The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 24, 1915, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    TilK ONTARIO ARflUrl, THURiDPAYJliNII, t. lt
')! H
(Si'cif'(ii ,Th Atkuh.) SSL
Washing"" -General Wnustlane
CnrrajitB, original leader of the Mexi
nn oii st it nt iotiul movement, ih face
to face with a situation that may ellrn
Iriale him a a factor In Mexican poll
tlca utiles li- yield! to (lie dictation
of hla commanding fMMfltf, Alvaro
ohri'Kon, and other high officer in hia
Official advice revealed that four
of I'nrntnzii r iibinet minister hail
resigned ami t tint General ObtwfOfl
waa liinlntiiu on their retention, aa
well an tin .lismlssal of the members
to whom they worn opposed.
Word nine came to the American
government that General .lone May
torena, the Villa commander In Mono
ra, objected to the possible landing of
American marlnea to reyctie Ami H
cans In the Yaqiil valley, Indicating
that he would regard somo anch action
aa a hostile Invasion.
The alluallon In the Yaqui valley
waa overshadowed, however, by the
cabinet orlala at Vera Cnia, when- a
new angle to the entire Mexican proh
lein waa created almost overnight
The' dissension In the ('arrant cab
inet, according to orriclal reports, re
mii I led tin 111 a newspaper attack by one
of the cabinet members on aome of his
colleagues, but In many quarters here
It waa believed the trouble Is of long
standing and la the culmination of
differences between ('arrange and Ob
regon, which began when the latter
occupied Mexico (t xewral weeks
Newa conilnir through official chan
neds that Cariiinxn bad removed his
headquarters to the old Isolated fori
rasa, Ban Junn it I'lna. In the harbor
of Vera ("nut, spread the Impreaalon fife,
(Special to The Argua.)
London. After seven weeka' battor
Ing aeroas Uallcla, during which the
Russians have been thrown back more
than l. .'i miles, the Austro (Jermsus
are aa close to l.emherg aa were th
Oermans to I'arls after their flrat daah
across France last fall.
Never Kline before the battle of the
Manic have the Teutonic allies ap
peared so confident of success Hav
ing failed In their original plan of
crushing Krance and then turning to
Htiflala. the) have reversed the order
of their stratcK) and now, Judging by
the expenditure of life and ammuni
tion In (Isllcia. they have pinned their
whole faith on so paralysing tha Kua
Blau mini as to permit the throwing
of a tremendous force of men and
metal Into the western theater, there
either to break through the Franco
British line or force an Interminable
period of sanguinary warfare.
A dUpatch from Copenhagen says
that the German emperor himaelf haa
taken supreme command of the (Jail
clan campaign establishing hla head
quarters in Hlleala. aa near to the
front aa practicable.
It Is argued that even should l.em
berg fall, the Russians can drop back
to equally formidable positions, ulll
lilng the rivers and awampB and other
advantages of the terralu. and It la
regarded by the department, are valid the British contention thai thaw conld
and miiBt ha recognised thua hold out for montha, Kngland and
Krance In the meantime sending to
their slil men snd munitions if net rs
aary. Whether Kussla has sufficient
ammunition to meet the present strain
-(Special to The Arglia.)
Washington The United States au
preme court having twice In the cur
rent month decided that the land lawa
miller definite rlghta on entrymeu
which the land office and secretary of
the Interior cannot arbitrarily vitiate!
or set aside, it la assumed that a new
era In land administration haa begun,
for the decisions of the supreme MM
are binding on the department.
In the caaea recentl) decided, one
aet arising In Oregon and the other In
Washington, tha court makea It plain
that congreaa determined the condi
lions under which citliens may ac
quire title to public lands, and when
ver a clllten Indicates an entry 01
makes a filing under any of tfJV land
lawa, and thereafter meets all the re
quirements of the law under which he
filed. It Is incumbent upon the land
department to Isaue auch aettler a
It ao happened In the cases decided
by the supreme court that the original
claimants made lieu selections. In
stead of direct eatrlea, and In both
cases I lie Interior department permit
ted homestead and limber entires to
be made on the identical landa aftei
the lieu selections had been filed.
The supreme court find that tha
rights of the lieu selectors, though dis
(Special to The Argus.)
Berlin, Tla London. A atatement
given out by the Qerman admiralty to
the effect that the German submarine
l' "' had been rammed and aunk by
a British tank steamer flying a Bwed
lah flag after the veaset had been or
dered to stop Is expected to have an
Important bearing on the German
American negotiations.
