" . "t THU ONTAWO ARGUS. THURSDA, JULY 1, IMI e I THE ONTARIO ARGUS PUBLISHED KVKKV THURSDAY Entered in the postofflas t Ontario, Oregon, for tratin inifpioM through tlic iihiU rh set-onil-olaae matter. W. C. MARSH New Peace League Horn-"TlnirBilay night, in the City of Brotherly love (Siting birthplace!) to Man ami Women of Kvory Nation, a Rtrong and beautiful child. The latent, like its radiant brother, the Dec laration of Independence, drew its t;rnt breath and was cradled within the sacred precincts of old Independence Hall, and, for its lullaby, was soothed lp the doep-throatod, mellow-toned, world echoing harmonics of old Liberty Hell, whose plain-tin melody and melifluous refrain bore, this time, Ihn sweet note of "peace on earth, good will to man." While still in swaddling clothes, the new-born babe; chrislonod "The League to En force Peace," and about the place where it received its name ami baptism wore gathered, as godfathers, many grave and reverend signors, such men as ex President Taft, President Lowell of Harvard and many other '-wise men from the east." The child, so recently born, has in truth, been more than twenty five centuries in gestation; For in the womb of the age it was first conceiv ed during that stirring period when Dorian, Ionian and Aeolian tribes of the most glorious nation that ever lived in the tide of times were gathering in peaceful league (amphictyony) a round their pagan to ji pies; and during all the years since then it has peon nourished only by the yearning, love throbbing heart of its holly brooding mother, gentle Humanity, as against a world ever in arms and ever bloody. May the babe be as comely of feature and powerful of arm as its sturdy brother, the noble Declaration, and as brave and lusty even in its cradle as was Hercules, that it may strangle the half-sent serpents and loose from an all butstirled world the entwinning, writhing, loathsome folds of poisonous war! The gods forfeml it to be another Laocoon, An- tenor's brave son, and Itself to be crushed to ven geful death! The idea and the scheme of an amphictyonio league are as old as was Apollo's temple at Del phi. True, that historic council failed of its main object, but it also accomplished much that was good, as, for instance, the assertion of the principle of tribal equality, and that embassadors to the assembly from mighty Doric and Ionian tribes should each cat hut a single vote along with that of him from the less powerful Boetians, or Melians, Phocians- as, our day, in the senate, the "empire Stale" is no bigger than "Little Khody." And every amphictyon took a solemn oath that, in no case, should any city within the league ever be destroyed, or its water supply be cut off even in time of war. The league was to loosely joined, and endowed wish too little power to enforce its decreesjust as our own first conlederacy of the thirteen col onies was only in a very weak way representative of a nation. And just as the constitution of 1788 gave to the United States immense power as a nation, so would the league to enforce peace, if agreed to by the nations, be clothed by an international con stitution with authority to sit in judgement upon its members and with the reusite power to en force its solemn decrees aa, for example, an in junction againat any one of them that it should not make war upon an unaggressive neighbor. You may yourself carry out a hundred similar parallels. And so lot's have the United States of the world. Mexico has not been devoting auy funds to long distance calls requesting Huerta to return and take charge of the country's affairs. Turning swords into plowshares will seem a comparatively small matter Alien the time comes for turning fighting ships into merchant vessels. Over five hundred millions of dollars are spent annually in the United States for can dy. That seems an awful waste of money, but it could be spent for worse things. For instance Great Britian is spending $15,000, 000 for carrying on the war. Really, we're quite economical. OPEN! Until 1 1:00 a.m. JULY 5th. For the accommodation of out of town trade. You are invited to leave your lunch baskets and par cels in our care and make this store your headquarters. ijii TEN AUTOISTS BREAK THE RECORD I Si-'inl to The A r vu. I Chicago All competitive speedway automobile records of the world from 60 mllee to 500 miles were featured lo the first