The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 27, 1915, Image 1

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Over 2,000 Circulation This Issue
Payette and Ontario Have Burried the Ax and Join Hands in Co-operative Move for Upbuilding of the
Great Lower Snake River Valley-Payette Boosters Visited The Ontario Commercial Club Tuesday
Mammoth Crop Of Alfalfa Nearly Ready For The First Cutting
Reports from fruit growers in this section
pout to n bumper yield this year, and it is
predicted that it will reach the 7f per cent
mark, with good prices. Our rich farming
section has won an enviable reputation as
n producer of agricultural wealth, and the
prospective settler is becoming interested.
tffofario mm
Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley.
The productivity of the soil in the Ontario
section is attracting the attention of home
scekcrs nil over the country. Our trans
continental railroad offers rapid trans
portation of produce to the large outside
markets, and the agriculturalists of this
Harden of Kden wear a smile of prosperity.
NO. 21
Come And Help Us Celebrate The Glorious Fourth
Bumper Fruit Crops at Record Prices Insures Prosperity of Country
Memorial Day Services Monday in Honor of Departed Civil War Heroes
J. R. Lusk Salt Lake muniiger of
he Oregon & Western Colonization
Company, was in Ontario Mondny on
business. Mr. Lusk urrived in the
city Sunday evening. lie brought
with him two prospective settlers who
......... . .1 .... i.iln 1Ii.iii.iI1 .. .ill.l l. Ilk.
iHI'IU IIIIM'M lll, III,... vwiiliij 'J "
cul tigeuts oi i lie company, nn. i.ush
ic turned to Suit Lake on the Monday
noon train.
Fitting Observance of Dec
oration Day Has Been
BUSINESS HOUSES TO ciOSEiContratt,'r8Are',n Ground
wunrorreoi men ior
V 11
Appropriate Program Has
Been Planned. Parade
To The (femetery
Memoriul Day will be observed in
Onturio this your on Monday, Mu
31st. Plan have been in progress foi
several weeks by the different organi
MttOM of the city and will soon be
perfected for making this pi agNH
one of the most fitting ever held here
The procession will start from thi
City Hal promptly ut II u. m. Cn
veyances will lie furnished for the sol
diers and for the children who will
take part in the services ut the Cem
etery. After the decoration of the
graves the soldiers will hold their
customary services. At U the W. C.
T. U. will serve dinner to the old sol
diers, wives and widows of soldier.-
at the Methodist Hall. Many will pur
tuke of picnic lunches in the park.
The following program will be carried
out in the park in the ufternoon:
1 :M - Bund Concert.
2:00 -Recessional, Mrs. A. G. Moore
Chorus, Guarding Angel, Ladiet-
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Hugh
Roll Call of Soldiers giving Regi
ment and Compuny.
Quintet, Heneath the Flag, Congre
gational Quartet.
Address, W. W. Wood.
The following committees have been
appointed: From Ladies Auxiliary of
the Commercial Club: Mrs. Whitney,
conveyances; Mrs. Connor, Marshal;
Mrs. Morton, to confer with lodges;
Mrs. Staples, Cadets and Bands.
General Committee: Mrs. Secoy,
Mrs. Hager and Mrs. Dickson, decora
tion of graves; Mrs. Van Petten, Mrs
E. M. Cireig and Mrs. H. W. Clement,
W. C T. U. dinner; Mrs. Pratt, Mrs
A. K. Johnson, Mrs. A. M. Lackey
and Mrs. Chellis Draper, decoration
of the park; Mrs. Harrell, Mrs. Ha-g-er,
Mrs. Jaquiah, Mrs. Frank Dra
per, Mr. Hager and Mr. Brown, gen
eral arrangements; Mrs. Brown, Mrs.
Hager and Mrs. Bingham, marshal
for morning; Mr. Williams, chairman
of afternoon; Mr. Van Petten, super
vision of Cemetery, Mr. Grauel.
Construction work on the big bridge
icross the Snake Riser at Big Bend
las been going on for about a week
ml qujtc a showing bus been made ill
emly. The material for the bridge wus un
oaded at Adrian u'i the llomedule
ranch. Adrian is about three-fourths
f u mile from the bridge site anil a
lerrick hud to be erected to unload
he heavy steel from the curs und
nail it on the trucks preparatory to
luuling it to the river. A god deal
.f the material has already been haul
ed. At the bridge site the living and
.vorking quarters huve been erected
mil the engine and derrick have been
mounted on trucks ready for work.
