The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 13, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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i .... . . Hay I. F. B, Lloyd. Hoi-1
list, r, til ho M and Mr W,. .
), l . ')'. .!. Reblni tl and wife.
Winona; R A Jol on Bhanlki . I
tn. W. ( . I Mlf, V;il. ; Mr. TonniiiK-
, : ' t-t' -3 v $"$
fon. Boise,
V( rlnr 'lay.
May -r,. H. Wall
NynHii; W. M. Hartford, Pnrttand) A.
W. Wo IMl, Nl pi Mrs. G. ...
TTmrv. I:i . M;iy I J. P. Hnyden. '
tgjajlwlnn Franl I! Bella, Romedalei
yf, h. i;, . rlomadaltj , Machor,
isfarnim; I. C. Bn tt, Ontario) R. A.
Kalmy. W tfalli R. M. Jofcnaon,
Friday. May 7. H. C. Madison,
Boise: T. it Goodhnn, LaOraadai
Mr. I. A. Mil' . BrOfSai Frank Sels,
Ilalvr; Mr. I ' Ml 'lorff, Caldwell;
PfaUaM I .y tm h. .isa.
Saturday. May H. John Mnrhos,
Nai"ia: I'. 'olfiiian and wife, Hrnan;
B. W. Cowan, Walla Walla, I. H.
Ilnnter. Bakari Jan. Hunton, Midvale;
L C. Brichoux, Haines; Mildred Wil
on, Ontario.
Sunday, May !. D. H. Huntor,
Itnki i . Boise Hall Team, Boise; W.
U. Kitno and wife, H. f, Klme and
wife, Harper; Payette Band, Payette;
Mm. W. O. Ruit, Juntura; W. M.
Kenneda, I.aGrande; A. B. Anderson,
Wriser; W. Kdwards, New Plymouth;
D. P. Pollen, Owyhee; C. Hubbard,
Weiaer; S. P. Bement, Baker; C. E.
Ilarton, A. H. Gerdeau, Weiser.
Farm and
The Ontario Kncore Band was or-
. - ,. . . w.thod. of iRanized October 20, 1914, by D. B.
Information pi to Soil and Mtthoda or i
Stad Planting. Colcord, at the request of several
t1'i.rr.l by thn Units! HUtcs depart- 'members of the hih school, anl by
meat r,f asrtoaltur . i ,
Carrots ,.,,'d to be sown very thickly ,t"c assistance of the Commercial club
hiMinse the a Is me very sinnll and and others interested in musu.
Moore Hotel.
Tuesday, May 4
Mrs. E. Bergeron, Juntura; M. V.
HohwtII, Boise; H. T. French, Cor-rmBa-,
B. F. Ware, Boise; D. C. Brich
sm. Hahsas. Ore.; W. E. SinKer,
paitaburg. Wash.; G. G. Blanchord,
Vitsfeurg, Wash; T. C. .Kastham,
le. Ore,.
WvdnosAay, May 15 .
3. P. Congdon, Boise; E. N. Strong
and .rr. Portland, Orf.; W. C. So
X, Pocatello; W. T. Gray, Boise; V
I. Mmrr ii,,,., . I), R. Benson, Boise;
H. Kuhn, Hoise; W. C. Spencer, I.u
Thursday, May 6
V A. Hueae, Pocatello; Junies Mc
Namani. Hoise; W. J. , Gray, Boise; L.
T. Moon, Bataai O. D. Loveless, Bro-
.11 Y. Hlackwell, Portland; O. W.
Photo by ABMiioao Fraaa AaaoelaOoa.
Captain H. 8. Klshne, commander
of the American ship sunk by the Oer
man raider Prln Eltel Frledrlch.
,,,Uf rllmiitra. HI ruins oi uiu mmm i"" " , . . A ,
,olat cimiates. ( thc chlcng0 plckIlnK ! '.yen years ago, and Charles A. Gar
dens IS IlKtiy (V i.Lii ...rtiu. im orv nniiu. '..,' ..o. ol.n a member of that or-
Rawlins, Pocatello; Ed Hansen, Lo
Friday, May 7
G. Redman, Boise; W. N. Powell,
Boise; L. G. Mitchell, Boise; E. R.
Dalton, Boise; A. B. Anderson, Wei
ser; D. C. Brichoux, Haines; B. F.
Ware, Boise; S. Koppell, Boise; J. B.
Powers, Medford.
Saturday, Bsy 8
C. C. Carter, Grlnnell, Ida.; C. W.
Prink water, Drewsey; C. W. Hlack
well, MrCaU, Lla,; R. H. Dearmond
and wife, Vale, Ore.; Fred Robertson,
Drewsey; Thos. Jones, Vale; K. I. Bro-
gan.. Vale. .
