The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 10, 1915, Page FOUR, Image 4

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We have Corona
Fred Koln-rl.- on. of DreWI ) . I
L Ontario Inst week.
sheriff iti'ii Brown was down froBi
Vnlc Toaaday "t la ' at
M. F. Morton, of Numpii. mi
In i .
R. V. Iliirltiml, of Troy, Uaho,
nn Onturio visitor IbhI week.
llriiHs llyrd. of .luntuni, was nn On
Inrio vi- it . . i- I or day.
I. Dol- . of fall, wan in
i on liusinesH last wc-k.
Mr. ami Mm. Will Shimp were down
from I- ri-ncli, Idaho, Sunday.
A jrirl was liorn to Mr.
O. .1. Leuhrs last Thursday.
and Mi
W. P. Morey, of Nyssa, spent Sat
urday in Ontario,
Arthur Van Sicklin,
here last Saturday.
if Weiser, was
June Shiilni, of Drewsey, was
Ontario visitor Saturday.
J. P. Gray, of Buhl, Idaho, was in
Ontario Sunday.
Prank lim and wifi-. of .Ionian
Viill-y. i pen I Sunday in Ontario
II Han on. of Twin Falls, wus Inn
Sunday. 1
D. II. Iliuwning,
was here Sunday.
ol kgV Idaho,
It. B. Wood made u huHinex trip to
i...., i ... i....
.1 -in i n .i i i in. i
Claude Probst, uf Junlurii. made a
buainaoa trip to Boise last week.
White Dresses
iTou will flnd a now variety of the very latest models
at Lampkins, The price is small.
White Tailored Wash Skirts $1.50 to $2.25
White Dresses, Beautiful . . .
. . . Cloths $4.98 to $7.00
Shirt Waists, all the . .
. . New Models 75c to $3.00
Ladies $,'.50 Patent Pomps . $2.85
$4.00 Fancy Pomps . $3.15
$2.75 Strap Slippers . . $2.25
Shoes Are Cheap
fond River, Oregon,
Wc used "Corona Dry" exclusively in our orchards, comprising some
three hundred acres. It gave the best satisfaction of any lead wehave ever used.
North Pacific Fruit Distributors
Dry in 1, 5, 10,
A. I . (uikrnm went to Riverside
Friday to attend the wool sale at that
l rank Hill. John Hill and Ira Grif
of Hurley, Idaho, were Ontario
i ton laal Sunday,
T. 1 1. Goodhue, representative for
I ho Palmer Lumber company, of La
dr. 'Hide, was in town lust Friday.
Prank Cummins, the well known
IMOf man of Westfall, wan un On
tario visitor Friday.
Dan Hart and wife, of Westfall,
. -re le-rc lust Thursday on their way
in Porllnnd.
.Mi . I rank Keador, of Prairie, is
vlaltlng with her sister, Mrs. Dalton
HiKtf". this week.
Miss l.unora Reason, of Boise, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones
in this city.
Mrs. W. A. Robertaon and daughter,
of Drewsey, were Ontario visitors
I lllll d.l.
('. P.. Ki nyiiii and wife and Miss
Bi-ssii- llii-ks came up from Weiser to
spend Sunday in Ontario.
Eogaaa Brasie, ('has. Craser, L.
Coleman and Wm. Htoohr, of Boise,
motorist over last Thursday.
'. T. Rili-y and wife, of Drewsey,
were here last Tuesday. Mrs. Riley
wus on h-r way to Portland.
Mrs. I. P. Mart. Mrs. Ina Pfeiffer
and Anna Wukerlig, of Westfall, were
in Ontario shopping last Thursday.
Hurry, the seven year old son of
Mr. and Mrs, II. L. Poormun, wus op-
crated . for appendicitis, Monday,
'i Itriui Bigtcs und Mrs. Frunk
'Reader left for Portland to attend the
. i. tival, Sunday. They expect
Shirt Waist, Palm Beach
and Wash Skirts are the
Correct Things for the Hot
bT.sbbV.sssT., ML bbT sbbbbbbbbV eaW jbW M W AM
irr. riiMTwm
- a
50 and 100
,o be jrone three days.
