The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 08, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 27
Statements of Two Ontario
Banks Show Fine
Banks of Country Looking
for Short Time Loans
Good Security
Statements of the two national banks
of Ontario, issued under the call of
June 23, 19 Iff, show the limgcet depos
IU ami total resources in the history of
either institution. The excellent finan
cial condition of the banks is assigned
to the fact that recent aa'es of wool,
cattle, horaes and sheep havu brought
In returns, and this money is now on
Another reason for a large surplus is
the fact that the class of loans now de
sired seem hard to find. Hanks are
looking for short loans of sixty to nine
ty days, ami want ample proof that
they will get the money at the end of
that period. Ixng time loans are nut
wanted. That there is plenty of money
in Ontario, however, ia not disputed,
and the big deposits bear testimony of
the prosperity of Kaatem Oregon anil
the Snake River vulley.
Local Ball Team Generous
With Fourth of July
Standing of Cluia
Won I ..! IVt
Ontario 7 4 .686
Caldwell 7 4 JM
Nampa t 4 .000
Boise 2 10 .167
Two ball games between Ontario and
Nampa Sunday and Monday resulted in
a game apiece for each team The
Sunday game was won by Numpu by a
score of 2 to 1. The game Monday wan
won by the local team by a score of 1 1
to 6. The game Monday was not a
good exhibition of base ball, and the
local boys had little trouble winning.
Nampa had three different pitchers in
the box during the game.
Governor Not Disposed to
Call Legislature During
Present Situation
Salem. -I uless the prebeut situs
Uun changes materially or a niajornv
Of the members of the legislature urge
tuiii t nun. Governor Wlthycombe
Will not be disposed to consider serl
ously at this time the calling of a spe
Clal session of the legislature to con
alder iiit-iiiurtaluliig congress In cou
ii. ein ii with the supreme court's re
cunt decision in the Oregon California
land graut case. Nor does the gover
nor regard with favor a proposal that
the slate attempt to purchase the 2,
ii'ju. acres from the Southern 1'a
clfa company at 12. 50 per acre, with
view of realizing a profit from auh
sequent aaJe at greatly higher figures
corresponding with the marketable
value of the land
Governor Wlthycombe proposes that
congress be urged to arrange for the
tiuiu.--dia.le sale and settlement of the
lauds in conjunction with the railroad,
nd that the amount derived from
such sole, OTIC Nfci above what Will
Baktr Plans Bell Day.
Ilaker .--Baker is planning to enter
tain Hit' biggest crowd ever In the city
on Liberty Hell day, Monday, July 12.
It la reported from points 150 miles
distant that children will come from
all parts of this district and that moro
than 2000 little ones will be tn the
children') parade to the Liberty Hell
! car, which will be here 30 minutes.
During that time the committee In
charge expects that nearly 2(1,000 will
view the relic There will be an ail
day celebration.
Ex-Dictator Arrested on a
New Warrant Charging
El Paso, Taias leneral Vlctorlano
Huerta, former Mexican dictator, waa
arrested here on a new warrant charg
Ing hltn with violating America's nau
trallty laws.
Arrested with him wero Ignaclo Bra
vo and Kduardo Cans, Mexican federal
x generals. General Jos Delgado, J
H Katnar and Kiirlyue (lornstlta.
Pur the first time sine bis original
arrest a week ago on charges of head
Ing a counter revolt In Mexico, llunrta
blated with anger when he was re
ai lusted. Claiming the privacy of his
home was violated by the American
officers, Dluerta said:
"I do uot feel any Indignation over
my arrest but members of my family
ate not to be molested Amerlcsn of
fleers continually Invade the privacy
of my homo. If I or members of my
family havu callers there Is always
someone trying to listen to what we
ai talking about.
