niuri v$m. VOLUME XIX THE ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1915 NO. 2H mmt WOULD CLAIM SOW 5000 ACRES Mammoth Drainage Dis trict Being Sought Lands West of Nyssa DRAIN INTO THE SNAKE RIVER Large Body of Land Will Be Made Valuable by Proper Drainage A movement is now on foot which, when complete!, will provide for the drainage of approximately five thou sand acre of land wit tint ) in the vi cinity of Nyssa. The movement is headed by Fred J. Kiesel of that din in, i. who is circulatlnK a petition which will be presented to the county court at the coming session. The Ore i .hi Htate law provideH that "when the owner of more than half the acreage of any body of and susceptible to one system of drainage desire to drain and protect aame from overflow, they muy prenent to the county court in which the greater portion of the Inn. I are situated a petition aetting forth that they deaire to drain and protect urn from overflow, and con turning a deacription of the lund, num ber of arrea, the name thereof, tht number of arrea in oach tract and a deacription of name; the namea of the owners, and muat appoint three per aona to act ns truatees to hold oflset for oneyear. The petition muat bt verified by the affidavit of one of tht owners, and a copy of aaid petitiot muat be published in a cwuiity new paper for the four weeks precedini the hearing of the petition." It will then be neceaaary for tht land ownera to hold a meeting to elect otNcera, to form a wet of bylaws and to attend to various other buai neaa. The court will appoint three diaintereated taxpayer to act M m.w.i ..f the district and to aaaeaa the benetita derived from the irriga tion project. This assessment will act as u lien against the district and muat be paid aa the regular taxea are paid. The diatrict includea all land under the Owyhee ditch from a mile north of the townahip line to the Emerson waate away. It will coat approxi malely fifteen dollara per acre to id .tin the land. Thia, however, will drain off all the alkali now in the laitd ami will prevent the depositing of any more. COCKKUMS TO FAIR. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cockrum and aona and Arthur, are planing a trip to the San Francisco fair, over land in their car. They plan to leave Ontario about the middle of July. They have their car thoroughly e.piipp ed with a camping outfit. They made a trip up Willow Creek for a couple of days last week to teat out their camp ing facilities and find that they have quite a complete outfit on their car. GEORGE 1 1 AIM i MAN GRADUATES. George Hardman, the oldeat aon of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. liardman, of Ont ario, received hia diploma from the Oregon Agricultural College laat Tues day evening with the largeat class ever graduated from that inatitution. Two hundretl and forty-nine studenta were graduated. George Hardman took the agricultural courae and ffniahed hia work laat aemcater and accepted a po sition with a crew that haa been doing aome experimental work in irrigating near Hainea. He re turned to Corvallis for graduation, ami after a ahort viait here with hia parcnta, will return to Hainea to reaume hia work. MINISTERS ARE CONING NEXT YEAR The fourth annual meeting of the Idaho-Oregon Diatrict of the Pente costal Church of tii' N.iarene will be held at thia place next year during the latter part of May. The third annual meeting was held at Nnntpa thia year at which tune Reverend C. C. linliliitlge. the newly appointed minister of this place, auc ceeded in securing the meeting for Ontario noxt your. It ia expocted that more than 200 delegates will be present, besides the people from our local church, from which quite a num ber are expocted to be present, as the congregation is growing rapidly. NEW LINE TO HAKE MORE TRAFFIC North And South Railroad Will Increase Railway Business Here CONNECT WINNEMUCCA LINE Would Give Hill Lines long Coveted Rail Connec tion With 'Frisco W00DR0W WILSON ,-'- il Will - "H mff ' '-. H H ttSr 4 Maaas4a.;H WfM JrfflK u s kI LOCAL BANKER IS MARRIED IN EAST HOSPITAL NOTES. Mr. and Mia. Kenkle, of New Ply mouth, are the proud parents of a baby boy, who was born at the hos pital last Thursday. Mr. 11. K. Brown returned to the hospital last Tuesday after a three weeks' atay with hia brother and aon. Mr. F. Jones, aon of Win. Junes of Juntura, was brought to the hospi tal Thursday evening und operated on Friday morning for appendicitis. Mra. Jones ia staying with him at the hos pital. Mr. Frank Kohler has recovered and left the hospital last Thursday. Miss May Rutherford, from Iron side, is at the