M"1 ' "W 1PB Hl in !! i I p" sgaj- 'PPJ i e .' THE ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY, MAH 8. 1915 THREE Mgralii, 1 C L (J o I JN It (Jul feALJ&.NM. rfll& OF ALL OXFORDS and PUMPS fJH MHH B . . Lot No. 2 Misses9 and Children's Oxfords $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Values Now $1.98200 pairs to choose from, in Men's and Women's Styles and Sizes. 125 Pairs of Misses and Children's Oxfords and Pumps, sizes 8 to 11 1-2 Vmi Mnof rYkma ITnfpt and 11 1-2 to 2, Now 98c- -worth at least double. Odd Lot of Women's A Ji-r w i VV 11C1C Slippers, Oxfords and Ties at 98c values up to $3.00. If IOU Value Economy This is without doubt the supreme Footwear bargain event of the season incomparable in value (riving! Hundreds upon hundreds of pairs of pumps and oxfords will be offered to you beginning Friday, June 4, at prices that arc in most instances lower than wholesale cost! We simply must dispose of these assortments! Regard less of former cost of the footwear regardless of the losses we are forced to take, we have reduced prices to be certain that our aim will be accomplished. Come to our store ECONOMIZE. Here are Examples of the Great Values We Offer Lot No. 3 AND Pumps Now 98c Worth Twice as Much at Least.. 125 pairs go into this sale at the low est prices such qualities have ever been sold for here abouts! Lot No. 1 Men's and Women's Ox fords and Pumps $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Values Now $1.98 200 pairs to choose from All sizes included although not every size in euery style. THIS IS CASH NO GOODS CHARGED RADER BROTHERS' COMPANY Odd lot of Women's Slip pers, Oxfords and Ties at 98c -Magnificient values If you can find a style to please you in your size in this lot, you'll get a won derful bargain by purchasing. I GERMAN REPLY CAUSE LIBERTY BELL TO RUSSIAN DYNAMITE OE DISAPPOINTMENT (Special to the Arg'iis) Washington. Germany's reply to the American note concerning tho alukliiK of the Lusltanla produced u feeluiK of profound disappointment here. Dissatisfaction al the rallure of Germany u answer the demands of the United States was reflected III government circles generally. It was generally predicted that a prompt answer would be sent to Ber lin. This Is expected to give tho Amerl can government's understanding of the facts that the Lusltanla was un armed and curiied no coticealcd guns; that she tailed from the Tolled States a peaceful merchantman uud that un d i all rules of International law ami humanity the vessel should have been visited and searched and her passou gers transferred to a place of safety, whether she carried ammunition or not. Germany's failure even to discuss the reparation demanded by the American uote and evasion of the re quest that guarantees be given that American vessels and lives be not eu daiigered In the future are the main points, however, to which the United States government, It was generally believed, would refer in the second note. START ON JULY 5 (Special to The Argun.) Philadelphia, Pa. With the neces sary appropriation to pay the expense dl tlic trip now virtually available, the councils' committee that will be In charge of the Liberty Hell on the trip to the Panama Pacllic exposition, is preparing for the ceremonies that will attend the diarture of the relic from this city. The bell and the escorting party will leave July 5. The escorting party will include about 60 persons. Ac cording to the Itinerary arranged, the party with the hell will arrive In San Franc t sen tile night of July 16. The Itinerary for the Pacific coast definitely decided upon Is as follows: July 1L' Boise and Caldwell, Idaho; Huntington, Maker. I .a Grande and Pendleton, dr.; Walla Walla, Wash. July 13 Spokane, Wenatehee and Kverett, Wash. July 14 Seattle, Taconia and Olym pia. Wash. July 15 Portland, Salem, Eugene and Hoseburg, Or. July 16 Marysvllle, Sacramento, Uuklaud Pier and San Francisco, i al W.C.T.U. TREASURER DIES AT PORTLAND ft' -. H Portland. Mrs. Elisabeth 11. Hutch ison, of Wuifield, Kan., National Treasurer of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, died here at the Portland Surgical Hospital, where she has been hovering between life and death for several week, followiug an operation more than a month ago. Mrs. Hutchison waa 60 years old and had been national treasurer of the W. C. T. U. for seven years. She came to Portland several weeks ago to make preliminary plans to ad vertlse the national convention, which Is to be held in Seattle next October. She had been suffering for some tun. With an Intestinal tumor and when she reached Portland bar ailment became acuta. AUSTRIAN LINE OE WORKS TAKEN EXPLODED ON SCOW (Special to The Argus.) Seattle, Wash. Fifteen tons of dy namite, stored on a scow anchored in the west waterway, said to have been awaiting shipment to