I I I I II I !., THE ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY, JUNK 17, 101 1 THfcKr; LEMBERG OBME OF GREAT BAHIE 4TII OF 4TH OF 4TH OF I i III I HW .1 . !! III I 1 II "' W"MMW-aMW IIWI Wi MM W MMW..WIIII1.I.II II .. WA ' "I JULY! Department Store Ks A number of places are going to celebrate this sea son and so many people find there is so many things needed for the family be fore they are ready and it is only a little over two weeks off too. It is often better to visit a good sized department store if possible when you can find just what you want and at the price you wish to pay, be it Dresses, Suits, Skirts or Millinery, we have some very special prices. Be it dress goods by the yarn or any Kma oursiocK is the largest and best to select from, Be it Neck wear, Gloves or Hose we have the largest stocks to select from in fact in every department, we have seen that our stocks are well filled for any selection you may wish to make. Are You Ready? f6gifcwA Bj Ml ONTARIO JHP Mp&W ww,j All the new shapes in summer snoes tnai in well, look well and wear well. You must never overlook our shoe de partment as it saves all money, that pal ionize it, priced $2.00 and up. Department Store JULY! Are You Ready? ml ONTARIO IkJdK-f Department Store JCartj OS! r torjara A few discontinued patterns in Corsets, Rood style, well fit ing, .$;.r() models $1.95. and $5.00 models $2.95. A chance to save while they last. c- A V f vtf - - (k ill t sJ W ir If III I III i ffl if t ill it 1 1 Do you want a parasol that is exclusive-something entirely different If so dont delay as we have a new shipment not I wo alike. Priced t 00 to IS. 00 Big Saving in Ladies' Vests and Union Suits We have them in all qualities from a good knit 10c vest for every day wear to fine silks. Suit of very fine quality light weight, pretty silk taped yoke, low neckaleeve less tight or loose trimm ed knee, JULY! Are You Ready? OUT-OF-TOWN MAIL ORDERS Killed the day received We give our out of town Icustomers the same privi Itgeai those that come in uiemseivcs. moreover! bur method is not a "n tai order system," it is rather la systematized shonmnur service, which gives the personal attention ot a trained shopper to the fili ng of every mail order. Your order is studied and filled with as much "intelligent interest" as if you were here yourself. Should you come in per son we will be glad to have ane of experience assist vou in every department and make your visit prof it J able and enjoyable to you BIG ARMIES ARE - AT (Special to The Argis.) Hi.- Illl London. Artillery action of nil .i t. rrin character, initial. I mediately following the French sue cess In bending the German line In ward southeast of Heburlenc, half wuy i i a i . n Arraa aud tin Alsne, bus rendered movementa of Infantry Im possible and neither army Iiuh hi able to progress un Inch, uccordlng to Official reports received from Paris. lu rlln claims the French were checked with heavy loeses In the close range fighting to the north of K urn and the French were driven out of the trein bea they previously had captured from the Germans, eveu after twice brine iiig up fresh troopa to brace the positions. Southeast of lleburtene the Germans claim to have advuueed. SOCIETY IS FORMED (SK!clal to The Argua.) Sllvert'-n An association of tiie Bona and Daughters of the I'loneera of Oregon wan formed In thin city, the purpoHe of which Im to perpetuate the memory of tboae who made It pus hlhlc for the early aettlera of the mute ' to build up homes In (IiIh valley. Thla la the flrat move of the kind ever made, and the encouragement the pro mntera are receiving la Indicative of I success. There la no way of determining what the en 'luherHhlp will be. There are hundreds of ellglblea In thla vi cinity and, aa the aaaoclation la stale wide In acope, It la expected that it will be the atrongeat organisation lu B v. itlilii a short time. I t BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON The state O. A. H. encampment opened at McMlnnville Suuduy. Kluhty five seniors were graduated from the University of Oregon Wed nesday. Henry Woodward, author of the "Lyrics of the Cmpipta," und other works, died at Hoscburg at the age ol KK years. Ninety-four per cent of the pupils of r Ik county achoola, who took the n . nt eighth grade exuminalioua, passed auccesafully. "Lie 19th annual lnstltcte conven lion of the Kpwortb leagues Si The Dalles district held a four days' sus alon at The Dalles. The Clatapp couuty fair board has 'HI September 21. 