m LOCAL NEWS Mrs. II. ('. Whltworth whs up from Wolaer tli Ural part of tho week. It iink Milter of VVelner wun a via lor li re Sunday. N. C. PreHcott and Henry Wlillaon worn over from Uoian, Monday. L W. Valentine of Pocatello was Inn' Monday. Wi I. Mofllt of Drewaey, wbh a ii Iifcro Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. MrKwan were vln llorn here laat week. Tom CrotlierH of Klveralde wan up llio latter part of last week. Ida Stewart of Wentfull wim down last Wedneaduy. S. Knight of Uolae waa here Tliurmluy. Mra. V. B. Staplea of Vale, waa down laat Thurnday. Claude Hanka of Payette waa here Thuraday. K. V. Mlckel of Cord, Ore . waa a vialtor here Friday. Frank Atterhury of Payette waa over here Friday. W. J. C'vKen came down from Klveralde laat Saturday. W. H. Klma of Weatfall waa her Shi unlay. Jim Murphy, a realdent of lieu lull, waa here Saturday. J. IV Mulr of Welaer apent Sunday here. Mra. J. A. HoakinH of linker, waa here Sunday. C. .. Hill of Uolae waa hen- Wed neaday of laat week. Uodachalx of New Plymouth, waa a vialtor In Ontario laat week. Clin II Trout of Pocatello waa In town laat week. Frank Culver of Sand I'oint. ape'it luat Thuraday here. II II lllrkox waa over from lloiae i.iitiyN'iart of laat week. 1.. II. Van Slyke waa up from Poca tello laat Friday. L. 11. Seara waa iu from Jaiuieaon iiihfaday. .i.i.i:-.- I i,i Hun HIkkh made a im-i in trip to Vale Monday. I). F. Murphy, a. atoukman from Hi 'tilah, came in Saturday. William Connolly, a aheepman ol lli'ulah, waa In Ontario thia week. Murray Morton made a hualueaa trip to Vale Monday. J. II Juuor of Moist- waa an On tario visitor laat Saturday. r'm. Co-Vvolly of Weatfall waa here Saturday. Martin Joyce aud Dan Murphy of Mt-iiluli were viaitora here Saturday. John I. Houston came down from ah- laat Saturday on buaiueaa. W. T Lauipklu made a trip to Weiaer Tueaday. Win. Weat of Weatfall came down Saturday. A. J Hunt of Hurley, Idaho, waa li-n- over Sunday. Mrs. Mae Martin of Weat Stayton, On- , came iu Suuday. Jf,s. I. U. guesenht-rry of Vale came down Suuday, returning home Mouduy evening W. F. AuiIi-i.-miu came over from lloi.-ie aud apent Wedueaday of laat week here. Arthur Pool left for Itiveruide with Ui- lour horse teams to work on the o . couatruGtiou work. S I he Kodaks and Supplies Win. Lees madi' a trip to Wile Thuraday. Ami Williams of Payette waa here laat week. 8. A. Armlatead waa a vlaitor frpie Bolae, Friday and Saturday of laat week. J. 8. Pope and wife were In from Jaiuieaon for a short visit the latter part of laat week. Kthi'l and Harriet Huffman made a trip to Weiaer laat week to vialt their grandfather, L. it Huffman. Mra. F. 8. Bailey went to Port land Sunday evening for a few weeks stay. Mrs. H. D. Ilacine and Mrs. II D. Meed of Drewaey returned home l-'rlday morning. It. c Stewart, C. R. John Ron and Frank Cummins of Weatfall were visitors here last week. Mr. and Mrs. 11 B. Darling of Portland were here the first part of this week. Miss Cook who has been the guest f Mlsa Margaret Dunbar, returned home to Vale last Friday. Mr and Mra. J. F. Doty loft last i-'m.i i for a few weeks outing at Oross, Idaho. ' Hobt. McOaughey of Maker, was i business visitor here Wednesday if last week. Mr and Mrs Karl Thompson went o New Meadows laat week for an luting. Win. I. axon of the Toggery, la (pending a short vacation at New Meadows. It M Carllle who la with the Mai i. in Merc. Co., has returned from an luting at Ironaldea. Miaa Uetay Taylor left this week for a camping trip with a party from Vale i.uir....- Bailey and Haxel Lackey uade a trip to lii-i Tueatfav re timing Wedneidny. F. i: Qllchrlat of Suplee. Crook ounty, Ore., la here thla week look ng over the country. Mr. Qllchrlat txpecta to engage In farming here. (leorge Duuton and wife came lown from Drewaey Thuraday for a Malt with Ontario frlenda. They eturned Saturday. C B Sanford left laat week with our inn-..