Chicago (00-mile derby They were not only beaten by Darlo Hesu. who won with a French oar and captured more than fl'O.OOO In prlte money, but by nine other drivers who finished lu the mouey The previous record, made by Ralph De I'alma at Indianapolis recently, was at the rate of K4 mllee per hour Heel averaged 7 oter the same die lance and J. Cooper, who flulshed li. (i, bettered the ! Palina mark by averaging SO 3 miles. The result, according to eiperU. es lablUhes the new wooden track as the fastest lu the I 'nlted States, If not tu the orld It was announced that S0.000 persons witnessed the spectacle The performance of Harry Urant lu driving the entire race without a stop eiclted almost aa much enthusiasm as the brilliant victory of Res la Embargo on Exports Net Planned. Washington -The United State Is not coiisldrrluc placing an embargo ou shipments to any belligerent coun try This waa aald officially at the state department as a reault of pub iislu-d reports that au embargo on all shlpmeuts of American products to kCngland was likely In retaliation for British Interference wltb American trade with neutrals. Yaquls Raid Tewn. Quayinaa. Mexico--Advice received here by messenger from the Interior say that Yauui Indians raided the win Ing town of Suu-e. too miles lulaud from Uuayuias, assembled the 300 lu habltanta and stripped eteryon. stark naked. thn. while a detail guarded the gatherlug. the others looted the town, packing everything transport able ou a pack train. Dollar Ships to Um British Flag San Krauv lco. The Robert Dollar oiupany, steamship owner with headquarters lu this city, announced that It veasl would change their registry to sail uuder lb British flag, ou accouut of the uew l.a ftollette-Fu ruselh seamen act, which goo late rfcut at the nd of U year. RUSSIANS RETREAT ON RIVER DNEISTER Petrograd War Office Admits Retirement on Bobrka- Zurawna Front. London. The Russian forces which for several days made a determined stand at Pons, to the east of I. ember, were again In retreat on the entire front In that region, according to an official statement Issued by the Aim tro Hungarian general staff. A Russian official statement admits that the Russian forces on the front between Bobrka and Zurawna In (la llcla. south of l.einlierg. are falling back. The statement adds that In the Caucasus t hosier. In the region of Vaa, Turkish Armenia, a buttle be tween Russian troops and a great bos til fore I In progress "Oerman troop have taken the hill an the northern bank of the Dniester river, between Bukaasowlce, north west of Hall, and Chodorow, by storm, after fierce struggles," says the official Berlin dUpatch. "During pursuit of the. enemy w reached the region around Hrehorrow, half way between Zuiawiia and Rohatyn. i he Austrian statement aya: "After their defeat south of l.em berg the Russian main army retreated to the eastward, and with atrong fore took up position on th height to the east of Mlkolalow. On thl front our troop, after several daya' fight ing, captured the enemy advanced positions, then proceeded to storm the nemy' main poaltlon, and finally penetrated th same at numerous point, throwing back the enemy, no tably along the sector noar and to the south of Hobrka." MOOTERS PROTEST Washington Preesure of a formal and organised character waa aierted on th United states Uovernment to secure from Great Britain modifica tion of the embargo on all commercial Intercourse between Oermany and neutral countrtea. Twenty members of a committee ap pointed by more than 1000 American Importer laid befoge Hecretary Lans ing. Solicitor Johnson and Robert V. Roa. of th board or foreign trade advlaers, a petition setting forth that Ureal Britain haa "studiously avoided answering the American note of March SO; that In the meantime valu able time baa been lost In preparing for future bualneaa and that thl gen eral effect haa been harmful to the 'long established trade of thl coun try'." In a statement Issued by the I in porter after their conference, It waa revealed that Secretary Lansing had "expressed a determination on the part of both the president and himself to do all In their power to aid the Im porters In securing the right to which they are entitled under the law of nation and by treaty obligations." tngland Calls on Unlo'is for Help. Londou.