22 and 23 as the dates for this year's county fair, to bt held at Gcarhart l'urk. I In M annual session of Oregou yearly meeting of the Frit ads' Church was held at New berg with a large at tendance from Pacific coast states. Twenty-five hundred persona were fed at an open-air Larbecue served at Corvallis by Corvallls merchants to farmers of llentou and Llnu counties In tin vicinity of Corvallls. Forty seven out of a total of 66 ap plicants for admission to practice den tistry successfully paased the examin ation held at Salem the paat week by On Oregon State board of Dental Kx aminers. M.iubera of Moose lodgea in every tnviii iu the north Willamette valley, U.' Imiing Oren City and Molaila, wr4 gather at Aurora June 22. when the Aurora lodge will give a carnival and picnic. la another woek the administration building of the Uuiveraity of Oregon will be completed The concrete work la already fiulshad, plasterer ara pultluf on ftuiahfug touches aud the marble walla, hall and atalrcasea are In plai i- Cluikuniiis couuty won 41) ot the 128 gold, silver und bronze medals award ed for exhibits of the Willamette val ley exposition :i:no-lutlou, or more than onetlnnl ot the total. Fight counties hail entriee in the valley aa sociutlou's display. Coii.ie.sKnian W C. Iluwli v has re ceiveil wnnl trim W that the aecretai) of Cn inietior had ap proved U :- IV i- l-atenls cov Hag i! ' '"'Ltl Ore gon Intention vr",. U MOM being lists numbers U und 8, with the exception of 4U acrea. Attorney (Jeneral llrown has ren dered an opinion that the atate board of control can expend u part of the f.'.i'iiMi anjirnprlated by the legtsla ture for the promotion of flax retlint und other work at the state penlten tiu.- for the purchase of road material aud machiii' rv. Additionul Klamath county acreage is to be brought under irrigation this season. R. Kiumitt is installing a pumping outfit to irrigate 12o(i acres i of land on the Keuo road. Flpes are now being laid and the pumps will be electrically operated on powyr fur- nlahed from Keno. Secretary of State Olcott says that numerous notaries throughout the state are not compling with the law paaaed at the recent seasion of the legislature providing that every lime their seal la used they must write or stamp on the document when their commission expires. Work will be resumed in a few days on Columbia count) s unit of u lumbia highuy. Tin controversy with the Consolidated Contract company , was formally settled by the payment SUTTEES LAKE IS FEASIBLE PROJECT iSieiial to The Argua. ) Snlem. According to a report made by F.nglncer John S. Young to Stute ICnglueer Lewis there are between in. ono and IMH irrigable acres In the proposed S'liii.s Lake irrigation dis trict ami the project Is entirely feasi ble. Tho district is located at Grandvlew, Jefferson county, and water for It ran bo obtained from Sullies lake. Hlue lal. and Clear creek. The engineer estimates that coat of completing the project would be $517,500. Judge Llndscy on Contempt Charge. Denver, Colo. On charges of con tempt of court and connlvlug to com mil perjury, Judge Hen Lludsey of the Juvenile court waa arrested on com plaints by District Attorney Hush and Judge John l'erry. He refused to tell the court what Neal Wright, 12, sou of a womau on trial for the killing of her husband, told lilm privately Hush alleges the buy committed perjury lu In half of his mother. of $65,000 and a ucw contract was awarded to the Stan. liter. Clarkaon company of Portland to complete the construction at unit prices a little un der thoae paid the Consolidated Con tract company. At the request of Governor Johnson, of California, Governor Wlthycombe has appointed three delegatea to at ti ml the ninth unnuul coulereii of the National Tax association, to be held at San Kranclaco, August lo 14. The (Ulegates are: lit nry Heed, Aa sessor of Multnomah county, I'ort land; Charles V (iulloway, member of the tax commluslou, Salem; and F. A. Hoss, Portland. At the reiiuest of the National Top Notch Farmers' club, Oowruor Withy (ombe has announced the appoint mint of three boys from each county of Oregon as delegates to the Culver sul Corn convt ntion to be held in San Francisco, August 5 and 0. These boys have been selected upon re ommenda lion of the county superintendents of the stale because of the interest they have manifested In agricultural work, either lu school or on the farm. During the week 168 accidents, four fatal, were reported to the state in d. i trial accident commission. 