Sunday, May 9
J. JV Nelson, Jordan Valley; Ernest
8. Smith, J.ordan Valley; Bert Hlatt,
Hermiston; R. T. Hughet, Burner Ore.;
I. K. WrJght, La Grande; C. J. Bull
ard, IUi-e, J M Johnson, Boise; E.
R. Keagle, Boise; E. M. McMsster,
(fennliiMte very slowly. An exeelletit
plan Is to sow n few radish seeds with
Hi.- . ;irrots ho as to murk tin; row and
mako curlier cultivation possible. Two
gOOd vin lei lex are early hcnriet norn
and riiniitetinay.
Cauliflower Is the most delicate mem
ber of the Htwp family. With It the
flower Is the part used for food. It
does best In cool, moist climates.
Tho irrentest su
como If the heads start to form before
or after the long hot summer days. It
Is raised In practically tho same man
ner as cabbage.
Celery should be kept growing
steadily nil through the season. Any
check in Us growth such as frosting,
wilting at transplanting time or in
sufficient supply of moisture Is likely
to cause It to go to seed.
Chsrd or Swiss chard Is an oxcellent
plant for providing greens daring the
It consists at present of the fol
lowing officers and members:
President. Frank Kvans, clarinet.
Viee Pres'dent-Treasurer. II
Drnnn, clarinet.
Serrctary, Rowland Kocnisr, bnss
la preferred for raising a good crop for
pickling. Almost any of the various
Hi rains of the white spine will do wen
Director, D. B. Colcord, cornet.
Soloist, George K. Stewart, cornet
Alfred Holland, cornet.
C. C Taylor, comet.
Millard Sage rornet.
William LOOS, cornet.
Jay Husted, cornet.
James lifer, saxophone.
Robert Lees, alto.
Rnlph Kmison, alto.
Albert Holland, mcllophone.
L. E. Raney, mcllophone.
M. C. Shoup, cornet.
Orville Walter, tenor.
Peter Madden, tenor.
Kphriam Harriot, slide trombone.
Bryan Rabbi slide trombone.
D. A. Grrgors slide trombone.
lied Pender, buritone.
Wallace Hoomhauer, E Flat Bass.
Price Baker, snare drum.
Charles A. Garvin, bass drum.
Mr. Drane, th; wH kno vn agent
of the O. S. L. Ry., was a member of
the first Ontario band, organized
fl L' sfeurEHH
v n was a so a memocr oi mav or
who is a fine sob
a snan aasj or kAiTLtrUtinpL
late eummer. It has leaves that re
Bvu.iihi lieet leavea. except that they
are a light yellowbih fJHsV Ths'lemvea
are preparetl the aiiiue aa spUMeh and
the stslka and mMrlbs ar used the
same aa aaparngUa.
be sown out of doors, A bea T7 apU
Uostou pickling varieties are very popu
in r. ganization.
Egg plants require a long season and Mr Stewart,
a high teiniKjrature. In our hot dry cornetigt wag forn,erly the leader of
..iiuniera they will do very well If the Co,o an(J hn8
oLiniM ure started earlj-. The fruits f,,
aremoatly (SS or purple In color, of kindly consented to as.i. the con
rather variable slw and shape. They ductor at rehearsals and concerts
are usually sliced end fried for eerv- when they do not conflict with his
lng. New York purpkt Is a good varl- duties at the O. S. L. depot,
ety. c. C. Taylor was formerly a mem-
Kndlve Is raised as a very early crop of Wallhinjrton band ana M. C
in.pring. buttterasalstefal icrop m MexJco
It la blanched In order to reduce lu ""i
bltterneaa and make It more tender, band for several years. James I" ht
lllnnehlng Is done In two or three played the saxophone in a Balom
weeks by tying the tops together. Kn- Ore., band and D. A. Crega played
dive Is often stored for winter uae lu wjtn gn orchestra in Idaho. L. E.
the same way sa Is celery. iRamey is also an experienced pl.iv i
Horaeradlab i a perenntal plant, but hw recenty JolW(, ,hi otI)d
Is generally grown as an onnusl, n conductor wa- 'nmr o( fhf
U raised by planting root cuttings lM conaucior wa no-,
"tout four or six Inches long with the 'signal corps United Mates army p.t
tops sbont three inches below. tba sur-; band at, Georgetown Heyjts, D. C.
