M'H !Mtati0 vgn. VOLUME XIX THE ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1916 NO, 2f; She 1 RAILROAD TO CONNECT WITH LINE AT BEND Officials Announce Extension of Line from Riverside to Near Harriman Is Claimed Construction Will Never Cease Until Bend is Reached Shorten Distance to i SHOPS AND DIVISION POINT Twohy Brothers. bij Railroad Construction Firm of Portland, Now On Ground Securing Data for Their Bid for Contract Division and Shops Coming When Road is finished Railroad from Ontario to Head. Division point at Ontario. Huge machine shop at (hit arm. I.oiik I'lanned Railroad Activity in On tario Starts with Conatruction of the O. W. R. N. West of Riverside. That actual conatruction work will inn soon after the first of July on the extension of the O. W. R. from Riverside to Harriman, a die lanee of thirty miles, ia the substance of a statement given out by J. D. I'm rel. president of the O.'W. K." A N who pushed through Ontario last weel on In way to the interior to look ovei i to i.,..iosr,i route of the new lint from Itiverside to Bend. Coincident with this announcement is the appearance in (In'.uilo tins week, of u prominent capitalist from I'oi i l.md, who is here looking over the country, and who aays he has informa tion, emanating from heudquurters, that Ontario ia to be a division oiiit, the (). W. R. ft N. acquiring the Short Line from Huntington to Ontario, ami I thut this city will he the site for huge mucbiue shops, all to come with the completion of the new line into Bend Moreover, this mun states thut when J.he construction work once starts on the new extension, that it will never cease until the line is completed into Bend. While no authoritative statement thut the line will go to Bend, hus been given out, it ia claimed this is now the intention of the O. W. R. ft N. MORE HONE SEEKERS TO HARNEY C0UN1Y Party of Eighteen Pass Through Ontaiio for the Interior Another party of prospective home seekers passed through Ontario Mon day on their way to Harney county to look over lands of the Oregon Western Colonization Co. There were eighteen men in the party, most of it.r tne entire country, and has recent whom came from Hurley. Idaho. J.liu nt,.r..,l Mulhitm omiiiu It - ia A. Morrison, local manager of the firm accompanied them. A large number of people have pu.-,sed through Ontario for the inter ior during the past spring, ami a great majority of them have found suitable lands, and have purchased farms. There is a vast amount of good farm ing land in Harney county which can be purchased at reasonable figures and on easy terms, and, with the ex tension of the railroad into the val ley, the land is being fast settled up, and large land holdings are being rut up into small farms. The railroad soon to be construct ed west of Riverside, and will prob ably reich Harriman, in Hurne Val ley, before many months. With trans poiiation facilities, that section of the slate will become one of the beat agricultural ctiona in Oregon, and Portland and is Much Easier The O. W. now owns und operates u MANY VISIT CHAUTAUQUA. line from the Dalles to Bend. And it is claimed the line from Ontario will Many Ontario people have uttend connect with this. It will mean a m Chautauqua at Payette tho past shorter distance to Portland than ov- 'week. A large crowd motored over er the present main Una through Ha-jsunduy, and again Monday night, an kar, LaGrande ami Pendleton, und will other specially large number were in mean a far easier grade, for the moun- 'attendance. Among those who want tain haul will be eliminated. over Sunday were Judge and Mra. Dal- Twohy Bros., the largest ruilroud ,on Biggs, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCul eonatructioii firm in the northwest, ,Mh, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wood and is after tho contract for the construe- lion of the new line. John K. Twohy, Re. F Twohy und M. S. Boss, ull of the Arm of Twohy Bros., passed through Ontario last Thursday enroute ii the proposed new line to look over for their bid for the contract. That Ontario is to secure the divis- ion point and shops, comes from the I u.iii. I eupitalist, wiio is close, in 4 business wuy, to ruilroud otliciuls if I'm 1 1 .iii.l. and who