"I have protested to the supreme
court and If Oils does not do any good
I will protest directly to Prustdeul
Salem. The railroad commission ol
Oregon has officially changed its num.
and Is now the Oregon I'ubllc Service
Hecognltlng thut the more Inclusive
name of "I'ubllc Service Commission'
more correctly defines the powers pos
sessed by this brunch ol the stute serv
Ice, the legislature lust winter passed
an act providing for a change of name
on July 1. There Is uo change In the
Jurisdiction of the commission, which
aiiiulred authority over public service
corporations by a law approved by the
people under the referendum ill No
venilier. tlf
Astoria- During the month of June.
28 vessels were loaded at the mills
in the lower river district and link
combined cargoes amounted to 1 1.
701,618 feet of lumber. Twenty-seven
of these vessels, carrying letlt,lM
feet or lumber, went to domestic ports,
while one vessel eleured tor a forelgl
port with svi,4 ;.; feet or lumber.
In the same period 14 vessels loaded
!U7v--i feet of lumber at the uprivei
mills, making a total of Ji,;l7K.M5 fee
of lumber that was shipped in cargoes
rrom the Columblu during the uioull
Of June
Miss Iva Looney, of Portland, a
former Ontario girl, was here a few
days last week visiting her old school
mates. Miss Looney was on her way
to Jordan Valley in spend her vacation
with tier parents.
then be due the railroad on the 12 50
per acre basis, be turned over to ore
gou aud be apportioned by the stale
to Its Irreducible school fund, road
fund and Irrigation fund
In a statement the governor calls
attention to his belief that the legisla
ture could do little five than it al
ready has done in m i : uUUlug coi
gress. setting forth tl.e mate's primary
Interest In the lauds, tad poluts out
tbe expense of such a session.
Will Pass Through Ontario
About Ten O'clock in
the Morning.
Will Pass Through Many
States Before it is
The Liberty Hull, precious relic of
the American Revolution, will pass
through Ontario Monday. July 12, on
n special train, the train passing thru
here alsiiit 10 a. m. No stop has been
scheduled for Ontario, and it is prob
able the train will not stop here at all
unless something unforeeen arises.
The bell goes to San Francisco to the
I'ananin I'milic exposition
On its journey to San Francisco the
Liberty bell special train will traverse
-' ' -eaejasj
efl sswM
wheall bwssT" ksswawaswaswW I Bswkwasa
i'lk J fl sat Wk
ill J .- bbV awH
i in- Liberty Bell, a relic of tha Rev
olution, which left Philadelphia en a
tour oj tliu country July 6.
IVnnsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska,
Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaeo,
Washington, Oregon und California.
Klulxirate arrangements have been
made for the journey and everything
that will aid in safe-guarding the bell
from injury has been done. Four h
licemen from the I'hiladelphia traffic
squad will guard the relic until It is
uani returned to its home.
The councilmanic committee in
I -barge of the journey announced that
in hanging the bell, the crack in it will
he on the right hand side of the car as
it journeys west.
Even cities traversed in the night
will get a glimpse of the relic, a sys
tem of illumination having been de
vised thut will throw a blaze of light
on the bell as it passes through the
Shock absorbers have been totalled
on the Mat car to keep the bell from
being jarred. The train crews will be
specially picked for their carefulhess
in starting and stopping trains. The
speed limits across the continent will
not be less than IK miles an hour nor
more than 35 miles. The schedule will
be rigidly obsdrved so that the crowds
may no be kept waiting beyond the
time appointed for the train to go
through their communities.
Another absolute rule the committee
hus mode is that the bell will nut un
der any circumstances lie taken from
the car for the purpose of parading it
through the streets. Many municipali
ties have been advised to build mov
able platforms the height of the flat
car with an incline at each end so that
children may go up one incline pass the
bell, tou?h it if they care to, and then
pass down the incline at the other end
of the platform. Where tese platforms
are provided the railing on one side of
the car will be removed.
During stops booklets containing the
history of the bell, cards with a pic
ture of the relic and buttons also con
taining a picture of the bell and the
American flag will be distributed to
children. It will take hundreds of
thousands of these souvenirs to supply
the demand.
