The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 20, 1915, Image 1

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Ontario Invites You To Celebrate The Fourth Of July With Her
Reports ffom fruit growers in this section
point to n bumper yield this year, and it ia
predicted that it will reach the 75 per cent
mark, with rood pricM. Our rich farming
section baa won an enviable reputation as
a producer of agricultural wealth, and the
prospective settler is becoming interested.
The productivity of the soil In the Ontario
section is attracting the attention of home
seekers all over the country. Our trans
continental railroad offers rapid trans
portation of produce to the large outside
markets, and the agriculturalists of this
Garden of Eden wear a smile of prosperity.
Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley.
NO. 20
The Largest Crops Ever Known In This Section Will Be Harvested This Year
Heavy Rains of the Past Two Weeks Insure Bumper Yields on Both Dry and Irrigated Lands
Two New Members Are Ad-
ded to The Merchants
Complain ts From Nyssa and
Dead Ox Flat Stirs
A small but very osAhulsUc num
ber of the memberji of the Ontario
Commercial club attended the meet
ing of that organisation, at. the club
room Monday evening. After the
meeting ww called to order and the
minutes of the previous meeting were
read by the secretary, the reports of
the various committee were cuJWd
.or. . .
Representative H. L. Peterson ot
tlm men-hunts' committee coinplaine-d
that on account of his committee huv
yg only five members, he found it u
difficult to secure a sufficient
' number to form u quorum, and us the
men hunts' committee has u lurjrc
amount of hard work to perform, re
quested that the number be increased
to seven members. After due coi
ndeiation tin- president grunted the
request and appointed E. A. Fruser
sunt M. K. Newton. The commiltc
U now composed of D. A. Taggard, W.
Xj Lumpkin, Frank Ruder, L. O, Mc
Coy, H. L Peterson, E. A. Fraser, M.
K. Newton.
The good roads committee was in
structed to confer with the road su
pervisors in the matter of improving
the Deud Ox Flut and Nyssa r.-.oi .
A number of compluints ubout the
condition of these rouds have recently
been received, and it is cluiitted by
tin' who have hud occasion to puss
lover these highwuys that they are ut
I present almost impassible. Such roads
should receive the immediute uttcn
' tion of the officials who have tti
power to remedy this evil, as poor
roud cust a reflection upon the prog
ressiveness of the county, while good
roads are one of the most valuable
advertisements, having been the
means, in many- instances, of bringing
intf the community many prospective
, The secretary read a communica
tion from tlie Idaho Automobile as'
sociation, in which thut orgunizuti n
expressed their wish thut the Com
mercial dab becom - members of the
association by paying u fee of $4,
which money would be used in a
J movement to reduee the' cost of guso
.line und improving the roads in a .section of itlafao. The matt. "'
waylaid aiTe. ami m action is ex
pecfeti JU be tukcj in the neut fu
ture. '-'-
A report of -tna finance cohraiitteeta
was read. The secretary presente-iMbc .'well worth witnessing.
accounts .from the different partit .-.
to -.. hoiii the lb is indebted, and the
bills were ordered paid.
A vote of thanks wa tenkvirMis.s
Brosman, who represented Malheur
county at the celebration of the open
hfg of the Ceiilo'canul, and presented
f-teottle b'f; Malheur river' water. Mfss:
ifrosnloTn 'related the many 'pleasant
oaidi'n.ts. jn connection with her trip,
and at the conclusion of her remarks
was loudly applauded.
J ere baiag no further business on
the meeting adjourned.
FileH Action For Divorce.
Vale, May If (Specinl) Emma
Fnrrier filed a complaint nguinst
I'Vancis M. Fnrrier on May 18 in an
action for divorce, l'luintiff asks for
tho custody of the three minor chil
dren, Charlie, Anna und Dee Farrier,
and the sum of $25 alimony per
A complaint has boon filed in the
,'ircui.t " Frank KlM
jose-pn w. v,rcgg e-i ui in an union
for foreclosure to recover the sum of
L. Hello Ixes commenced action
nKuinst Emery Cole et ux to recover
$.!().'i'i.!M) by filing u complaint on
Muy 11.
H. M. Merck, a prominent ranch
man of the II. unman section, who is
visiting in Ontario, expects to leave
for his home tomorrow.