The construction gang consists of
Mght or ten men most of whom arc
xperienced in bridge work. The fore
nan stated that the work of con
itruction would occupy about three
iionths as that wus the time required
in the Nyssu bridge. Figuring on
hat basis the bridge will be ready
for traffic by the first of September.
Big Hay Harvest Will be in
Full Swing as Soon as
Weather Clears
The Misses Wilmoth Curry, Gray,
Austin and Maloney left Friday on
the evening train. Mist Austin went
to her home in Elgin, Oregon, Miss
Gray returned to her home in Eugene,
and later expects to spend a part of
her vacation on the Sound. Miss Mu
loney and Miss Curry will go direct
to Seattle expecting to spend the lat
ter part of their vacation at the Fair.
The ax has been buried! Ontario
mil Payette have finally agreed to a
urogram of peace and co-operation,
ind the official burial of the weupon
of warfare occurred Tuesday p. in.
vhen it was placed deeply beneath
.he sod after appropriate exercises
ii the Ontario city park.
N'early a hundred members of the
'ayette Commercial club, and boost
ers of the sister city, were in Ontario
Tuesday. They changed cars here in
he morning on their way to Vale, and
eturned to Ontario in the afternoon.
n informal meeting with the Ontario
Commercial club immediately followed
heir arrival here, at which addresses
;vere made by both Payette and Onta
io speakers, showing a willingness
jf both cities to co operate for the
jest interests of the entire valley.
Many expressions of friendship
were made, and the burial of the hat
chet came by mutual agreement. The
Payette delegation were also boosting
in d advertising their Fourth of July
.elebralion on July 3rd and their cha which will be held during the
week of June 18 to 24.
Many Fields are Just Break
ing Into Blosson. Yield
Will be Extra Heavy
One of the finest first crops of al
falfa ever cut in the Lower Snake and
Payette river valleys is now ready for
harvest, and cutting will commence in
about a week, providing rain does not
interfere. Field after field is just now
starting to bloom and the harvest of
the first crop of l'.'l.'. will soon be in
full swing. Had it not been for the
past three weeks of rain, hay harvest
would probably huve been on now as
hot weather would have matured the
crop sooner. However, the wet, cold
spell has done no harm and has just
simply deluyed the harvost.
It is claimed, however, that the
crop will not be injured should rain
hold off the harvest for another two
weeks. There are reports of one or
two instances where cutting has al
ready commenced, but in the present
weather, this is dangerous, as the hay
down in the lield is easily spoiled by
a little ruin, Fanners generally, are
holding off until the rains are over,
preferring to let the ground dry out a
little before cutting. To shock hay on
wet ground is said to be as damaging
as if it had been rained on.
In view of the fact the crop is not
: being damaged by allowing it to
stund, for a while, every one is de
laying their cutting. And when the
harvest does start, it will be general
throughout this whole district.
Sixty Graduates of Ontario
High School Welcome
Class of 1915
m:w iiomf.s comi'Lktkd
Dr. and Mrs. Wcesc are moving in
to their new bungalow in Villa Park
this week. Only a few finishing! re
main to be done and one of the prct -tiest
borne . iii the city will be com
pleted. This will be a great addit
ion to the already attractive resi
dence district on the hill. The new
McNulty home is nenring completion
and the family expect to be able to
move in shortly after the first of June.
SWAGLER homf. robbkd
A pair of trousers, in whcu was
about eleven dollars in money and a
bunch of keys, was the haul of a rob
ber from the home of R. W. Swagler
Monday night. The robber did not
enter the house, but removed a screen
from the bedroom window and pulled
the trousers out. The only clew left
by the robber were several foot prints
in the yard. Several suspects have
been arrested, but could not be held
W. E. McConnell, a prominent attor
ney of Burns, wus in Ontario Monday
on business. Mr. McConnell is inter
ested in the suit of the state against
the Pacific Livestock Company in
which an attempt is being made to in
The Annual Alumni banquet for the
High School graduates was held Sat
urday evening at ten o'clock at the
Moore Hotel. A very nice supper was
served, covers being laid for sixty.
The tables were prettily decorated
with pink carnations and ferns the
color scheme of green and white be
ing carried out in the place cards and
the ices and candy.