Two Girls Drown Rescuing Companion
Salem. Or. Whit bathing In the
Willamette river hers two girls were
drowned while trying to save a third
The one first In peril and two others
who also went to her assistance were
rescued. None of the girls could
swim, and Salem Dua never known a
finer display of heiolsm.
The dead: Dorothy Rauch, 14. high
school freshman; Maude Smith, 23,
bookkeeper In Lebanon.
Man Who Shot J. P. Mor
gan Left Bomb at
Glen Cove, N. T: Frank Holt,
man who shot J. P. Morgan. Is
man who set the bomb that exploded
In the United 8Ut4s capltol at Wash
ington. In a statement. Holt confeesed set
ting the bomb and described It In de
tail. According to Holt's confession, be
went to Washington from New York,
arriving there about noon. Die went
to Uie capltol In the afternoon and act
the bomb at 4 o'clock He timed the
exploalon at midnight After setting
the bomb he strolled about Waahlng
ton for several hours In the evening
he went to the union station, a few
blocks from the capltol, and waited
several houra for the noise of the ex
plosion, which be knew would soon
occur I
"Why did you wast to blow np tbe
capltol?" Holt was asked.
"Well," he replied. "I thought tbat
was a good way to bring the attention
of the American people to the terrible
murders being committed In Europe."
Washington a tremendous eiplo
alon cauaed by bomb or Infernal ma
chine, wrecked the public reception
room on the eaat side of the capltol
building shortly before midnight Frl
day. No one was Injured.
I'art of the celling and side walls of
the room were shaken down, a huge
mirror and a cryetal chandelier shat
tered and the doors blowu open.
"While discussing my article treat
ing of the fire blight, which was pub
lished a short time ago, with orchard
ists, 1 t i il that one of my statements
is misleading. I stated that it was of
little use to cut out the blight at this
time because the disease was self-lim-
inating and, that is, most all of the
blight was dead. I advised also that a
fall campaign be made against it by
removing the cankers where the dis
ease holds over These statements may
lead some to think that it was of no
value to cut it out now, which is
not the case. By cutting at this late
date a few of the infections that would
form cankers would be removed
and thus cankers prevented. The
trouble is at this late dste most of the
damage is already done and in the fall
when the leaves are off they can be
found more easily than now. It is liest
to start cutting as soon as the blight
appears, and to keep it cut out, thus
preventing canker formation. The fall
campaign will have to be made, how
ever, to clean up all of the orchards.
"There are a few precautions that it
might be well to mention at this time
as regards cutting out blight. Since it
is a bacteria disease it can be carried
by infected tools as well as by insects.
The tools, therefore, should be kept
moistened by a solution of one part
corrosive-sublimate to one thousand
parts wster. This will prevent infec
tion being carried to new places. One
should also be certain that he is cutting
well back of the blight in healthy
wood." '
W. Howard.
Rev. A. M. Williams of Haines "Ore",
spoke st the Baptist church on Wed
nesday evening of this week. He is
chairman of the Missionary Board of
the Grande Boiule Baptist Association
and is visiting ait the churches in the
interest of the work in this part of the
Great Financier is Shot by
Demented Man at His
Country Home
Man is Identified as Frank
Holt Wanted for Wife
Olea Cove, N. Y- Frank Holt, a
former Cornell university Instructor,
attempted to assasslnste J. P Morgan
at Kast lele, Mr. Morgan's summer
home, here, and confessed that be was
the man who set the bomb which ex
ploded In the United States capltol
building at Washington
Morgan s physicians Issued s state
ment, declaring that the two bullets
that entered his body lodged In the
oto A OH. by Amsrlcaa Press A
J. P. Morgan, head of the great Nsw
Vork banking houss, who wss shot by
S ii . MS
region of the right thigh, causing uo
serious wounds.
