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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1915)
BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS : : PROFESSIONS : : TRADES ATTORNEYS. W. H. BROOKE, R. W. 8WAGLER, Attorneys at law, rooms 13, 14, 15 Wilson nidfp., Ontario, Orrgon. CHARLES C. ZWEIGART ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wilson Building. Ontario, Ore tMcGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice In All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Postofflct LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, First National Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. Mcculloch & wood LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. ART STUDIO. J. P. KIDD, Prop. Job and Commer cial Printing a specialty. Ontario, Ore. AUTOMOBILES. FORI) GARAGE Wright A Coward, rWpfc Ontario, Oregon. CONFECTIONERY. E. FIFER, Ontario, Oregon. DENTISTS. DR. W. G. HOWE DENTIST Telephone First National Bank No. 732 Huilding. DR. I). C. BRETT DENTIST Office 2nd door cast of Ontario Phar macy on Nevada Avenue Near R. R. Depot. FLOWERS. ONTARIO FLORAL CO. Orders takon for cut flowers. Argus Office, Ontario, Oregon. iirqon Short Line Time fable Ontario, Oregon, November Kth 1914 TIMK TABLE NO. T WKHTWAHI) Train No. Leave 17 Oregon Wash. Limited 4:22 am 76 Huntington I'assanger tt:3A n m 19 Oregon Wash. Express (1:33 p m 6 Fast Mail 6:16 p m KANTWAHl) 18 Oregon WmmIi. Limited 2:61 a m 76 lioise Passenger 8:60 a in 4 Eastern Express 12:12 p m 6 Oregon Wash. Express 6:33 p m OREGON- EASTERN BRANCH V VWTWAHU Train No. Leave 139 Mixed, leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a m KAHTWAIID 140 Mixed, arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1 :30 p m VALE A BROGAN BRANCH WKHTWAHI) Train No. Leave 141 Mixed Vale and UroKsn Daily except Sunday 10:002a in 97 Paasanger, Vale daily 7:00 p m l-:.-i HOUND 98 Passenger, from Vale daily 8:40 a m 142 Mixed from Hrogan and Vale Daily except v Sunday 3;30 p m The Homedale train leaves Nyaaa 12:45 on Tuesday, Tnuraday aud (Saturday, returniug, arrive at On tario at 6 p. in Church Services UN1TKU I'llhSIIV TtKIAN Bible school at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. in. Young peo ples meeting at 7:15 p. m. The church is here to help the people and the community. You can make a more potent force. Come to any or all of the services and you will find a wel come. W. N. Bkown, Pastor. Catholic Church. Mass at 10 a. in. Sunday mornings. H. A. CAMPO, Rector. Methodist Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preach ing, morning, 11:00 a. m., evening 8:00 p. iu. Yoj need the church the church ' -eeJ you "Let's get together." C. C. PRATT, Pastor Baptiat Church. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Service 11:00 a. m Evening Service 7:30 p. m B. Y. P. U :30 p. m. Prayer Meeting. .Wednesday Evening Bible Study Thursday Evening A hearty invitation is extended to aft m DAVID E. BAKER, Pastor. Congregational Church. Sunday School, 10:00 a. in. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. REV. PHILIP KOEN1G. - Mi: ATS. The best in the line of fresh and cure Meats at lowest prices. Ontario Ma knt. PHYSICIANS. DRS. PRINZING A WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office In New Wilson Block. D. B. COLCORD, M. D. Office in New Wilson Dlock Ontario ----- Oregon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Scan Dr. Pauline Seam Graduates American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 154 Blk LIVERY. MOORE LIVERY & FEED STABLE The best barn and service is our motto PLUMBING. H. L. POORMAN, Plumbing, Heating and Tinware, Galvanized Iron. All work guaranteed. PHOTOGRAPHS. J. B. Burrell, Ontario, Ore. Call and see our fine line of photos. TAILORS. ART DUNNUCK, Cleaning, Pressing and Tailoring. Phone 84 J. OpposiU Dreamland. ft COPE. THE TAILOR Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. TRANSFER TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX- PRESS Meet all Mr .mm. JOHN LANDINGHAM UNDERTAKING J. H. FARLEY Funeral director and embalmer. Lady assistant. Phone ttW Ontario, Oregon. LOCAL MARKETS Prices quoted below are general re tail prices prevailing in Ontario and are in no case special sale prices: Asparagus, per lb, 10c. Apples, box, 75c. Rudishes 5c a bunch. Rhubarb 6c a pound. Spinach, 10c lb. 3 lbs 25c Hannnas, doi 30c lieans. navy 10c lb. 3 for 26c Id an . , Mexican, lb 7c Butter, ranch, lb., 20c. Butter, creamery, lb., 30c. Cabbage, i.ew, lb., 4c. Cauliflower 15c and 20c. Celery, bunch 10c Cheese, fancy, lb. 20o Figa, package 10c Fresh tomatoes, per lb., 20c. Flour, high patent, aack $1.90 SuKar, cane, per cwt. $6.90 Flour, straight grade, sack $1.75 Garlic, lb 25c Grupefruit, Florida, each 10c Honey, struined, pint 20c Honey, comb, lb. 16c, and 2 for. .25c lemons, doz 30c Lettuce, hothouse, lb 25c lettuce, head 10c Nuts, English walnut-, lb 25c Nuts, Braxils, lb 25c Almonds, lb 26c Oranges, doz 20c to 40c Potatoes, sack, $2. Fresh Pinapple, apiece 40c New onions, bunch 5c Rice, lb 8c and 10c Halibut, lb 20c Hams, picnic, lb 15c Ham, per lb 25c Bacon, per lb 22 'at- to 25c Head cheese, lb 20c Hens, lb 20c Lamb, spring, fore quarters $1.00 Lamb, spring, hind quarters $1.50 Lamb chops, rib, lb 25c Lamb chops, shoulder, lb 20c Lard, 10 lbs. $1.60 Mutton chops, lb 18c Pork chops, loin or rib, lb 20c Pork, shoulder, lb 18c Rolled rib roast, lb 28c Rib roast, prime, lb 22c Round steak, lb 20.' Flat-bone tenderloin, lb 28c Salmon, lb 20c Kippered salmon, lb 20c Salt salmon, lb 12Vc Smoked salmon, lb 30c Smoked herring, each 6c Shoulder steak, lb 18c Shoulder roast, lb 15c Sirloin steak, lb 25c Smelts, Columbia river, 2 lbs. for. .26c Spare ribs, lb 16c Eggs, ranch, doz 1 7 ' . i Ham. sliced, lb 30c Sausage, breakfast, lb 26c Sausage, country, lb 17 'c LIVE STOCK. Hoga 6 3-4 to 7 l-4c Veal 6c Cows 5c Steers 6H to 6 Mutton 4c to i .. THT! ONTARIO LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur. C. Y. t.icslcr and J. C. Giesler, co partners as Giesler Brothers, plain tiffs, vs. H. Tyrce, defendant. Sum mons. To H. Tyree, tho above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled notion on or before the 24th day of June, 1915, the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of the court di recting service of summons in this cause to be made upon you by pub lication; and if you fail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiffs will lake judgment against you on a first muse of action for $344.15 with in terest thereon at six per cont per an num from December 31, 1914, nnd on a second cause of action for $209 with interest thereon at six per cent per annum from January 16, 1915, and for the costs nnd disbursements of said action, anil for an order ttt the sale of your real and personal property attached by the plaintiffs in .-aid ac tion. You are further notified that this summons is served upon you by pub lication under and by virtue of an or der of the Hon. Dalton Biggs, judge of the above entitled court, which snid order was made and entered on the 8th day of May, 1916, and directed that this summons be published once each week for six auccessivc weeks in the Ontario Argus, commencing with the issue of May 13, 1916. First publication is on May 13, 1915, and last publication is on June 24, 1915. M'CULLOCH & WOOD, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. First publication May 13. I a i publication June 24. Sound Teeth Make a Sound Body Dr. W. G. Howe DENTIST First Class Equipment First ('lass Work Kcaitonable Prices Over Firat National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON VVWWAWWAWWWWWWWWW Only $1.25 for the following collec tion of house plants: 1 hcleitrope, 1 falling star, 1 Mad Sail geranium, 1 Madison Harney geranium, 1 ivy ger anium, 2 begonias, 2 celus, 2 trades cantias, green and veriegated, 1 Ken elworth ivy, 1 Vincar Var. Ontario Floral Co. GENERAL MAYT0RENA Only $1.25 for the following col lection of bedding plants: 1 double sweet allsyum, 4 ."sters, 4 verbenias, 2 snap pink dragons, 2 lobelias, 2 bal soms, 1 moon vine, 2 double petunias, 2 dahlias, 6 Steels mastodon pansies. Ontario Floral Co. Beware of Frauds. Who claim to be authorized repairers of Bi.