The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 03, 1915, Image 1

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    Government Reclamation Officials Will Visit Eastern Oregon
(Bnkxrio tsm
Reports from fruit growers in this section point to a bumper yield this year with good
prices. Our rich farmingsection has won an enviable reputation as a producer of agricul
tural wealth, and the prospective settler iH becoming interested. The productivity of the
soil in the Ontario section is attracting the attention of home seekers all over the country.
Our transcontinental railroad offers rapid transportation of""produce to the large out
side markets, and the agriculturalists of this Garden of Eden wear a smile of prosperity.
NO. 22
County Fair And Hospital Bonds Sold to Denver Firm
You Can Have a Bushel of Fun if You Celebrate the Fourth in Ontario
" i s S.M n i i
Government Party on Tour
of Inspection of all Rec
lamation Projects.
Mr. King Writes He will
Spend Day in Ontario
Others May Stop.
The itinerary of tho Congressional
Appropriations Committee has been
received by the Argus. The commit
tee will make u toar of inspection ami
examination of reclamation
leaving Chicago June
to the itinerary, the
urrivu in Caldwell June 24th, and will
inspect the Boise project.
Thy i;. lufjKit i.ui Commission. In
cluded in which -WrH . Kiejg M
chief counsel, aerompunies the com
mittee. In a letter Mr. King states
that he will stop off in Ontario for a
day, and intimates that other mem
bers of the party muy also stop off
The official party will consist of the
Members of Committee.
Hon. John J. FiUgerald, Chuirmun,
Brooklyn. N. Y.
Hon. William P. Borland, Kansas
City. Mo.
Hon. Joseph W. Byins, Nashville,
Hon. Charles R. Davis, St. Peter,
Hon. Frederick H. Gillett, Spring
field, Mass.
Hon. James W. Good, Cedar Rap
ids, Iowa.
II. in. Frank W. Mondell, Newcastle,
Hon. James McAndrews, Chicago,
Hon. George W. Rauch, Marion, Ind
Hon. Swagar Sherley, Louisville,
Mr. James C. Courts, Clerk, 1837
Kuloruma Rd., Washington D. C.
Mr. M. C. Sheilds, Asst. Clerk, MM
4 itli'i' H
Eighteen Veterans Meet in
Ontario Memorial Day
Men Who Fought in the Civil War Gather at Banquet
Served by the W. C. T. U.
Memorial Day was observed in On
taiio Monday, May 31st. Services
were held at the cemetery in the fore
noon by the old soldiers and little
children who placed a wreath of flow
ers on each old soldier's grave. In
the afternoon several hundred people
attended the program given in the
park. All the numbers were well ap
preciated. A dinner was given at the Methodist
Hall by the W. C. T. U. ladies, for the
old soldiers, their wises and the wid
ows of old soldiers. About forty sat
down to the bountiful dinner prepar
ed by the ladies. 'Uncle Tommy"
Barton was seated at the head of the
table as he was the oldest soldier pres
ent. The table was artistically decor
ated with (lowers and flags. After the
program in the park the ladle.- also
treated the members of the Band to
lemonade and cake. The following
soldiers were present:
W. T. Clayton, Co. A. 23rd lows.
Mr. Lamb, of IMe Anderson Gwinn
ranch, accompanied by Mrs. Lamb and
Mrs. C. W. Mallett, went to Boise Inst
Soturdny in their car. Mrs. Mallett
expects to remain a week for a visit
with her daughter. Alice.
County Agriculturist and O.
A. C. Professors to See
Union Event.
W. W. Howard, County Agricultur
ist, Prof. I'otler and Prof. Kennedy of
0. A. C. left Tuesday for a trip to
Ironside. Prof. Kennedy is State
Stallion Inspector.
The party expect to go from Iron
side to Unity and Baker City. Mr.
Howard will inspect a dairy herd at
linker City for a prospective purchas
er horc. The Union Stock Show will
be the destination of tho party.
Washes Out'Part of Orchard
on Idaho Side Threat
ens Irrigation Ditch.
A cloud burst occurred Sunday in the
vicinity of Nysa which threatened to
,lo great damage to the farm crops in
that section. The Ontario-Nyssa ditch
was threatened for a time but due to
prompt action on the part of the ditch
employees, no great damage was done.
The rainfall was much heavier across
the nver OH the Idabo side. The fruit
ranch of Wm White was damaged to
quite an extent, many f the trees be
ing washed into the river.
20th St., Washington D. C.
Mr. H. B. Weaver, Official Stenog
rapher, Congress Hall, Washington D.
Mr. K. F. Rea, Clerk, Senate Com
mittee on Appropriations.
Reclamation Commission.
Mr. A. P. Davis, Director ami Chief
Engineer, Chairman.
Mr. Will R. King, Chief Counel.