Holt came to Ulea Cove Saturday
morning ou tne s i,.v train, hired an
aulouiobilH and went to the Morgan
borne on Matlulcock point tin raiiK
tbe bell When the butler answered
be celled for Morgau He ssld he was
an old friend of Morgan.
Morgan family Waa at Breakfast
Tbe Morgan family was at break
fast In the dlulug room, risks, tbs
butler, ushered the visitor luto the
room off the main library aud turned
toward ttiu dining room As be did
so Holt drew a revolver from bis pock
et and taking a few steps toward the
ball said quietly:
"You see this gunT I have another
ewe Now. I waul to see Mr Morgau "
"Mr. Morgan Is Hi the library," be
said quietly. "Just a minute, please.
and I'll call him "
The butler passed slowly Into the
ball, broke Into a run as be approaoh
ed the dining room, aud shouted:
'Upstairs. Mr Morgan, upstairs!"
Tbe financier and bis wife, bellev
Ing that something had huppsued up
stairs, rsn up the back stun ay 1 hey
found nothing wroug and hurrying
down the front stuirs. almoi stumbled
upon the lutruder who ejaj liraudlsh
Ing a rew.ivei In eiil,.i hiiii I
Mis Morgan h uaDied ahead aud at
tempt..! to ihi.n. hei self between the
would be assassin and her husband.
Morgau. however, pushed ber back
Slid hurled Ihe full weight of bis 106
point. I of solid flesh upon bis slender
assailant. Just us il.e two revolvers
bai ked
is falling to the floor with bis as
sallaut. Morgan si.uud Holt's wrist
aud wrenched one of the revolvers out
t bis baud. The butler aud other
servants then rusheU in and overpow
ered Holt. They trussed blm up with
ropee and telephoned for the police
a4 doctors
Cherry Fair st Salem Successful.
Salem -The Salem Cherry fair
closed with a "baug" Saturday night
and was voted by far the most suc
cessful one In every particular ever
held here. Crowds from all over the
Willamette valley came and stayed
until the final events.
A tnurdl gras dance on Court street
was the last number on the program
and proved as great a success as the
other wonderfully successful events.
wds Take What They
Think May be Last Look
at Relic.
iniiaunipnia. Thousands of per
sons who rear that the old Liberty
Hell wblcb left here Monday tor the
D'aelfle coast Will Dot sill rl e Its long
Journey intact, visited Independence
Hall Sunday to view the natlou's most
cherished relic For four hours In the
afternoon people filed silently Into the
hall and with heads bared passed
where the bell repoeed In Its big glass
The bell which, on July 4. 1771. 189
years ago, rang for more than two
hours from the steeple of the old state
house here In Joyful annuiiclatlou of
the fact that the representatives of
the LI colonies had proclaimed the
Independence of the United States,
started on the longest trip It baa ever
taken lly special train It left D'hlla
delphla Monday on Its first Journey
si ios the continent, to be exhibited
at the I'anama D'aeirie International
position In Han rrauetaco, aud for
a brief time at mure than 60 cities and
towns en route.
Corvallls The recent outbreak of
flrebllght In the orchards of lteutoii,
I. Inn aud I .me counties Is more es
tended and rather more severe than
thought from the first survey. Fro
feasor C. I. Lewis, horticulturist of the
agricultural college, has returned from
sn Investigation of conditions In west
cm I, lun and found the disease well
established as far as Albanv Cases
were also found Just acroas the river
from Corvallla within a short dlstauce
of the town.
A meeting of the directors of the
First National Hank of Ontario was
held on the evening of June 110, 1 y I .'
Directors A. L Cockrum, T. Turnbull,
II. Ii. Cockrum, J. It. Billingsley and
U B. Cockrum were prtsent The
directors made a thorough examination
of the affairs of the bank and found
everything in excellent condition. The
six months pernsl ending June 'Ml, was
a very successful one for the First
National and the usual substantial
dividends were declared.
Mrs. Charity Hr-sike, of Brighton,
Wisconsin, mother of I'roneeulmg At
torney W II. Brooke, arrived Saturday
for u visit.