hospital suffering from spotted fever. Mrs. C. Purdy, from Big Bend, wa a patient at the hospital lust week. Little Edward Poorman was rushed to the hospital Monday morning and operated on for a ruptured appendix Hia mother will remain with him at the hospital. Mr. G. Scott, who haa been suffer ing with repeated a Hacks of appendi citis, was brought to the hospital last Friday and hod an operation. Little Jimmie Brooke, who was thought to be improving, waa removed to his home Sunday last but a severe change aroae Monday which was the cause of hia return for a second aper ation. Mr. W. Jones, of Juntura, was up visiting his aon thia week. Mrs. Blakealey ia improving and will soon tie able to leave the hospital. News haa been received in thia city if the marriage of Mias Alma Mich-.-Ison und J. R. Illackaliy at Ml. Hor li, Wisconsin, last Saturday, June fifth. Miss Michelson has many friends lere, having taught in the public chool here about seven years ago. Later she taught in the Boise schools jeing called home to Mt. Horeb laat all by the death of her father. J. R. Blackaby ia a well known anker of this city. The wedding was t tuiet affair und they started west ntmediately, over the Canadian Pac ific, and after u trip through Culifor liu anil at the Kan will be at home .. their friends in this city ubout July 15th. Mi. and Mra. F. F. Foster, of Loup City, Nebraska, arrived in Ontario Sunday to viait a few weeka with then on, Frank Foster. GOV. ALEXANDER VISITS FRUITLAND Governor and Mrs. Alexander arrived here lost Friday evening and were taken in Fruitlaud in an auto where the Governor addressed tht- high achool graduates at their commencement exer ciaea. A large audience of over one thousand people greeted the Governor. Iiie portico of tbe achool building. which was converted into a speaker's platform, was decorated with pink roses, the class (lower, and large rlaga. Seats were provided on the achool ground Music was furnished by the high school chorus under the direction of Prof. Neilson Governor Alexander waa introduced by Repreaentative D. L. Ingard at whose home the governor and hia wife were entertained. The speaker had many words of praise for the beautiful surroundings which he waa pleased to term "the most favored spot in Idaho." A. B Eldridge, president of the board of education, presented the ten graduates with their diplomas after which every one was given an oppor tunity to ahake hands with the govenor. Next Friday evening the Governor will come here again on hia way to New Plymouth where he will addreaa the graduating class Mra D. B. Pureed haa as her guests her daughter Mrs John Nudden and two children from Van Wyck Idaho ami two grandchildren from Vale Lucile Moffit and Danny Divan. M. Peterson, of Council Grove, Kan aaa, u expected to arrive this week to visit hi sou H. L. Peterson. An event which will be of vaat Im portance concerning the development nf all the reaourcea of Malheur coun ty ami which Will be instrumental ill bringing about one of the greatest lionin ever witnessed in this section of the country, will be the building of the proposed railway connecting the Southern Pacific with the O. W. R. A N. The route, according to the re ports of all the surveyors, will extend from Winnemucca, Nevada, northward through the southern part of Malheur county, through the region of the lit tle Owyhee river, across the Owyhee river, northward through the Cow Creek country, through Jordan Valley, around the Mahogany mountains, up through the Sucor creek country, and thence to Ontario by way of Nyssa. From Ontario the line will go to Wei- ser and from there it will extend up through Cambridge and Council to New Meudowa, northward through the Snake .md Salmon river valleys, through Whitebird to Grangeville, which ia the terminus of the Hill lines. I'hi- railway, when completed will op en up the entire southern portion of Malheur county as well as placing ua on the only direct route from Eoatern Oregon und Southwealern Idaho to San Franciaco. This will fumiah a direct and easy route for the diapoaul of all the farm products as well as the vast timber and mining products of that region. Heretofore the southern and western parta of Malheur county have been but aparaely settled, due entirely to the fact that it waa impoaaible to ae cure any direct and convenient route for the diapoaal of the products of that region, but with the coming of the proposed railway we have an easy and practical route whereby these products may be gotten to the people of the outer world, as well as having a route placed through that region over which practically all