Mr. W. A. Ryan, Comptroller.
Mr. S. B. Williamson, Chief of Con
struction. Mr. J. L. Clancy, Clerk.
Mr. E. A. Clark, Clerk.
G. L. King, 3rd Wisconsin Infantry.
M. Buchanan, 153rd Indiana.
E. Berry, Co. B. 26th HI.
G. W. Blanton, Co. G. Ifth Kansas.
D. B. Colcord, lHlh Maine Volun
teers, later transferied to U. S. Sig
nal Corps.
J. F. Jameson, Co. G. 20th Iowa.
L. B. Springer, Co. A. 23rd Missou
ri. J. S. Millikin, Co. 0. 23rd Missouri.
B. E. Schelheld, Co. F. W Volunteer
A. H. McGreagor, Co. K. 20th Wis.
John Neathammer, Co. E. 3rd III.
Henry C. Wikon, Co. II. and G. 21
and 24 Missouri.
W. L. Griffin, Co. E. 2nd ButUllion.
10th Kansas Cavalry.
T. D. Barton, Co. D. 14th Infantry,
R. S. Rutherford, Co. H. and B. 8th
f imy m
Move on Foot to Promote a
Dairy Industry Among
Farmers of this Section
E. B. Conklin Leaves for
Western Oregon to Make
the Purchase.
As a first step toward promoting
the duiry business in Malheur coun
ty, comes the announcement this week
of E. B. Conklin who left Tuesday for
Seattle and western Oregon to pur
chase young heifer calves for the far
mers of this section. Mr. Conklin hsd
orders for two hundred and thirty
calves before he left here and states
that others will purchase calves later.
The scheme is to buy calves about
ten days old, when they can be pur
chased for an average price of 8.00
The move is co-operative among the
farmers, and the i Xon&es of bring
ing the calves will be prorated.
If the scheme is found to be sat
isfactory, and the first lot of calves
arrive 0. K., it is very probable that
more shipments will be made. The
bunks of Ontario have designated their
willingness to udvance money to re
sponsible farmers with which to pur
chase calves, and will assist in any
manner possible, the duiry move.
Following is a list of those who have
purchased calves:
Everett Wisdom 1, Mr. Armstrong
12, Pete Siamm 10, Hurry Lewis 2,
J. O. Schritchfield 8, Mr. Gordon 3,
Hurry Jones 4, Oliver Bingumen i,
Mrs. W. S. Sherman 1, Ed Rose ,
S. Seelye 7, S. H. Bender 10, Mr. Kerr
2, A. II. McGregor 4, C. U, Stover 6,
Alex Smith 12, O. V. Holloway 2, Mr
Keller 5, Mr. Adam 2, Joe Colley 3,
Wilson Crane 2, Mr, Ingram 4, Mr.
VonReeden 2, Chas, Crane 2, Chas.
Adams 3, G. C. McGhee 3, Ed. Berry
2, E. B. Butler, Jr. 6. E. II Butler.Sr.
J, W. G. Wulluce 4, Mr. Smith 10, John
Housemun 0, Ralph Fleming 1, Will
Rees 8, Prof. Roberts 2, C. E. Amidon
20, Mr. Bean 12, Holden Clement 3,
C. E. Seeoy 1, H. E. McKay 1, John
sou Dei oo 3, J. M. Brown , Art Ma
gill 4.
The Ontario band will give a con
cert next Saturday evening in the
park near the depot. The band is im
proving all the time and these con
certs, which will be given every Sat
urduy evening during the summer,
will no doubt be well attended.
Miss I.eonu Rader is expected to
reach home next Sunday after an ab
sence of several months away at
school. Miss Rader attended "Lyn
wood" at Menominee, Wisconsin.
Accoiding to recent letters from Mr.
McCulloch, ho is improving every day
and hopes very soon to be able to be
home and in his office again.
The contract for putting up alfalfa
for the Eastern Oregon Land Com
pany has been let to George Green of
Nyssa. The first cutting will start
the first of next week.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Taylor, of the Boulevard, May
22. Mother and babe are doing nicely.
Rev. Olsen of the Episcopal Then
logical Seminary of Faribault, Minn.,
is in Ontario this week, having come
into this diocese to assist Rev. C. II.
Powell, and intending to spend the
summer. He will hold Episcopal ser
vices Sunday morning and evening in
the Odd Fellows hall, and a week from
Sunday will hold services at Nyssa
in the morning and at Vale in the
E. W. Van Valkenburg At
tends Funeral of His
Aged Uncle.
E. W. Van Valkenburg has return
ed from a visit to Burns, Oregon.