Kussla, exploded at 2 o'clock Sunday morning aud caus ed damage estimated at $40,000 to plate glass windows in Seattle. An unidentified watchman who is sup posed to have been guarding the dy uain le is missing aud doubtless was killed. The cause of the explosion hss not been determined, but Port Warden Pays 'c is of the opinion that It was not accidental. The exploitive was brought to Seat tle from San Francisco on the steamer F. S. Uio., May 13, and was transfer red to the scow upon the steamer's ar rival. Mr. Lillko said the explosive was awaiting the arrival of a steamer to take it to Kussla. The explosive was to be shipped to Vladivostok on the steamer Haxel Dol lar, now loading army supplies at 'la coma. I (Special to The Argus.) Verona, via Paris A battle along the Adige river begau Thursday noon, when Alpine troops, with infuntry de tachmenta and customs guards, and mountain artillery, proceeded from Perrl. occupying Borghetto aud Avlo and attacking Ala. Strong resistance was offered by the Austrlans at Pilcante, opposite Ala. The Austrlans, protected by three lines of entrenchments, inflicted con siderable losses on the Italians who finally succeeded, however, in occupy ing the first tine and then opened a violent bombardment on the other. Threatened also by batteries of Monte Alttastuio, which might have cut off their retreat, the Austrlans re tired from Pilcante, leaving behind arms, ammunition and provisions. BEECH ROADS TO BE IMPROVED (Specialto The Argus.) Newport. Initial steps have been taken to establish hard surfaced or planked roads along the beach in Kin coin county, the coast liue of which is unsurpassed in scenic beauty. Al ready the road has been planked lead lug from Waldport to the beach and from South Beach, across from New port on the Waldport stage line, to the beach and around Seal Kocks, on the south shore of Yaqulua Bay. North of Newport the road to Agate Beach will be completed by August 1. Only $1.25 for the following col lection of bedding plants: 1 double sweet allsyum, 4 raters, 4 verbenias, 2 snap pink dragons, 2 lobelias, 2 bal soins, 1 moon vine, 2 double petunias, 2 dahlias, 6 Steels mastodon nannies. Ontario Floral Co. STATES TO LAY WATER PLANS (Special to the Argus) Salem That a comprehensive pro gram for the development of tha water-power aud the settlement of affili ated land problems of the waat advis ing congress of the wishes of the resi dents of this section will be prepared at the conference of delegates of 12 or probably 13 states in Portland Sep tember 21, 22 and 23, Is the opinion of Ooveruor Wlthycombe who has charge of the arrangements. Citing legislation pending In con gress designed to encourage the de velopment of the water power re sources of the west, a possibility of the federal government retaining a preferential reverslouary Interest in the powers developed, and giving the states one-half or less of the proapee tlve profits, tha recent legislature adopted a resolution providing for the conference and urging the federal government to relinquish to the slatas the title to lands needed for water power development The resolution invited the legisla tures or governors of Washington, Idaho, Montana. Colorado. California, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, South Dako ta and North Dakota to name five del egates each to participate In the con ference C. B. Hudson, of Bend; 8. B. Huston, of Portlund; Kdgar B. Pi per, of Portland, aud W. Lair Thomp son, of Lakevlew, were elected Oregon delegates with Governor Wlthycombe as ex officio delegate. Through an oversight Arixoua aud New Mexico were not mentioned in the resolution, but Governor Wlthy combe has received assurances from the executives of these states that they will name delegates. BOTH SIDE ADMIT GALACIAN REVERSES (Special to The Argus.) London Some Idea of the desper ate character of the fighting In central Uallcla is given in both the II. rlln and Petrograd official reports, each of which uniquely admits reverses suf fered at the hunils or the other '1 he (iei man war efftf auiioiin. is that the Russians forced the Teutons near Slenlawa buck across tin- San, capturing six cannon 'the communi cation adds that MM Russians, 26 cannon and 20 machine guns have been captured In the San engage ments since May 26. The Russian war office admits that the Austro (i. i man forces have made further gains on both hanks of the San. This communication adds that 7000 Austro (Itemans ami 17 cannon were captured on the Slenlawa aud Plgary fronts aud that the Teuton for tifications were carried by storm, the Austro Germans leaving 2000 dead. Renewed German acllwty is noted all along the front from the Maine to the region of I'remysl. SILO EXPERTS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BELIEVE TORPEDO Washington Ambassador Pegs, at London, Informed the state depart ment that Lieutenant Towers, naval attache of the embassy, had made a technical examination of the steam ship Nebraskan aud filed a report In dlcsting that the damage to the Ne breskan waa caused by ths torpedo fro u a submarine. (Special to the Argus) Corvallls -Ralph D lie:.