The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 12, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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AOjWffl 12, 1015
E. F. Averlll of Pendleton was
here Friday.
Wm West of Westfall wan here
I). ('. Brlchoux of Blverslde wan In
Carl lllnkson of Boise wan here
irven Moody of Vale, wan an Ont
ario visitor Monday.
J. II.'ur of Nyssa wan here
M. M. Brown of Pocatello spent
Monday here.
Mm. M. C. Coy of Blverslde came
In Monday.
Mr and Mrn. Altnow of Drewaey
were here Wednesday.
Lee Noe of Vale, waa down Ibhi
8. P. Colt or Malheur, waa here
James Morfltt waa down from
Malheur last Thuraday.
A. ,T. Ilanneld of Welaer. waa here
W. L. inl. -r ..hi of Mldvale was
an Ontario visitor Thursday.
Mi II. I). Kaclne of Drewaey,
was In town Friday.
(loo Dean waa up from Welaer.
Miirxuret M. Wlllard of Maker,
arrived here Saturday.
Itoy McNulty of WatMOtt ramo In
I. N. iIimi.Ii of Walla Walla,
cam.' In Sunday for a few days.
Earl Crump of Payette spent Sun
day here.
Mr and Mrs McCammon of Pay
ette were Sunday visitors here
A. II. Anderson waa up from Wei
Mr. Sunday.
A. A. Dram of Bolae waa here
S C. McKlnnla or Orange. Wash.,
arrived here Sunday for a ahort vlalt.
W. L. Powera or (). A. ('. was an
Ontario vlaltor Saturday
Phil V. lli'in waa over from Bolae
Clyde Hubbard of Welaer apent
Sumluy here.
Bradley Sheppard of Bolae waa
here Sunday.
(' E i ..i in uf tirlnnell, Iowa,
was here Wedneaday.
I. I Moon or Bolae waa a visitor
hen- Wedneaday.
K. E. Single or Welser waa lu town
E. M Shermau or Boise was an
Ontario visitor Wedneaday.
C. VY. Pursell waa here rrom Boise
M. topped or Bolae waa in towu
Mrs. df. i Galea or Drewsey speut
Wednesday here
A. U Anderson or Weiser waa here
I'Mojii Hager or Cambridge was a
busiuais vlaltor Thuraday
Glei . Huated or Portland waa in
Ontario thia week on buslneaa.
H C. Whltworth apent Sunday
Harry Anderson made a trip to
Council Vedueaday.
Dr and Mrs. Priming motored to
Weiser, lunday afternoon
Kodaks and Supplies
Tom Logan of Brogan was an Ont
ario visitor rrom Saturday to Monday
A. W. Trow returned Monday rrom
a short trip to Portland on busi
ness. Mr. A. I. Sprout haa returned
from a rour weeks vlalt at I.okiui.
Mrs. E. A. Fraser had as her
guest last week her sister Mrs
Hill.. 'it of Boise.
A party or Cambridge people. In
cluding Mr. and Mrs. M. B Uustad,
Mrs. Hanney and Mrs W II Hill,
were here Saturday.
Leslie Wright and Edward Wright
were here rrom Jasper, Ore, last
Oave Wilson, owner or several
buslneaa buildings In Ontario, Is here
this week rrom Portland.
Miss Verna Jaqulah returned home
from Long Beach where she has
spent a ten days vacation.
Miss Bachel Chapman returned
Saturday rrom her vacation at Long
Miaa Henaen Is In charge or the
Letaon Jewelry store In the absence
or Mr. and Mrs. Letaon.
C. H. Anderson came over rrom
Bolae, Friday. Mr. Anderson was
formerly In the sheep business here.
Bryan Neeb or the Crescent Barber
shop Is spending his two weeks va
cation visiting friends In Ironside
A social meeting or the W. C. T II.
will be held at the home or Mrs
Pratt, Tuesday, Aug., 17, at 2:30.
Brlce, Mir son or Itev. and Mrs
I). K. Baker, returned Monday rrom
an extended visit with his sister near
Bltzvllle, Waah.
A session or the circuit court waa
held In Ontario Saturday The case
under consideration was Bohrer vs.
Welser Lumber Co
II II. Poaselman and wire or Jam
iesou arrived here Monday Mr
i''osseltnaii is the new proprietor or
the Post Office news stand.
H. L. Peterson, or the Ontario Fur
niture Co., haa Just returned rrom
taking advautage or "Buyers Week"
In Portland.
Itohert Twohy and Q i: Moore or
the Twohy Broa. Couatrucllou Co.,
of Portland, were In town laat
Mrs Harry Anderson who had the
misfortune recently to break one of
the small bones In her root. Is able
to be out on crutchea.