When Mr. Van Valkenburg reached
Burns 1iis aged uncle, Geo. Van Val
kenburg, was very ill and died on the
tenth of May. He was buried at the
Silver Creek cemetery Wednesdsy,
May 12, services bong conducted by
Rev. A. K. MacRue. The deceased was
born in the state of New York and
came to Harney county in the fall of
1011, uikinejp a claim In the Silver
Creek neighliorhood.
Boise Breaks The Winning
Streak of Local Ball Team
Caldwell Here Sunday.
To win one game and lose two, was
the luck of the Ontario ball team on
their trip Sunday and Monday to Boi
se. The locals were in their usual
fine trim for the first game, played
Sunday and won a i to 0 game. But
Monday in the double header, they
went bad and lost both gumeB, the
first one by a score of 7 to 3, and the
second game by a score of 0 to 1.
These are the first games that Boise
has won this season, end, while On
tario's winning streak has apparent
ly been broken, the games were lost
to the right team, as Boise needed
them more than any other team in the
league. Pntario and Numpa are now
tied for first place in the standing
of the clubs column.
Caldwell will play in Ontario next
The scores of the two games Mon
day, follow:
First game:
Crites cf 4 0 0 0 0 0
Ward, ss 8 2 0 2 3 2
Case, 2b 6 2 2 14 0
Arnspiger, c S 1 1 11 0 1
Nelk, 3b 4 110 10
McLeod, rf. 4 112 0 0
Horrie, If 5 0 12 0 0
Brasted, cf 4 0 2 8 0 0
Wyman, p. 4 0 113 0
Kuss, rf 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 36 7 " 27 11 3
AB. R. H. PO. A. E
Smith, cf 3 0 10 0 1
Martin, c 5 0 0 6 10
Alshire, 3b 4 0 0 2 1 0
Druhot, p. 10 0 2 10
Nadeau, If. 4 0 0 3 0 0
Fitchener, p rf. 4 0 112 2
Chapman, 2b 4 0 0 4 0 0
Kopel, ss 4 12 0 2 0
Darnell, lb 4 1 1 4 0 1
Higgins, rf 3 12 110
Totals . ... 36 3 7 23 8 4
Cries out, hit by batted ball.
Meeting Called Next Tues
day Evening by Local Men
to Discuss Matter.
Representative is Here Ar
ranging for Campaign
Against Evil.
The social evil and its resultant suf
fering will be 'he subject discussed at
a meeting next Tuesday evening at
the city hall in Ontario. J. A. C
Oaks, u member of the Oregon Social
Hygiene society, is in the city this
week, arranging for tho meeting
which has been culled by E. C. Van
Petten, E. G. Bailey, A. L. Cockrum
Frank Rader, H. B. Grauel, W. W
Wood and Judge Dalton Biggs.
Mayor A. W. Trow will be chair
man of tho meeting, admission to
Which will be by invitation, and a cam
palgn fpr the stamping out of the evil,
so far as possible, will be launched.
The complete program appeurs on
puge six of this issue.
J. A. Bandres died at the Holy Ro
sary Hospital, Tuesday, about one p.
,n. Mr. Bandres wus brought in to
the Hospital Saturday by Dr. Hedges
of Juntura in a critical condition. The
funeral was held Wednesduy from the
Catholic church.
Score by innings:
Boise 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 x 7
Ontario 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 2 :i
Stolen bases Smith, HiKgins, Dar
nell. Three buse hits Brasted. Dou
ble plays Ward to Case to Brasted
Innings pitched -By Druhot 2 1-3;
Fitchener 6 2-3. Buse hits Off Dru
hot 2; Fitchener 7. Struck out- Dm
hot Fitchener Wyman 10.
Base on bulls--Off Fitchener 6;off
Crites, McLeod by Fitchener. Pass
ed bull Martin 1; Arnspiger 4.
Time of game 1:40. Umpire Kel
leher. Second game:
AB. K. H.PO. A. K.
Crites, cf 4 10 2 0 0
Ward, ss 3 1112 2
Case, 2b 2 2 112 0
Arnspiger, c. . I 1 2 7 1 0
Nelk, 3b. 4 2 3 0 11
McLeod rf 2 10 0 0 0
Harie, If 8 10 2 0 0
Urasted, lb 3 0 2 8 0 0
Wymun, p 3 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 27 0 0 21
AB. R. H.PO. A. E.
Smith, cf 4 0 10 0 0
Martin, c I 9 0 I I I
Alshire, 8b. 0 0 0 ' 0
Druhot, p. ,1110 4 1
Nadeau, 2b 3 0 2 0 4 1
Higgins, rf. 3 0 0 0 0 0
Chupmun, If. .. . 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bernard, If. 0 0 1 0 0
Kopel, ss 0 10 2 0
Darnell, lb. 3 0 1112 0 0
Totuls M 1 5 18 0 0
Score by innings:
Boise f t I x J
Ontario 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
Sacrifice hits McLeod. Stolen ba
ses Smith, Horrie. Two base I.