the products of Idaho and Oregon will paaa en route to San Francisco and thence to all parts of the world. At the present time all shipments consigned to San Francisco were forc ed to pass through Portland and from there down the coast by rail or boat, making it necessary for much time to be consumed in passage, as well us making an enormous increase in tran sportation charges. With the completion of this propos ed railway all these evils will be eliminated. All the trade of Idaho and Oregon as well as a part of Wash ington will pass over this route; set tlers will pour in; towns will apring up and thousands of acres of soil now occupied by aage brush will bring forth wheat and various other farm products in enormous quantities. The mining and lumbering indus tries will advance by leaps and bounds und Malheur county will become one of the choicest garden spots of the world. Considering these facts it be hooves every citizen to boost to the lest of hia ability. Think railway and talk luilrouds; make it a point of your business to aee that aa far aa you are concerned the new railway will be C impleted and aee that your neighbor hears of thia. If every citizen of Malheur county will do thia the coming of the railway will be inevitable. Kit lijr Ainrrlran I'imi Association. A recent picture of President Wil son, who Is facing many critical Inter national complications. ONTARIO TRIMS CALDWELL 4 TO I BABY CARRIAGE SHOW IS FEATURE Ontario's Fourth of July Entertainment Committee Gets Very Latest Stunt BABIES DRESSED AS CUPIDS COMMISSIONER HERE. W. II. Rohhin and wife, of Burna, passed through here Inst Thursday on their way to VVnllovva county where they have MM farm land. Mr. Rob MN is county commiHaioner of Hnr ney county. Ontario now stands at the head of the Idaho-'? -egon league after hav ing won the game frmn Caldwell on the local diamond laat Sunday. From the start it waa evident that the vis itors were outclasaed aa Ontario scor ed two runs in the first inning and re- fuacd to let the viaitora make more than one score throughout the entire game. Caldwell's new pitcher prov ed to be an easy mark as they hit him continually driving out thrcy two bnae hits. Fitchner pitched a very tight game although he became a lit tle wild in one inning and allowed two baaea on balls. He soon tightened up, however, and succeeded in striking out 9 men during the course of the game, while Pumerene struck out only one of our boys. Caldwell's single score waa made in the Arat half of the ninth, at which time they had a good chance for savoral mora but. thanks to the exceptionally god headwerk of our hoys, two of Caldwell's men were caught off their baaea and an execel lent double play was carried out which closet! the game and shut off Cald well's chanch of winning. Ontario AB R H PO A Smith, cf 4 0 Martin, c 8 1 Alahire, 8b 4 All Committees Hard at Work to Make This Celebration Success A baby carriage nur.ide, n brnnd- new feature in Northwest entertain ments, will be introduced for the first time here July fifth, when Ontario will entertain all her neighbora at one of the moat rousing celebrations ever held in thia vicinity. Dozens of babies dreaaed aa kewpies, cupida and fairies will be wheeled in review be fore many thousand apectators and three prizes have been offered thia one feature. The baby carriage purnde will be one of the many features arranged for the entertainment of the visitors to Ontario on July the fifth. Beginning with the parade in the morning which will surpass any heretofore attempt ed every hour will bring aome amusements for the gueata. A ten nis tournament, ball game, races and fireworks in the evening, will pro nle amusement for the entire day. DAILY TRAIN TO RIVERSIDE. The train to Riverside, which form erly run every other day, ia now of fering daily service, the train leav ing Ontario nt ten o'clock in the morn ing and returning at lift in the after noon. Formerly it was considered by the rp'lway officials thnt the business along the line warranted only every other day service but passengers and freight shipments have inrreaaed so thnt they believe daily aervice will be profitable, hence the change in schedule. WM. J. BRYAN RESIGNS RON CABINE T POSTMASTER TO PORTLAND. J. R. Gregg left for Portland Mon day evening where he will attend a meeting of the Oregon Postmasters' Association. They will be in session five days. T. W. Brown, of Idaho Falls, form erly of thia city, ia in town thia week looking after property intereata. HAY HARVEST IS" ON IN EARNEST llnying has commenced thia week and ia now going in full blast. The weather is ideal, hot and there la lit tle wind, making it excellent weather for atnekintr and being alao good wea ther for curing the hay. Although ia waa rainy part of laat week no great damage waa done to tho crop, which ia unusually good thia year; any way we muat expect aome ruin and we are glad to have it over with, aa ev eryone is now busy putting up one of the largest crops ever raiaed in thia p: t of the country. Alao the rain was very beneficial to the wheat and other grain cropa. Druhot, If .... Nadeau, if Fitchener, p Chapman. 