The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 17, 1915, Image 1

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Over Seventy-five Autos to Enter Mammoth Fourth of July Parade
YOU CA T C k-TCH fish In the bctta
trough or barr imii; you mustlish u l, i.
the n ah urv Iryou woti'd '-nlch busi
ness by advertising, yon must advi
where Ux i I wA BuyeM an-, tod Hm
pi ni-c lii liml th 'in IK ill llir miliums "f Tlir
Ontario Argus. Our average circulation is
over 2.IM1U copies weekly; present edition is
one or all three vou very naturally want
to know how much you are going to get
fnr votir mnnnir That la iust plain com
fte (Btdbxtto
mon sense. So if you buy apace in a news
paper you are equally interested in knowing
in now many papers your advertisement will
appear. An advertisement placed in the On
tario Argue thia week will be printed in
2,123 copies.
NO. 21
Head 0.
President J. D. Farrell of
O. W.R. & N. and party
Look Over Route
Party Takes Special Train
from Ontario Visit
Harney Points
Many rumor or railroad extenaion
weat of Riverside, are afloat in Ontario
yoaterday and today, aa a result of the
visit of the head officials of the O. W.
K. A N. to Riveraide and Hurne. The
party came In Tueeday night from
I'ortland, and went on to Riveraide in
a special train Tueaday night. From
Uiveraide they took an auto to Burna
and Harney county poinU, leaving
Riveraide yesterday morning. Thy
are looking over the route for the ex
tenaion of the lint-.
In i he party ia J. D Farrel, presi
dent, and J. F. O'Hriew. vice -pres.dent,
both O W. R. & N. offlciala. Mr. Fiel,
aecretary of Mr. Farrel waa in the
party. Others are thought to be engin
eers, and construction men.
Whether the trip of inspection MM
that conatruction work on the exten
aion of the line will commence soon,
is not known. That the line will be ex
tended acroaa Southern Oregon has Ion
been bnown, but just how soon mt
work will be started again la in doubt.
Until thia vieit the general opinion
aeemed to be that another year wouio
pass before conatruction work would
However, the fiscal year for the rail
road company ends July lt . and it
may be prolable that new funda will
be available for conatruction during
the next flacal year, and that work
may start soon after July lat.
. a
Dad" Brown, of the Jackaon Hole
country In Wyoming, arrived in town
last Thuraday with a atring of Bel
Knu brood marea. He ia an old horse
breeder of that country and expect
to buy a ranch here and go into tin
colt raising business quite extensive
ly. He has five extra good Belgiai.
marcs und several young colts, and
aa he understands the business thor
oughly, there ia no reason why he
ahould not succeed in this best of
Mrs. J. Rigby and Mrs. Bruce Kes
ter, prominent members of the Civic
Improvement Club of Vale, were On
tario visitors last Monday in the in
terest of the Better Babies Contest
to be held in Vale the tirbt week in
This will be the second '' -""
t..i tha first one which was held last
year being a great success. 126 ba
bies were entered and the highest
score of ninty seven and a half was
made by Clyde E. Lockett, the ten
months old son of Lee Lockett of Bro
gen. A great deal of interest is being
taken throughout the county iu tha
contest for this year and no doubt
W. R. k N. Officials Visit BurnsiVlay Mean
Twelve members of the Eastern Star
Lodge motored to Payette Tueaday
evening and were the guests of the
Payette Lodge. A candidate waa in
itiated and all report that they have
never seen the Floral work put on
in such a credible way. A social hour fol
lowed Initiation and an elaborate ban
quet waa served. Thoee who attended
were: Dr and Mra Printing, Mr ana
Mrs Andy Lackey, Mias Billingaly. Mra
E. O. Bailey, Mr and Mra Van Patten,
Mr Newton, Mrltaonand MraPuraell.
The safe of the Caah Grain Company
waa blown open early yeatarday morn
ing by robbera, who secured nothing
for their work. A abort time before
the Caah Grain Company robbery, an
attempt waa made to enter the store ol
the Malheur Mercantile Company, but
the robbers were frightened away by
the approach of night marshal Walter
Burgeaa, and did not effect an entry.
