FTVe? ,-r FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTION The Ontario Pharmacy The Rexall Store Hood River, Oregon, We used "Corona Dry" exclusively in our orchards, comprising some three hundred acres. It gave the best satisfaction of any lead we have ever used. North Pacific Fruit Distributors We have Corona Dry in 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 lb. kegs S0SS00SSSS8SSSS8SS8S THK ONTARIO ARGUS. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1315. LOCAL NEWS G. Sparks of Union, Ore., wag in Ontario Monday. Mrs. George Kellogg spent a few days in Hoise last week. Miss Vrccland of Juntura was an Ontario visitor last week. H. L. Fresno of Jonathan was a business visitor Monday. Sheriff Ben Drown went to Port land Friday. Jerry Staplcton of Riverside, Ore., was r. business visitor Monday. Fd Jones of Fruitland was in On tario Saturday on business. J. P. Kidd is having the front of his printing office painted. Henry Steuben of Vale was in On tario Monday on business. George Fitchner of Homedale, Ore., spent Saturday and Sunday in On- Charles Barnes of Washoe made a business trip to Ontario Friday. Pat Murphy of Payette, Ida., was in Ontario Friday on business. H. Griffin of Ontario wu a Boise visitor Sunday. R. H. DeArmond was in town Sat urday from his ranch above Vale. Fred Fldridge of Fruitland spent Friday and Saturday in Ontario. C. Welti of Fruitland was in On tario Saturday on business. Morris Dfckerson of Weiser wu in Ontario Friday on business. Attorney John Rand of Baker was in Ontario last Friday on business. II. H. Stahl of Meridian, Ida., spent Sunday and Monday in Ontario. George Henckle of Payette waa in Ontario Monday on business. R. L. Gilbert of Payette spent Sun day here. Frank Golden and Harry Butler of Nyssa were Ontario visitors Sunday. L. W. Smith of Payette wu in town Sunday. Tern Crothers of Big Bend wu in town Saturday. Mrs J. K. MrAlpine of Vale wu Rro last Wednesday. Mrs. Boydell and daughter were in Ontario from Nyssa Saturday. 8. P. Bement of Baker City wu here last week. Mr. Bement repre sents a monument company. Ralph Snow of Salmon City ar rived in Ontario Monday for a two weeka' visit with relatives. E. I. Cattron, the government ag ricultural expert and well known cat tle man, wu here lut week. H. H. Trowbridge of John Day, a prominent rattle man, wu here Thursday. J. W. Cage, manager of the Wash ington hotel at Weiser, wu in On IE They say that opportunity knocks at everyone's door at some time, and this time it was at our door. One of the largest silk importing houses in this country just received a late shipment of silks and put them on the market at about half price, and having had the good fortune to have the ready cash we bought a line of new and fancy patterns, and in turn will give you the opportunity of sharing our saving. The silks we are offering at 59c. a yard, are retailed all over the country at $1.00 to $1.25, and are well worth it. But owing to the late arrival of the Roods, this CASH PRICE was made to unload them. Remember This Silk Sale Starts Saturday Morning See Our Window For 59c. Silks NO GOODS CHARGED OR LAID AWAY. D AFiFD DDefVPTJIDC The Store That Saves You Money KALMYK rJLU 1 tUUtCo Ontario, Oregon tario last Friday. J. H. Pearle of La Grande was here in the interest of the Knights of Co- i liiinliiis last week. Charles E. Brooks, superintendent of the O. S. L., was here from Boise last Thursday. Mr. J. W. McCullooh is still confined to his home with a severe attack of influenza. Mrs. Mary Steinkamp of the Nyssa Hotel and Mrs. Richey of Nyssa were Ontario visitors Tuesday . W. H. Gess, the well known sheep ' mnn nf Hnrnil:il uraa hi-r.. Wa4nna- Wk v. ....., ...... ... .. ,..,,,,.. day. R. A. Woodburn, who represents the American Steel company, was here from Portland this week. Lester Sewell of Payette, who hu been out to Brogan recently, came through this week on his way home. Mrs. E. T. Rodgers and daughter. Mrs. R. W. Echardt of Idaho Falls, were Ontario visitors Saturday. R. W. Jones and wife are the proud parents of a nine and one-half pound boy born Sunday, May 2 M. E. Bain was up from his ranch in the Big Bend section the latter part of lut week. Mi. and Mrs. J. J. Beaty were in from their homestead the latter part of last week. George Gilkerson of Midvale passed through