-, for Biveraide. He will miii. the team on the O. W. con trniton work. Lee Noe waa here Thursday on his vay from Salem where he went to i-i a priaoner who will be given a lew trial. 0. W. H..I i, and Aligal Horn of Pilot Bock who were here to attend lie funeral of Chaa. Slmmona, have eturned home. The many frlenda of Mra. Henrv Hlera of thia city are glad to hear hat she ia recovering nicely from a terioua illness Born, Auguat h.ii. . to Mr. aud Mrs Win Johnaon, a baby girl. Mother and babe are at the home of Mr. .in I Mra. Yoachum in town. Miaa Ktlit-I Hubbard aud Mlsa Ktinii-e Hamnierick of Weiaer were lie guests of Miaa Leah Henaen, Krlday evening. J. L. D. Morrison of the Oregon Western Colonization Company, re lumed Saturday from a weeka vis t iu Portland. Mrs. H. H. Whitney returned Sat urday evening from Boiae and Kuna Idaho where she has been visiting friends for a few weeka. Mrs Booz aud little graudaughter, Helen Fifer, who have been the guests of Mrs Ed Huffman near Mallett station, for several days, returned home Sunday Mrs. Francis Henaen of Weiaer, waa the guest of her daughter, Miss Leah Henaen, in thia city Sunday. Dr. D. C. Brett left this week for TfflS ONTARIO Ontario Pharmacy Watervllle, Wash., to spend ten days looking after his wheat ranch near that place. Mra. Brett will be In the otllce in the absence of the doctor. Mr. and lira. L. A, Dlckinaoii of I'eiitlleton, arrived here last Sun day and atayed over for the funerul of the latP Chua. Simmons. Mra. Dickinson was a sister of ('has. Sim mons. Mr. and Mrs. Jamiesou apent a few days here shopping and visiting friends. Their home Is In the In terior. Mra. Jamleson was formerly Miss Pearl Edwards and was a teach er In the public school here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staples had as their guest lasl Tueaday, an uncle of Mrs. Staples', Mr. Newport, ami his daughter, of Springfield, Mo. They left Tuesday evening for the fair at San Frnnclaco. The Orand Jury will meet at Vale Auguat :tOth., a week before the op enlng of the fall term of the Cir cuit Court. Indlcatioiia are that the coming term of the court will be a heavy one. 3. J Beaty came in from his homestead at Homedale Saturday lie will return to Homedale In ui-. mi ten days and then will go to Wallowa where he la to teach iu the high school for the coming year. ('has. Boswell, a buslneaa man of Vale was In the city thla week Mr Boawell waa contractor of the mull route between thla point and Ontar io many years ago and found several old time friends here to greet him. The Times Herald, Burns. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Letson left Sunday for Shoahone, for a fishing trip. Mr. Letson will return In a few days, and Mra. Letson will go on to si Paul, Minn., to buy her fall atock of millinery. Plana were made for their departure laat week, but owing to aome bualneaa mattera they were delayed a few daya. Mra. C. C. Dodge haa been selected by the Library Aaaoclatlon to nil the vacancy in the Ontario Library, cnuaed by the resignation of Miaa Plnney Mra Dodge haa had pre vious experience, having been In charge of thla library a few yeara ago before the new library building was built. L. G. Olaou and wife who left here June 27 on an Indian motorcycle with aide car, for Kansas City, have atarted on the return trip. M ra. Olson's brother, Kosooe Tlleaton, is coming west with them. Mr. and Mrs. Olson have been viaiting their parent . and other relatives in Kan sas City and other middle western places IMPOINDINU N'OTICK. Notice la hereby given that, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 236, of the City or Ontario, I have taken up and impounded the following dea crlbed animal found running at large within the corporate limits of the City of Ontario, In Malheur County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: One bay gelding about three years old. Weight about 1.050 pounds Branded thus An (I above a W on the left m ui.