2b. 4 Koupal, as .... Darnell lb Higgina, cf Total 1 1 n 1 2 1 I i) it 82 4 Caldwell AB R Weatcott, ss Long, cf ... Webb, r Pierre, Sb .. Hurtt, rf Kelleher, lb Hen. Ion, If .. R. Hurtt, 2b Pomerene, p Total 4 4 4 4 8 :i j 4 8 8 27 14 H PO A 8 5 3 :i 1 n it 8 2 0 LARl E BLACKABY HOME. Larue Blackaby, who was a fresh man at the University of Oregon this year is exacted home Sunday to spend his vacation. Earl Black by who graduutea from the University thia year, has been appointed one of the guards at the Oregon building at the 'Frisco fair and will be at the fair several weeks before returning home. 82 1 6 24 18 4 Score by innings R II Ontario 20001001 x 4 8 4 Caldwell 00000000 11 4 Summary: Two base hita Martin, Smith, Fitchener. First on balls off Fitchener 2, off Pomerene 6. Struck oht by Fitchener 9, by Pomerene 1. Alahire to chapman to Fitlhener to Alahire. Hit by pitched ball by Fitchener, Mention. Time of game 1:40. Umpire Mitchell. Attendance 550. BULL SALE ANNOUNCED The Mendel shot Live Stock Cnmpa ny of Meridian, Idaho, are advancing their first sale of richly bred Holatein bulla, in thia iaaue. Thia being a strictly bull offering it should attract dairymen from all over Idaho and Eastern Oregon, who desire a first class bull at u moderute price. Mr, Henderahot writes us thut the bulls offered are all of serviceable age and right in every wuv. and fullv guaranteed. The importance of good sires is sel dom appreciated by the smuller dai rymen, many believing they cannot af ford a aire coating :M) with an small a herd, forgetting tliut they are lay ing a foundation for a profitable herd, instead of perhaps a losing proposi tion. Idaho muat look to the good aires to build up profitable dairy In rd it is too expenaive to buy the high priced cowa to get u aturt. JOHN RICHARDSON HAS RUNAWAY ALIAS JIMMIE VALENTINE" "Alias Jimmy Valentine," Paul Arm strong's strongest play, and featuring Robert Warwick, will be shown at the Dreamland theatre Saturday night, June 12th. The atory of the play fol lowa: Rose Lane, riding in a railroad par lor car, ia insulted by a fellow pass enger. She is defended by a hand some stronger, who, aaiured that she will not be further molested, disap pears from the scene. Rose has fal len in love with her savior, and her love does not diminish with the lapse of three yeara. One day she ia vis iting Sing Sing in company with her father, the Lieutenant-Governor of the State, and among the convicts she are after him, but he wards them off. The detectives try to pounce on him for offences on which be may be con- recognizes her deliverer in the peraon of Lee Randall alias Jimmy Valen tine, who ia auffering imprisonment for a crime of which he so convinc ingly pleads ignorance, that the Lieu tenant-Governor secures his release. John Richardson, who livea on a ranch near Cairo, met with an acci dent last Thursday night which, for a time, threatened hia life. Mr. Richardson hail been cultivat ing corn in the afternoon and had un hitched his team for the evening. He hud removed the bridles from hia hor ses and when they started for the barn one of the chain traces caught on the singletree. The team started, draw ing the man under the cultivator anil drugging him about 50 feet. The cultivutor then struck a post, over turned and released Mr. Richardson. When found he was unconscious and rem uned so for about thirty minutes. I'pnn examination it waa found that his buck was injured and, although I. i till in bed, he is doing nicely. Hands in Resignation as Secretary of State f And It is Accepted IS AFRAID OF GERMAN WAR Causes Much Excitement in Washington Change in Foreign Policy Washington, D. C, (Argus Special Service) William Jennings Bryan has tendered hia resignation as Secretary of State, and it haa been accepted by President Wilson. The resignation took effect yesterday Bryan, ' In a letter to the president, states that he fears the present attitude of the ad minialralion toward (iermany in con nection with the Luaitania incident, will reault in war. W. J. Bryan, three times the Dem ocrntic candidate for president, and