Ontario. Monday on his way to Omaha with three carloads of hogs. Robt. Stubbs of North Powder came down Monday on the noon train to look after his property interests. F. Mossberger of Wellington, Kan., passed through Ontario Monday on his way to the cout. W. Brown, editor of the Gate City Journal of Nyssa, wu an Ontario visitor Monday. . I. L. D, MorrUesl of the Western Oregon Colonixation company, re - turned from Portland lut week. G. Clifton of Sacramento, Cal., passed through Ontario on his way to , points eut. P. H. Moulton of Weiur wu in Ontario over Sunday. Ha returned Monday on the pony. Charlie Mink of Boiu wu in On tario Friday on business. He returned on the noon train. Ralph Miggins of Greely, Colo., ar- rived in Ontario Friday for a ,two weeks' visit with relatives. Albert Heath of Snlida, Colo., spent two days in Ontario before returning to his home. G. Higgins, commonly known ss "Hungry" Higgins. of Weiser. spent Sunday in Ontario. Harry Stamper of New Meadows was a business visitor to this city Monday. C. Tonnemsn, a prominent rancher near Pnrma, was in Ontario Monday. He returned on the evening train. Clyde Engle of Hailey, Ida., spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Ontario. He returned Saturday even ing. F. S. Bailey and wife went to Boise last Thursday. Mr. Bailey returned Saturday, but Mrs. Bailey remained for a visit with friends. George Mott of St. Joe, Mo., arrived in Ontario Friday far a couple of days before continuing his journey to the coast. Emory Wright and wife of Payette were Ontario visitors Saturday. Mr. Wright is a prominent architect of Payette. B. Turner of Bellview, Ida., arrived in Ontario Monday for a few days' visit with relatives. He expects to return the latter part of the week. H. R. Twilliger of Idaho Palls was a business visitor Friday, Saturday and Sunday. He left Sunday evening for Spokane. Robert Simmons of Pocatello, Ida., was in Ontario Sunday and Monday on business. He returned to his home Monday on the evening train. J. R. Lusk, agent of the Western Oregon Colonisation company, from Salt Lake, was in town Thursday of lut week. John L Burke and Frank, W. Burke, prominent cattle men of Portland, were hero this week on their way to Juntura after cattle. P. Gallaher and wife of Juntura were in Ontario for the weekead. Mr. Gallaher is editor of the Juntura i Times. j Mrs. L. B. Delsole, wife of the agent at Jenture, wu in Ontario Monday on I her way home from visiting friends in Jt&m and Twin Falls, Ida. ' J. M. Bradley, editor of the Idaho Poultry Journal with headquarters at Boiu, wu in Ontario Monday and Tuesday on business M. C Whitworth and wife and Mr. and Mm. Kenton of Wejsjr motored to Weiser lut sjeek. jrOss account of the rain they returned ojs the train, leaving the car there. A party of surveyors, including Charles M. Clooior, Charles H. Col lier, F. M. McCormack and Clay C. Grant, came up from Eugene lut week. H. Logan, local agent of the Eut ern Oregon l.und company of this city, returned from Baker City Thurs day, where he purchased n new Buick 25. J. G. Kidwell, a prominent commis sion man of Portland, who has been here and in Vale for several dsys looking after some sheep, left for Boise Friday morning. sTtlr g LIVE Mill! NEWS I The Argus Is always pleased to receive advance notices etf so- clety events that have not been printed; also news of those that have taken nlace. The latter should be in the office not later than Wednesday noon. - The Clover Club met at the home of Mrs. Jaquish this afternoon. Mrs. A. I. Cockrum was hostess to the Silver Bridge Club Wednesday afternoon. A meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held at the Methodist church Tues day afternoon. A sepecial business meeting of "the Methodist Aid Society wu held this afternoon in the Band Hall. The Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Rader last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Billingsley won high honors. The S. and C. Club met last Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dickson. The afternoon waa spent with needlework end dsinty refresh ments served. A business meeting of the Music club wu held at the city hall last Saturday afternoon. The following of ficers were elected to serve for the en suing year; President, Mrs. Dorman; vice president, Mrs. Rambo; secretary, MK; Qlover; treasurer, Wilmoth