Edward Iteedy was In town sev
eral days laat week visiting with his
father, and alaters, Mra. Chambers
aud Mrs II L. Holcombe.
Mrs J. H. Farley, aud daughter,
Opal, returned rrom Portland Wed
nesday where they have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Mogau.
N. P. Minster and wire have re
turned rrom Council, Idaho . Mr
Minster has been doing some build
ing there.
Mrs Harry Anderson, accompauled
by her uiece rrom Boise, went out to
their summer camp yesterday fur a
few weeka.
The W. C. T. U. County Convention
at Nyssa has been postponed until
September. The date will be an
nounced later.
Mrs Boos aud Hula grand-daughter,
Helen Plfer, are the guests or
Mrs. Edward Huffman near Mallett
11 L Evans aud Mlaa Nettie Stam
per of Boise arrived laat Sunday and
conducted the demonstration of the
electric stoves for the Electrical Inv
estment Co.
Mrs i 'has Carter and da ugh tec.
Mell, were the guests of the Plug
hoff family m Huntington last week,
stopping there on their way to the
Hon Preston or the Electrical Inv
estment Co., made two trips to the
Uypsum mine below Hunliugtou,
last week to repair damages done by
Ontario Pharmacy
the recent water spout.
A. P. Proctor and wire and ramlly
were here Thursday evening rrom
Pendleton, on their way to Burns,
where they will be the guests or Wm.
lliiiil.v on his farm near there.
The 20 acre tract recently purch
ased by T. H. Moore from T. Arnold
will soon be set to prunes and al
talfu Mr. Moore expects to have
the work completed thin rail..
Mrs James Brooke or Salem,
Wise, who ban been the guest of
her son W. H. Brooke in thin city ror
a month left Tuesday morning ror
her home.
Judge and Mrs. King returned
Sunday morning rrom the rair, where
they have spent several weeks
Judge King was quite III while In
San Francisco.
Mr and Mrs. Dude Rutherrord
and children were the guests or Mrs.
Ilutherford's sister and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Byrd, at Juntura. for
the week end.
Itev. D Loree or Redmond, Ore.,
colporteur ror the American Baptist
Publication society, arrived In our
city to spend a few days with the
Baptist pastor in this field.
Miss Clara Wlttenhlller ot Port
land, who has been the guest or Mr
and Mra Clyde Wlttenhlller In thla
city for the past ten days, accom
panied by Mra. Clyde Wlttenhlller,
l"ft ror Portland Sunday evening
Miss Fay Clark, County Superin
tendent of schools, was here last
Thursday to attend the meeting or
the County Fair Board, or which
she Is a member.
Mr and Mrs. W. W. Letson left
Wednesday ror Shoshone ror a fish
ing trip. Mr Letson will return in
a few days and Mrs. Letaon will go
on to St. Paul to buy her full stock
of millinery.
The Baptist Sunday schools t Ont
ario and Payette held a Joint picnic
at Orcutt'a grove, Tueaday. Large
crowds attended rrom both places,
and a splendid progrum was render
ed by both schools.
Miss Grace Lennan or Bingham,
Utah, arrived last week ror a viait
with tier sister, Mrs. II. O Drane,
In this city. Miss Lennan at one
lime made her home with Mrs
Driuie here.
Mrs. I en Christiansen left last
Thursday ror a trip to the Coast
She will spend part or the lime at
Seaside and will visit friends In
Portland, Oregon City and La
C. II Barnett or the Golden Itule.
left the latter part of last week for
polnta in Mlasouri. Mr Barnett will
do his rail buying at this lime and
will meet Mrs Barnett who lies been
Visiting relatives at Sprllig'leld. .VI..
Mrs. Sheila Lackey Duncan or
Ironside, was in Ontario this week
ror a visit with her family, and es
pecially with her brother. Harry T
Lackey, who came here from Los
Angeles to spend his vacation
Vern chain hers and wife l.-tt Fri
day morning ror Prairie City and
Blue Mountain Springs where they
will visit with Mr Chambers' uncle
aud enjoy the fishing and hunting
at the springs
H. B. Logan went to Baker Satur
day to look after the company's Int
erests there Mrs. I-ogan and little
eon are spending the summer In
Baker and will not return until
school starts.
W. F. Barney, representative or
the Mergenthaler Linotype Co..
left Saturday for Idaho Falls Mr
Barney apent several days here In
stalling the new linotype machine in
the Argus office
L Adam and ramlly returned last
week rrom Portland and the Exposi
tion. Mra. Adam and sou and
daughter have been on the coast ror
three montha, aud Mr Adam Joined
them a few weeks ago
J. L. D. Morrison and family left
for Portland, Saturday evening. Mrs.
