dhifatia v$m. ICMll .Son '(." till b ' :J eels fid to til IHII l in r l J VOLUME XIX THE ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY, JULY 1. 1915 Ible rA NO. 2(5 h lui In ilJ EARLY PIONEER CROSSES IE Joseph A. Morton Was One of First Three White Men Living in 'Ontario PASSES AWAY SUNDAY HORN Settled in Grande Ronde Valley in 1862. Indian War Veteran Joseph A. Morton, one of the flrst three white men claiming a residence in Ontario, and an early pioneer of Mulheur county, died Sunday morn ing after a brief illness, aged HI years. Mr. Morion was born in Preston county, Virginia, on January 5, 1H34, died June 27, 1D16. In 1H43, he went with his parents to Dark county, Ohio, und from there to Howard county, Indiana. His educa tion watt gained in the log school house of those days and he had lo walk a long distance to attend school. Mr. Morton left the old home in 1852 to live for himself, going to Adams county, Iowa, where he and Miss Clem entine Ireland were united in marri age in IM.'.ii. In the same year they went with ox teams to Coffee county, Kansas, and in 18(12 they came with ox teams to the (irand Konde valley They were members of u large trail, and endured much hardship on the route, Iteing six months in making the journey, lighting back the Indiann many times. In 1870 Mr. Morton settled on bow el Willow creek near Vale and engag ed in the stock business. In 1872 In removed to Bully creek and two yeur.i later to the Snake river near Ontario He spent the remaining part of hii. life ..iiiiin.l Ontario and in Malheur county. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Mor ton were born 11 children, of which Ave are still living. Mrs. Jane Da vis, of Ontariu, Leonard M . Mrs. Fran cis Sells, Mrs. Alma King, of Trent, Wush., and Joseph W. In iH Mr. Morton enlisted in the In dian war and served as a scout and did good service. Mr. Morton related that when he first came to thin country the neighbor.-, were few and about eight miles apart, but he has labored faith fully und steadily and has seen the country develop to its present prosper ous condition, aiding materially in this good work. Mr. Morton was one of the substan tial, well to do citizens of the county, and Will be greatly missed in the coun ty. The funeral services were conduct ed from the home of ('. I). Davis of our city by Rev. D. K. Baker, pastor of the Baptist church and the body was interred at Jamieson where the wife and children are buried. ESCAPE FROM JAIL AT George McAllister, who escaped from the county jail at Vale late last Wednesday evening, was captured at Durkee, about half way between Hunt ington and Baker, and was returned to the jail Monday evening by Sheriff Ben Brown. The man had been doing some janitor work around the office and when Deputy Soward went to put him buck in hid cell, the prisoner es caped by locking the jailor in a corri dor. He stole a rifle from the sher iff's office before leaving. It is said the man stole a horse from the H. P. Davis ranch near Vale and rode to Huntington, where he turned it looue and stole another. McAllister formerly lived in the Burnt Kiver section, and headed back toward his home. He was captured at Durkee. Wilmer Boyer is in San Francisco, a visitor to the Panama-Pacific Exposition. DM FIRST BAND CONCERT. The first open nir c ncrt of the On tario band wns held last Sunday after noon in the city park. A large number of people visited the park and listened lo the music. The bind is m ikinn; ex cellent progress Mas is now rendering some very good music. ONTARIO HEADS THE PERCENTAGE COLUMN Takes Game From Boise Last Sunday and is Now In The Lead Won. Lost. Pet. Ontario I I Nampa & 3 M& Caldwell 6 4 AM BoiM 2 -200 Inability to hit Bert Fitchener coat Boise another gnmc in the race for the Idaho-Oregon league penant Sun day and lioosted the Ontario team one notch. The score was 4 to 2 in favor of Ontario. Both teams fielded well ami neither pitcher was hit hard but the Oregon ians succeeded in taking their safe ties when they counted for runs. Two timely hits by Phil Nadeau scored two of the visitors' four run. Ontario started the scoring in the llrst inning when Mnrtn counted on his own single and hits by Alshire and Nadoau, coupled with a base on balls. Boise came back strong, counting two runs. Chapman was passed, ad vanced lo second on a passed ball ami scored on Case's single to left