-Kngland called upon or ganised labor to coma to the aid of the government lu the aerloua crisis developed by the shortage of war muultlou. Minister of Munitions Lloyd George Issued a remarkable ap peal to the trade unionists, signed by lbs I'nited Labor leaders or the na tion, urging every skilled workman to enroll a a volunteer In the munition factortee. The proclamattou Issued by LUydGeorge described the ammunl Uon question a vry serious "rsnch Pat Man May be Called. Pari. Th cent kilo,' the SlO pound men who heretofore have been esempt from military duty, are likely to be called on for service In the aux iliary cr pa l he chamber la discus Ing a law to rvle all eiemptlons and attributions of troops In order to lucreaee th effectiveness of the army at Ui front. Brill Knlistsd In Ban Francisco. Ban Kraaclaco- That th neutrality of the United Btatee haa been violated seriously by the recruiting of British soldier In San Kranclaco waa the statement made by John W. Preston. United states district attorney, alter he had spent a day la a federal grand Jury room croeaeaamtnlng wltneaaea. Tourist Coin Btaye Horn. Washington -Money heretofore ex peaded by American tourists to hu rope, estimated by Secretary Lane at fl00.000.000 or more annually, la this year being spent lu the U tilted States accord tug to a statement lasued by htm. FRUITLAND ITKMS. Scandinavian Woman Work far Paa Amsterdam, via London Hundreds of mass meetings of womeu were held la all parts of Bcaudlnavta Monday to urge me calling of a confwreaoe eg neutral aaUoue to ead the war. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Young, form erly of this plnce, lint now of Baker City, are the parents ot' a little daugh ter, horn June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Uriep, accompanied by Bessie Kenneth and Elmer, left Thurs day morning in their new auto fot Klamath Falls, Oregon, where they will visit relatives, and will also visit their son Victor and family at Forest Grove, Oregon. They may go to th Exposition at San Francisco before returning home. Miss Apphia Robin son will stay at the home here with Enid while they are gone. Mrs. S. M. Thomas sent a crate of fine cherries last Tuesday to her moth er, who lives in Dillon, Montana. A good number from here are at tending the Chautauqua in Payette this week. Several of the young peo ple took good things to eat Sunday afternoon and ate a picnic supper dur ing the intermission between the af ternoon and evening sessions. This is the first time the people of this community have had the opportunity of attending a Chaulatiqun in this part of the country and they are enjoying the meetings to the fullest extent. Prof. W. A. Dewhirst was elected principal of the Frnitland high school at a meeting of the school board Mon day night. Leland Sackett of Willam ette University to tench Science and Agriculture. The hoard decided to move the Friendship school house here to provide more room. The cherry crop is good this year and those having cheiry orchards are getting busy. The Fruit Association packed and shipped a car last week and other cars will he shipped as they ripen. Good prices are expect ed. It haa been announced that Miss Ruby T. Weyburn, District Mission ary of the Woman's Baptist foreign and home Missionary Societies, will he at the Baptist church June 26. In the afternoon she will address the members of the societies and in the evening she will a .(dress a public meeting which all are invited to at tend. Monday morning the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Seiver met with a very serious accident while driving a team to haul hay. He fell behind the horses. They took fright and kicked him on the head and face. Me was unconcious until the next day. His left side became paralysed. Dr. Drysdale took him Tuesday to the On tario hospital where hi is being cared for. NYSSA NEWS. IDEMAND NEW POLICY (Special to The Argus.) Washington -Turbulent conditions In Haiti have reached auch a point that the United Statea government, notwlthetandlng the attention de manded by Ita relation with European belligerents, la giving serious consul eratlon to the formulutlou of an en tirely new policy toward the little la laud republic. Paul Fuller. Jr., who wa sent by i'i. indent Wllsoii to Haiti with plen ary power to uegotiate a treaty plac ing the collection of customs duties In that country under the control of the Kovernment. as was done some time ago by the Dominican