IX TBI ONTARIO AROU8, THtfftSDDAYJUNR, 24. 1911 V M ' The Ontario Pharmacy Kodaks and Supplies Rexall and Nyal Goods You can Rave money on shoes and Hlippcrs ut Lumpkin's. ent, .Mr. and Mrs. Kutch. Thursday evening of last week the young people of the Christian Kn deavor Society of the Methodist Con gregation enjoyed a picnic supper and weenie roast on P. A. Cieger's home stend south of town. A jolly good time is reported by those present. Miss I' ilnr Russel is working in the Fruitland State Bank while Ray Russell is taking his vacation. J. W. Berry, one of the Payette poultry buyers, has purchased an au tomobile and will make trips out on the bench to get pou'try, making a convenient way for the poultry rais ers to market their surplus. Rev. C. E. Deal returned Wednes day from his trip to Salem, Oregon. "V I Ifl III M NEWS. Ilv. C K. Dtnl ni.i.b- n trip to Km tti'ii the bittci pun of In i week. Word bus bi'cii received here that I). 0. McDonald the (. S. I,, agent here who a short time ago oblnlned n lenve of absence for a time this sum mer to improve his place neur Home- dale, was stricken with paralysis while out ut work. His friends here hope he will mom recover. Mr. and Mr. Howxc left last week for Iowa. They will spend a -lunt time in Payette visiting friends. They lived several yearn in Payette before moving t liiiilliind nearly three years ago. They have made many friends here who regret to lose them from our church and community. Last Thursday evening ubout one hundred of their friends and acquaintance, met ut the home of Prof, and Mrs. (J. W. Cotton mill others gave them a sur prise farewell party. Mrs. Cotton and others arrunged and prepared u ile lightful program also refreshments of ice cream, cake and) coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Rowse were presented with a leather traveling bag as a token of good will and esteepi. The primary department of th Methodist S. S. gave Mrs. Rowse a j-ose shower. Misa i. .il. In- MrCae and Richard E. Hall were married n Wi net Satur day, June If, at .'I ft. m. in the Con gregational church by the Pastor, Rev. Ashley. They will im.k.- their home at Mount Vernon Oregon. Mrs. Hall has many friends here who wi-h Ihem a long and haptyy lift-. I ' ' Mrs. ('has. Palheal and fwo child ren and Herbert Kutfh wdl leave next week for Priest River, Mrs. Pascal's home. She has bepn here several weeks visiting at the home of hn mi rrT Kemembcr the special i boo pikes on all slippers and shops at LihnpklnV - BOULEVARD ITEMS. Mrs. Kostenvader, of Payette, spent the week end at the home of Floyd Richardson. Mrs. Richardson accom panied her home Monday and remain ed for a visit until Thursday. Mrs. K. J. Johnson and Miss Pow ers visited Friday at W. D. Stewart's. Mrs. C. U. Stover left. Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. L. II. Pultun of Payette, and to attend the Chautauqua. Ceorge Ixcs went to Dead Ox Flat Thursday for a visit before return ing to his home at BoniU. Mrs. W. W. Minion and daughter, Miss Annie, spent the week end with Mrs. Andy MsCregor near Maliett. Mrs. I). E. Baker, Miss Ayers. Mrs. C. Wheeler and son were Friday guests of O. F. Neele. I Charles Brown and family, of Jor dan Valley, visited Wednesday at the home of his brother, Harry Brown near Maliett, and went on to Vale for a longer visit with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Moody. Miss Maud Walters returned Mon day from near 'Riverside where she has been the past eight weeks. Harvey Bender returned to Pendle ton last week after a pleasant ten days' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bender, on the Boulevard. A. E. Eldredge, of Fruitland was visiting Sunday at the home of his duughter. Mrs. Olivet Bingaman. Miss Helen Wells, of Dead Ox Flat, visited the first of the week - with Misses Myrtle and Mamie Stewart, and spent the remainder of the week with friends along the Boulevard. Miss Rose Bender spent -Saturday visiting her friend. Vivian Crauel In Ontario Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Walker and Mr. SODA DRINKS t- Our New Ice Cream Parlor the Coolest Place in Town Claim the crowds, because of the comfortable cool sur roundings and the quality and character of the eats and drinks served. Just the place for personal pleasure where you can meet and treat. Hill's Pharmacy i Kiiim ii ii Standard ef Value r ; JULY FOURTH RATES via OREGON SHORT LINE Tickets on sol July 3, 4 and f: limit July 6th. See agents for further particulars. LOST--One bay horse, weight about I. KM), age 12 yoors, about 16 hands 3 inches tall. Koretop clipped, shows collar mark, brand unknown. Notify A. MrWilliams ami receive rewind. 