Mr. Burgeaa noticed an attempt had
been made to enter the door, and bolta
holding It were badly bent.
A abort time later the aafe at the
office of the Caah Grain Company, near
the freight houee. waa blown open
with a loud aport. and the door waa
blown completely off. The noise of the
explosion was heard on Main atraet,
and Inveatlgation disclosed the work of
the robbera, but the men were gone.
The aafe contained no money, and waa
used principally aa a repoaitory for the
booka and private papera of the com
pany. These were not disturbed.
The work is evidently that of experi
anced aafe blowera, and Marahal Ker
footthinke that acme real yegg-men
have viaited the city. Recent robber
Isa In Maker, leads the authorities to
believe that the aame gang haa vieitad
Ontario. Twelve arrests were maue
early yesterday morning, and the eus-
oecls are being held in the city jail, but
no evidence againat any ol them haa yet
been found.
A number of questionable looking
hoboes have infested the city recently,
snd the robbery yesterday morning will
lead to a cleaning out of these charac-
t. lulu, hsve bean iriven orders to
move on.
Vale, Ore., June 5, I0OJM Special
to the Argus.) rauune oiuuigBiBy
and Eva Vanderhoof tiled on home
steads here today. Tha land ia sit-
uated above Weatfall. Miss Billings-
ley ia an Ontario girl and Miss Van-
Jerhoof, formerly of Ontario, livee
with her parent on a farm near here.
The Knights of Pythias are plan
ing a big time here on the 28th of
June, when the Vale lodge will be
their guests. About thirty members
of the Vale lodge have signified their
intention of coming down in machines.
Four Ontario candidates, C. C.
Sweigart, Paul V. Campbell, J. F.
Doty, and A. W. Athey will take their
third deirree work and from all re
ports the goat will be feeling good
and will be a hard one to control.
After lodge work a banquet will be
.d and a aoctel hour enjoyed
Larue Blackaby returned Monday
from Eugene where ha has been at
tending the University.
large increase over last year in tha
number of entries will be made.
County Agriculturist Goes
to View Ten Acres
Land Offered for Use of
County Expert in Mak
ing Demonstrations
The Willow River Lund and Irriga
tion Co., through tljoir foreman, Ivan
Oakes, of Brognn. has notified boun
ty Agriculturist W. W. Howard thut
they are willing to turn over a ten
acre tract of their land near Jamie
aon to be farmed under hia direction
for experimental, purposes. It ia not
known what action has been taken on
this but W. W. Howurd is in that vi
cinity now and a report will be made
upon his return. The men huving the
agricultural interests of the state at
heart have been urging the furmers
throughout the state to devote a few
acres of their farm each year to ex
perimental work under the direction
of a county agriculturalist and no
doubt wonderful results can be ob
tained if a number co-operate in this
A great deal of interest has boen
aroused in the Tenuis Tournament,
which la being planned by the Oregon
Club for the 4th and 6th of July.
While the final arrangements have not
been made it is planned that elimina
lion games will be pluyed at euch of
the towns participating and four play
era selected to come to Ontario.
The Oregon Club courts will be used
and preliminaries played off on the
fourth of July, leaving the finals for
the 6th of July, the day of our big cel
ebration. The players huven t been
selected from here but it is likely that
R. W. Swagler, Dr. Payne, Lee Cock-
rum and Harry Cockrum will be the
News received thia week from Jor
dan Valley stales that Tom Kohout
haa aold hia Ford car and purchased a
new Overland. Mr. Kohout haa also
taken the agency for the Overland
car down there. It is reported that u
number of cars have come through
Jordan Valley enroute to the Exposi
Brice. the son of Rev. and Mra. D.
E. Baker, left Thuraday evening for
Washington where he will spend the
summer with his sister on a wneai
farm near Ritzville. Mrs. Baker will
to in i few days to Eugene, to care
for the dauirhter-in-law for a few
weeks who has been in the hospital for
neariy three months.