is in a position to know, m says the plun is un oldenler thro'h the other twigs if thay one, und thut he has known for over uar ;n ., tender condition caused bv year, that this would some day be carried out. He says it will come with the completion of the line from Onta rio to Bend. Large holdings of land by the O. W. R. ft N. Company ud 'Joining the city limits on the south, idjacent to the right-of-wuy of the (). S. I,., will be utilized when the di vision point and shops are established, he aays. According to the statement of this mun, u large lumber mill in Ben I hae just arranged in Portlund for u loan of $150,000 to improve their plant and to start cutting timber which they have been holding, waiting for the line to Ontario to be completed. HOW TO STAMP OUT THE FIRE BLIGHT County Agriculturist Tells How Menace May be Done Away With W. W. Howard, county agricultur ist of Malheur county, hus this week issued a very interesting interview on tire blight. This has become a ser ious menace lo fruit and orchards ov ly entered Malheur county. There is a way in which the blight can be stamped out, and the method is ex plained in the following: "Fire tilight has been given so little atlenliiii during former years that this year, when the conditions became at all favorable for its development, it has ruined the crop in some orchards, especially the two varieties Rome Beauties and Jonathans. This disease can be gotten under control in a very short time, if the proper methods are followed, but it is a case of tight or be ruined. Indif ference cannot be tolerated any long er. I "Thii disease ia a bacterial disease, notwithstanding the fact that because many people are looking for land in the country to be opened up. Grade AT ONTARIO .heir iruest Miss Klhel Sels. Mr. and Mrs. K. ('ope, Dr. and Mrs. Weese, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kerfoot, Mr. and Mrs. K. !. Builey and Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Grelg. of certain circumstances, some per .sons say not. The bacteria enter the j punt through the blossom or through the stomttta, or through wounds caus ed by insects. The bacteria can al ways enter through the blossoms and '.ist 1'iowth. Over irrigation, heavy or u plb t n of fertilisers that imiuce heavy growth, lays the trees more liable to blight. Fruit growers will recall thut this year the blight followed the heavy rains. "It is of little heneiit to cut out the blighted twigs at this time, for it ia self-limiting, that ia, the bacteria are all dead. Where twigs have been al lowed to grow on the larger limbs or water sprouts allowed to grow on the trunks or roots, the disease may have entered the soft tissues of the bark on these limbs or trunk and here form the cankers where the germs remain alive until the following year, 'ftiese cunkers may develop so large that they will kill the limb or the entire tree, but the most serious phase of it is that these cankers throw off a stic ky substance, through the bark which is very attractive to insects. This sticky substance is filled with the ac tive germs and as the insects travel from the cankers to the blossoms or tender twigs, they carry the infecting muteriul with them. "These few hold-over cankers are the seat of the following outbreak, and to get rid of the disease, they must be destroyed. It is a simple treatment but must be thoroughly done, for insects are free to travel long distances. Every tree in every or chard must be inspectod and all cank ers removed, for it is useless for one orchardist to cut it out if all of his neighbors do not do it also. Those who are indifferent should pull out their trees so that thoee who do wish to grow fruit can do so. This is the policy that has eliminated the disease from the Hood River valley and has brought it under control in the Rogue River valley. This is the only remedy known and so orchardists should be prepared to clean up the orchards this fail. It is a serious enemy unless taken in hand, and it is calling for vigerous action here. "There are a few cures being ad vertised by persons, but the experi ment stations have not found one, and any individual that found one would first seek their recommendation, and so do not invest in them. Spraying