Morrison and the children will re
main there where the children will
enter school, and Mr Morrison will
return shortly, to resume his work
with the Oregon-Western Coloniza
tion Company.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ontario Commercial club will he
held in the club rooms next Monday
evening. A number or matters will
come up ror discussion, chief among
them being business matters con
nected with the county fair.
Tom Kahout and wife and daugh
ter Catherine, and Miss Iavlne
Smith, left Saturday evening for
Portland for a vacation. Mr. Ka
hout Is in charge of a store ut Jor
dan Valley, and will take advantage
of "Buyers Week" In Portland
Oeorglene Daggett, stenographer
In the office of the County Clerk, at
Vale, Jessie Montgomery, domestic
science teacher of Springfield, Mo.,
and Flora Smith, music and art
teacher of Vale, departed Sunday for
the San Francisco exposition, and to
visit points or interest on the Pac
ific coast.
The annual Payette Valley Farm
ers' picnic was held at Washoe last
Thursday, with several hundred at
tending. Free Ice and lemonade was
provided by the committee ror all
Dr. Edward O. Slsson. state Com
missioner or Education ror Idaho,
was the principal speaker. A num
ber of Ontario people were present
The third suicide at Payette in the
past three weeks was recorded last
Friday when Itichard Mathers, age
If, slashed his throat with a razor
I He was a laborer and came to Pay
ette recently rrom near Oregon City
with his wire and three daughters.
The funernl was held rrom the fun
eral parlors of J A. La hit & Bros
it.-v Philip Koenlg with Mrs
j Koenlg, son Ullbert, and daughter,
Mildred, left last Wedneaday for a
months trip east They will spend
most of the time at Le Marr, Iowa,
where Mr. Koenlg's mother has her
home. There will be no services at
theCongregational church In his
absence, excepting the Sunday
Dr. Hector MacPherson and W. W.
Howard, county agriculturist, made
a trip to Vale yesterday to look over
the plans ror the creamery that will
lie opened there In I lie near future
Dr. MacPherson Is connected with the
extension department of O. A. C.
and Is Interested primarily lu the de
velopement of the dairying Industry
or the state.
Carter and Glenn sold a car ol
horses last week to J. 1) Bradbury
representing the Maxwell-Couch
Mule Co., of St. Louis, which hai
large contracts with the European
governments. Mr Bradbury and
Mr Glen look a trip to Willow creek
and Burnt river looking up more
horses, and expected when they left
to be goue about rour or five days.
Mrs. W. W. Letson and Mrs M E
Newton entertained at the Letsoi
home last Tuesday evening ror th
'widowers" whose wives are away on
their summer vacation An eluhor
ate dinner was served and Hie re
malnder or the evening was speu
with cards and cigars Those wh
enjoved the ladles' hospitality were
E. M. Grelg, ('has. Emisoii, Ad
Simon. W Wood, C C Dodg
Dr Whitney, A H Hill, M I
Newton, W. W. Letaon, D. M.
Taggart aud Frank Itader.
To trade Good residence property i.
a fine Idaho town for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 033, Ontario
Oregon. 4-tf
FOB SALE Potato dlggei ut Ho
ly Kosary Hospital tf
Don't forget that Louis Hurtle stil
sharpens shears at the O. K. Bar!..
Shop. Only 10 cents a pair. 20-8i
VILLA PARK LOTS in City of Ont
ario, or ten acres adjoining' the city t
trade for clearing and plowing 340"
acres on Parma Bench near Nyssa,
Interstate Land A Loan Co., Hoise Ids
U tf
Lost -Between Ontario and Pay
ette, Thursday evening, bunch of
keys. If found return to Dr O. It
Avey and receive reward. ltp
and Nyal Goods
a ,.: e s from the same county in Iowa several
years ago.
Mrs M K Barton of Weber un-i V V. Mlckox and fitnlly were en
derwent an operation for uppendl- tertained allien Hose Sunday,
oltls last week. Mrs Uzzlc Stout snent the week at
Mr and Mrs James Small ol West
fn 11 are the proud parents ol a baby
Miss Ethel Blanch Sldford of I'uy
ette is at Hie hospital.
Mrs. S II. (Bullish of Frtiltlund was
operated on Tuesday, for acute ap
pendicitis. She Is expected to reco
ver. Misn Ruth Noyce, 9 year old dau
ghter of Mr. Noyce of New Ply
mouth, was operated on Friday even
ing. She was removed to her home
F. M. Beck left the hospital Sat
urday evening, for his home in
M. (). Luther, city clerk, and his
brother, II. S. Luther, have returned
from an outing to Payette Lake.
