust week Miss M.uv i Avers 1 el ill ned lust Friday evrtimg to resume her mis Moiiury work 111 this Held again Mra L M Anderson and C. C (III soil, W.'lc heir Irolu Uolse Friday. An laat Mr. and Mra. Jamea Holy and fam ily are enjoying an outing III the Sijiiaw Creek lliolllilallih Mrs V. 11. Staples waa here Sal urday on her way home fruui Wal lowa Luke Mra. Clyde Wttieiiblller returned lust Friday from a abort trip to Sea aide. The and Supplies Mr. and Mra. Fred M Jewell of Cambridge, were vialtora here last Thuraday. J. M. Sullena, a prominent mock man from I'ralrle City, wbh here Friday. The Bre.nlck and Watson Shoe repair shop haH been sold to M. K. Newton. Sheriff Hen llrown wan here a few in. inn.- between tralnii, Sunday even to Mlaa Finn of Unity, Ore., Ih the guest of her uncle, Mr. Carllle In this city. Will T MontRomery, of Mountain Home, Idaho, waa a hualnesa vla Itor here the latter part of laat week llert Alexander and wife were the Kueata at the A. II. Barney home In Frultland, Sunday of laat week. W. W. LetMon returned early Sat urday mornliiK from Sboahone where he Iihh apenl a abort outing Mra. Chan Knilaon and family have returned from a two montba vacation at I'ayette Lake Dr. W. 0, Howe went to Vale, yeaterday, where he conducted the dental examination for the Better liable Content. iiuih and Thel Lampklu have re turned from a vlall at the Colwell home In Frultland, the Riieat of Mlaa llethel. A. A. Tipton and wife of iturna, were in town over Sunday Mr and Mra. Tipton were married laat week In Hi ilar A. A. Iiinlrv, one of the proprlet ora of the Ford Oarage, baa return ed from a trip to I'ortlaud and Boise. Joy Houston who has been ployed at the Malheur Merc. Co , summer la enjoying a vacation Idaho Falla in this at Vivian Nov.- who baa been em ployed In Hie Kverhart DruR Store, left for hi home In I'm 1 Ian. I Sun day eveuliiR. Laat Sunday a claaa of twenty waa received into (he Methodist church Othern will coma In later aa they are out of the city at present II L Huberts, aon of J K. Itoberta, editor of the Vale Kuterprlse, paaaed throiiRb Ontario Monday evening on his way to San Frauclaco to the fair Mra. Hugh Morgan of thla city waa Hie honor Rueal at an afternoon parly given at the home of Mian Julia Guth In Maker, one afternoon laat week. Mlaa Mary C Ayera went to Nyaaa Thursday to aaalal In the tent meet Iiirh there for a few daya. She will return Saturday. Uev II I Baker went to Nyaaa Sunday evening in begin a revival meeting In the big tent that baa hem set up for the apeclal occasion. James, Hugh and William. Hie young sons of Judge Hallou Biggs, have returned from an outing spent at their father's ranch aliove Vale W. H Kelt b ley, Mra Seppie Kulthley, Cleo Caaeldlne and 11 I' Curt were vialtora here from Mid vale for Hie week end A. M. w .Hi,. in- ahlpped two car loada of boraea to Cortland laat week Mr McWIIIIauia baa bought a number of boraea lu thla part of the country tbla summer. Mr. and Mra. W. L Van de Water of Baker were here Thursday and Friday Mr Van de Water reprea- enta the Allen it Lewia branch houae. 111 Baker F 0, Bailey and W W Howard made a trip to Vale, Jamiesou, Bro- gau aud Dead Ox Flat last week for the purpose of securing exhibit for the County Fair. J O Laiuberaou of Weatfall. M- county Judge of Malheur comity, waa a vlaltor here laat week Mr Lam heison la one of the pioneers of the Weatfall aecllou Mr and Mra John K Loggau paaaed through here laat week on their way Ui Hot Lake, where Mr. Ontario Loggltll 'lll r 1 1 u in :i I j m lake treatment for Mrs Lucy Blgga ii"11 dauKhter, Itenn, who have been spending the Hummer with the families of Dalton Biggs and W. J. Weeae, returned Sunday to their home In Bowling Green, Mo. K. II TeHt returned Sunday from the mountain where he ban spent a few weeks. Me reporta many camperH at Blue Mountain Spring, and all