114 be ing subject to the workmen's coiniien sutlon act. while 31 were from public utility corporations and 23 from firms or corporation:! not under the act. An unknown man waa killed by a train at Drain; L. K Sheppard waa killed at Falls City while logging, Iso Grznda mis, logger, was crushed to death at Marshfleld. aud Ole Olson was siml larly killed at Banks. Thirty-six of the Injured were hurt In sawmills, and 87 la construction work. WILSON'S MESSAGE (snUiv am "I PM) Washington Venustaluo Carranzu'a answer to the practical mandate which President Wilson sent to all the Mexican revolutionary leadera to get together and save the country from starvation, was made public by the stute department. The statement la regarded as a bid for recognition. Carraiua asserts that opposition to his government pradb oally has been overthrown and that nine-tenths of the population of the whole couutry la now under his au thority, lie expects, he says. In a short time to regain control of Mexico City and promises that when he docs he will convoke elections for tho selection of a national congress. The congress so elected will (hen Issue a call for the election of a president aud to the pres ident so chosen he will resign his au thority as first chief of iln- r. solution. Mcauwhile he calls upon all factions to submit to his authority. He docs not promise that he will not be a can didate for election lo the prealdency. TRACTION EMPIOES Special to the Argus) Chicago Chicago's business life, already running ut low ebb because of the prolonged carpenters', painters', lathers', aud other building trades' strikes, Is to suffer still further by a strike of all street car unions. W I) Malum, the International pres ideal, Mayor Thompson and tin puny officials were working out a aal islactory solution of the entire trouble uli.ii iln local officials took the enure mutter out of the bauds ot Million and called the strike A final eonicrenie was held In the mayors oltue Sunday night. Tin mayor summon. I th.- offlMfl of the i'hli ago local unions and laid I tin in the tentative proposition untile by the companies, which was to he .u efrect during uibilintiun. 'I he ms)or told them bluntly that this vas a fair proposition, miii .11. a h iln- press and public of Ihe illy, .mil they could take It or leave It, bui he warned them that il they would not consider tin proposition tin enllre police strength ot the city would be used to maintulli order. Bk'd BRIEF WAR NEWS An official statement from the Aus trlan war office admitted that Italian troops crossed the Isouzo, five miles northwest of Gorlti, after a threeday battle. Iu the north the Germans are mak ing a new move In the direction of Warsaw and have gained a s'leceas of some proportions on the Hawkd. , Heavy flgbliug continues lu the entire ' Baltic littoral. Ihe capture of Gradlsca by the Hal iana Is the beginning of the second stage of the lampaigu upon Trieste and la assuming the proportions of Italy's major offensive. The culmina Con of the first phase was the capture of lioufalcotie An Anglo Indian victory at Amara, on the Tigris river, in Mesopotamia, means that tin- l.arden ol I den v. ill be annexed to the British empire ut the etid of tin- war. Amara Is 1C0 miles north of the Persian gulf and 60 .niles north of Kurua. 'ihe lat: - towu, at the junction of the I l aud Euphrates, la regarded as the southern gateway Into the Garden of Edeu The greatest fleet of German sub marines assembled since the hj nlng of the war Is now opof ting arouud the Itntish Isles. In the pui.i week 48 vessels are known to h; . been sunk lu Uie "war zone'' proclaim ed by the Ocrman admiralty. Although no big forward movemaut has beeu made, the fighting Is almoat continuous along the wenieru line from the sea to i'!iuiii.uKni und iu the nei,. The British and Belgians, although they are not doing much ut tin king, are pluying un important rob In these opcraiin.ia, lor to them falls the task of holding lui - German lories on their front by tin eatc -ning an offensive- Germany in reply to the latent note of the lulled States 'concerning Iln sinking of the Bftlp William I', i'rye by the I'rinz Fltel Findi ric h d- units her right to destroy any vessel currying contraband. At the same time willing ness lo pay damages la asserted. Ret ereuce of the caec to a prize court insisted on Seamen's Act Pots Tieaties at Stake. Wushlugtou. - - 'I went., o ,. of the principal nations oi tin- . id hi.. boen uotlfli.il by the United MsU that it lot of agisting ir lie in tries biOl a u conflict with the seameu's act passed by the last con gress. EFENDS HIS POSITION ON NOTE (Special to The. Argus.) Washington format Secretary oi State Bryan denied all sllsssttou th it ho was coi .i iu slgnin) Lfj -original not - , Qsnaany, tin- l.iniitan iu . iniii,... iii i ... In to Sign the li I -i now I 01 tin1 kali, i liis i oeinineiil. In- carefully i tl. it a lu -n gl I tile IV. o nisi I .1. . ,n ..US IX pt.ntlK that the I '.iti'S would i. tips which would BULBS It easy . I lu.inv lo i ouipl) The step he desired were acciptanii of the ar bit rut liu plan; agreement to warn American caucus to keep off steam urylng munitions, aud sending a note to Great Britain protesting against her restricting the freedom of aa. He stuck to his Ideas up to Hie last, he said, ami whin tiny final ly were rejected there was nothing tor li 1 in lo do, and remain consistent, but to refuse to slgu the final note. Incidentally, Bryau confirmed the report that the latest note was modi ricd after he had tendered bis reslg nation, but he explained thai tin mod Ificntions were not suiflcieiil (Of lnm to have withdrawn his resignation The chler modification lu tin- note it uus learned, was to ..pin u loophole lor Germany in i ounce mm with tin I ... .ituuiu. As orlglnully drawn tin i. 