Reduced Rates on All Roads
to Ontario Three
Hands Coming
Visitors to Ontario's big Fourth of
July celebrution will be oft etc 1 re
duced ruilroad rules as follows: One
and one-third fare from all points on
the main line, and one-third fure from
points on branch lines. Tickets to
Ontario will be huu.-icd July .'!, I
und 5. inclusive. Returning to dest
itutions on the main line tickets will
Is' good until July 6, and until the
7th on branch lines. Kxtru cars will
be provided to accommodate the large
The services of three excellent
bunds huve been enguged to furnish
music during the celebrntioa and
musicul organizations from Weiser,
Puyette und Ontario will reiuier pul
riotic selections throughout the duy,
which will add much to the enliven
ment of the festival.
A sufficient number of seats will
be provided for the crowd, und re
freshment stunds will be erected in
different sections of the business por
tion of the city, in order thut the
visitors may enjoy a rest during the
heat of the day.
One of the most stupendous parados.
ever witnessed in Ontario will stu-t
ut 10 a. in., and this will be followed
by exercises in the park. One of Ore
gon's most brilliant spcukcrs will M
orator of the duy, und will uddres.
the people at the puck.
In the afternoon what promises to
fbe an exciting und closely conli steel
game of baseball will take place ul tin
fair grounds. A smull admission fee
will be charged, and those who ure in
position to know, say the game will
There will be sports of every de
scription on the streets. No entrance
fee will be charged the contestant,
and the winners will receive u cash
prize immediately after each event.
The city will be appropriately deco
rated for the occasion, and every one
will enter into the spirit of the duy
and enjoy themselves to their heart's
The entertainment committee has
under consideration a proposition of
holding a baby show. At present no
action has been taken in the matter.
Program on More Elaborate
Scale Than Ever Plan
ed Here Before
Committees Have Been Ap-
poidted to Take Charge
of Events
The plans for the observance of
Memorial Day in Onturio this yeur
on u lurger scale than ever before ure
being perfected und ull the committees
are spending n greut deul of time on
the preparations.
The generul committee, consisting
of Mrs. liinghum, mis. Hager und
Mrs. W. N. Brown, carried out the
preliminary work. The ladies' uux-
ilury of the Commerciul club hus up-
pointed Mrs. Van Petten, Mrs. Clem
ent and Mrs. K. M. Greig to select
eighteen little girls who will ride in
the purude und tuke purt in decorut-
nig the old soldiers' graves. These
ladies will also sujH-rvise the making
of wreaths for decorations. Mrs. H.
H. Whitney will huve charge of pro
viding conveyances for the children
und the old soldiers. The lodges huve
also been invited to tuke purt in the
purude, but no definite urrungements
huve been mude.
At noon the W. C. T. U. ladies
will serve a dinner to the old soldiers
und wives and the widows of old sold
iers in the pork near the depot. In
the afternoon u musicul program will
be given by some of the members of
the Onturio Music club, assisted by
the JkhkI. A number of school chil
dren will also give some drills in the
1915 Graduation Clans of
i t rt
Photo by Burrell.
Top row, left to right: William Fitzgerald, Alva Arnold, Crull Orcutt,
I.ucile Worth, Palmer Trow. Middle row, left to right: Grayce Sage
Crystal West, Muriel Millikin. Button
Nellie Poole, Earl Griffin, Vera N. cb,
Flacer Claims Are Filed
Vole, Moy 1! (Special) One hun
dred and sixty-six notices of placer
locations were filed with the county
recorder on May 18. These claims
are in the vicinity of Succor creek,
where a great number of claims huvp
alreody been taken up. They are
chiefly valuable for potassium and
Tuesday morning an enthusiastic
party of prospectors returned to Vale
from a week's trip to Succor creek,
where they hnd been locnting potash
duims. They took up four sections.
They found the country extremely
rough, and the roads very difficult of
travel, but they bring bark glowing
reports of thf richness of the lund.
Festivities of Graduation
Class Being Held This
This is commencement week for the
Ontario high school. Sunday evening
the baccalureau service by Kev. W.
N. Brown was held in the auditorium.
The evening services in the other
churches were given up and a large
number attended this union service.
Tuesiluy evening the class play, "Mr.
Hob," was given at the Dreamland
theatre and great crcini is uue me
I.. - a .... lix i s .,
class for the way this was presented. wou,d affof hjn rM( triinilMirU.