German naval officers and the pub
lic at large ask how It is possible for
German submarines to treat merchant
men In the way requested by the I 'nit
ed States or to take steps to ascertain
the nationality of ships displaying
neutral flags In the war zone so long
aa British captains adhere to the rulea
laid down by the admiralty.
Commenting on thla. German news
paper say It la proof of the British
abuae of neutral flags and that the
Illegal course followed by ships of
commerce compels the commanders of
German submarines fo consider their
own safety first and sink such ships
without warning.
Wheat Club. 91c: bluestem. Ml
red Itusslan, Mr; forty fold, B2c; rati
la a question which cannot be anawer
ed In Kngland.
that he feared au uprising against hi in
In Vera Crag. American warships ly
Ing In the harbor would gie him aay
lum should he desire to escape
Douglas Taxpayers Organlie League.
Itoaelnirg The Douglas county tax
pa) ers league was organized at a
largely attended and enthualaatlc
meeting held here Robert S Smith
aecretary of the atate tax reform
league, waa the principal apeaker.
Thirty five due. mis were elected
They will meet at llosebiirg June 'it,
to elect offlcera and a smaller execu
tlve board.
Hay Kastern Oregon timothy, tla.
grain hay. 112; alfalfa. 11.160, valley
timothy. $12.60.
Butter Creamery, ISo.
Kgga Ranch, 19c
Wool -Kastern Oregon, 27c; valley,
Mohair -Sic
Wheat- lllnesleni, 94c; dub
red Itusslan. 90c, forty fold,
fife, 91c.
Barley- -$22 per ton
Hay Timothy, til per ton; alfalfa
$14 per ton
Butler Creamery, tic.
Kgga Itc.
Ambaeeeder'e Denial That Hoax Wae
Perpetrated la Accepted.
Washington The Incident Involv
ing the names of Anton Meyer Gerhard
and a Dr. Meyer, reputed official of
the German war office, In which It
waa charged that the state department
bad been hoaxed, waa officially de
dared closed
I he German ambassador, Count von
Rerustnrff. called lo aee Acting Secre
tary i.snsins He aald that reports
tending to confuse Meyer-Gerhard and
lr Alfred Meyer had been related to
him a week ago and that he had de-
Varalon Denied by Britain.
London The official statement
waa made public by the British gov
eminent that the German submarine
tT-29, commanded by Captain Otto
Weddlgen, which waa destroyed two
months ago, "waa aunk by one of Hla
Majesty's ships."
Thla belated announcement appar
ently waa laaued at this time to dis
pose of the report current Ir. Germany
that the I' 29 waa rammed by a Brltlah
tank steamer flying the Swedish flag
FOR SALE- Round Oak Heater,
practically new, Oak Dining' Table, '
ft extension, round with pedestal legs
nled them then. No Dr Meyer, he
said, waa known to him or to other
members of the embassy. He added
that the whole story reflecting on hla
sincerity In aaklng aafe conduct for
Meyer Gerhard waa au 'absolute fab
rlratlon," ami that he hail taken offi
cial notice of It only because of hla
desire to aaaure the president of the
United state and the aecretary of
atate that he had not sought to de
oelve them
Mr Lansing aaaured the ami ansa
dor that he waa fully satisfied with
the atatement made by him.
- Garden Hose -
New Stock Prices Lowest
in Town
Get Our Prices Before Purchasing
oaatititinatiaotiaaaaoa oaatittaattttottaaaatma
Ice Cream Freezers
Complete StockBest on The Market
Malheur Mercantile
Special Lot of New
Dresses and Waists
For The Fourth of July Trade
Just received a special lot of New
Dresses for the Fourth of July trade,
Priced at $2.50 to $10.00. These are
special values and will appeal to you
right at this season, also a special lot
of Slimmer Shirt Waists and Middies,
Priced $1.00 and up, for right now
Silk Gloves
WASH (.001)8
The largest show
inicrever shown lv
this store for you Summer Wear
to choose from.
In all the new ANewllof Uark8 ,,K
l (iloves for your summer
Bummer weights, . , L . 41 Z !
. , i wear, priced 50c. to $1.50 a
right now when pair The8e ttre made up
yOU are It) a hUl- ut of pure silk with double
ry. It Will pay linxer tipa and are the best
yOU 10 COine LO values shown anywhere for
this Store aS yOU the money.
will have such a
large assortment
you can quickly
make you selec
tion, be it at 8c.
or 35c. the yard.