Nelk. Three base bit.-. Blasted, Dru
hot 3; Wymun 7. Buses on bull-.
Druhot t. Hit by pitched ball Case
and Arnspiger by Druhot. Time of
game -1:25. Umpire-Kellehcr.
Chelcy Boyer returned from his va
cation Saturday morning Mi Hov
er spent a week in Port In in I and the
remainder of the time Vtttfaf points
in California, taking in the fuir on
his return trip.
Feature of Celebration July
5th., Arranged by the
Oregon Club.
Ontnrin is to have a tennis tnurna
ment here the 5th of July, according
to plans being made by the Oregon
Club tennis players. Invitations have
been extended to Wei ei , I'ayetle, New
Plymouth and Vale o participate in
these events and it is expected a large
number of tennis enthusiasts will be
present. It is not probable that the
finals will be played off until after
- , 4
President of Eastern Oreg
on Land Company to Come
With H. H. Logan.
Hugh II. I.ogun, of the Eastern Ore
gon Land compuny, went to Baker
City mi a business trip lust Wcttncs
duy. Walter S. Mai tin, the president of
the Eastern Oregon Land compuny,
ViM resides in Sah Fruncisco ami G.
Ii Is, who is in charge of the Ka.t
Ml Oregon Lund company's olllce in
I'oitland, arrived in Baker City last
Suturduy unil with Mr. Logun will
make un inspection of the Eldorudo
Ditch. The purty will also inspect
the ranch near Ironside and expect
to arrive in Ontario by the first of
m t week.
The many friends of Mrs. E. W. Vulkenburg will be son y to hear
that she bus been dangerously ill for
the past week. Latest reports are
ih..i -die is somewhat laprovad now.
Eldon P. King Gets an
Appointment to West Point
Son of Wilt H. King and Former Ontario Boy will
Enter Military Training School in Jvne.
Eldon P. King, who will enter West
point June If, is the son of Hoi. und
Mr-. Will K. King, and ten years of
his early boyhood STSJ spent in Ontario,
where he attended school. He moved
with his parents from here lo Salem
when bis fullar became a member of
the Oregon supreme court, and attend
ed school there und in Portland, grudu-
ting from HillV Militury Academy in
Portland in Jum 1W3.' Soon after be
lumped with ins parents to Washing
ton, D. C, when bis father. Judge
Will R. King, was appointed chat
council of the II. S. reclamation serv
ice, which ollicial position he now holds.
Lldon P. King received bis appoint
Hlent from Congressman N. J. Sin
nott, of this district, to a cudctship in
the U. S. Military Academy at West
Point, N. Y., und having successfully
met all requirements will he admitted
to that institution on June 13, of this
Keeler Brothers of Denver
Purchase Ten Thousand
Dollar Bonds.
Annual Meeting of County
Fair Association will be
Held Soon.
The $10,000 fair and hospitable
binds, the issue of which was suthor
i. ed by H secisl election held last fall,
to cover the indebtedness of the Mai
heur County Kair aasn, and to complete
tin- donation to the Holy Rosary Hoapi
table, have been sold to Keeler Bros t
Denver. The Bonds were In denomina
tions of WOO each, and were 20 year
bonds with iwyinent optional u U)
years, ami sold at a premium ol one
and one half per cent. This remove
practically all the Indebtedness of tie
Malheur County Fair Association and
completes the gift of flO.OOO to the
Holy Rosary hospital, fl.flOO of the
proceeds of the bonds being used for
this purMiso and tho remaining $6, ski
being turned over to the fair associa
tion. Tne Malheur County Fair Associa
tion will meet the later part of the
week ut which time they will Hx the
exact date on which the fair will be
In lit this fall. This meeting has been
I ol I Kined since lust January, but at
this time they will attend to the mat
ter as well as various other details re
lating to the coming fair, and every
thing will be shaped for the largest
and best fair ever held in Malheur
Mr. and Mr. Pete Duford, Mrs. C.
K. Petri on ami Miss Nettie Peterson
went to Bin . Wednesday evening on
the tram ami returned Thursduy ev
ening in a new Muxwell.
At the time of receiving notice of
KM appointment be was attending the.
Washington and University at
l-eungton, Virginia. He is a member
of the National Academic Fraternity
of the Phi Lambda Kpsileiu and the
National College Fraternity of the Phi
Camilla Delta.
His many friends in Ontario aud Mul
heur county nre well pleased with the
uppointnient und predict for him a
suecesnl'ul career through West Point,
where lie BOM to take the four year
course, and also after In- leaves that
W. W. Howard, County Agricultur
ist, Prof. Potler and Prof. Kennedy of
O. A. C. uttended the Grunge uioeimg
.u t -mo Monday evening and slides
were shown that were of greut inter
est to the stock raisers.