William Fiser acted as toastmaster,
speeches being made by E. B. Conk
lin, who organized the Alumni asso
ciation, all the present High School
faculty, and the members who had
been presidents of the respective class
es since 1910, all being present ex
cept Miss Leona Rader. Sprague
Adam spoke for that class. A part
of the evening was taken up with the
election of officers for the ensuing
year. Wilmer Boyer was elected pres
ident and Pauline Billingsley secre
tary and treasurer.
Those who have served as presi
dents of their class were: Ernestine
Billingsley 1910. Chester Lackey
1900. Pauline Billingsley 1911. Le
ona Mailer l'.u:i. duy Mingle r.n.:.
William Strane 1914. Crystal West
The following members of the Al
umni association were present at the
Wm. Fiser, toastmaster; E. B. Conk
lin, E. G. Bailey, Mrs. E. G. Bailey,
D. A. Hiles. J. Wili Prater, C. N. Wil
liams, F. J. Clemo, H. H. Williams,
Don Piatt, Howard Mallett, Earl Grif
fin, Harold Mallett. Mr. Holcomb,
Murray Morton, Wm. Pinney, Ches
ter Lackey, Thomas Hardman, Ray
Boyer, Wilmer Boyer, Guy Stingle,
Bill Strane, Ralph Dunbar, Ernest
Gramse, Crull Orcutt, Sprague Adam,
Wm. Fitzgerald, Palmer Trow, Er
nestine Billingsley, Crystal West, Ve
ra Neeb, Goldie McGee, Mrs. Hol
comb, Clara Morton, Mrs. Wm. Fiser,
Jean Conklin, Mrs. 11. II Williams,
Mell Carter, Muriel Millikm, Marga
ret Dunbar, Sheila Lackey, One
Sage, Hazel Lackey, Amy Odell,
Maude Poole, Rachel Chapman, Alva
Arnold, Ruth Test, Clarice Can field
P. Billingsley, Eva Vanderhoof, Km
ma McGivern, Lucile Worth, Louise
Griffin, Mr. Earl Thompson, Mrs. Karl
Ontario Wins Hotly Con
tested Game in Last
Half of Ninth
Alshire Loses Three Base
Hit by Unpopular De
cision of Umpire
Big league baseball, with the game
belonging to either club till the last
half of the ninth inning, was the his
tory of the bull game Sunday be
tween Nampa and Onturio, on the
home grounds. It was the game"""1''"
R. M. Small Asks for Dam
ages as Result of Big
Bend Bond Sale
Suit was filed in the circuit court
last Salurduy by R. M. Small as
plaintiff against Malheur county, Geo.
Mc Knight as county judge, and M. D.
Kelly and J. F. Weaver us county
commissioners, in which the plain
tiff seeks to recover IHM..'I7 dam-
ever played in Ontario, according to
The suit i i be outcome of the sale
the funs, und there were nlentv of
-., - -. s m .,
thrills and brcnth-i utchinir moments,"1'
for th uvi hnn,lr.l,it..r wlw. court sold the bonds to a bond com-
the Hir Bend bridge bonds held
in the spring when the county
witnessed the exhibition.
Two questionable decisions by um
pire Kelleher looked bad for Ontario.
Alshire was robbed of a three-base
pany of Portland represented by Mr.
Small. After the sale wus made, it
wa, found that u Denver bonding firm,
supposed to be acting as advisors of
hit, when the umpire claimed he fail- !l,u' l"u,,ty' "" already MM the bonds
ed to touch second base. Alshire U lhlnl l,urlu's. '"' "e county could
claims he touched the bag, but ad-I""1 "" P""""""' "' MM M turn
miU that he loin's utnn to Mi ,.,,.1 "w ' '" M'"- Small.
... ...,. ... .,..., H...
evidently the umpire couldn't see
quick enough. The other decision wus
when Darnell was called out ut first.
Darnell touched the bug, but it was
not fastened down, ami it slipped awuy
J. R. Hluckaby on Vacation.
J. It. HhicUby left for Portland
Thursday evening. After spending a
fins days there on business Mr. Black
validate the title to about 3U.U00 acres
of land held by the livestock company Thompson, Maude Kidd, Ruth Pur
in Harney county. cell, Earl Weaver, Nellie Pool.