Cufrfv program committee, will be appointed by Mrs. Dorman in the near future. The next meeting will be nt the home of Mrs. Van Pettet Saturday, May 16. e e The May Day tea given at the home of Mrs. G. L. King Saturday after noon by the Episcopal Guild wu a great success both socially and finan cially. The King home was prettily deco rated with spring blossoms. The dining table wu very attractive, a May pole being wrapped with rib bons by several kewpiea being the centerpiece. Mrs. King waa assisted in receiving by Mrs. E. A. Fraser and Mrs. Billingsley. Mrs. Swagler and Mrs. W. W. Wood assisted by Miss Charlotte Claggett presided in the dining room. On account of the rain the May Pole dance to have been given by the children on the lawn was postponed. BUSINESS LOCALS Wanted Bids on putting up 1200 tons of alfalfa hay two miles west of Nyssa. Contractor to furnish all equip ment. Kastern Oregon Land Co. It . For Sale Buggy and single harness. Phone 207-N-4. It pd For Sale Household goods. Ora Campbell, Phone 96R Mrs. It FOR SALE 30 nice shouts. J. J. Dillard, 4 miles west of Ontario. 15 tf. a Order your aster plants and chrys anthemum plants from the Ontario Floral Co. Headquarters Argus office. Phone 49-J. Notice The Argus office wants to buy clean cotton rags. To trade Good residence property in, s line Idsho town for Isnd or town property st Ontario. Box 088. Ontario, Oregon. 4-tf The Ontario Prestary is doing some fine jobs on Panamas, Straws or unv oting in the clesning line. If you need a Spring Suit It will pay you to see Art Dunnuck, he hu s bargain for you. FOUND Gold handled paruol. Owner may obtain same by giving discription and paying for ad. Call Argus office. Hotel Ontario -open undno new management. Rooms 25, 35, 50 and nSosnta. G. W. Long. Prop. M-lt FOR SALE Cheap Good young stallion of Belgian breed. Also some mares. Address box 457. Ontario, tf FOR SALE Now 5 room cottage In Riverside add it km. Inquire at Argus otli-e. tf FOR 8ALE A 6 scro tract, im proved and in arop; fruit, berries and alfalfa. One mile from Ontario. Inquire at Argus office. tf Only fl.25 for the following collec tion of house plants: 1 heleitrope, 1 falling star, 1 Mad Sail gersnlum. 1 Madison Harney geranium, 1 ivy ger anium, 2 begonias, 2 celus, 2 trade cantiu, green and veriegated, 1 Ken- elworth ivy, 1 Vincar Var. Ontario Floral Co. Daughter Passes Away Evelyn Kalb, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kalb, passed away Tuesday evening n'.imt midnight. Mr. Kalb is a telegraph operator at the depot. The funeral will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Presbyterian church. United Presbyterian Church A "Mothers Day" service will be held Sunday st 11 A. M A white car nation is the Mower chosen to be worn for this day. Rev. M. Dunn of Everett, Wuh., will preach at 8 P. M. W. N. Brown, pucor. Bsptlst Church. Rally day next Sunday, May 9 th. Topics: 11 n. m. "Faithfulness." 8 p. m. "A Love Letter." After the morning service dinner will be served at the park. If it should be damp or rainy, the dinner will bo served at the church. The ordination of deacons will take place at 2:30. Bro. Tickner of Fruit land, and Bro. Evans of Payette will be with us in the ordinstion service. Everybody is invited t bring their dinners and have a good day with us. Strangers welcome. D. E. BAKER, Putor. One of the largest crowds seen in Weiaer for a number of years attended the street dance given at that place Wednesday sight. It is estimated that 2000 people were on the streets looking for s good time, and from what has been said nobody went home disappointed The strespn were s,ssionnd jp dancing emUJ be enjoyes0ghoQtAhe eveftV ing. A large crowd attended from Ontario and Pngstte. asvl a seven coach train wu run on the P. A I. N. railroad. Everybody went home well satisfied. UNDERTAKING J. II. FARLEY Funeral director and embalmer. lady assistant. Phone 132-W. Ontario. Oregon. FOR RENT Nice new bungalow for rent or sale oo my terms. On tario Laundry. tf. WANTED To rent piano. Phono Clyde Weill, nhill.-r ik nt pd. Only fl.25 for the following col lection of bedding plants: 1 double sweet allsyum, 4 astern, 4 verbeniss, 2 snsp pink dragons, 2 lobelias, 2 bal soms, 1 moon vine, 2 double petuniu, 2 dahllu, 6 Steels mutodon pansies. Ontario Floral Co. LE