Tonight (Thursday) the commence- Uon frQm Kvm of hun ,ubor aM,
ment exercises will be held in the ,eMant ,,n, ttnd bidding v.s
high school auditorium. Friday even- lfy ,agt fttr4we ,.,.
ing the Junior class will give the ' . f . . .. .
customary reception and farewell
purty to the graduates at the L. Adam
home. Elaborate preparations are be-
mg muue lor mis eveni. ne iuiiow
ing is the program for the commence
ment exercises:
Overture Orchestra
Invocation Rev. Brown
Rena Adam
Salutatorian Alva Arnold
Oration Crull Orcutt
Selection Orchestra I
I.ucile Worth
Fthel Heslop
Address Hon. Walter Pierce
Solo Earl Griffin
Presentation of diplomas. .Mr. Ruder
President of Bourd of Education.
The Ontario High School
row, left to right: Ernest Grams.-.
Earl Weaver.
Penitentiary Escape Takes
Kingman's Boat and
Comes Down River
Search Started by Local
Official Man Caught
Near Payette
Through the quick action of Mur
shal Kerfoot the capture of a des
perate criminal was effected at Puy
ette during the fore part of the week.
Monday u convict, whose name is un
known, and who hud been working on
the Idaho prison farm in the Home
dale section, where the labor is per
funneil bv convicts, cm-lined und made
L way aong th(. ,)unk of th. riv,.,.
jto pafe ,n thi imrri,,illt, ylrlnitv
. u. . , ULlrfl , Ku
VI miieillllll I " . !J i H
gnf-, thpre h(j MpJwJ a tw,, bm,
,)-,.- t0 A G Kingman,
, .. . - .h ,.(,nv.t
',et4,pminl.1, tht h,, woul, fin,. it v,.rv
,,.. t(1 ltl-W(. . au,.4.,.Mgfu ,...
overland, while the river craft
- - .. - . - - . - .,..- p.--
hJ8 tnnMgrtfltuiunb wm. unknown, and
i . . . , ... ... . f f
iom p-
But his hard-earned
liberty was short lived.
A ihort time ufter the convict's
departure Wurden Snook of the Ida
ho penitentiury, who hud been noti-
ifieil of the ex. -sine trucked him to the
. . ,...... ani...i bv if.. Kiaav.
th(, rJV(.r UM( inhtttnty
discovered the disappearance of the
bout. Mr. Kingmun telephoned Mai
shal Kerfoot, who, in turn, communi
cated with the marshal Ut Payette,
and a search for the thief was im
mediately instituted
After leuviug the colony thV con
vict sailed to Puyette, where he ilN-
t i i .i ... .1.1.1.. - ii i .
''farni hollse aM(l JJJ JJ foo1 A
i short time afterwards he was appre
hended und wus later returned to the
Idaho prison ut Bt
The Slor ol Julius i aesar.
Before reaching his twentieth
birthday, Caesar meets und fulls mad
ly in love with pretty Cornelia, daugh
ter of Lucious Cinnu. They an
married despite the advice of their J
friends, who well know the bitter am
mosity existing Ix-twcen Sulla, dic
tator of Borne, and Lucius Cinnu. Tbe
immediate result of this husty mur
riage is un annulment und the bun
ishment from Rome of Caesar He
leaves, vowing thut the eternul city
shall again hear of him.
This eloe-.- not oecur until twenty
years later whi'ii he return.-, ut news
of Sulla's eleutb unel plunges briskly
into the eampa for th e ousulship.
In this In i a I.! b., Calpnrnia,
daught'i o tin- wealthy Piso. Caesar
and Calpurnia are- married und Caesar
is ele-cteel tei the e.nsulship in the fail
of strong opposition by Cato. the
younger, who fears the growing pop
ularity of the still youthful states
man. To further fortify himself
against the attacks of Cato, Caesar
forms a political alliance- with Pomp.-y
which later grows into the first tri
umvirate, consisting of Caesur,
(Continued on page 8.)
Move to Portland
Mrs. Lou Morgan left Saturday
evening for Portland to join Mr. Mor
gan, who accepted a position then
severnl weeks ago. The Morgans are
well known here, Mrs. Morgun being
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Far
ley. A number of delightful parties
have been given in honor of Mrs. Mor
gan the pnst few weeks.
Hearing Postponed.
The hearing of the public utilitiy
commission on the telephone situation
which was to have been held May 17,
has been postponed.
Dr. Weese reports the serious ill
ness of little Jimmy, the smull son
of W. H. Brooks.