enjoying them . K. H N. Holton, of La Grande, wan here lust Satr lay on hia way to lllv- oraide. Mr. I : 1 1 who la the owner of a large Implement houae at La liraude, opened a warehoitHe at Blv- i .i.l. a few montba ago Itev I). lairee went to Ford Fri day to attend to aome baptismal work aa a result of a few daya meet itiRa which be concluded the flrat of tbla month. Tin are the flrat bap- tlHina that ever ocrured in liarren Valley. He la holdliiR inert lugs at Riverside tbla week and next. Ad Sim. .n- of Alexander store, waa In town Tueaduy inorninR from Vale where he la conducting the tire aale of the atore there. Mr. Simon aaya the aale la the beat that baa ever been held in Hint section of the coun ty, and Ibal people have traveled many miles to attend the aale. A freak double cucumber Rrowu by E. W. Van Valkenhtirg waa brought Into the Argus oilier laat week The two cucumber grew to gether with a thin sheet faatenlng them logetber They are about nine inches long and It la seven inches a croaa the two of them. Mr Van Valkeuburg also had a pear with a leaf growing out of the aide of It The cucumber la now on dlaplay at hla office BUSINESS LOCALS FOR HUNT Modern live-room I houae cloae in Addreas Box 74. If (8KT YOUll I'KKSCItirriONS FILLKD AT HILLS I'll A EM ACT, 'ou will gel heller service for less money. FOB SALK Potato digger at Holy Kosarv Hospital. tf Slock taken to paature, 11.26 per month, per bead. C. II Trousdale. HON'"!' FOHHKT that Loul Hurtle si ill sharpens shear at the O K Barber Shop. Only leu cent a pair -m; SI WANTKD work (iirl to do geln-lal house I'haiie 20N2. Illtill qi'ALITY and LOW I'ltlC- KS alwaya go together at Hills l'haruiacy. If v.. 11 want a good, rich, clean saint ary milk for your babies. I'lioue 57 J Dooliitle's Sanitary Dairy. :4-lt VILLA PARK LOIS in city of tin tario, or leu acres adjoining Hie city. to trade for clearing and plowing 20 acres on I'armu Bench, near Nyaaa. Interstate Land Lou 11 Co , Boise, Idaho If F( I BKIONK FAST v la OKF.HON KIIOBT I. INF I on. n I'.i, hi. Synlein Tickets on sale. August IS and -.". and Seplemherl, S, 15 and 21' Limit, October :ilat See agents for rates and further particulars :i:i -6t ADMINISTBATOK'H NtrTIt F. lu the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of I'eler Keaaeler deceased, and all persona having hums again! the eatate of the said deceased are hereby mm lied to present the same to me with the proper verification aud vouchers at my other In Ontario. Oregon, within alx mouths from Hie date of thla notice. Date of nisi publication. Aug. :'6tb , mi. C vltiiouigal, Administrator be Ksiaic of I'eter Kea Deceaaed U IS. Pharmacy RelJandNyaJGodsl WEDDING AUG. 18 POPULAR 1 vi;n 1 cot I'LL wi:n IN I" WKTTF. AMI WILL 1,1 VK IN l'(M ATKI.H) The marriage of Mlaa Daisy Drought and Arthur Herald Daniel of thla city waa solemnized at the KplHcopal church In Fayette Wed neaday morning, August 1Mb, at 10:. 10. The Rplacopul wedding ser vlce was rendered by Uev. Thoa Aah worth of St. Jamea Kplacopal church. The couple waa attended by Mlaa Kathleen Drought, a slater of the bride, aa brldeamald. and Wllmer Hoyer waa beat man Mra. abler waa matron of honor and II It. Iloomer gave the bride away, The bride waa very attractive In a gown of white embroidered voile over net with trimming of blue nies aallne. After the ceremony the brid al parly repaired to the home of Mra. A. II Mob where a luncheon waa served The bride and groom left on the noon train for I'ocatello where they will make their future home. Mr Knurl utl I 111 li Inn, ill ili.l Mra. Daniel came from Tlpperary, Ireland, her native home, about alx years ago Moth are well known and much respected by all FULL EQUIPMENT IS ELUSIVE TERM Luxuries re In. In. I.. I Now That Were l nl bought Of a I ',iis Hack. Automobile dealers throughout the Culted States and Cunuda for the King Motor