THE ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY. MAY 20, 1915. ftvf: - JWWVWVWWVWWWWW' FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTION Hood River, Oregon, We used "Corona Dry" exclusively in our orchards, comprising some three hundred acres. It gave the best satisfaction of any lead we have ever used. North Pacific Fruit Distributors We haw oronu Ifrn I. 5. ill 9Z Z() nnri 1011 y v . -- , - - - -.- 7 -j "-J -"" vv w J. w v Ww'jlV wresfrsssrarevSv? vwvwwvwvwvvwv P8g8SSSSSSSSS89SSS8SSS88S&SSSSSS The Ontario Pharmacy Ie Rexall Store ?SflUVSVf LOCAL NEWS HOSPITAL NO IKS R. W. Keif of Payette made a busi nets trip to Ontario Monday. (Jporgo Kisher of Nampa, w in Ontario Monday on business. F. R. Miller of Boise spent Monduy in Ontario on business. C. R. Dewey and wife of Uurns were Ontario visitors Tuesday. Lee Noc came down from Vale 'ast Tuesday. A. W. Workman of Nampa, spent Wednesday in Ontario. C. M. Crandall, a prominent lawyer of Vale, spent Tuesday in Ontario. Mother Superior left on the early morning train .Monduy for San Fran cisco, whole she will attend to some business mutters and spend some time at the exposition. She expects to b'.1 awuy uliont three weeks. W. K. Kdwards of New Plymouth spent Sunday with his wife and baby at the hospital. Miss Myrtle Lynn was taken to h.r home in I'aette Saturday afternoon. Miss Lynn recently underwent .in on eration for appendicitis and has al most entirely recovered. Mrs. John Holm was removed to her home in Whittley Bottom last Satin day. Mrs. Holm is gaining every day. Frank Moffit went to the home oi D. II. I'urcell, where he will spend I couple of weeks before going to his home at Mulheur City. The many friends of Miss Lcary will be pleased to learn that she is stendily improving and hopes are entertained for her complete recovery. The change to lloise and the meeting of old M ad has proven a good tonic. I.'. K. Hnyner and daughter Mr;. Killbourne of Payette visited Mr. Slump at tl..1 hospital Sunday after noon. Mr. Macon, of New Plymouth, was at the hospital Saturday afternoon to call on his daughter, Mrs. W. I. Kdwards. i a 1- i 13 1 1 1 1...I... vr. nu,. v. cum...... ...... ......y Mr. Krank Allen of Payette presene- came in from Hums Saturday for j. ..... . . ., . . , .. ed the sisters with some finely dressed short visit. ' jhome grown chickens for their Sun- Lee Mullen and wife of West fail day dinner. were here Friday. Mr. Mullen is a well known sheep man. IK LIVE SOCIETY NEWS I Dr. Anderson of Weiser, came up Tuesday. Mrs. E. W. Luckey of Hums, spent Saturday in Ontario. Clarence Derby and wife of linker City, were Ontario visitors Saturday. Chas. Wilhaim and wife of Weiser, spent Thursday in Ontario. J. A. Haley, llradbury and Me-YVil-liams prominent horse buyers wen here this week. Mrs. Addie Karns worth, whu was brought over from Weiser lust Tuos- Mi...s Crete Childers of Nyssa, MM (la evening in I m bad condition, the guest of Miss Hull and Mrs. Hur- passed away Friday night at 11:15. rell for this week end. Mr. Kmmerson has sufficiently rc- H. H. Norlhrup, who represent the covered from his operation for up- Wise Piano House at Boise, was here pendicitis to be taken to the home ul Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cully north of town. Henry Hlackwell passed througn ! Gordon Nicholcon of Harney Valley Ontario this week on his way to his is at the hospital suffering from an ranch. attack of inflamatory rheumatism. J. H. Hubbard of Wenatchee, Wash., I VV. J. McCoy, who waa brought in passed thrugh Ontario Monday on his from Juntura with a very serious ciso way to points east. Rev. D. K. Ilaker will preach at the White school house next Sunduy ut li p. m. Prof. F. J. Cleino will leave Sat urduy for the Rain How mine where he expecta to spend a part of hit. vacation. Ri'V. Haker of the Uuptist church went to Juntura Monday. He will hold services at Juntura and Bivcr bide and will return to Ontario Thursday. Mrs. Fred O. Mahan went to Port land Friday evening. After a short visit there she will go on to Salem to spend several days with her relatives in that city. of spotted f.ver, is improving fast. Mr. und Mrs. Jackoes visited friend .t the hospital Sunduy evening. L. A. Walker visited