Mrs. E. H. Test and Mrs. Harry
Anderson accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
t Charley Anderson and
son home to
. . . .. . . ,.
Boise last Friday and spent me wee-
end with them. They Returned ... a
machine Sunday evening.
Dr. R. O. Payne, of this city, has
iust purchased a new Wisconsin mo
tor two horse power and plans to
use it on his boat at the Payette lakes
Governor Withycombe hns announc
ed the appointment of three hoys from
each county in Oregon ns delegates to
the Universal Corn Convention which
will lie held in San Francisco August
,r and 6. These boya have been select
ed on the recommendations of the va
rious county school superintendents
because of the interest they have man
ifested in agricultural work either in
school or on the farm.
The following boys have been se
lected from Malheur county: Pulmer
Trow, Ontario; Clyde Ellis, Vale, ll
ward Anderson, Payette, Idaho.
A radical change haa been made this
week in the lineup of the Ontario ball
team, and practically the entire in-llekl
haa been changed about. Darnell, who
held down first baae, nas been released,
and Coiwl haa been shifted from short
to fill hia position. Chapman has been
-dominil from second to thml liHhe. Al
shire from third to short stop, and Na-
deau from center field to second. Hig-
gins will now take a regular position in
the right garden.
The change was made the first of the
week, and at practice the last two
evenings, the new lineup has worked
fine. Much interest ia centered in the
Aral game with tha new lineup, how
ever, which cornea here Sunday with
Boise. Fans are ' wondering whether
the new change wjU work out so suc
cessfully aa the dkiiine up.
Ontario lost the game in Caldwell
last Sunday by a score of 5 to H thus
allowing Nampa to alip into first place
in the percentage column, and loaving
Ontario and Caldwell tied for second
The new Pentecostal (hunh of the
Nasarene waa dedicated last Sunday
with fitting and impressive ejfftcj
The Rev. Harry Hays, District tag,
of Nampa, was preaent and assisted
the local pastor, C. C. Babbidgo, with
the aervices. Mil was raised to leu
the indebtedness of the church.
Baker City, Ore., June 11. (Spec
ial to the Argua.) John S. Allen, of
Weatfall, and Mias Belva Joyce, cj
Unity, were married at noon today ut
the Episcopal rectory by Rev. Owen
F. Jones, D. D. They will make then
home in Weatfall.
The annual school election will be
held next monday at which time a clerk
and one director whose term will be
three years will be elected. Mr. Rader
term as director expires this year.
Dean Goodman and wife, of Juntu
ra, came in Monday evening and re
turned Tuesday.
j. w. Mcculloch home.
J. W. McCulloch arrived home Sun
day from Portland where he has spent
several weeks. Mr. McCulloch is mcch
improved in health.
Mra. L. Adam, daughter Ren a and
son Richard left last Thursday
ing for Portland to alien. 1 Ik
muiiuler ol tne itose reauvui ami a
. - - ....
! le Inter will go on to the Expos,
tion at Frisco.
The Tuesday Bridge Club met at the
home of Mra Chas. Emison this
Mrs Geo. Kellog-wou high honors. Mrs
Eraser Will be the next hostess.
Prof. E. A. Bailey is in Portland this
week attending Masonic grand lodge.
Sheep Men Secure Tract
from Eastern Oregon
I.: i ml Company
With Free Range (lone
Owners Secure Other
The Eastern Oregon'o. reports
a greater demand for grazing land in
Northern Malheur county than ever he
fore. Many thousands of acres have
been leased this year for thu Hist time.
Several new tenants have appeared and
many of the old tenants have largely
increased their lease-holdings during
the present season. Among others the
Malheur Livestock and Land Company
have increased their holdings to 80.000
acres. Tom Tumhull has added 11,500
acres, making a total of 11000 acres;
Morrow & Hampton have ineroa.d
their holdings to slsail 11,000 acres.