California. He expects to be ah ent
from the city about five weeks.
from him. hither decision left grounds, uhy will go back to visit in In old
for a contested gume, but happily this home in Iowa, returning by way of
was not necessary. It necessitated
Onturio winning the game twice, bow
ever, for Alshire would huve scored
had he been left on third.
The feature of the gume came in
the last half of the ninth inning, when
Chaprnun was sent in us a pinch hitter
with the bases full. He drove out a
nice single bringing in Alshire for the
deriding score.
The gume was not a pitchers' battle
as the score might indicate. Both pit
chers were found many times by the
batters, but hits weie not plentiful.
Morris, pitching for Ontario, allow
ed only three hits, Schimpf, Klwell
anu Arnspeiger each securing one
Ontario secured nine hits
Shimpf, Alshire and Darnell JMU1
ing two hits each, and Smith. Druhot,
Nadeau, Morri-, and ( bapm i each
curing one hit. Nampa i credited
with two error' and Ontario one.
The g.niK' throughout
tnd Itoth club themselves to
tie true spurts. Nampa took her de
feat in the bMl of spirit, realising
.hat their loa of such a game was
nothing to be ashamed of. Tbe li.iin
tre wonderfully matched and records
4 both this game und tbe one played
n Nampa a week before, show both
lubs playing major league ball.
Next Sunday and Monday the Onta-
( Continued on page 8.)
Blooded game chickens, valued by
then i.hiii-i at several hundred doi
ftl . wire the victims of a raid on
the ben of Ci'y Mar.shul Ker
foot last Friday nii'bl. Marshal Kir
foot captured one of the thieves. Jus.
from ' u'"' 'iml 'sn"t at ""oilier, but
.only tin- one man was captured. At
'the trial held Monday ufternoon Chas.
u.i, implicated, unit both Bar
ton and Aired were found guilty by
Ju.stice Kint.' of h.iceny of poultry.
Aired ws fined kMMM und being un
able to pay the line, was sent to jail
for thirty duys. Barton was fined
7M0 which he paid. Marshall Ker
foot feel , keenly the loss of his chick
ii, , Which were killed before tbe mar
shut could interfere.
I In- birds were blooded slock, their
pedigree going back to some of the
nn. i famous fighters of the entire
south. One rooster wus un tTftfltl
favorite and is said to have been a
very valuable bird.
Fourth of July in Ontario
Will be Best Celebration ,
Ever Held
Biggest Display of Fire
works Ever Shown Here
Has Been Bought
That Ontario visitors on the Fourth
of July will receive h hearty wclcon
and be entertained in a royal muiim
is assured by the residents here
th members of the different connt'.
who have been diligently work my
the pust two weeks. A real c
tion such as was never staged here
nor in this vicinity will be carried
Although not mnnv definite plans
have been mude, M. K. Newton, chair
man of the fireworks committee states
that 1S0 worth of II reworks has been
purchase. I ami u better display will be
given than ev i- attempted I. -fore. H.
O. Diane of the Transportation enm
mittee reported that reduced rates on
the railroad, from all cutaide points
will be made.
H. C. Farmer, chairmun of the
Sports Committee, and his assistants
have not perfected any plans but state
that any number of amusements will
bo id. limed. A bail gome und water
light by i wo factions of the Volunteer
I'm department will be given. Tho
entertainment Committee with f, S.
Bailey us chairman has made provis
ions for two rest rooms to be estab
lished tor the ludiea. One in th. V .
son building and one in the City Hull.
Mrs. Win. Lies und Mrs. Morton will
have charge of these. A eugenic ba
by contest "will lie held, and three
prizes awurded for the best bubies.
One of the features of the day will
be the baby carriuge parade and three
prizes will also be awarded for these
to the looking baby and best dec
orated carriage. The number of floats
thut will be in the parade has not been
determined by Chairmun Petersons,
but H uuioists buving announced their
intention to take purt. The following
will be the order of the parade: Mur--luill
id Day and Mayor, Payette Bund,
Old Soldiers, Boy Cadets, Baseball
Boys, Decorated Autos, Lodgei, Bi
cycle boys and girls, Weiser Band, On
tario Pan, Present and Future, Ten
nis boys and girls, Grunge flouts, Far
mers' floats, Sunday School flouts,
Merchants Floats, Onturio Band, Driv
ing HoraM) Riding Horses and Stallions.