iii-I1. Case took second on the throw in, third on Chapman's bad throw to catch Hrasted at lirst. With Crites at bat. Case and Braced executed a double steal, counting the second run. Ontario gained a lead of om- ugnin in the third when Martin was hit took second on a wild pitch, third on Alshire's out and counted on Na deau's long angle. This hit also brought in Druhot who was safe at first when Wyman tried unsuccess fully to catch Martin off third, and who stole second. The last score was made in the fifth inning when Druhot doubled and scored on Fitchener's smashing drive down the first base line. The score: BOISF AB. R. H.PO. A.E Chapman, c 4 10 8 0 0 Ward, aa 8 0 0 4 5 1 Case, 2 4 12 3 2 0 Blasted, lb 8 0 16 0 0 E. Horrie, cf . ... 4 0 1 4 0 0 Crites, 3b 2 0 0 2 1 0 R. Horrie, If 3 0 0 10 0 Adams 10 0 0 0 0 llersing, rf 3 0 10 0 0 Wyman, p 4 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 I I 27 8 1 Ontario. AB. R. H PO. A.E Smith, cf 6 0 0 1 0 0 Martin, c 4 2 10 4 0 Alshire sh 6 0 2 2 3 0 Druhot, If 3 2 11 0 0 Nadeau, 2b 4 0 8 S 1 0 Fitchner, p 4 0 2 0 0 0 Chapman, :ih 4 0 0 3 2 1 Higgins, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Koppel, lb 3 0 0 8 0 0 Totals 36 4 8 27 10 1 Basted for R. Horrie in ninth. Score by innings: Hoise 20000000 02 Ontario 10 2 0 10 0 0 0 4 Summary: Stolen bases Druhot, Higgins, Caae, Brasted (3), Crites. Two base hit Druhol. Three base hit Alshire. Double plays Crites to Ward; Ward to Case to Brasted Struck out FiU-hner, 10; Wymun, 7. Base on balls Fiuhner, 5; Wyman, 2. Hit by pitched balls Martin by Wyman; Ward by FiUhner. Passed Italia Chapman, 1; Martin, 1. Wild pitch -Wyman. Time of game 1:10. Umpire Soien. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to all those who so kindly assisted us during the sickness andesad bereavement of Mrs. Charles Stewart. Also for the floral offerings. Charles Stewart Mrs Jessie McDonald David McDonald Thomas Stewart Donald McKenzle Miss Jsinesiiia Mckeiuiv TELEPHONE CO. ASKS LONG DELAY Would Post pono Final Hear ing in Rate Case Until Late Next Year HAY EFFECT A COMPROMISE Oregon Railroad Commis sion Suggests Attempt He Made To Settle New light was thrown on the tele phone rate hoaring Monday by the receipt of Dr. J. Printing of a letter from the Oregon Knilrond Commission containing the information that the teephnne company has asked that the final hearing in the case be postponed until the latter part of next year, meaning a deluy of over a year. The letter was presented at the regular meeting of the Commercial club Mon day night, nnd was referred back to the Commercial club committee, hand ling the teephone rale dispute, which committee was instructed to take such steps in the matter as it saw fit. The postponement of the final hear ing was asked by the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company, which is the owner of the Malheur Home Telephone company, on the grounds that officials and engineers of that company have been require! by the Commerce Commision of the state of Colorado to furnish exhaustive in ventories ami data concerning the com pany throughout the entire state of Colorado, nnd the appiration seta out the fact that the company will le busy with this hearing until after the first of the year 1910. The company expresses a willing neat to allow the present arrange ment of tolls to stand here as at pres ent, until the latter part of 1010 when th final hearing could lie held. The Ortj-nn i-ipimi' ion suggest in its letter that steps lie taken to compro mise the matter with the Malheur BIG NITRATE DISCOVERY NOW PROVED VALUABLE A. M. Lackey Who found Potash Deposits Tells for first Time About the find. Big Company is Incorporated and Takes Over the Hold ings of Ten People. The first authentic story and history of the discovery of the potash mine.