-sells Sweepers. We have no traveling repair men. BISSELLS SWEEPER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. The Ontario Furniture Co. will show you how to take care of your sweeper without cost. Order your aster plants and chrys anthemum plants from the Ontario Floral Co. Headquarters Argus office. Phono 4'j-J. i ' Lm w- c.'Vv A- 'VH I v '.7 - M 1 J f '" ' Km W AMUS. THURSDAY, MAH 8, 1915 ttttM Farm and Garden MAKING A NEW WALNUT. Demand For These Nuts Is Growing Faster Than the Supply. The demand for walnuts Is growing much faster than the supply, writes J. C. Cooper In the Country Gentlemen. We do not produce In America more than 20 per cent of what we consume, and It will take fifty to a hundred yenrs, with all the encouragement of the nut experts, to rnlse enough wal nuts to supply the home demand. For this reason efforts should be made to Improve the common black j walnut. Nearly all the walnuts cross fertilise readily. The pollen of the Franguette, Mayette, Me.vlmi, Wilson and many other vnluuble varieties rosy readily he Introduced artificially Into tho plstlllato of tbe black walnut and In many esse a nut more valuable than the blnck walnut will result Even If there Is no notlceuble Im provement In nuts that haw been arti ficially fertilized, the products of the trees grown from tho fertilized nuta TU COMMON KKOLISH WALNUT. may show Improvement. The nuts grown on audi tree will In many cusea be ki i-.'H ly changed In form and quality. Thoeo mi oue tree tuny bavo the dis tinct flavor of tbe black walnut, those grown on other treee may have the taste of the common English walnut Hut somewbere some one la oventually going- to produce a nut that Is superior to either parent, aud this Is the variety that America wants. A llttlo Htudy of the methods here shown will unable any one to cbause the form and taste of nuy walnut. Tbe walnut tree haa both mala and female blooms. The male bloom, atnmlnato or catkin, cornea out at the end of lust year's wood; the female bloom, pistil or nut bloom, cornea oat at tbe cod ot tbe new growth each spring. Tbo pis til or nut bloom produces the walnut when properly fertilised by the pollen of tbe catkin. The pollen of tbe catkin Is a fickle and fleeting Impalpable yellow powder aud may bo borne aowo dUtanco on tho wind It Is carried by tbe breeze or by Insects aud sometimes fertilizes nut blooms ou trees that have no catkin mora tbau a mile away. It la best to find a young black wal nut tree Just coming Into bearing aud far removed from all other walnut trees. Carefully remove all catkins before they mature or release any pol len. It la beat to remove them beforo tbe buda begin to swell In tbe spring. Then when the pistils are open touch tbe flowers with a camel's hair brush dipped in the pollen that bus been so cured for the experiment This should be doue two or tbree times on different days while the nut bloom la out to make sure that It baa been touched ut tbe inier time. If no Isolated small tree Is available It Ui be uecesaary to prolact tbo ex perimental pistils from nearby cat kins. This cau be done by removing the catklna from tbe brunch that la to carry the experiment aud covering the blooms with light paper aacks, which should be left ou until all ueurby cat kins are gone. This sbould be doue before tbe cat kins mature sud before the nut blooms ure out When tbe nut blooms are suf flcleutly open to be fertilized tbe paper sacks sbould be gently removed, or openings sbould be made so tbe pollen may be put on tbe Inclosed blooma. When tbe nuts are ripe aud are ready to fall they sbould bo gathered and placed where tbey will get