Assassin Wsntsd Morgan te Stop Wsr
1 loll i .ilk., I fieely of his bomb de
ajgliimi .jiialltualloos Without third
.e, leu p. mission he admitted that be
ha. I Kone to the Morgan home with the
Inteiiiion nt ii intiitilng there until Mr
Moigau .lio something to end the Eu
ropean war What be wanUd Mr
Mot gen to do was to prevent the fur
titer shipment abroad of Amerloan
mads munitions of war.
He Is au Amsiioau oltlsea. native
bom about 34 years old aad educated
far above the average.
His wife, a daughter of O. T. Senear
baugh. presiding elder of the Dallas
district of the Methodist Kplsoops.1
Church. South. Is with ber father In
Dallas aad to ber be addressed a tele
gram after his arrest, telling her that
man propossd but Ood disposed
bidding ber to be brave.
Over Six Thousand People
Celebrate the Fourth
in Ontario
Huge Throng Enjoys the
Various Amusements
It is estimated that between six and
even thousand people participated in
the Fourth of July celebration held in
Ontario last Monday, and the event ia
claimed by everyone to have been the
best celebration, in many ways, that
was ever stsged in the lower Snake
River valley. From the fiHng of the
early morning salute until way into the
wee amsll hours of the following day,
there waa a continual round of fun and
pleasure, and the entire city was
thronged with pleasure seekers who
did not go home disaapointed.
Three bands furnished music for the
day, and the various concerts during
morning, afternoon and evening were
greatly appreciated by the visitors.
Another unsual feature of the enter
tainment was the street parade in the
morning. The parade consisted of
prettily decorsted merchants floats and
automobiles, and excited the admiration
of all Who witnessed it. It was the
finest snd most elaborate thing of the
kind ever atteuiHsl here and came as
s surprise.
A bad dust storm rame up in the
afternoon, and, for a time, dust wind
and rain threatened to mar the succeas
of the day, and, under ordinary ordi
nary circumstances, would have put a
severe damper on the gaietiea, but the
huge throng of merry-makers would
uot lie sutslucd by a storm, and the fun
continued just the same. The storm,
however, turned out to be only s little
wind snd dust and a few drops of rain,
after which the afternoon and evening
were ideal for a celebration.
The address of Judge Dalton Biggs
in the city park in the morning, was
the intele. tuul treat of the day. and
the large crowd listened intently to his
excellent address. The day was par
ticularly free from accidents, only two
injuries being reported, and those but
slight. Mrs. Scott fell from an auto
mobile and received bruises which were
not serious. The other accident occur
o.l in the Multnomah Booming house,
when a guest there cleaned a dress
with gasoline, and then lighted a curl
ing iron heater, causing a slight blaze.
The tire department quickly put out
the llames with the chemical. The
woman was burned on her left arm and
shoulder, but this injury was also
Taooma. Wash Three persons are
dead aud two were fatally Injured as
a result of a railway wreok when a
Chicago, Mtlwsukee 8L Paul traia
bouud from Taooma to Aberdeen
pluuged off a trestle near Halaler.
The dead are: W B. BsJdwIn, eo In oharge. Seattle; Louie Brs
dsen. freight sulloltor of the Milwau
kee. Sua t tie. and W. J Peuegor, of
Seattle, fireman of the train.
Harry Kowe. of Seattle, freight so
licitor for the Milwaukee, his wife,
aud Walter liolden, a 4 year old boy of
Ford. Wash . are believed to be mor
tally wouuded
The accident was caused, according
to the report, by the (Ways Harbor
passenger train on the Milwaukee rail
road consisting of three coaches aud
euglue. pluuglag through a trestle oue
mile north of Kaluler on top of a gen
eral way freight ou the Northers Fa
otflc tracks, after a derrick on the
Northern I'aclflo freight traoks tore
out the supports of tbe trestle oarry
log the Milwaukee tracks.