John Heathcote returned to his
home at Drewsey Friday after attend
intr the ( 'nlli-i'i- of Idaho for the past
Miss Lillian McDonald, of La
Grande, who has heen he guest of her
cousin, Mrs. W. C. Marsh, returned
home Monday evening.
R. W. Gardner and wife have had
as their guests for two weeks Mrs.
Gardner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Robinson and her sister Mrs. Mann.
Profiting by last year's experience,
the Eastern Oregon Land company
are now engaged in fencing section
M5 west of Nyssa with rabbit wire.
Otto Meek, Grant Hostetler, Olen
Knight and Jim Anson, all of Miles
City, Montana, passed through here
last Thursday on their way to Jun
tura to buy horses.
Wm. Jones, of Juntura, the well
known stock man, was here last Sat
urday with his son who underwent an
operation in the Holy Rosary Hospi
tal. II. B. Logan, of the Eastern Oregon
Land compuny, left for Baker Monday
in his auto. From Baker he will go
to Unity and Ironside looking after
the atfairs of the company.
Karl and Frank Weaver have gone
to Cow Valley to work their ranch
there. They have also leased 100
acres rrnm the Eastern land com
pany which they are now fencing.
Mrs. Smith Crane, from Indiana,
arrived in Ontario Saturday with her
four small children to join her hus
band who has been in this locality
buying horses. Thev. aspect to make
their home in Malhees county.
A. L. Cockrum and family went on
a camping trip to the Willow Creek
lb. kegs
country last week. While there they
succeeeded in catching about 150 nice
trout. The mad were ideal and all
report a very nice trip.
Miss Leona Rader returned home
Sunday morning from Menominee,
Wisconsin, where she has been a stu
dent at the Stout Institute for the
past year. Miss Rader is taking a
special course in Domestic Science and
Domestic Art.
Will Peutz, of Owyhee, and Thos.
Hartung, a cattle man of Payette,
have closed a lease from the East
ern Oregon Land company of approx
imately 70 acre of alfalfa and 700
acres of pasture. The pasture land
is at the miuh of the Owyhee and in
cludes several small islands. Mr. Har
tung expects to bring in several car
loads of registered cattle from the
East and it is probable that at least
part of these will be put in this pas
For rant
age. J. G.
Neat 4 room furnished cott
Stanles. Wm. McBratney, Undertaker and
Kmbalmer, best of service. Licensed
in Idaho and Oregon. Calls promptly
attended day or night.
POR RENT Residence formerly
occupied by Dr. Weese. V. B. Staple,
Vale, Oregon. tf
Baby buggies at McBratney 's Purni
ture Stora.
To trade GoikJ residence proierty in
a fin Idaho town for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 83H, Ontario
Oregon. I tf
New gasolene engine and Pump jack
for sale cheap at McBratneye Form
ture Store.
FOR SALE Two McCormick Bind
ers in good condition. Both six foot
cut At C. W. Mullen ranch, phone
20K4. "On this ranch we take care
of our machinery." 2Stf
Order your aster plants and chrys
anthemum plants from the Ontario
Floral Co. Headquarters Argus office.
Phone 49 J.
Sowing machine needles and
McRratney's Furniture Store
oil at
FOR SALE Cheap. Good young
stallion of Belgian breed. Also some
mares. Address box 457. Ontario. tf
We specialise iu making
cream, also mint wafers any
sired. Temple of Sweets.
FOR RENT Nice new bungalow
for rent or sale on easy terms. On
tario Laundry. tf
try our fresh candy, also ice cream
made daily at the Temple of Sweets
'It wins Its favor by it flavor."
The proof of the pudding is in the
eating, not in chewing the string. See
Cope" the only Practical man; bet
ter work for less money; Tailoring,
Cleaning, Pressing. 20-2t
Only $1.25 for the following col
lection of bedding plants: 1 double
sweet alUyum. 4 sters, 4 verbenias,
1 snap pink dragons, 2 lobelias, 2 bal
soms. 1 moon vine, 2 double petunias,
2 dahlias, 0 Steels mastodon punaies.