'oiiiilcr in disposing of all QsflBM contentions that the limr waa an arm sj auxiliary cruiser, carrying inu unions Illegally and transporting OsV int. linn ri st Mints, churac leimed them as Irrevelaut At Bryan's sugg- If understood, tlieie wus finally will leu Into the BOSS the following ,iph "If the Imperial Herman govei iiuieiil BBOttM deem Itself to he hi I mincing einlencc llial Urn Bill t nils of the government ot the I int. did not perform these duties (Inspection of oe. an teumera to en fun. Hi. ir nBtSTTItlon oj n. ntrality I V, Hi Miorollghliesb. the in . I ninciil of tin ' lilted Slutes siiu i -rely hopes that it v ill subinit (hal SVsSSBOf Iff SOS slderatloii " hlla this v.ni u distinct OSMSf '"" i man.' mn.iiurh as It saved lur pi nlc i.ni lly sUtes lhal the noli- did no. t;o i.ir enough at au tune to warrant blBl signing it. Oregon Exhibit Wins Gold Medsl. Sail Fraut-isco. The Oregon luuti cultural exhibit won the gold medal at the Panama l'aciin International n position. This medal was won in competition with many of tin- states, foreign countries aud the famous Cali fornia fruit aud flowers. i i, n H i- V1MITORb Mr, I Mrs, K. B. BsroUU, of Kim were the gue.-t of Mr, and Mr.-, K. Cobs bars last l ridsy. They essst iu on liie morning train, BSViog ''ecu in Weisei visiting u lu other ..t' Mri Baiiitnll. They were old friends of the Cope's ten year.- u.'ii when both familiss Hvsd bi Ihsnsndosh, lows. ! icsh sailed ulinoiui.-i tlii week ut the "Temple of Sweets." t. (SpscfsJ to Hi LOS ; :i .- Th.. Aii. drn German wing under Qsasrsl Linsiiiirn Iihs rallieil from the sttinnlug blow struck by the HiinhIiiii counter offensive on the Dnlesler, ami a battlo of great propor tlons is now raging along the wide and marshy expanse of that crooked river. The Teutons, according to tin '.ile im-nt received here from Berlin, have elici ke,l the Hiiti'iian offetislve and line i-.-i iptiired iirawami from which tin weie driven several days ago. 'I he Hermans now control the cross lug of Hi., river at .uruwuna, it Is re polled, und the UiihkIuuh have been driven from their last positions on the I'ruttl, llukowlua having been cleared of the Invaders. General Pflanxers' iirtiiy advancing against theae defeat ed Slavs, are reported by Vienna to Iihc eflected another crossing of the Dniester eaat of tin li. lodetika. The Kusslaim admit Uie loss of Stanlslau ami the Vm.triHtis assert that their at tempt to regain the city have all met with failure. The QsfMSSS renter around Mosrls k. of in eessltyt Is waiting on tho suc cess or lallure of LlnRongen's efforts further south If the Germans can nw.ip the Kiissinns bark from their strong positions on the Dnelster, Lorn berg's fall In assured. Military critics in I'l'tronrsd. however, believe that the German's efforts on this front will meet with the same failure that their drlvo on the Hawka lines defending Warsaw did last winter. NEARING TRENT ! i Special to The Argus) Koine The Italian advance on tho Tyron Trentlno frontier has arrived within l.i unii-s of Trent In tbe BBSS lal operations against Trieste the kings troops have ussumud command of both banks of the iaouso at Bradl sca, and strong forces operatlug from this new base have occupied Sagrado along the mad to Houchl. Meanwhile iln column battering at the Montenero . s und the other Austrian strongliol Is lu the Tolmlno line, are carryiiiK out a strong offensive move ment along Ihe river as far as Tol mlno, which they are attempting to outflank. Italian artillery bombarded the for tifications ot Hunts Marlel, San Pletro, San Marco. San Lucia aud the other us defending Gors, the capital of the i rowtiland of Gors and Gradlsca .'J miles noithwest of Trieste and to miles east of the Ituliau frontier. Ostl is regarded as of great strategic tin portance. BIG WOOL SALE AT TOP PRICES (Special to The Argus.) IVmtlcinii. At prices iu advance of utivtliiio' paid in eastern Oregou this 1,000,000 pounds of wool changed hands ut I'llot Hock at tho :n. ,i lu -tie iii tlie state this spring. Tin highest price paid for course wool was M a 8 cents for the Patrick Do licit i clip and the highest for fine wool 10 M cents for the Andy Rust clip. '1 BBSS prices averuge about ten cents a pound more than paid for coarse wool last year aud five cents a pound more for fine. ADMIRAL DE R0BECK mmmwflmrMm, Wkkm Admiral de Robsck, commander ef the British fleet attempting to force the Dardanelles. I