ZJ ik. ...II an.l atuint tnr Iwn vsara diinni th. "ivil war I!
llll'V v. u, ww ...... i m w . w , , t" m --
a - - ... K v.m, ThU Klilt un t C1AZ .J -!.. ruutM l..n.,.,k
llieura linn ui iw iw. i iov,i 10 mm, ami " biih-v q .v.,'
cuttings are the uitrel rooU trimmed M teacker of many musical oigan
off of the large roots wbeo they sre eiAionil f the m,Hdle wett and in U p .
harvested. The roots should all be " .,. ,mo.v
hnrvested at tlw end of the drat year. ".";, . " JTTi . ,
taking not to break off any side students of the Ontario schools, many
noa that would to left In the soil, or of them having had no previous musi
i he horaeradlab will , become s very cal cducajson or expexience. They do
totbereome weed. serve great praise for their perse
Kohl rabl to the member of the csb- T.raoce n mastering the rudiments of
tog family with an emerged stem It and of tlr In
to ofw called turnip-rootad cabbage. . ;...,, to thei
It Is ratoed by either transplanting the ", . ' J
Via Oregon Short Line
March 1. to Nov. 30
You can go via Ogden, Sail
Lake and Los Angeles, and
return via San rranclSCO,
Portland and Huntintfonor
low exnense and cover
Moat Interesting Scenic
points of the Pacific Coast,
including both Expositions.
Ask agents for rates and further
particulars or write,
Gen. Pass. Agt.. Salt Lake City.
I a-
5 Tifc IT laW
' MBatMlii V.- afl
asfl .aaaaaaaaaaB
LsllVaslllK ' ' T
Wasss SS) Ssassasaa aaaaasasi
To our curtttmTs living a
Iting tho New Jitney Car
Any f our customers huv-
log ohargt nooonnti at thii
It oft, who liv on either line
10 NytMa, Oregon, or New
rivmoutli, Idaho, may order
goods eill v by phone r mail
ami upon reUt)8t vt wiU
forward by jitney Lwf
viee paying eliarges andoharg
ing hiinu' to your aectnint.
We will be pleased to reefiw
rush orders mid run give yon
quick MTVioi as tlu- ears ptt
our enrner going both way.
Our New Klos
Fit Petticoats
Here this week in abund-
anei' of boauly.
Made of Taffalatilk in tlu-
new llaivd styles in all this
seasons newe.-t sbailes.
Priced $5.00
NioaliBM of sateen peti
OOall i the new stylos.
Priced $1. to $2.50
tw os e c onJ IV
fJpMBaBaBpJa.jVaaBjBjBaajBBa.aaaaBBjaiaMaaaaMaaaasaanssaaaaajaaaaa - f
ailK I
IHUB. -- " M
. i - - mm mr taaaaai t if anwinv aaaaa bbii
"raZirwloT rs-T:S3t TsnTulugVo 1 rtn will b. given by the
da about a ,outh bafor. d cau afcht loebsav lu wW It I. surftrlban. tje cVpark. near the depot,
. jt a k.. ...ii f turnlnav . i if, Invarwraek. commencing May HO.
I -i as
Oonn M. Robarts. Mayor of Tsrra
Hauts, Indians, who wss aentancro to
als ysars' Imprlsonmsnt for atactica
For twenty years we
have been the riding
boot store of Canyon,
Harney and Malheur
counties and to-day bet
ter than ever for best
looking, best wearing
and most reasonable
priced line of riding
boots to be found.
A lot of new dainty
dresses in the ready to
wear department just re
cieved by express for the
graduating girls, also the
piece goods department
is showing a lot of very
choice material for dain
ty dresses.
The sensation of the season
isour showing of new pattern
in summer parasols and with
in the last three days we
have added two more express
shipments, you want to see
these in all the new colors
in plain, dots and stripes.
Straw Hat
Is Here
Mens new straw hats pur
chased right and priced right
to you. All the newest
91(i shape? in styles that in
clude the new pencil brim,
telescope, high crowned and
staple shapes, preferred by
conservative men. All sizes
to fit everv head.
Every man should take ad
vantage of our splendid un
derwear stock and get what
he wants both as to make,
cut and price. Now on display.
- -
Lot of Bovh and C-irls Jm' ontawo 7 iaW
Rompers and Wands on I mtzBrm
display this week of arw sirT4
The Little One Make. WW H
Priced 35c to 50c, I Lgpf
W k mduKDi, f
sSaarT9a 1st 1 ! 'aC I Ml
If you are interested in the culti-
uating of corn or other crops you
want to see our large line of culti
vating implements. We receive them direct from the
factory by the car load and can be of real service to
you. Hay cutting will soon start and we have just re
ceived two cars of cutting machinery for you to aelect
from of the Deering make,
Attend the Free dem
onstration of Armours
Grape Juice Thursday,
Friday and Saturday
of this week.
jWoJffARlO jfM
IWoRtOONjl m
I aasWBaaaaasPr u'