Ontario Floral Co.
WANTED A teacher during the
summer months, June, July and Au
gust, to teach high school subjects,
one pupil, on a ranch. Applicants ad
dress Box 63, R. F. D.. Ontario, Ore
gon. Stpd.
June V. 10, 11, 12, and 13 via Oregon
Short Line for Y. M. and Y. If. L A.
Convention. Limit, Juue 26th. See
Agents for rates.
When you want pansy plants call
the Ontario Floral company. Head
quarters at the Argus office, tele
phono 4'. J
The Rexall
(Special to The Argus.)
Hood River. H. J. Davidson, presl
dent of the Fruit Shlppon." council,
employed by Hood River and White
Salmon districts to market the straw
berry crop this aeason, made a record
breaking sale of strawberries, selllni
0 cars to W. A. White, for C. H. Rob
inson company of Grand Forks, N. D .
Involving over $80,000 f. o. b.
The sale will Ineludo all car ship
mints from date from Hood lllvcr and
White Salmon valleys. Thla Is tho
largest and best sale of strawberries
made In the history of the business In
Hood River.
(Special to The Argus.)
Washington. The army transport
Buford and Kllpatrlck, now at Oalvea
tou, will bo sent to Vera ('rut to bring
baek American and other torelgn ref
ugecs reachliiK that port from Mexico
City on tho trains now being arranged.
Under British auspices efforts will
Im made to take parties of foreigner
by horseback and automobile from
Mexico City to I'acbuca, from which
place there Is railroad communication
with Vera Crut.
The American Red Cross will din
patch a shipment of medical supplies
to the American, Spanish and French
hosgls In Mexico City via Vera Crux
and send two more carloads of relief.
Supplies to Muni- i-
(Special to The Argus)
Washington Tho "honor" system
at the Annapolis Navy Academy is on
trial. Three mldshtpuieu'e expulsion
and an Inquiry Into alleged mlseou
duct In examinations of more than 100
others, Including members of -the grad
uatlug claaa, were ordered by Presl
dent Wilson and Secretary of .the Navy
Tho annual examination "cribbing
scandal " was declared by Secretary
Daniels to bo the most widespread in
the history of the academy. Members
of all classes are Invohed. Monday a
complete board of Inquiry begun au
Investigation which may cause whole
sale dismissal of cadets.
Of the three dismissed, one tried to
bribe a mechanic to secure examlna
tlon papers; two broke into a msthc
mattes professor's room to learn their
marks In examinations already taken
It la charged that dosens of cadets
had complete or partial copies of ex
amlnatiou questions to be asked.
(Special to the Argus)
London. Reuters correspondent at
Hue hares t telegraphs that a great
I. -in. lustration was held there Sunday
In favor of intervention by Koumaaia
in the war In support of the allies.
About 30.000 persons marched with
flags flying and bugles sounding, to
the Italian legation, where speeches
were delivered eulogising Italy.
Later partlaans of Alexander Mar
ghilomaa. the conservative leader, to
gether with socialists, organised a
counter demonstration.
At a meeting of the executive com
luiiice ot the cousertative party, the
attitude of M Margbilouaa In favor
of Uerntauy, waa dlscussod. After a
debate the majority condemned the
leadership of the party. M. Margnilo
uin thereupon left the meeting, ae
cooinauied by his supporters
Pharmacy I
(Special to The Argus. )
Salem. A statement Issued by the
Industrial Accident commission shows
that there la a total of 9337.561.1S
available for the payment of accident
claims. This Includes i:ih,i.! set
aside as a pension fund.