W. R. Slump Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. A. K. OUeu has returned to her home on Little Willow after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shimp. The Argus Is always pleased to receive advance notices of so- clcty events that have not been printed; also news of those that have taken place. The latter should be In the office not later than Wcdnesduy noon. One of the most enjoyable social events of the yeur given by the Wo man's (lub will be the reception at the home of .Mrs. L. Adam, Saturday nf ti i noon, May ,ud, from .'I to 5 o'clock. This will be given by the members and old officers to the officers elected for the ensuing year. The following members are on the committee for this event: Mrs. Adam, Mrs. Van Pctlcn, Mrs. Dranc, Mrs. K. G. Ilailey, Mr. Wood, Mi H. B. Cock rum und Mrs. W. C. Marsh. The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club met with Mrs. L. Adam Inst week. Red curnutions and spring blossoms were u ed effei I ivcly as decoration i. The prize for tho highest score was awarded to Mrs. Hillingslcy. Tile afternoon's ent rtainment concluded very happily with the serving of ! fresh meats. Mrs. Cayou was u very pleasing hostess to the Silver Bridge club on Wednesday afternoon of Inst week. The fork was won by Mrs. Bumbo, who had the highest score. . Mrs. ft. C. Van Petten proved a charming hostess to the Ontario Music club last Saturday uflemoon. A very enjoyable program of popular music was rendered. This will be the last iriccting for this season. An error appeared in this column last week in regard to the officers elected to carry out the progrum of the Woman's club for the ensuing year. Mrs. H. O. Drane was re-elected president, insteud of Mrs. H. O. Brand us it appeared in the paper und was a i pographical error. Mrs. Dorman, who was recently elected president of the music club, has appointed the following commit tee to prepare the programs for next year's work: Mrs. Clover, chairman; Mrs. VVeese and Mrs. McBratney. Mrs. E. A. Kraser was hostess to the guild of the Kpiseopal church last Thursday afternoon. The next meet ing will be held in two weeks at the home of Mrs. Gnodfcllow. Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. I,eeH will en tertain the S. and C. Club at the home of Mrs. Lees, Thursday after noon, May 27th. Election of offcers will be held. Mrs. A. B. Jackson, Jr., of Minne apolis, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Kred O. Mahan were the guests of honor at a prettily appointed dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinney at their home Friday evening. Covers were laid for six. MANY FROM PACIFIC COAST ON LUSITANIA Several Western Passengers Reported Among Those Rescued. The following passengers on the Lusltanla from the Pacific coast are listed allium; tho survivors. These are: Mrs. Henry Adams, formerly of Portland. Miss Dorothy Connor, or Medford, Or. Miss Mary Walker, of San Fraacla co. Mrs. Cyril Ilretherton, child and In fant, I .on Angelea. I.ewts L. Brllly, Los Angelea. Dun T. Brown, Dos Angeles. Henry Birohall, Boslyn, Wash. Miss C. Altken. Roalyn. Wash. R. I. Uray. Doa Angeles. Following la a Bat of Pacific coast passe agora on the torpedoed ahlp of whom there la no trace Tacoma Mr. and Mrs William Crothera. Hoattle Mlsa Alice Mlddleton. Ban Francisco Will lam Deyland, O. Jonea. A. R. Starch, U. Graham, E. T. lie Hum u ire unil Mra. B. A. Clay. Oakland James P. Oray, Mra. Wil liam Uray, and aon Stewart Uray. Sauaallto Mra. Arthur Courtlandt Duck, accompanied by two sons, ague1 7 and 13 yeara. Dos Angelea Mr. and Mra. A. C. inn. he. owner of the Alexandria hotel, Mrs. J. F. Uray, Mrs. Torrence Uray, 0. F. Foraettl, Mr. and Mra. C. 8. Campbell-JohuatoD. Victoria, It C O. R. Blackburn, Mra. B. Haduw, Mra. Charlotte Mar shall. Jamea Dunamulr, Mr and Mra. C W. Smith and baby. Mr. and Mra. Thomas K. Turpiu, Cecil H. Walr, R. W. wiu.ii, Mr. and Mra W. U. Stokes aud sou, Miss K. Barber, Cub uliiKbaui Smith. Vancouver, B. C P. W. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davey, K. J. Mor rison, Mrs. Alan Crosble, Mr. and Mra. 1'elie and child, U. M. Smash, N. Wick aon, Arthur Davey, Mra. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Charles K. Kobia-sou. PASSES AWAY Mrs. Addie Pane lurnswoitli born RMf Denver. Colo.. June 1... 