26 2tpd. Misses' white canvas slippers at on ly $1.29, all sites, at Lampkin'a. and Mrs. B. Wood spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Walker's brother on Little Willow in Idaho. There was open Uranu-e Saturday evening and was very well attended. Mr. Griffin gave an illustrated lecture on the Industrial work carried on ov er the state by the various Industrial (luls. Mr. Mowanl also lectured on dairying. High Art and Fashion Suits for Men and Young Men $17.85 $20.00, $25.00 and $30.00 Suits are all included. Every suit of these famous makes and new in style and fabric. Your friends have bought at this sav ing event, why not you? Eclipse Shirts just now when you need to replenish your supply at prices that are a substantial saving. $1.50 to $2.00 $1.25 SHIRTS SHIRTS Soft and Stiff Cuffs Soft and Stiff Cuffs $1.15 85c. ALEXANDER ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO. ORE. Afternoon Dresses We have a big line of Dresses that are just the thing for this warm sum mer weather. All the new fabrics and styles are in this lot. 98c. to $1.98 3 THE FOURTH Things You Will Need For a Pleasant Holiday We are featuring this week our display of dainty Summer furnishings that every woman will need to complete her Fourth-Of-July Attire. Here are girdles, - white waists, ribbons, hosiery, neckwear and simiiar articles in the newest and rvrpfripsr nr.vlps. .. r- - - Them are just the things you will want for the Fourth and future Summer wear. The prices as you can see by the following items, are pleasingly attractive. i - 11 1 II .Oxfords," Pumps And Slippers M'n i-lfiir nut tli line uiir make room for full goods, we tire milking prices thill mill sell the goods. All Ladies Uxlonlv, Pumps mid Slippers are included. '. 60, :i.Oi, AJfl and 1-l.lK) grade all ,... in thi mile ut $1.98 Misses and Childrens Ox fords, sizes 8 1-2 to 12 Misses and Childrens Ox fords, sizes 12 1-2 to 2 98c. $1.98 J ' Mm DA Uu lu New Styles of Summer Skirts and Waists There is u wide choice of style offered, an no woman iu id ii hi having to select mi unbecoming skirt or waist. You will -In' pleased with the' splendid values. Our entire line of white wash goods, waists, l.in--eiee, $'4fy.iid 43.00 at In this we have some rare burgans. Silk stripe and white and all tub silk waist, a nice up-to-datf line. Any waist in this line for -Is Handkerchiefs We have a factory pur chase that we are going to sell at a price that will clean them up quick. 9c. Of Course You Will Want a New Corset We have the best of the new models and ciin fit you perfectly with a serviceable i omfoi tul'li corset. This line of cornets has proven such a good line that we can hardly keep from bragging on them. I'opular priced and up-to-date styles. Our popu lar Oollar Corset comes in Batiste or ('untitle. Our Summer Corset i Ven tilator) is u cool one and only 11.00. Our No. til is a hummer at 50c. Pretty New Neckwear Mauy charming and effective styles are included in the recent arrivals. Our Puritan line of collars are a very stylish and pretty line 2fc. The Phoebe, a line exclusive, here you get style, individual and high grade goods only Me. Women's Summer Gloves Plenty of cool, sheer fabric gloves as well as the lightweight kid gloves for summer vuear. Our line of Summer Gloves is Cor xplete in Style, Color and Fabric. Our 16-button Silk Glove, in colors, only 79c. Our Short Gloves, to close out, at one price 39c. Doette, in elbow length, going at .. ( $1.39 Doette, in short lengths, going at 83c. These are Wash Gloves and Strictly up-to-date. U Don't Forget the Auto Veils Just Received A Nice, New Line at Jfi.iVn k .VbbAs. 'tstfaBk Women 's Summer Under wear and Hosiery We sell only the good aud better qualities f under wear and hosiery, and we make it a point to koep our stocks complet so that our customers are sura of always getting exactly the style and size desired. Our entire liue of Musliu Underwear will be on sale at Reduced Prices during this sale for -1th ot July bargains. Come and look at (he line. 20 Percent Off on The line 50c. RADER BROTHERS All Ribbons No. 200 at 35c. to 65c. a yard will go here at 23c. a yard. This is a big snap Don' t miss it ' V "'-'.' 1 iv I a mmmmmmmamammmmm