republic, has submitted a lengthy report which shows that the llaltlen government did not want to enter into such a treaty, but made counter propoaals, whi.ii are not regarded as likely to lead to a settlement of the disturb ances on the Island. The Haltleu situation la moat threatening at present. French ma rlnva have been landed there, and Rear Admiral t'apertou Is on bis way from Vera t'rus wltb 700 bluejackets and marines on the armored cruiser Washington lo relieve them and pre serve order. Rogus Rivsr Lin Bold. Med ford. -Deeds calllug for trans fer of the Rogue River Valley Rail road, known as the Barnum line, to the Southern Oregon Tractlou com pany have been drawn and the actual transfer of the property took place July 1 The deal has beeu hanging tire for the last six weeks. The pur chase price, as named lu the deed. Is $60,000. The sale means the electri fication of the Barnum line for lu en lire length, eight miles. Accldsnt Act Attacked. Salem. Asking damages of $15.00 each and contending that the state In dustrial accident commission act. pro viding tor compensation tor injured workmen, 1 unconstitutional. George t:aiihoff and Mark R. I'piou have brought sun lu circuit court here agaiust the Bridal Kails lumber com pany Temporary injunctions restraining th commission from assuming Juris diction over ttie affairs of the lumbar (.vuapau) were asked. The Argus, $1.00 the year. Mr. and Mrs. L. ComRtock, Roy Comstock, Donald Conklfft, Misses Emma and Theodosta Wells enjoyed a Ashing trip on Snake river Sunday. Miss Inez Weaver returned last week from Pullman. Wash., to spend the summer with her uncle, John Wea ver, on the Boulevard. Miss Weaver I finished the Home Economics course at the Washington State College this , spring and will teach in the Ontario High School next year. Chautauqua week at Payette has proved quite an attraction to Boule vard people. Some of those attend ing were, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kimble, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Butler, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walker, Mrs. E. B. Conklin, Jean Conklin, Mrs. C. W. Stover and J. M. Butler. At the school meeting of the Boule vard district held June 21, Mrs. V. V. Hkkox was elected director in place of J. A. Walters whose term expired Mr. John Walters was reelected di rector and Mrs. J. A. Walters reelect ed clerk. The dance given at the Grange Hall. Wednesday evening, was well attend ed and everyone reports a jolly time. The music was furnished by the Keel er orchestra of Payette. BUSINESS LOCALS FOR RENT -Residence formerly occupied by Dr. Weee. V. B. Stapled, Vale, Oregon. tf To trade Good residence property in a fine Idaho town for land or town property at Ontario. Box 033, Ontario Oregon. 4-tf FOR SALE One Duroc Jersey brood sow with six pigs three weeks old. J. J. Dillnrd, four miles west of Ontario. 25tf. FOR SALE Two McCormick Bind ers in good condition. Both six foot cuL At C. W. Mullet! ranch, phone 20K4. "On this ranch we take care of our machinery." 28tf FOR RENT Nice new bungalow for rent or sale on easy terms. On tario Laundry. tf. "Temple of Sweets' headquarters for fireworks for the Fourth of July. 2L Once You Were a Kid! Don't deny the children. Give them plenty of crackers to nibble. Our crackers will fill the bill for the kiddies. We carry them in boxes and loose. There's s snsp in our store in many other things besides crackers. WILSON BROTHERS SAFETY SERVICE "Safety first" was the motto ami practice of this hank long hefore those words hecame the slp,an of the large transportation companies. Service to the puhlic is not a theory, hut a daily practice with us. Put your money where safety is the lirst consideration ami avail yourself of our service. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Safety Deposit Boxes Savings Accounts RAIN WATER JONES' ONTARIO LAUNDRY Up--town Agency at Everhanit's. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Auto delivery to Fruitland, NewPlymouth, Nyssa, Parma and Interborough Points. Return postage paid on bundles over 50c to any part of the United States extra charge to Canada. K. COPE, the only Practical Tailor in Ontario, is the only Practical Place to buy a suit made to your order Suits made to order from $15.00 to $50.00 The only Reliable and Prompt Cleaning and Pressing in the City. E. COPE Moore Hotel Blk.