with strong winter strength lime sul phur jut before the blossoms open so as to coat over any undiscovered cank ers and so render them leas attractive KNOCKED FROM HAY STACK. Otis Milliard, the fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bullnrd, living nine miles south of Ontario, met with a painful accident Sunday when he was knocked from the top of a hay stack by a hay derrick. Both arms were broken at the wrists, and the young maV was severely shaken up by the fall. Dr. Weese was called and reduced the fractures. SHORT UNE HAS A BIG PAYROLL HERE Averages Ten Thousand Dollars Monthly-Big Shipping Point That the Oregon Short Line i maintaining a monthly payroll of ten thousand dollars, was the statement of a Short Line official who visited Ontario Monday. Few Ontario peo ple hava realised that the pay roll of the railroad company was no large here, and it is something unusual for such a large railroad pay roll in a town that has neither a diviaion point nor machina shops. While this is the main line terminus for the branch line running to River side, and which is to be extended to Harriman in the next few months, traffic is not yet so heavy on that line that it is necessary for the railroad to keep a large number of men at work. Thfre are from ten to fifteen employees working in the depot and freight department, as this is one of the heaviest shipping points on the main line, and this runs up the pay roll considerably. The total of ten thousand dollars is reached, however, by the addition of the man of, the bridge gang, which is now stationed-at Ontario, rebuilding the steel bridge across the Snake Riv er between Ontario ami Payette. RADER AND NEWTON WIN SCHOOL ELECTION Frank Radtuv was reelected school director for a tarm of three years, and M. K. Newton was elected clerk for one year, at the school election held last Monday. Mr. Rader secured 167 votes out of 227 cast, his opponent, J. A. Williams, securing 70. Mr. New ton was elected with a vote of 127, and his opponent, C. C. De Frees, se cured 10U votes. Considerable interest was taken in the election, and a large number of people met at the west side grade school building promptly at 2 o'clock in the afternoon when the nominations were made. Voting continued that time, as provided by law. from to insects has proven of some value, however. "This disease can not be considered a serious drawback to this county as a fruit growing section for the disease is country wide, and the remedy if thorough is sura. The commercial fruit growers of this entire section will uecessariiy have lo organize this fall and compel a general cleanup." TWILIGHT GAME IS SOURCE OE MUCH FUN What is said to be the start of twi light baseball in Ontario, with the ul timate organization of a league, was the ball game last Monday evening he tween players of the east side of Main street against the vest side. The game furnished a lot of fun for the players as well as the grand stand, and there is still some doubt as to which side won. Unlike the league game last Sunday, there was no ac commodating jack rabbit needed to furnish real sport for the bleachers, and there was something doing in the game every minute. It is claimed the batting order of one nine became somewhat mixed, and, as an official scorer could not be found, there is some doubt aa to juat now many runs were made. Anyway everybody had lots of fun, and more games are to follow. ONTARIO GETS READY EOR FORTH Celebration Spirit Has Hold of the Whole City This Week EVERYBODY IS GETTING READY Several Merchants Have Already Started to Huild Floats for Parade The spirit of the celebration has taken hold of Ontario this week, and the business houses, organizations and individuals have started a systematic preparation for the celebration of Un cle Sam's birthday, which is to be ob served here Monday, July 5th. Nov- er liefore has there been more inter est taken in a Fourth of July celebra tion, than is now shown in this one, and the result In guaranteed to he the most fitting celebration of the nation's birth that has ever been accomplished by Ontario. Unusual interest is being shown hy several business houses, in the big street parade in the morning. Sever al Arms have alreudy