-. And that I will on the 25th., day of August, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M , of said day offer for sale aud will sell above described animal at public auctiou to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, at Eagle Barn lu said City of On tario. Taken up this nth , day or August, 115 Posted this 14th., day of August, 1915. D. H. Kerroot. City Marshall Why have an inexperienc ed man practice on vour machine when you can get an expert mechanician? We have an expert from the Ford factory and are mak ing a specialty of Ford re pairs. Good work on your car costs no more here than a poor job elsewhere. ONTARIO AUTO CO., Phone 134 Pete Duford Mgr. JSt1 rtOU Rexall Mrs. M. E. Newton entertained nineteen little boys anil girls laat Friday afternoon In honor of the birthdays of her daughter, tlwen dolyn. and son, Harold. Miss (Iwendolyn was eleven yeara old the 15th.. or August, and Harold was thirteen the llltli.. of August. The ufternoon waa spent pleasantly With games on the lawn, and in listening to ralry stories read by Mrs. New ton. The afternoon concluded hap pily with the serving of refreshim-nl-: which consisted or Ices and the iinia1 blrthdny cake. .1 nut lira lawyer Home. P. V. Gallagher returned to, Jnn tura Saturday after spending sever al days here on business. Mr. (lallagher is the owner of the Juntii ra Times, and until recently has been the editor. He now has leased the paper and la devoting all his time to the practice of law. II. L. Peterson Home. H. L. Peterson of the Ontario Furniture Company, returned the latter part "t last week from Port land where he bought some new atock. Mr. Peterson states that three times as many merchants at tended "Buyers Week" this ear in there was laat. He la very enthu siastic over the manner In which 1'ortlaml treated the visitors, as h aaya there was not an idle moment, for when business was attended to amusement was planned ror the vis itors for every hour or the day PIKITY LKADKIt WILL HPKAK IN ONTAKKl Dr. Emma F. A. Drake, corres ponding aecretary or the Worlds Purity Federation, or Denver, Colo , will apeak at the M E Church Sun day morning, afternoon and evening. She will speak Iu the morning at the regular preaching hour, and a meet ing of all the ladles of Ontario will he held at 2:30 P. M. Then In the evening a union meeting will be held iu the M. E. Church at which Dr. Drake will apeak. Idaho -se-si,i Here. David J. Lewla, Assessor of On eida County, Idaho, who Is In atten dance at the meeting or the State Hoard or Equalisation being held ut Bolae this week, came down Sun day to visit Ida brother-in-law, D P. Dearborn, and famll) He returned to lloiae Monday. New Stock In. Itader Bros., have juat received a large shipment of rail atock and the entire force baa been busy ror aev eral days getting it ahelved and in place. Black aud white will be one of the leading fadn tills year and thla will be round not only lu wool and silk material, but In buttona, in. mis and etc ror tTimnilug. HESS LOCALS FOB BENT Modem five-room fur uished house close In. Address Box 74 tr TO TBADK (Jood realdence pro perty In a hue Idaho town, ror laud or towu property iu Ontario. Ilox 833, Ontario, Ore. KOIt SALE Potato digger at Holy iioaary nospiiai. u DON'T FOBOET that Louis Hurtle still mi. it pen.