Car Company are of one opinion In regard to the cbaiiit iug of time for new announcement:. of models from the mid selling sea- sou to the uiontUa of November uud J December, or at the New Yurg show I Officials of Hie company are be- J lug urged by repreaeutativea In use their Influence (0 huve this chuiiro made ao It will be applicable to ibe industry generally ' IMMil.irn.F'K NAMT.MtY DAIRY. !.... little's NaiillMO Dairy will be ready for delivering milk, Monday, August 28th Kvery cow la u "Jer aey " Kvery cow liaa Juat been test ed for tuberculosis uud other dlaeua ea. All bottles, cans, pail and other' I. are steamed clean ed uud aterlllxed. Your milk la cooled aa faal as oacli cow la milked Kvery cow udder la clipped monthly, und washed before each milking to prevent dirt. We uae sanitary, cov ered p.uls uud the milk is strained 1 through sterilised absorbent cotton. Our milk cooler and bottle tiller are In screened rooms and we uae covered pulla lu milking, ao no (Ilea can kumple the milk before you do. I uae the lateat Sanitury Cap to cover the milk boiilrs and prevent tiles from getting to the neck of the hoi He. If you want a rich, cleun sani tury milk that any dady can drink with safety, give me u trial. I'rice il' un per quart per month. Tele phone Doolittle'a residence, .".7 J a 4 11 KTB.VY KHIFMF.NT Consisting of four highest grade pianos two upright and two player pianos received at Ontario freight depot June 25th , 1V15 Am forced to sell these pianos bere at one- in order to autiafy It K Co'a claim. Wll sell for my actual coat price with Juat enough cash, aa nrsi puy iiieiit. to cover freight and storage Balance lu eaay terms Write J. L. B., care of Argua. Write or call J. L B. care of Furley Booms, or telephone ti 4 W New li.niio I ...atr- Here. Dr H C Dixon, formerly .1 pro miiieut dentist of New berg, Ore arrived here about ten days ago uud has opened offices in the Wilson building Dr. Dixon's wife aud three daughters are with him and they are domiciled lu thfc home formerly oc cupied by Wtu. McBrutney Dr Dixon la very euthusiustic over On tario aud the welcome extended him by the resident here OREGON SQUIRRELS I LIKE OREGON APPLESi I I'iihs t p pples From Kansas, i- in 1 anil iishlngiou for Home I 111II Oregon squirrels passed up nice, Juicy applet from Kansas, Missouri, Washington und other states, and hunted until they found a box of Ore gon apples, before they would eat any, 1 the atory brought back from the I'anuma-I'ncillc Fxiiosiiion at San Francisco by A. L. Cockrum, of the Flrat National hank, who ha Just returned from the fulr. Several squirrel that have been on exhibition and are con lined with 1 he hlrda In a unique cage made of Oregon loga In 1 outside the Oregon building, escaped one night recently and tuiiile their way to the Agricul tural building, several blocka away Several boxea of apples were tested hill when they reached the Oregon exhibit they had a feast The man uger of the exhibit, while regretting the loss of the apples, admired the squirrela for their good Judgement laical Fhv sh tans to Vale. Dr II II Whitney went to Vale Wednesday to give a talk at the Ih'tter liable,'. Con I est on "Hygiene of Infancy." Dr. Weeae went up to day lo deliver an address this after noon 011 "Heredity uud Kugenlca " Dr. W. (I Howe spent Wednesday there conducting the dental examina tions. Fayette Couple Weil. The marriage of Mlaa Huldu Sianl lln and William Itlce waa aol eiunied at the Methodist church In thla city, Salurday evening, August I lib Itev G W. Ilarnes of the First Methodist church of I'nyetto ollicllltrd iowiibuinUrus CD llO noun IM Get the Boys Suits, Shoes, Stocking, Hats, Blouses, Knickerbockers etc. Girls Caps, Shoes, Slippers, Stockings, Dresses, Mid dies etc. 1 Boys Specials IWs Shirts 39c Boyg Minuses 45c Boyi Knickers 45c Boyi Suits $1.98 o $3.48 Boyg Shoes SptM-ial Hoy