Tim latest arrival ill is
week, White Cordiiroy.
Thi'c ia the newest in
dress material. Department Store
Shoes That
&W oihoonJ I
SumnuT Shot's rightly
made ami titted by us,
either for "'ten or wonit'ii,
will makr your feet easy
these warm day.
Priced at
$2.00 and up
" Black
You can get your
'Black Leaf 40' at
this store and
pamphlets telling
how to spray with
it for all kinds of
plant lice, Green
Aphis and Rosy
Aphis, as well as
for dipping stock.
Filled The Day Received.
We give our out of town
customers the same privi
lege as those that conn in
themselves. Moreover,
our method is not a "mail
order system," it is rather
a systematized shopping
service, which gives the
personal attention of a
trained shopper to the till
ing of every mail order.
Your order is studied
and tilled with us much
"intelligent interest" as if
you were here yourself.
Should you come in pei -HOB
we will be glad to have
one of experience assist
you in every department
and make your visit profit
able and enjoyable to you.
a. i.. ...
. SUM . I.
mi aaj
1 .BM
.Mate, mu
loattfartturoat B
Iiae NO LEAKY Kl'HHKK KINO to decay and
admit the air haa me POISONOUS ZINC CAP
lit Instead it kaa a e3eM 'r1 Cp
With Utateleew, aeuUtary ceiawaoaltloa
lukU wfclck ataevle AIMT1UHT mm mm
Unar jar I
Tka Fr.nnaaj ia the
ly jar by the dm
oi whir a you can
have Freeh Vegetables aud rruite on
y..ur table every day in the year, and,
ia e stater. Roast Turkey, Sausage,
Venison, Trout, eto., canned erialer.
l.Utr aad ii a rkiie cast m1 sad iw
ii It wni W K kni as r a7. so nt.Mf
rise to aju.l, aa cat Wiuoaa !(.
Bar !-
I i Tea Ipaaae FKBK with wjr ra. at
Vosuni J Hi aaa aa. Taa Baaaa ilk .varf
artaa af Inn Bcoaoni Ctre.
Ob. Tall aM . a . Ball l. Taa kiN
Braaaaue to yaa for atary Jar aul cat
of ih. Keoaaaty Jar imi a oartoa. at
Kooaoaiy Cap. wllk Mcaala
Maasa, tocarar coal el neckiea anilaf. ato,
rusutu um.uo.i
Tou ean sayure
with Econe y Jars, a
eomplete aet oi the liuaet
King'. Hall Silver,
Taa rtoaaat j la Ih. laad
ka. au Beer etl.ei plat. Taa
BBaaufatarar. goatanlaa .vary .poo is
ear for year aaa nun yoa tkat tela ia
ao ur.miuu apaoa, thataa taa ooauary,
taara ts ao tsar plate aaad. tkaa
KINO'S hail an ik lew. ftfi'ir
iu. at a eaaa ar aa seats each. We I
Bitow yea a Hi ke jaMajaWJa) vita Ueev
Mens New Summer Shirts
tmfym KliiwvD
WllJll jaTVst m9dmftmW M ') 1 V. 11 IbSbLi W? " tt
aleMaWlV Jf JalLW MrnVBikn, r eJaPeWa. Bm 1 llR wflil rawW W JL ial-eJfjTLfi
wfawt4iypi mrmYl ' JSrk II V III ' JJ JrZIWwk
TfcW'fHl M iCsaWaa.awilMalBBPt alaWaaawfl xTjaWaP"- "" " " M
aaBaBBaWaawMsvawaJ JawaVM' adawirR LawT
rin . , . H
it tnere is a place in town u
TrOT" TTA11 fmCW --. 4" Mn I nhiviT- r J
LIUIL yfU Lclll CL lt(U Mill I kl
values it is in our shirt J
department. New up-to- Kj
date patterns this summer N
priced 50c to $1.50. U
cool, unaerwear dtraw nats
These hot days makes one
hunt the shade. Look
over these splendid stocks
of H V. 1'., or l'oros-knit
or halbriggan.
All qualities from f(c.
to 2(HI. All styles of
In all the new sbapts for
summer wear. Mep in
Uiday and select your nv
Straw from our splendid
showing of Leghorns, pun
amas, Uankoks, YaVtlitti
Miloris etc. Priced from
2"c. to oUO.