started to build floats, and one firm hus plunncd a dis play for the street parade that will cost upwards of u hundred dollars. Assurances come from many sections of a large crowd. Weiser people are making preparations to celebrate in Ontario and advices from there say a crowd of a thousand people from that section alone, may be expected. Judge Dalton Biggs has been select ed aa the speaker for the day, and will deliver the Fourth of July oration in the city park in the afternoon. The Nampa baseball team will be here for a two days' battle with the local nine, (hiring which the Ontario team will at tempt to wrest first place position in the per centage column, from the Ida ho aggregation. Arrangements are fast being com pleted for the tennis tournumeut in Which clubs from Weiser, Payette, New Plymouth, Fruitland and Ontario will strive for first honors. The baby carriage parude is another feature of the celebration that if. attracting in terest. The sports committee has arranged a series of events that will he highly entertaining. In the evening, this com mittee has arranged a wuter tight be tween members of the tire department, which is a feature entnely new lo this section of the country. The big day will close with the tire works at night, and which promise to be out of the ordinary. BIG TRANSFORMER IS BURNED OUT The huge transformer ut the sub station here of the Idaho-Oregon Light und Power Company burned out last Saturday morning. It was inns my to secure supplies und mechanics from Boise to repair it, and the power could not be used for pumping irngution water until Tuesduy morning. Little effects from the accident have been noticed in Ontario, as the power wu turned on for city use within u few hours after the transformer burned out. COUNTY MKKT HFKh. The Mulheur County Woman's Christian Union met in ( nunty In stitute at the Baptist Chu:.h Tuesday, June 16th. Nt n m i In attendance, morning, Id; evening M; nuiuhei wearing the while rihhon, .'(2. Nyssa and Vale wen- .(-presented by dele gates. A delightful dinner was serv ed in the Sunday Si hoi, I rooms ut noon, and luncheon to the visitors in the afternoon. A splendid progrum was rendered, and all went away feel ing that it was a day well spent. Arrangements were made for a County Convention to be held at Nys sa, in August, and the Nyssa people desire a full delegation to enjoy h good day with them. i). c. McDonald stricken. D. C. McDonald, a well known rail road man of this section, and agent at l'i iiitlnnd. was stricken with a par alytic stroke while at work on his h. une .lead MM Middleton, last Fri day. Mi. McDonald had secured u three months leave of absence from his position as agent at Fruitland, and, together with Mrs. McDonald, had moved to the homestead for the sum mer. He was taken to Caldwell for treatment. THIRTY CARS SHEEP 10 CHICAGO MARKET Kidwell & Caswell Ship Two Train Loads Fat Sheep East Thirty cars of sheep, comprising two train loads of fifteen cars each, and including some twelve thousand head of sheep, have been shipped from Ontario to the Chicago market, one train load going Saturday, and the other going Tuesday. The sheep he long to James Kidwell and II B. Cas well, comprising the llrm of Kidwell A Caswell, Portland commission Arm, and have been on runge out from Brngiin. Mr. Caswell and Mr. Kid well have both been in Ontario for several days. Mr. Caswell left Satm day for Chicago where he will receive the sheep and place them on market. Mr. Kidwell is romaining here to care for their interests at this end. Mr. Kidwell stated that there was eight or ten thousand heud of sheep neur Brogan still belonging to the linn. They also have several large bands of sheep in the lleppnci coun try. ONTARIO EASILY DEFEATS BOISE NINE The Idaho-Oregon loague game here last Sunday between Boise and Onta rio was one of the poorest games play ed on the local diamond this season. The Boise team was in poor condition and the local team did not have to play gum! bull to beat them. The score wa I i.. I in faver of Ontario. This places Ontario second place in the percentage column, with Nampa at the lend. Fans are looking forward to the two games here iwith Nampa on July 4th and ith, and expect a reul treat ut that time: The score of Sunday's gume was us follows.! ONTARIO AB R II PO A Smith, cf 1 I M i tin, c. 6 1 1 10 4 0 Alshire, M. ............ 