-, were given out by the discoverer, A. M. Lackey, of the vast beds in Mal heur county near Napton, to the Ar gus yesterday. Many wild and varied reports of the discovery have been circulated throughout the county, but Mr. Lackey has steadfastly maintain ed silence as to the discovery and the subsequent developments until such time as it was thoroughly establish ed that the deposits were of such na ture and in bdeh quantities as would prove them valuable. A deal has now been consummated whereby the holdings of Mr. Lackey und associates have been sold to a Chicago corporation known as the American Nitrate company and cap italixed at 11,500,000.00. This com pany has already made its first pay ment on the property, after upending approximately $40,000.00 in experi mental work and has now reached that stage in its development where they are sure that the deposits are there in suhc quantities as will make their pur chase of the property and the invest ment of a vast amount of money, se cure. The first discovery of the nitrate was made by Mr. Lackey May 12th, lull. Mr. Lackey and his son Fred had been on a prospecting trip in the hills and mountains of the central and CHELSEY BOYER INJURED. Chelsey Boyer was the victim of a motorcycle accident which occurred early Friday morning on Oregon street near the residence of Dr. J. Prinzing. Mr. Boyer was coming down town on his motorcycle when the wind blew hi hat over Ins eyes and he lost control of the machine. He was thrown and rendered unconscious in which condition he wan found a short time later by men who were passing. He wa taken to the Holy Rosary hospital where it wan found that, his injuries were not serious, and he is fust recovering. VISITS ONTARIO Prominent Attorney of St. Paul Cornea to Look Over His Big Orchard Morton Barrows, a prominent at torney of St. Paul, and owner of the famous Barrows orchard located nine miles southwest of Ontario, arrived here Monday morning. This is the first visit of Mr. Barrows to Ontario this year, and he is well pleased with the aspect of the country. Mr. Bar rows is an enthusiastic booster for Ontario and the surrounding country and says this is. one of the most prom ising sections of the United States. Mr. Barrows left Tuesday with Mr. snd Mrs. Fred 0. Mahan, enroot c ov erland in Mr. Mahan's auto, for Sa lem. Mr. Mahan has chare of the Harrows orchard and is superintend ing the building of what will be one of the largest and finest commercial orchards in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Mahan will be (on about a month. Home Telephone company, in an en deavor to come to peaceful agreement, and thereby eliminate the necessity of any more hearings of the caae. The dispute fith the local telephone company came about the first of last April when the company endeavored to charge a toll rate of 16 cants for calls to Nyssa or Fruitland, and also attempted to raise the rental for tele phones of rural subscribers. When the Mountain States Telephone A Tel egraph Company purchased the local system a few years back, an agree ment was entered into whereby free tolls to Nyssa and Fruitland were (Continued on page 8.) southern part of the county, being out with the expectation of locating gold. They were unsuccessful and were re turning to Ontario with their wagon and camp outfit. They pulled in at the George Huntley ranch for water, and while talking with Mr. Huntley were told about the two Huntley boys discovering some kind of rock down the canyon whirh would sputter and burn when set afire. Mr. Lackey says he knew nothing about potash or ni trate deposits, and could not imagine what the rock could be. Out of curi osity he sent Fred Lackey down the canyon to get some of the rock, but he never dreamed at that time, that it might prove to be valuable. Fred secured a ten gallon pail full of the deposit, having located it under the direction of the Huntley boys. The rock was placed in the wagon and brought to Ontario. After reaching home, Mr. Lackey made some experi ments with the rock, and, it was such a curiosity that he showed it to some of his friends. It was about this time that he began to think it might prove valuable, and took a sample to Mr. Watson and to Mr. Withycombe of the Ontario Pharmacy, to find if they knew what it could be. Mr. Wat son expressed the opinion that it was some sort of a potash, and at his sug gestion samples of it were sent to Salt Lake for analysis. WATER RIGHT CLAIMS UP Superintendent Geo. T. Cochran Sets Dates For Inspection of Claims WILL LAST NEARLY A MONTH Is Expected Hundreds of Lawsuits Will Result With Long Litigation Dates upon which claims may be in spected, for water rights along the Malheur river and its tributaries, have Just been annour.