ueltber too dry nor too warm. In fall or early winter tbey sbould be put In a bos of sand and left out In tho weather until spring. Then plant in good soli, plac ing them about two Inches below tbe surface. When tbe little trees are a yeur oiu tbey may be grafted Into black wal outa or otber walnut bearing trees, aud 1b two or throe years from the grafting you will have nuts from your experiment nud will know whether you lime u prize or not Tbe xrtlon of tbe little trees tbat are left to grow should beglu to bear a crop or nuts Iu from five to eight years. The Argus, $1.00 the year. I frl ........ We Take Orders for Flowers For Any Occassion Ontario Floral Co. MCSSr Phone 49-J Ontario, Oregon A CALL FOR ACTION The Social Kvil and the suffering resulting therefrom are subjects of much serious thought and earnest consideration on the part of many of our best citizens. You are cordially invited to a conference of leading men of Ontario called by the undersigned to consider this problem, which, in one or anoth er a.spei't. touches the life of every home. The Oregon Social Hygiene Society, recognized as one of the strong est In the country, is now ready to co-oierate with us in starting an active and steady campaign of education in our community. There will lie a place in the plan for every man in the community, who is legitimately an. I earn estly interested in the protection of our girls and hoys. It is a call for sane and constructive action. Mayor Trow will preside. A comprehensive program has been pre pared and the Held will bf well covered by a member of the Kxeeutive Com miltee of the Oregon Social Hygiene .Society from Pendleton, and Iocs' speakers. E. C. VAN PKTTKN FRANK ItAHKK E. 0. HAI1.KY ' II. II QstAUIL A. L 0OCKRUM w. w. wood JUDQI DALTON HK.CS OmnfiH See Program (Inside) Admission by Invitation No Collection Conference of Physicians, Educators and Others on Social and Moral Hygiene Tuesday, June 8, 1915, Eight O'Clock P. M. City Hall, Ontario, Oregon MAYOR A. W. 8:00 P M. The Extent and Result of Sexual Vice The Prevalence and General Seriousness of Veneral Diseases and the It Effect usn the Individual and the Hume W. J. Wkksk, M. D. 8:30 P. M: Causes and Remedies The Four Sex Lies and Other (su.-e.-. Remedies. J. E. Snyokh Member, Kxeeutive Houi'l, Oregon Social Hygiene Society, Pendleton (Formerly of Portland) 9:30 P. M. What Can We Do for Ontario.' W. F. Human 9:45 P. M. Adjournment (A Meeting For Men Bring a Friend) K. I OI'K, llif only Practical ftiior in Ontario, is tin only 1'ruilicul PttOi to buy I suit math tit your order Suits made to order from $15.00 to $50.00 The only Reliable ami l'rompt Cleaning and Pressing in the ( ity. E. COPE Moore Hotel Blk. Funeral Flowers and Designs, Wedding Flowers and Bouquets, Cut Roses and Carnations, For Decoration, Gifts and For Wearing. : : : : : : : : : TROW, Chairman Rose Festival Portland, Oregon June 9, 10, 11, 1915 Excursions Via Oregon Short Line i Tickets on sale from Idaho and Oregon points, June 6, 7 and 8 Limit June 16th. See Agents For Kates A BANK'S FIRST DUTY is to its ilopoHitors. The litiHinosB of this bank is coiiilucted on thin basin, which It, iu truth, SK 0UEITY AND con ski VAT ISM. Safety is considered before profits. We feel justified in ask iug for your banking liiisiuoHM, assuring you uiwuye, courteous ''treat ment and sutisfactory service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Notice The Argus office wants to buy clean cotton rags. HINTON HTOt K INMI'KCTOIt OK M A I II I I I; COUNTY OKKK'K AT CAKTKK HA UN, IIIONK 171 DlPUTteVl Kmerv I'oK-, Brogan. Alex I.oc kliead Ontario. Bert High, Vala. C ('. Morton, Old's Ferry. N. O. White, Weiser Bridge. J. E.. Holly, Kiverviuw Ale Denny. Jordan Valley. Joe liankotfer, McDeruiitt J Boydell, Nyssa John (1. South, Juntura Win Knif. Harper L. M. Seaward, Ontario IJridgo t S , n e y i i. a I If 1-r-11 .-I in ly ne e- ra or its il. nd )n. in he .1.1 d .sh ito in hia ia ,nd ui-