who ia one of the strongest peace ad vocates in the United States, being the author of over thirty peace treaties, atatea in hia letter resignation, "obed ient to your aenae of duty and actuated by the highest motives, you have pre pared for transmission to the Merman government a note in which I cannot join without violation of what I deem to be an obligation to my country and the iaaue involved is of such moment that to remain a member of the cabinet would be as unfair to you as it would lie to the cause which is nearest to my heart namely the prevention of war." Newa of the resignation caused a sensation in Washington scarcely par alleled in recent years. It is the opin ion that With the resignation of the atrongeat peace advocate in tbe official family, a marked change in the foreign policy will be noted. e COUNTY INSTITUTE HYGIENE MEETINGS ARE4BIG PAYETTE WINS TENNIS MEET Payette gained a alight ad vantage over tbe local boys in the meet played on the Oregon Club courts here Tuec day evening. Ashworth und Brainerd of Payette defeated L. Cockrum and Smith of Ontario, n-4 and o-s while Rieger and Brener of Payette played tie sets with Swagler and II. Corkrum of Ontario. In the aecond match Ashworth and Brainerd defeated II. Corkrum anil Swagler in deuce sets 7-5 and 7-6. Rieger and Urener played tie seta with L. Corkrum and Smith. Ashworth of Payette is a true artist with tho racket and executed the most difficult strokes with apparent eaae. The local boys are to l given -i rhanea to leur than -selves in a return intt't at Payette next Saturday night. Raver &. Miller, u well known con tracting f'um of Ontario, has just se cured contracta for the erection of two school buildinga at Way, Idaho. Way fl located on the mui i line of the Un ion Pacific east of Pocateila. Mr. Ra ver has been at Way for aome time, and Mr. Miller left Saturday. They expect to return to Ontario about Sep tember 1st. 'I he meetings relative to the suppres sion of the social evil, held Tuesday in the city hall, were very well attended. There were about two hundred present at the meeting for men in the evening. The meeting waa opened by Mayor A. W. Trow who introduced the first speaker. Dr. W. J. Wf.ii- made a very interesting and instructive talk. He was fallowed by Dr. J. E. Snyder of Pendleton who is a member of the executive committee of the Oregon Social Hygiene society, who made the atrongeat talk on moral uplift and social hygiene that it has ever l. ... the lot of the people of this locality to hear. Me in turn was followed by W. F. Human who concluded his remarks by in.- inting a motion that they make permanent In this locality an organiza tion promoting the regulation of social evils, which motion was unanimously adopted. JUNTURA CTRL (GRADUATES. Miss Esther South of Juntura receiv ed her diploma from the Oregon Agri cultural College laat Tuesday evening. Mias South has finished the course in I'h irmacy. Prist Newman, a well known cat tleman of Shoshone, is in town this week on business. The Malheur County Institute will lie held in Ontario, Tueaday, June lf, at the Baptist churth. The Vale and Nyaaa Unions will lie present and plans will be formed for the county woik. Morning Session. 10 no a. m. Devotional. 10:15 Busineaa. 10:30 Parliamentary Drill. 1 1 :U0 Five minute talks on depart ment work. Medal Contest, Nyaaa. Scientific Temperance Instruction, Vale. Loyal Temperance Legion, Ontario. Sunday Schoool, Nyasu. 1 1 .10 "Substitutes for the Saloons." 12:00 Nooontide prayer. Afternoon Session. 1 :.'() Praise aervice. 1 I i Department work. Mower mission, Nyaaa. Anai narcotics, Nyaaa. Red Letter Daya, Ontario. Piano solo. I 'res i, Vale. Young People's Brunch, Nyaaa Mus ic. Evangelistic, Ontario. Fair und Open Air, Vale. Mothers Meetings, Ontario. Piano aolo. I N "What our Union muy Mean to 'h. i ounty," Mrs. B. F. Farmer, Vale. These meetings will be very inter esting to ull who can attend. WOOL SALE AT RIVERSIDE The wool sale held at Riverside last week pi oved to be a succeas in every way. About 150,000 pounds changed hands, the prices ranging from 1 7 Vis to 10 cents per pound. There were eight or ten buyers present. At Har per the next day, however, although much wool was offered for sale none waa sold, as the buyers and sellers could not agree on a price. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Arnold are the pi oi.d parents of a baby boy born Sunday morning at the home of the grandfather, Tom Arnold, in this city. Arthur Arnold's home ia at Riverside. 4 U4 p a jl y d i. fa 15 n J-r-dl id in ly ne ,, or s il, nd n. m he .1.1 nd sh ito in lis do in 2