Fast Exhibition of National
Game Put up at Nampa
Last Sunday
What is claimed by funs to be the
best exhibition of basebull witnessed
in this section of the country, was
played Sunday in Nampa between
tin N'umpu and Ontario teams of the
Iduho-Oregon leugue. A tie score of
I to 1 ufter thirteen innings, is the
way the score book read. Another
inning, however, would nuve mude a
different story, for the Nampa team
a.i weakening perceptibly and could
not huve held out much longer.
Ilert I'itchner, in the box for On
tuno, did some excellent work. While
then- was one or two times when he
got u little wild, yet his splendid work
ut other times more than mude up for
it. The Nampa score was not earned,
und was only secured on account of
haul luck of the Onturio teum. So
fur us can be learned here, the score
book shows Ontario played an error
less game. Members of the team,
however, think Chapman imoie un er
ror at second. Of this there is some
doubt, but granting Onturio one er
ror, it shows thut the local team is
verj' strong, und is one of the fastest
aggregations thut ever pluycd ball in
this section of the country.
The jrainc Sunday wus not u pitch
ers' battle, for both pitcher. I wi n bai.
ted frequently and the field wus given
plenty of work. But the Ontario team
denied to play in hunt luck through
out the- game, uml time- afte-r time
it seemed they woulel score, but fuile-el.
A two-base hit by Higgins brought
Ailshire home for Ontario's only run.
Ontario is given ten hits, Ailshir.
muking four of these. Numpa secure-el
seve-n hits.
Ove r MM huuelre-el funs from On
tario went ti Numpa to se-e- the- game,
u special rate having been secured.
Next Sunday Nampa will play in On
turio, und the game here is expected
to be u buttle royal. Nampa is haul
at work this wee-k strengthening their
team, und the Onturio ti-um is keeping
in practice and in readiness for what
is expected to be the hurelest gume
of the season.
B. F. McElroy of Cambridge loft
Tueselay for his home In Idaho.
Executive Committee Says
Business Men Are
Date Changed to Monday
so as Not to Conflict
With Payette
There is only one way to satisfy
that seemingly inborn desire of every
human soul, both young and old the
hope and plan to enjoy their vacation
during the Fourth of July. Usually
we cannot nume the day when the de
sire originated we have heard of and
taken purt in Fourth of July cele
brations ever since we can remember.
It is a day that is different from all
others when the festivities of the oc
casion banish dull rare and bring for-
getfulness of the business worries jr
the stern realities of the battle of
This year Ontario will hold a cele
brution that will eclipse all previous
efforts in the line of amusement, and
will be entered upon the pages of
eare-elissipating events as the great
est affair of its kind ever held In the
At the meeting of the Ontario Com
mercial club last Monday evening, I..
Adam, a member of the special ex
ecutive committee on the Fourth of
July celebration, reported that the dif
ferent committees were meeting with
remurkuble success in promoting the
big festival. Every one with whom
he has tulkcd were heartily in favor of
hohling a celebration, and have ex
presseel their de-termination to make
it the biggest und most enjoyable
public entertainment the people of this
county huve ever witnessed.
Each uml every representative of
the different committees, which com
prise the executive and finance,
music, entertainment, transportation,
sports, speakers, advertising, fire
works, decoration und parade und pro
grum are working laborously and har
moniously during every hour of tho
elay, unel thut their efforts will receive;
the- well merited reward of the stamp
of approval from the many thousands
who are expected to enter the city'e
domain upon the great natal duy is
U foregone' conclusion.
(n account of I'ayette having da
termineel to celebrate Friday und Sat
urday, July 2 und 8, Ontario entered
into a reciprocal agreement with her
sister town uml has elected to celebrate-
on Honda" July 5, this being
the day designated by the special executive-
committee as the day upon
which fun and frolic will reign su
preme in our picturesque city. The
elate wus postponeel as an act of
friendliness to our neighboring town.
This will offer the- people of Ontario
und the surrouiieling country an op
portunity to purticipate in the event
at Payette, unel will also extend the
opportunity to Payette and nearby
sectons tei re turn the compliment by
visiung viniano and taking Dart in
our glorious entertainment.
invitations have been extended to
every one in Malheur and Canyon
counties to join ua in our Fourth of
July function. On that duy the keys
ui me city wm be thrown iw.v .l
all will enjoy the hospitality of the
Ontarions. whose hand is ever r, udy
to clasp in warm friendiehi,. w ...
the stranger within her t.u..H
bid them welcome.