The situation as to g raxing lands has
been undergoing a constant change for
many years. The old-timers tell of the
day when the hills hack of Ontario
were covered with i.uueii grass, sun
suppott d thousands of cattle. Now
there is but very little feed of any kind
on the nearer hil's and practically no
hunch grass. This has la-en brought
about by overgrazing these lands year
after year, in addition to the Oregon
sheep that have grazed these lands,
many thousands of Idaho sheep come
into Oregon every year, andgoine ejvejf
the lands right up toil . Imcst Reserve
graze so close that the grass cannot r
cover for several years. It is largely
due to this fact that shocp und cattle
men are ui tly beginning to gain con
trol by purchase or term lease of a
hody of grazing lund on which they can
Thco. Moore, soil of L. H. Moon ..t
this city is expected this week Iron.
I'ortland where he has been attending
Reed College. He was a freshman this
Mra. Blakvslev. of Payette, has been
i .-moved to her home.
l-onc-l Jones, of Jiintura, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jones, who re--;iit
ly underwent an opeiatioo in the Hos
pital, lias gone home.
Frank Jones, of Wuatfull, Is
ering nicely from a recent operation.
Donald Mil.eod a piomiueul sheep
man of Weatfall, is slowly recovering.
Mrs. Rutherford, who has been con
fined to the Hospital for some time
with spotted fever, is convalescing.
Mrs. Rutherford is from Ironside.
Little Jimmy Hi ool . . ihe son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bio.-k. of thi .
city, who recently underwent two op
SratloM for intestinal trouble, has
sufficiently recovered to ! moved
Edward Poorman. th'- U year old
son of Mr.
is recov :i.i ' i i "'
aoDen. : ili orated last week.
Jam-- Scotti ul Payette, wl
cently underwent an operation for
appandkitil is convalescing.
lira, Kenkle and little son have gone
home to New Plymouth.
N. G. Sullens hud a slight operation
on his face last Tliaarlat morning. He
left the Hospital two days later.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson and children
spent Sunday m New Plymouth, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schmidt.
Two men, representatives of the
Adam and Parker horse company , well
Known in this t.cintry. art in town
this week BRTflllg BOf I liich will
l hipped to the St. Iaiui h rse mar
kets. They expect to pick up nhnu! ten
carloads in this country, three from
here and the remainder from the coun
try around Cnldwcll. The horses are
mixed stuff, containing everything
from light drivers to draft horses.
They repoi I that they have found some
very good horses in this district.
Ojiict the prettiest wedding New Ply
mouth people have witnessed for some
time was that of Misa Marllla llanni
gau and Arthur AcVerman which was
solemnised at St Alnyauis church Tues
day morning June the Hth. Quantities
of asparagus fern, M-onies of brilliant
i olors and rose decorated the church,
which was crowded to the doors with
relatives and friends of the young con
pic Esther Noland officiated.
The attractive young bride wore a
simple made gown of white
silk, slightly caught in drap
with pins rosebuds. A beautiful veil
held in place !y a semi-wreath of flare
beads and white rosebuds completed
ili- dainty iimlume. She carried n
homeii-t of while roses. The
m ud of honor Miss Julia llanulgan was
charming in a pale green messallul
with chiffon sleeves and handsome
l:e a, which embellished the waist.
Arthur Ackerman, bltthai ofthagfOOOl
. Im-sI mini.
A suinptlous wedding breakfast at
Lthe home of Mr. und Mrs. .1. II lla.i
followed the church eeicmoiiy. at
Which covers Were laid lol tleit live.
The bride's table was tly al
ivi in its appointments and c. ii M,..
out u color scheme of pink and while.
A huge wedding cuke, graced the cent
it of the tul.le.
A reception to w lui h nearly u liim
-lii I were bidden was held at tin home
of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ackertnan in
the evening. The spacious nswg aisl
porch were decorated lavishly with
ios -, blooming plants and gieenery.