-ed by Super ntendent Geo. T. Cockran of Water Division No. 2. According to the dates, the first Inspection will lie held at tlurns from July 28th until July 31st. The next inspection will be granted at Riverside on August 2nd. Another at Juntura on August 3 and 4. At Vale from August Oth to 17th, and at Ontario from August 18th to 21st. All claims for water rights along the Malheur river and its tributaries, have been filed w th the water sup erintendent. It is claimed, however, there are many conflict, and it is ex pected there will be hundreds of con tests which will mean years of litiga tion in the courts. There are many small streams which flow into the Malheur river, and a demand for more water than is con tained in the streams, hojl brought about the ajudicatlon, of which this will be a part. Many long disputed water rights along the Malheur river will now be carried ito the courts for settlement. W. II Cecil wbu ., is operated on for apeiidicltis last week, is gradually improving. Mrs. J. L Robinson of Walla Walla is here on account of his illness The first analysis, however, did not prove very flattering, and linuilv Mr. Lackey became discouraged with the attempt and was about to forget his find ami pass it up as a lasco. In the meantime Dr. Priuing wus told about the rock and became interested. About this time Harry Wilson, a mining man who was experienced I with nitrate deposits, visited Ontario and became acquainted with Dr. Prinz ing, who told him of the discovery. Mr. Wflson immediately became inter ested and after several days spent in talking with Mr. Lackey, followed by a visit to the deposits, Mr. Wilson took an option on the holdings of ten people and departed for Chicago. The ten who held claim- iliere und have now sold to Mr. W.l .on, who in turn ha-, obi the American Ni trate Company, are Dr. and Mrs. J. Prinzing, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lackey, Mr and Mrs. Henry Allison, A. Ja quish, Fred 1-ackey, Miss Sheila Lack- ley and George Huntley. Mr. Wilson , apparently had very little difficulty in J interesting Chicago capital in the ven ture. It is claimed this is the only ex tensive deposit of niu ate found in the world, outside of Germany, and the deposit here has caused wide-spread interest. Mr. Wilson is now in charge of the development work for the American Nitrate Company. MANY 00 TO BOISE. A large number of Ontario people went to Boise last Thursday to see the exhibitions of Barney Oldfield ami avi ator Thompson, who were at Boise fair grounds in the afternoon. Near ly everyone from here made the trip in automobiles, and all were pleased with the exhibition. AUTO TURNS OVER NEAR THE HOSPITAL Large Overland Touring Car Turns Over But Occupants Unhurt Five persons narrowly escaped seri ous injury last Sunday afternoon when a large Overland touring car turned over on the hill near the Holy Rosary hospital. The car belonged to J. J. Concelmo, of Nyssa, and in thet car were three men and two girls. All were uninjured. Two of them were thrown clear of the car, and the other three were pinioned undernesth and the car had to be raised before they could escape. J. Patterson of the Malheur Mercan tile company, and W. L. Caldwell a traveling salesman, were driving in a single rig, going up the hill near the hospital. The car was coming toward Ontario, and it is rlalmed was running at a high rate of speed. The horse be came frightened at the car and at tempted to turn around, Jumping im mediately in front of the oncoming car. Mr. Cadwell was driving, and he man aged to get the horse straightened back into the road Just as the car flew past. But in order to miss the horse, the driver of the car was compelled to run out of the road and close to the ditch at that point. It is probable the car skidded some and went into the ditch, landing bottom side up. Both men in the buggy saw the accident and went to the rescue, expecting to find some badly Injured people. Hut no one was hurt. It is said the damage to the car was not great. PURCHASES INTEREST IN MOORE HOTEL Another chang hi- Ivnn maile ii tb- ownership of the Moon- hotel this M-k, when it is announced that C. K Wilsoi of Sheridan, Oregon, has pur chiPed u coutrolliiig interest. Mr. and Mrs. V ilson arrived In fhituriu Si.nday and will mike this their permanent hi --ie but u ia stated there will ! no change in the manugem-nt of the pop ulur hostelry, and that W. I. Torrey vill continue in charge. TENNIS TOURNAMENT PLANS COMPLETED The tennis tournament to be held in Ontario Sunday and Monday, July 4th and 5th, promises to be one of the most important events