The total cost of the administration
during the existence of the commls
alon the past 19 months, Is given as
160,653.06. Tho total sum paid In dur
lng the 11 montha the commission haa
been paying accident claims was
1572,971.83. To this sum the work
men contributed $71.68.84. and the
benefits received by them totaled
$374,229.47. The employers contribut
ed $410,929.27 and the total contribut
ed hy the lUti waa $90,36I.XL
The total number of accidents con
aldrred waa 4064, and of thla number
69 proved fatal. During May there
were 891 accidents reported to the
(Special to The Argus.)
Rome Three hundred thousand
Italian troops have been massed
i .inn t tho Austrian defense on the
left bank of tin- Isonso. Two hundred
thousand Auatrtans. It is estimated
here, aru attacking the hostile works.
Thu battle is raging with extreme vio
The main Italian attack is being
pressed on the far slopes of Monte
vero snd the neighboring Austrlsar
tlllery positions. These commend rne
approaches to Tolmlno, generally con
sidered the key to the gateway of Tri
este. Upon this battle largely depega
the fate of tho whole Isouso campaign
of the Italians
Meanwhile on the Tyroleau front
tho Italians are making slow bul
steady progress in the direction of Ho
vereto, which guards Trent along the
Adlge valley.
Scattered reports fretu the front
and from the coast tell ot develop
ments which Indicate that Italy la loa
ing no time In her aggreaatve cam
paign. Already the military authori
ties have confiscated under the pro
visions of the royal decree 67 Austrian
and German steamships with a total
of 1 16.770 tons.
Up town Agency at Everhardt's.
Free delivery to all parts of the city.
Auto delivery to Fruitland, NewPly mouth, Nysa,
Parma and Interborough Points.
Return postage paid on bundles over 50c to any
part of the United States extra charge to Canada.
iUR tea is line, all
of it We carry
various kinds, and it is
all good. You will not
make a mistake if you
try us on tea. Don't
buy a cheap grade tea.
It's bad for you. Better not drink it at all. But
our tea is all high grade, perfectly pure and
beneficial. Try our coffee tooi It is splendid.
IbbV BBim. -Tfc- - V A
jtr ...: .i.-vc
(Special to The Argus.)
Portland. Conservatives In the
ranks of the Oermancpoaking cltlxons
of Oregon represent the majority sen-
5 I tlment In their stand on the position
of the United States In the present
European conflict. Delegates repre
senting 30,000 members of the Con
federated Oerman-SpeaklnK Societies
of Oregon, met In ninth annual con
vention in Portland Sunday ond adopt
ed resilutlons expressing loyalty to
thla country, bul openly dlsseutlng
from the president and his secretary
of state on Issues arising from Inci
dents which now have become matters
of history.
The convention particularly dissent
ed from the decision of the president
and the secretary of state In the mat
ter of exporting arms and ammunition
to belligerent nations.
The convention formally declared a
purpose to support the national gov
ernment In Its foreign relatione; that
It waa unalterably opposed to the
United States becoming Involved in
war with any of the European belllg
srenta; declared Its "sympathy'' with
the Oermen cause and urged that the
Amorlcans aid or abet In no way tho
conflict and bloodshed, and maintain
ed a right to voice their sentiments.
(Special to The Argus.)
Roseburg. By a vote of G6." to 7
tho people of Roseburg authorized the
Issuance of bonds In the sum cf Mtt
000. with which to aid Kendall Uros..
of Ptttaburg, Pa. to construct a rail
road from Roseburg to the line of the
Cascade national forest reserve on tho
North Umpqua river, and erect a mod
ern sawmill In this city
With the bonds authorised the work
of obtaining the necessary rights of
way and mlllslte began Immediately,
and It la expected that actual con
struction work ou the railroad will be
In progress within 10 days. The rail
road will be 80 miles In length snd
will represent au expenditure of about
.1 i ..
(Specialto The ArruO
London. A Zeppelin raided the east
coast of England Suuday night, drop
ping Incendiary and explosive bombs
Five persons were klllod and 40 la
lured, an official atatemout announce 1
here. Two fires were caused by bombs
dropped by the hostile '"-nrt
This grocery store aims
to sell things first cla;3
at low prices. The fact
that our many customers
are satisfied Droves
that we are doing it.
re At i ,1