A I piece orchestra furnished musii
during the entire evening Cooling ro
ll . -iiincnts were served humor
huh talk was given by P. M. S.uock be
forc tin d p.iriun- oi it..
Tha wedding gifls filled one long
table and Mlbraeed t'"'1
en -id Mis..ibly In- iU ii. -d by a young
bride, Chief among the many l.cauti
ful presents was a line velvet I ug and
i which was the gift 0
New Plymouth business men.
bi Ule has grown lo womanhood
In New Plymouth and soon gftej
finishing, hai education taught in the
public school there. Mr. A. ! nnan bus
I,. , n connected with lb. WhitC Hard
ware coinany for Ml W and
haa n boat pf warm frianda, Mr. and
Mrs Ackermun have gone lo hoUSe-
keeplilg on Plymouth A.enue and after
July Ut will be at home to th. ir many
v . alii . I, , I- in per
:'. w inn .1. . I'uiin
ising gs oline to l
' amount is poured
ii iel hole and then tno nolo
i made air tig) '"'' 1 UtRi lM
i i-l Will oe louim ue. in, iitciiumv
I i . .-, who recently
led from a trip lo his farm near
thai the foreman on
-m has need this method effect-
i i it la m
I that an autoinol.ile owi . a hOCS lo the exhuust on his
, and put the RSMB in a squirrel
I . : .cry siioitly squilnU came
out el holes for several feot uround
and were killed.
All Committees in Working
Order for the Big
Indirationa for the Record
Breaking Event Were
Never Better
Ontario has always had the reputa
tion of xhowlng its visitors a genuine
good time when a celebration ia held
here und this year will be no ecep
M..N to the rule, in fact, the celebra
tion which will be held here on the
Mi of July will far surpass any ev-
Taffotaler held here or In this part or tno
, ,,,,,, lute In etofore. Nev.-i before huve
' . . men on committees work
ed ao diligently and harmoniously for
an affair of this kind.
The Parade committee report results
far past their expectations. So far
owners of 75 automobiles have aigni
! lfivP AWio.w)ll be In. Be
pamde and 100 oats will be In. Be
ginning with this feature In the fore
noon ivciy horn will bring a new at
1 1 action. A record lueuking crowd
is expected at the bull game In the
afternoon hetweeen Nampa and Outs
it hi been proven that these teams
me more evenly mulched than any
-il.-i in the league and Nampa has
esiui.ii-i.eil lo bring KOO fans with
tin m.
The Tennis Tournament, the baby
c.uiiugo parade, eugenic contest and
i.i. e following the ball game will
keep all interested until the fireworks
is pulled off in the evening. The fol
lowing pne hive been offered by
the purude committee:
Decorated autos, f, $3, $2.
Double driving rig, $2.60, fl.60.
Single driving rig, $2, $1.
Gran ; ' Boat, 7..r.O, $f.
Sunday S. hool, Of, $:i, S2.
I'aimeis' lloat, (4.60, $3, $1.60.
Ilo, , and girls horseback, $2.60,
I. ..ii
Me, chant ' (lout, $7.60, $6, $2.60.
i .iii driver, clown, $2.60. parade, $3, $2.
Hieyele hoys and girls, $1.50, $1.
With the addition of new equip
ment installed this past week in Wil
son Bros.1 Grocery Ontario can boast
of one of the most modern grocery
U) be found ill the state.
A new retiinerator counter 12 feet
long ha been put in und they are now to handle all kinds of lunch
eon goods as well us the usual staple
during the hottest summer wea
ther. U. S. Slicing machine hus
I,, en a-!. ic.l which will slice from one
fifty se. ond of an inch to one half an
inch. This i.s being used for summer
s.ui age, dried beef, ham, bacon anil
etc. It will be particularly useful to
lice bread for sandwiches.
I' . i agate J. K. Gregg returned
from Portland Sunduy noon where he
ha bean attending the Poetnuntei
Convention. Mr. Gregg reports that
the po, I musters held a very success
ful meeting and that they were roy
ally entertained duni: ihe Kose Kes-livul.