-el. dire, tor Of the exteusion division of tho (ire gon Agricultural College, has announc ed that the division is lakiug up a new field of service, and that the reprcseu tatlves of the college are In readiness to give practical help and instruction to farmers throughout the Mate In tho designing aud construct!",, of dairy barns and silos. There al' t'.o IMI " I i 'i Ore gon, with headquarters at corvaiiis, and one man in eastern Oregon, with headquarters at Hennlstoii, ready to give their time aud experience to dairymen or other farmers contem plating the construction of bams, si i los, sheds and other farm buildings. FOOD SUPPLIES TO BE SENT MEXICANS (Special to Tho Argus.) , Washington. -Announcement that Pn Mldcni Wllxnii would demand a set tjcincut ol the .Mexican problem by the warring factious themselves with in a short tunc and failing that, adopt some means to brirg about peace, has d. . loped a. nie nit ! si in official aud diplomatic quarti rs. I In pi .i.l mi. appeal for funds and euppltea to rellevs the starving popu- l.r i .' Mottoo, lM preparation at tin White IIOUM oi a statement to be . lunl add to ull military leaders In Mexico aud urriincf ments of tha Am ..en'; Had Ureas lor a huge relief at ,.' .i:e He nisi steps in a policy Pl idem WW un has hud under cou si.l.ialiou for MM lime, with tho ob- J. . , ol MBtoril , p, ... III Mexico. 1 i. -.idem Wilson will addruss not mil the military leaders In Mexico, but the Mexican people and at the ham. limit the people of tho United St.il.-s. He will review lu detail the course of events lu Mexico slnco the a; sassliiatiou of Mudero aud Suares sud the usurpation of the preslduucy by limits Oiricluls did not deny that if the Mi mi an factions failed to compose the situation, there was a possibility of Intervention by the United States. It wus pointed out, however, that what in: -bt have been previously consider ed by some Mexicans as au uggresslve Intervention has now changed oa ac count of the faniiu. conditions to a humanitarian expedition il.stK.ued to sat.- the Mexican people, helpless lu the bauds of military bauds. BERLIN ASKS FIRST TO AGREE ON FACTS (Special to The Argus) When you want pansy plunLs call the Ontario Floral company. Heud 1 quarters at the Argus office, tele I phone 4'J J (Se.ial to The Arus.) Washington. An urgent warning to American shipping agalust traversing the naval xoue incautiously and to have all neutral markliigs displayed as conspicuously as possible, includ lug illumination at night, was com muiitcaluil to the state department by the liermau government through the American embassy at Berlin. Berlin, via London. The German reply to the Amorlcan note, sent after tho sinking of the Lusltanla, waa de Hveie.i to Ambassador Gerard Satur day for trsn-.mii.siun to Washington. Tha note expresses Germany's re gret for Injuries sustained by Amort cans as a result of submarine and aer oplane attacks and offers compensa tion In rases lu which Germany la found to be In the wrong. It defers a direct answer to the ques tion raised by President Wilson pend ing a furtfcf exchange of views. Oer many desires to establish whether tho Lusitaula was a defenseless merchant ahlp or was being used for ths trans portation of war munitions and sol diers, on which unsuspecting passen gers wire permitted to take passage to safeguard the war materials. The American representations re garding the torpedoing of the British steumer Falaba, la which an Ameri can citizen lost his life, are answered with the statement that It waa intend ed to offer ample time for the passen gers and crew to leave the ship, but tin a. uou of the captain In attempting to escape necessitated more summary action. Germany expresses regrets fer "the unintentional attacks" on the Ameri can steamer dishing and the Culf light The dishing was attacked by Gei man airmen lu the North Sea aud tho Gulfllgbt was torpedoed off Scllly Islands Germany disavows any intention to attack ion ml. .-.-. neutral craft. She of fers to puy compensation wkerevei she is found to be in the wrong and to refer doubtful cases to The Hague for a di . tslon. The passages in the American note concerning a possible disavowal by Germany of lutenl to sink tho Lusl tumu ami tile discontinuance of her present practices ot submarine war fare are not mentioned specifically in pijr. Salem Club Gsts 800 Msmbsre. Salem. At the olose of ths three days' campaign for members for the rejuvenated Salem Commercial Club, announcement was made that about luO bad boeu received. t