188(5, and passed away at Onturio. Ore., Mny 14, l!lf. She leave husband and little ..on, I years old, and her parents, who reside in Colo rado. Her mother, .Mrs. Cage, came in answer to a telegram, but her daughter had passed away a few hours before she urrived. The re mains were shipped to Denver Sun day. Mr. Karnsworth, the little ho;, and the mother accompanied the re mains to Denver where the funeral will be held. . - .. . , ? BUSINESS LOCALS Wanted Bids on putting up 1200 tons of alfalfa hay two miles west of Nyssa Contractor to furnish all equip ment. Eastern Oregon Land Co. It For rent Neat I room furnished cott age, J. 0. Staples. WANTKD -1'asturc for year old colt. I. J. Dickson. ltpd. Order your aster plants nnd chrys anthemum plnnts from the Ontario Floral Co. Hcadquartcra Argut- officn. Phone 49-J. Mrs. A. B. Jackson Here. Mrs. A. B. Jackson, Jr., of Minne apolis, Minn., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Mahan on 'he' Harrows-Ordway farm for several weeks, left last Friday evening. Mrs. Jackson, who is a daughter of Mm ton Barrows, will join her husband in Devil's Lake, North Dakota. win,. they will make their future home. ALFRED Q. VANDERBILT Who lost hla life when the Lualtanla aank. Will Build on Farm. Alex. I.ochetid left Monday mornin.r for his farm on Pine Crick, to join Mrs. I hi head, who has been out tlMTC several duys. Mr. I in load will start work right away on a new home out there which will be modern und an ideal farm home. Baptist Church. Topics for next Sunday, 2:rd, 11 a. m., "The Inner Circle." Thla address will be tho first in a series of four addresses on the transfiguration of Jesus. Hear this address and keep the connection. 8 p. m., "The More Abundant Life." This is the eighth in the series of addresses on the gen eral topic "Life." These addresses have been prep nod especially for young people, und nil are especially invited to come and en joy the services with us. D. E. BAKER, Bust..,-. Claim Filed for Extra Road Work. Astoria. l'etersun & Johnson, sub contractor uadur the llo)jolin Ar nold company In clearing and grading the Columbia HlKhway between here and Wustport, have filed a claim with the county court demanding $73,221.77 alleged to be due for extra work aud as a result of wrong classification of material moved. Accompanying the claim was anoth er Including $2468.62 for engineers' services lu cheeking over the work and $671.42 as luturest ou the original sum. No Passports Required In Canada. Montreal. No passports are re quired for travelera In Canada. This definite Information Is bolug sent broadcast by the railway and steam ship lines of Canada to offset any er roneous Impressions which may have been gained by the public through ao much war news In the papers. l'OR RENT Residence formerly occupied by Dr. Wcese. V. B. Stapler, Vale, Oregon. tf To trade dood residence property in a fine Idaho town for land or town proiM-rty at Ontario. Box 083, Ontario, Oregon. 4-tf Only $1.25 for the following collec tion of house plants: 1 heleitrope, 1 tailing star, I Mad Sail geranium, 1 Madison Harney geranium, 1 Ivy gcr nnium, 2 begonins, 2 relus, 2 trades enntins. green and veriegated, 1 Kcn elworth Ivy, 1 Vincar Var. Ontario Floral Co. FOR SALE Cheap., Good young stallion of Belgian breed. Also some mares. Address box 4f7. Ontario. tf FOR RENT Nice new bungalow for rent or sale on caay terma. On tario Laundry. tf. Only $1.25 for the following col lection of bedding plants: 1 double sweet allsyum, 4 asters, 4 verbeniaa, 2 snap pink dragona, 2 lobellaa, 2 bat on. . 1 moon vine, 2 double petunias, 2 dahlias, 6 Steels maatodon panaiea. Ontario Floral Co. ff7l ImLIABll f G00M CRANKLY. friends, you are missing some splendid things in canned goods if you pass our newly stocked line by. Our shelves are loaded with a wide variety of first class tins for your selection. There are peaches and pears and tomatoes and corn and soups and many other things, all pur chased from entirely re liable houses. Certain ly we wouldn't recom mend these canned goods unless we thought thev were fine. WILSON BROS. Millions Visit World's Great PanamaPacific International Exposition at San Francisco ALL RECORDS FOR ATTENDANCE BROKEN BY MARVEL EXPOSITION CITY AT THE GOLDEN GATE. Mrs. Bud Mansker, who recently made plans for an extended visit in Kansas and Oklahoma, is suffering from a nervous breakdown and has postponed her trip indefinitely. Mrs. B. W. Tillotaon of Beulae who has spent several days in On tario, returned to Beulah Monday. Mrs. Tillots.ui was the guest of M i -Berwood Wood at her home west i town a part of the time. David McDonald of Beulah was a business visitor in Ontario last Thurs day. Mr. McDonald says the crops look good around Beulah and pros pects are good for a bumper crop in that section. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will hold a silver tea at the home of Mrs. Guy Armitage this aft ernoon (Thursday) from 2 until 5. Those who will assist Mrs. Armitage are Mrs. C. C. Pratt, Miss DuCloa, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. G. W. Aber nathy. All are cordially invited. uniario Library. Open Monday and Wednesday from :00 to 6:00 p. m. and from 7:00 to :30 p. m. Saturday from 10:00 to :00 a. m.; from 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. .nd from 7:00 to 9:30 p. m. ga- - ' ttxna r4 -W ' I T i B-wnrl L-l Ul v'rbi RW B amtihr f BS ' iM m r wHwnm w UlBlf- Pc 1 E?i B-1 HJrV'llH F j f jKt f ' j m K ta PtI P'T aaaaaMTrTif-rTT2iaa SB v9F at BraT ""fcTI H E fc"SH ' "" W jaB. tfw"Wf BbR ' . - a7V iKJft. at aa n( ? MPa JMAMaaSMaVT KW9 aaViv i ikjHAQ .TaBaH I vw4JB. MHaMTiKwBBmk PlH raBn. al P -fli aatfl lub4sW a. a X . A Ak Jwwa.'H K f raKcaBI (flf i l.nHBflBftAMaA. T, iBKr w kH BBi fli HT HmwV lv .r J w f flaH a KBJ pv BWnaaMii tJi ariMWLJitsL'i Maa uMI B sm IflsT 3B Ji aH? HSnVk BMBaBrQH l-'-ffw' -i ' &v sH Iftil B. hbb Ky al yj Sfc jMjaMSBffffTaBMrTartfJrlffrffTTfiiPff miB j. FmFI vaflB'nn f wfijCilc K " QnrUHHuS RJHaij fErfcgEMB5tfcM?B-HJ i-t ftijjtft PI iMtSLBBWw '" . -H N5di " """ 1W FlTJWll Sn al 1 lalai?! fff aWB IPtfi ' WffWtifn PllT-Wi---nal 1-I Mr JL BLTanL r.MjMr JlTMMMMJfraCaMBaWarSIPBBBlJTB3SM - E CrrWI -0l P4VV Jift--P Cjifcit -T W rl lPM mt J3.WB- '''' . !wVV3K4aHS '?PVt''-B ! S4PB laB PB -fCI . 4l Batar11"! Bateau 8tI Ht ' fTW n. jr TrErAjKtfjyjic aL RavV fM-M-Mr--. HaaWr Tfc-BC Jill i A-LaT l-rUa-fc A ikaaalaaay4BMsnri .. FV ." fiaV iTG' 1J T afwwB 7 B r. -f m tBt KtJbmFi Iw p 4uK WW avM BTSgl m; o? '- MkM mr ' ' !afrVJr rl n vs j VAST CE0WD OATHZRED BF0& THE HUGE TOWES 0? JEWLLS ABE Y0D G0IH0 TO VISIT THE HUGE EXPOSITION! THIS remarkable panoramic pno tograph shows iart of the vast crowd that gathered on the opening day of the Expo sition, Saturday, Feb. 20. The crowd was not only the greatest ever brought together lu the wuat, bat In vaatuea lt broke all previous exposition attend ance records. The grounds were thronged with vlaitora from every part of the globe, aud the big attendance still continues. The opening day i rowd was remarkably peaceful, and no arreata were made by the Kxpoal llou guard or military during the day, and but oae cnlld was loat, and It waa returned to lu muCWr within fifteen minutes. There were no accidents. Tha photograph above abowa. on the left, the Italian towers guarding the eutrmnce to the Court of Falma. uext the 1'alace of Varied Industrie and In the center and on the right tha huge grand stand built before tha Tower of Jewels. Her Secretary of tha Interior rranklln h Lane, actin la behalf of President Wilaou; Prealdcnt Cbarlea C. M ' of tha Panama-Pacific Interna tlonal Kxpoaltion, Dr. Frederick J. T. Skiff, director In chief, accompanied by tha thirty Bxpoaltlon dlrectora, wel i cowed the vast throng that assembled lu Van Neas avenue and Its lateral streets and, headed by Mayor Jtuuea Rotph, Jr.. walked on f thmnrb the atreeU of the city and Into the Kxposl tlou grounds through the S ott street entrance to the grand stand. At the time thla photograph was taken I. In coin Iteaehey, aviator, bad Just appcur ed above the hoiiaoa lu but Dying ma chine, and the throng waa awaiting Mr. Ileui hey's approach to circle the huge Tower of Jewels. Since the opening day the Bxposl lion has been crowded with visitor from all part of the world. Low rail road rates, the sunny skies of Califor nia aud Uie opportunity to see tha woa derful display of the forty-two at tions tlutt ore participating in the poultlon are drawing th ins ads to tha Exposition city at th Wolden Oat.