4 1 a 4 1 Druhot, If. i .00 Na.l.au, Jh. 4 .' 3 6 0 Fitchner, p 4 3 3 0 1 1 Chapman, 3b. 4 10 2 0 0 HiggThs, if. .112 0 0 0 Katipul, II 3 0 0 i 1 0 Total M I -'7 15 2 OttI AB i: 11 PO A E Snapp, c. 4 0 15 10 Wurd, m. :t 1 I I II 1 . 'b. 1 2 0 Blasted, lib. 4 12 10 2 Horriu, If. 4 0 I 0 c Wmau, p. 4 0 10 2 2 hum, II. 4 0 1 10 0 Reed, rf. 4 0 0 0 0 0 BJ -nig, cf. 2 1110 0 Total! n i 10 -'4 S. ore by innings: Ontario 0 I 0 I 0 2 2 2 X Bow,- 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 4 Summary: Sacrifice hit Higgins: Tv. i. nasi- hit Nailcau, Case, Bras ted. Double plays Wurd to ('use to .Me. n hnmC' ; Alshireto Koupul to Nadeau to Al-thiie to K..u pul. Struck out Bv Fitchner,". ; by Wyman, I. Base on halls Off Fltch ner, fe off Wymun I. Pa .sc.i ktasal Mai tin 1; Snapp :t. Left on bases-- Ontaiio 6: Boise, 4. Time of gume 1:37. Umpire Kelleher. Attend ance son. Ii II. Tunny of the Oregon Backing ( So. , announces tiie purchase of the City Market in Payette of which he took charge Monday morning. K, Daudo will be in charge of the 1'ayette branch of the business. PEACH CROP IS LARGEST EVER Peaches and Cherries are Yielding: Bumper Crops Throughout Section EARNERS NAY CAN OWN FRUIT One Orchard in Big Bend Section Yield Thousand Bushels Peaches A record breaking cherry crop, now being harvested, to be followed hy n record breaking peach crop, is the lot of orchardists in the Lower Snake Riv er valley this season. It has been esti mated that the cherry crop, now rlpe.S is the largest ever grown in this sec tion, ami the fruit ia all of a limf quality. The peach crop is said to be enor mous. One orchardist in the Big Bend section is said to have a thousand bushels, and reports from other or shards bear out the claim of a bump er crop. The question of a market for the peaches has come up, and many farmers are considering installing their own cunning plants, that their crops may be saved. F. L. ii iflm from the Oregon Agri cultural College at Corvallis, and pro moting canning clubs among the school children of the state, was in1 Malheur county last week, and found many orchardists throughout the coun ty who intend to can their peach crops. Mr. (irifftn stuiet that many boys ami girls through the east and south have taken up fruit canning during the summer months, and have made much money from their efforts, and he believes the same thing could he done here. MUTING POSTPONED. The regular meeting of the Com merciul Cluh which was to have beeo held Monday night of this week, was postponed until Monday night of next week. Many of the members wished to attend tho Chautauqua in Payette Monduy night, and the meeting was postponed to accommodate them. K. C. Vun Petten was a business vis ilor to I'nvette Tuesday. H. B. Graul went to Boise Tuesduy returning yesterday. Mrs. Couth and daughter, Mrs. Ms mie Hyde, of Baker, isited friend. in Onturio Wednesday, while on theii way home from Vale. Mi Mildred Conklin was u Sun day visitor at the home of J. S Mil liken in Ontario. lies. I). K. Buker returned from Mid dleton lust 1'riduy where he attendei tne first Association. Mr. Buker gave un addles at the closing servic. thuisday evening. Ho reports i" splendid spiritual meeting all the mu through, and that the next meetiiu of the Association will he ut Payette next year. Supt Button of the State Antu Saloon League will deliver an mid re Sunday morning at the M chuich und in the evening be will preside at i union rully meeting at the same church H. II Tunny of tho Oregon Backii. Co., received a telegram MuioJay froi" Modest.. California, stating thai Chs. Tunny hod been blatantly killed there Mr. Tunny has a brother Charles vvh is in Canada, and has no relatives i California. He mveatigatod, however and yesterday found that the dead iim was not related to him. Rev. D. K. Baker, Tom Johnso!" Mrs. A. K. Johnson, Mrs. J. S. Join Misses. Mary C. Ayres, Luciie Bigg.' Lois Noece, left Wednesday mornini on No. 17, for Haines, Oregon, to at tend the Grande Rondo Baptist A; elation, which convenes at that plait Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.