Scouts $1.39 tnd $1.69 Wear Guaranteed Special Heavy Rib Hose 15c Hats 50c to $1.25 KtKttttT 'KKKtBKKUKKKKHKnlm LINEBARGER BROS. GIVE EXHIBITION Genial kahlo Feat of si length Hre Shown by .'I.OOO.MIIe Hiker Ontario was furnished Monday ev ening with a atreet exhibition that wua a welcome relief from the stream of fakers that pnaa through the coun try town. Lineburger Bros., of Ft. Worth, TexiiR, who are walking from that city to San Francisco by way of i'ortlaud, gave an exhibition of strength Hint la hard to bent, even In a good circus, or on a llrat class vaudeville houae. Feats of strength dogger descrip tion when a man can tear an eight inch aplke In two with hi teeth, and bend a steel rod an Inch and three eighta In dlumeter by hitting it over a urn 1 ir In hla forearm. He also held Walter Burgeaa and another heavy man selected from the crowd, by pulling against them with hia teeth, and Inter held a long ateel bar lu hla teeth while two men on each end bent it. In the middle of the exhibition, Mr l.iuebarger atopped for a few minutes lo give the hoys and young men 11 short lecture on the use of cigarettes and tobacco, and be pointed mil the fact thai the use of tobacco la harm ful to the human body. He attri buted his remarkable strength to clean living and constant practice. They left Ft. Worth on their three thousand tulle hike Feb. 15. They have walked the entire distance and have a wheelbarrow In which they curry, a complete camping out lit weighing lu ull about a hundred und llfty pounds They are puylug their expenses by selling poatcarda show iltR their out lit . und by tuktng col lections at their exhibit ion'- TO TltADK Hood realdence pro perty In .1 flue Idaho town, for land or town pioperty in Onturlo Box SI, Ontario. Ore. School HERE STRAWBERRY PATCH PRODUCES TWO CROPS K. K. Ik the Owner Of Some jf I v 1 1 lieni inu Straw lierl'j Vine Home grown strawberries the lai of August are somewhat of a novelty in the market here, but miiny may take the advice of K. I Houdy who baa Ruccensfully raised the evorbenr in: berry thla year, and try the ex perlment themselves. This spring Mr. Ooudy moved to .1 small tract of land near town and purchased a thousand sliawberrv plants, a pari of which were the "Kverhearlng" plants. The fruit produced resembles Ibe Hood Klver berry more than any oilier, but are a little larger and posslblv not quile 0 hoIIiI a berry. They are the deep red ull the way through and no iloiihi will prove very desirable for canning The principal market this time Of year la for table use and for and.. fountain. The first crop of berrle I were on about the time thin aprlnu that other plants were bearing, und, while a few could be Kiilhried all summer long, they are now hearllii: profusely and Mr. Ooudy states thai he ha ready sale for nil he can mat ket, at 2fi cent a box WESTFALl PEOPLE LIKE ONTARIO A number of visitor have he. , here from Weatfiill the last vv On Monday a party motored down for a few day. In the party wn Krnest Wakerllg, Anna and i II . Wukerllg and Jessie Warner miii Lewi Beck. C. K Johnson an. 1 Frank Cummins, prominent sheep men, also came down Monday 1 1 .. lew days, to transact business. BAI'TISTt III IB II NOTCH Last Sunday wua a special day for U. Two were received by letter in the morning. Large crowds are at lending all the services Mia Ayei will have charge of the service, next Sunday ul both hour. The 'veiling service will be the regular monthly union service, und Ml Ayera will deliver the address A hearty ill vital itiU is extruded to all 10 attend ull the services. D. 10. Baker, I'untoi Time Special Prices Speeial (iil'ls Slippers, Sizes tip to 8, i $1.29 Special (tills Shoes, Sizes up to 2, Oi $1.45 School Caps 50c Middies, Ui 98c to $1.2fi Dresses, J to 14, 98c to $1.98 Sjiccial Scliool Hose, Fine Rib for Uirls only, 15c Special 2.c Fancy Ribbon, a, ..19c :