of the Fourth of July celebration. Plans fur the tournament are now practically com plete. Promptly at 9 o'clock Sunday morning the tournament will open with teams from Vale, Wei or, Pay ette and Ontario, and will continue until the semi-finals are reached The semi-finals will be played Monday morning, starting at 0:30 o'clock. The finals will be played Monday evening commencing at 4:30. All games will be played on the Or egon etui, court, which is now in ex cellent condition. Some highly In tel esting games are being looked for waul to. HOSPITAL NOTES. .Mrs. Carter, from Juntura, is at the hospital with her 11 year old son wbn i receiving treatment for an in jured leg. Mr. W. II. Cecil wus operated on last week for acute appendicitis. His wife and daughter are with him at the hospital. Mr. Mcl.eod, from Juntura, is con valescing. Walter Levers was removed to his home in New Plymouth Tuesday morning. Mrs. Jake Gregg arid baby were vis itors at the hospital this week. All IS READY FOR THE FOURTH Entire Program is Announc ed For Best Celebrattion Ever Held Here BIG CROWDS ARE COMING Railroad Company Arranges For Special Trains And Equipment Kverythlng is now In readiness for the big Fourth of July celebration to be held in Ontario Monday, July 5th. The chairman of each of the various Fourth of July committees, reported at the meeting of the Commercial club Monday night, and every detail is now arranged for the largest and best celebration ever attempted in Ontario. Reports from nearby cities and towns point to reci.nl nreuking crowds, and the entertainment arranged for them here will not he disappointing. Residents of Homedale have taken steps to secure a special train, and it is said shout 200 people are expected from that section. Report from Nam pa say there are between 800 and 1000 people coaaing from there. Weiaer re ports state that the entire section is coming to Ontario to celebrate. The O. S. L. is making arrange ments secure special accomodation for vsitoftWIt-.t,. U, nesurU ev ery instance the regular train sched ules are adequate for the handling of , I... .Aa I..., ... - .l.ll ra mi, . ii... .,-, niu hi iiidiiy itni ci auni- tional cars will be needed, and the company has given assurance that plenty of cars will be provided. The complete program of tho events and happenings of the day has been arranged and is as follows: 6 a. m. Grand Salut. 0 a. m. Band concert at City Park. Weiser and Payette bands. u 'i" a. m. Semifinals of Tennis MM Tournament. ho 10 a. m. Parade (fuur band). 11 a. m. Oration at City Park by ' Hon. Kill. ... Biggs. he 1:30 p. m. Ball game at fair th grounds. Ontario vs. Nampa. " ' p. in. Hand concert at city park. . Ontario band. .. :i in p. m. Sports on Main street, ' Hi us follows: ed a 100 yaui free for all, $5.00, $2.60. 50 yard free for all, $3.00, $1.50. 50 yard girls 12 to 10, $3.00, $1.50. 50 yard girls 0 to 11. $2.00, $1.00. U yard girls under 6, $2.00, $1.00. 100 yard keg race, $3.00 $1.60. 50 yard boys 12 to 16, $8.00, $1.50. 50 yard boys 0 to 11, $f.00, $1.00. 25 yard boys under 6, $2.00, $1.00. 50 yard sack race free for all, $4.00, 2.00. Tug of war, 10 men to aide (spikes (('ontinueil on page :i.) LAND COMPANY MAKE DONATION TO CLUB A do nation of $50.00 was preseutei to the Commercial club bv the East era Oregon Land company, at the reg I ulur meeting of the club Monday night. In a leu or accompanying thi check, the land company suggests tha the money be used for supplying fresl fruit and farm products at the Mai heur county exhibit at the Panama Pacific Exhibition at San Franciso County Agriculturist W. W. Howun was delegated by the club to supervis the collection of the products, and b staled the would attempt to make shipment each week until the moue bad been expended. L The meeting of the club Monda night was well attended, and, uai.l from the transaction of regular bus ness, the coming Fourth of July cell bration was discussed. Everything i in readiness for the event. One lie' member to the club was secured, tfc application of A. Simon being reeeh ed. ."Hi -mil ll ll III 111 illiuirl nil ii m lIlMUli It Id n til Id ra i can muni es I N fsj M nl "tint men IlJ t t ts 4 i'I'I Iflli Id I imd nu I b.Tl IIIOMt b'M In-iiJ i e ill pre liere r ii fin fori l be.l Isllyl ds)' 1-e.lsl PUS. i- orl slntil laps I M'-l liiixtl Irb ;.hhI lb. m tng ted 1 a tip- th. re iibl his aw I tu- VI -