- aheara at the O K. Barber Shop. Only teu cent a a pair 28 8l VILLA PABK LOTS In city or On tarlo, or ten acres adjoining the city. to trade ror clearing aud plowing II acres on Parma Bench, near Njyjsu Interstate Land k Loan Co., Moist-. Idaho 31 tf EXCl ItHIONH FAST via OltKOON HHOltT LINK lulou Pacini Hyatoni Tickets on sale, August 18 aud 25, and Sepieuiheri 8, 15 and 22. Limit, October 3 1st See agenta ror rates aud further particulars. 33 6t AttOfiSi 19, 191ft and Nyal G9G&&G9e9QQGQQQQQ&UGGGQ Silt AV SHIPMENT Consisting of four liiglict tirade pianos two upright mill two player pianos received at Ontario Ireiuht i!i'iot June Itth.i 1! I". in I'nrceil to ell these pianos here at once in order to satisfy It. H Co'a claim Wll sell for my actual cost price with Just enough cash, as lirsl pii nielit. to cover freight an. I .tuiare Malance in easy terms Write J. L. II., care or Argus. Write or call J. L. It. cure Of I'arley Uooins, or telephone I4W It.ipii-i Inn, I, Notes. Topics for next Sunday, August :22nd.. 11 A. M., "A Ureat House and Its Vessels." 8 P. M. Dr. Kinina llruke will speak at the M. K church which will be a union service. The pastor will preach ut Nyssa in the evening which will he the beginning of a two weeks revival meeting 11. Y. P. lT. at the church at 7 P M led by Miss Ayers. Miss Ayers will speak ai the White Sett lenient, lu the afternoon at .: o'clock. Miss Ayers will have charge or all the services while the pastor la In the meeting at Nyssa. D. E. Maker, Pastor. STUDEBAKER Fifty Horse Power, Seven Passenger ' 'Six" $1050 F. 0. B. Detroit Studebaker has set a new standard or vuliirs In offering a ear or such power, .iiiillt and sl.e, al kio.mi Mtudehakers have coinplclch out classes! all compel It Ion this year. I-'OI'K VLINDKB Alt SIX CYLINDKIt (Alt HH., mi SHI". Prices F. 0. B. factory ONTARIO AUTO CO.agent Phone 134 Pete Duford Mgr An Electric Range Means Economy Economy in the Cost of the Range itself, Economy in Current Consumption, and in Conservation of Food Volume and value. $11.00 Down and $4.00 monthly payments Min.s th.it every home can afford to be equipped with this modern economizer and labor saver. Ask for a demonstration of these ranges at the office of the Electric Investment Company VS00S0000aettSraP0& tV-VxW 3, Goods Sever Puitiiershlp. W. II. Mrookeand l(. W. SwiiKler, who have been eniraged in the prac tice oi ten ti'Kether for the punt two years have severed partnership relations. Mr. Swngler will contin ue his law practice In his pre enl illices, anil Mr. Mrooke will lit up new nlllcea In the Wil-im huililinc. Summer East Via Union Pacific Remember the Un ion Pacific System is the Direct Route to all points east. Through Cars. H Stop-Overs Diverse Routes Consult any 0. S. L Agent for rates and further details. 'AMI-; Til IN. I, I MAXWELL 1916 $655 Including electric Hlarter mid electric lights All tell "lirst cost" records broken. All low "utter cost" records broken. The M WW II, I. has lowered all et iiitomi records ror: 1st., .Miles K-r sel or tires. 2nd., Miles per gallon or gasoline. :lrd., Miles per quart of lubrlcalliiu oil. Itli., Lowest year-Ill and year-out repair hills. Come in ami see this beautiful 1111(1 MAXWELL. I -( B aiv It eel le.l villi cull llilnl. of. Telephone or write for a free demonstration. ONTARIO AUTO CO., Phone 134 Pete Duford Mgr. Excursions System Very low rates to Denver, Colorado Springs, Kansas City, St. Louis, Memphis, Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul and many other points from all points on the Oregon Short Line. SALE DATES, May 15, 19, 22, 26, 29;. lime 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23. 26, 80; July 7, 14, 21, 28; August 1, 11, 18, 25; Sept. 1, 8, 15. :k 1 to er as a S- p- II 0, it et r I. t- ii. d II IN I 1-M