J. P. Christiansen and daughters,
Floss and Hazel, Forest Frasi
Miss Looney and Mrs. Coulter und
daughter and Sherman Coulter,
have gone to Man Creek for u two
weeks outing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Klncnld. of
Valentine, Neb., visited friends in
Payette last week
Twenty-five head or Jersey rattle
recently shipped Into this section by
Warren and McKelvy ol Kugege,
were sold here at auction Tuesday.
J. F. Orr or the Electric Invest
ment Co , has gone to Marshall, Mo
when, lie was called by the serious
Illness of his father.
An automobile Club was organized
here on Tuesday of lust week, with
nearly rorty members. The club
will work ror better roads.
E. 8. Slluker. of Payete, visited
August Clean-Up
All Summer Shirt waists 1-2 Price
All Summer Dresses 12 Price
Colored Parasoles 12 Price
All Straw Hats 12 Price
Light Dress Crepe and Voiles 12 Price
Ladies' Pomps and Oxfords 12 Price
Ladies White Skirts 12 Price
Children '8 Dresses 12 Price
Children's Canvas Shoes and Odds 60c Pair
Sale Starts Friday Morning
Saturday night at the home or C. U
Stovers These gentlemen came
J. A Walters
Miss Vera Nebb of Ontario, spent
last week with her friend, Mrs. A.
Lloyd McUae, who came down from
Ills ranch Friday, was ugliest at the
.1 A Walters home Sunday
Mrs E. Berry of Ontario, and
Mrs. L. M. (apron of Prtililuml, vis
ited Wednesday with Mrs. N Jnc-
Misses Mabel and Elsie Peacock
returned to their home near Frult
aud after having spent the week witli
Eiiln Gramne.
Mr .and Mrn. II E. McCurty spent
Sunday afternoon ut J M llutlers
Grundma Elhln and Mrs. Louisa
Jones visited nt W. I) Stewarts Fri
day a tie III. Ill
W (I Armstrong and wife visit
ed at the luune of E, K Ingles Sun
day. Rev Koenlg preached a Very In
teresting sermon at Valley View lust
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wylle Frukes were
pleusently entertained at the llo.e
Frtizler home Sunday.
The Frultland Coiuuierctal Club
has Just perfected Its organization,
with Boss Kennedy president, and
D. L. Ingurd vice-president. II E.
K.ililnson is the secretary Tho
first meeting or the club will be next
Monday evening.
A new packing plant has been
opened here by John Bowers
Senator Borah did not show up
at the rentier's picnic at Washoe
last Thursday, and Dr () E. Slsson
delivered the address There were
many people present, and a large
delegation from Ontario also helped
enlarge Hie crowd.
J O Scrltehlleld and J W (III-
more luie gone MUrt to contract f
the sale of fruit.
Mrs Sarah Itlffle has an It
guests this week, Mrs VV. W. Rnher
of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and Ml
B U Spnuldlng of Welser.
VV. II Doollttle or Ontario, visit.
Frultliiiid last week In the Intere
of llie Malheur County fair.
llentriz Michelena In "The Lily ""
Poverty Flat", from the story 1 leas
Bret Hnrte, Is the offering of tl
Dreamland Theatre for Saturdi
night August 14th.
The ntory relates how Joe, a po
California miner falls In love wit
Lily Follnnhee, and naven her rro
insult by a Mexican. Lily's rathe
John Follnnhee, strikes It rich, ar
he and bin wire and daughter beta!
themselves from Calirornln to Par
to enjoy themselves.
In Purls Lily's mother endeavo'
to arrange a mnrrluge between tl
girl and a French nrlntocrut hut Li
remains firm In her loyalty to her ul
sent lover
But old Follnnhee nuddenly hecon
." poor, and lie returns, with his ran
lly to Calirornln, where Joe, durln
their absence bus grown rich. Tl
Mexican renews his suit ror Lily
hand, und threatens murder on Ji
and his rrlends. But Justice is den
out to the villain, and the path cleu
ed of all obstacles to the marri..
of Joe and Lily.
I i.i I Ills, kaliv Home.
Earl Mlackahy has returned fr.u
San Francisco where he has been on
of the guards at the Oregon Bulb
ing since school waa out at the Un
verslty ol Oregon.
1916 $65
Including electric starter and eleclrl
All low "llrst cost" records broken.
All low "after cost" record broken.
The MAXWELL lias lowered a
economy records for:
1st., Miles pei set of lire
Jo.l . Miles pei Knllon of gasoline.
:lrd., Miles sr niiarl of lulu h at In
Illi., Lowest enr-lii and ) ear-on
. .pun hills.
Come In und nee this IsrNullfii
HI HI MAXWELL. Use It give I
ever) lest you can think of.
Telephone or write for a n.
Phone 134 Pete Dufon
0. it