The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 29, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 7

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t'i .
Milts Kmmn Allen of Boise spent
Sunday in Ontario.
Walter Sullivan of Weiser was an
Ontario visitor Monday.
C. Lengreen of Emmett was ia On
tario Saturday on business.
Mm. Kellogg wont to Boise this
week for a few days' visit.
A. A. Roberts, the marshal of Jun
tura, was in town Wednesday.
W. A. Johns and wife of Nampa
were Ontario visitors Tuesday.
A. F. Hill was in town from West
fall last Thursday.
Mrs. H. H. Hough of Vale was an
Ontario visitor Saturday.
John Houston, County Clerk, was
down from Vale Sunday.
Ben Brown anil Iee Noe were
down from Vale Saturday.
S. Briscoe of Weiser was in Ontario
Friday on business.
Dr. Jefferson wan an Ontario visi
tor Saturday.
Joseph Morgan of Apple Valley
waa in Ontario Saturday.
R. E. Grimm of Boise arrived in
Ontario Saturday.
Judge MrKnight and wife drove
down from Vale Sunday.
C. Hurtt of -II was an On
tario visitor Sunday .ml Monday.
Clyde Hubbard of Weiser was in
Ontario Friday and Saturday visiting
F. T. Mittotier, proprietor of the
lieiser Grand hotel in llnlcr City, was
in Ontario Friday.
I. K. I.ingren of Kmmett arrived in
Ontario last Saturday to join the lo
cal ball team.
A meeting of the Woman's club will
be held in the library Thursday, May
6. Flection of officers will be held.
Mrs. D A. Miles was here from
Baker City Sunday on her way to
Mr. and Mrs I). Houston of Wciier
were over Sunday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Fifer.
Miss Bess Cnhit-k af Weiser spent
Sunday with tin cousin. Mm. I'ifer,
in this city.
J. K. Lawrence, cashier of the
First National honk in Vale, was un
Ontario visitoi Sunday.
R i Brawn of Hum, Idaho, spent
Fielin .mil .Saturday in Ont:.iio. Hi
lei mi. J S:iUi.;iv evening.
Am. .1.1 Hi 'Hi of Kly. Nov.. :.!.,, ,.,
oil in Out ;.., v, .I.ix , a .,.,
waj la I i I raw I
T. S. htallay and family af Ontario
have Halted i in- Panama Pacific x-
position at Ban I'laii. i . ..
Fred MeCullorh over In. iii
Midvale in his new Maxwell
He returned early in the evening.
George Mewcomb of Riverside, Ore.,
spent Monday and Tuesday in On
tario on business.
George V. Clayton of Springfie! I.
HI., arrived in Ontario Monday on hii
waj to the mast.
J. W. Mii'ulloch bus been conf'ncd
Prices Are
i :
The Milli tiery
to his home with an attack of in
fluenza this week.
William Walker, sheriff of Weiser,
motored over to Ontario on Sunday,
returning later in the evening.
C. Pratt of the Pratt. Auto company
of Weiser motored over to Ontario
Monday on business.
Harvey Cockrum and wife motored
to Boise Thursday and spent the week
C. Wescott of Caldwell was in On
tario Sunday. He returned on the
evening train.
Cut roses, $1.25 and $1.60 a dozen.
Call Ontario Floral Co., headquarters
Argus office. Phone 49-J.
George Stnner, a prominent rancher
near Haines, Ore., was in Ontario
Tuesday on business.
Lawrence Beach of Woodward,
Okla., stopped off for a few days on
his way to Portland, Ore.
George Stone of Idaho Falls arrived
in Ontario Friday for several weeks'
visit with relatives.
R. C. George of Huntington arrived
in Ontario Tuesday on business. He
returned on the evening train.
Mr. and Mrs. Crandall of Vale were
in Ontario over Sunday. Mr. Crandall
is a well known attorney.
Fred Harvey of Nampa made a
short visit in Ontario last week. He
returned Saturday on the noon train
Henry Bowman of Mountninhome,
Idaho, arrived in Ontario Saturday on
business. He returned Monday.
J. H. Wheeler of Boise was an On
tario visitor Monday. He returned
Tuesday morning on the pony.
Dr. Louis Milton came in from
Drewsey Saturday, accompanying a
patient to the Holy Rotary hospital.
Mrs. H. L. Holromb went to Boise
Thursday and was the jfuest of Miss
Claudia Barton for the week end.
John S. Band, a prominent attor
ney from Maker City, passed through
Ontario this week on his way to at
tend court in Vale.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Kenyon and
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Whitworth mo
tored to Boise Wednesday for a couple
of days.
Mrs. Anton Larson stopped off in
Ontario last Friday from Baker City.
Mis. Larson was on her wa to her
, farm in Harney county,
Mrs Klla Frank and son of Weiser,
win have been the guests of Mis. Ora
Cainph.ll for BtMMl days, returned
home Tuesday morning.
James Culdcrhead of Park City,
It. ili. vai iii Oataria Monday and
Tuesday, looking aflat hu-uu s mat
ters. Henry Kamey of Twin Falls, Ida..
' in Out. ip in Tuesday. He expect.
I., lie in tin.- city a couple of ajMM
before returning.
Kid Kelsey of West fall. Ore., an
employe of Thomas Turnbull, a prom
inent sheep man in that aj turn, was
in Ontario Tuesday.
H. Welch of Salina, Kan , was in
Ontario Monday and Tuesday visiting
relatives. He expects to leave for
the const Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob I'nning mo
tored to Friday, returning Sat
unlay morning. Dr. Pi inxing attended
the big meeting of the Shrincrs there.
If the mercury in the
thermometer was to
fall at the rate our
prices have been going,
there wouldn't be any
peaches in the next ten
It's up to you to you
to take advantage of it.
Remember Our
"Quick Sales ami Small
& Art Store
J. G. Kidwcll came in from Port
land Monday night and went to Vale
Tuesday morning. Mr. Kidwell is in
terested in some sheep near Vale.
F. Hyde of Seattle, Wash., was in
Ontario Friday, Saturday and Sun
day, looking over this section of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen of Pay
ette spent Sunday in Ontario visiting
their daughter who is confined to the
Holy Rosary Hospital.
Fredrick Thompson of Buhl, Ida.,
arrived In Ontario Saturday. He
expects to visit here a week or ten
days before returning.
Charles Frune of Nampa, until re
cently a business man of that city,
arrived in Ontario Saturday. He ex
pects to remain here for the summer.
Mrs. Gossie of Boise was in On
tario visiting Mrs. Bingham of this
city over Sunday. She returned to
her home on the evening train.
Mrs. Payne of Pendleton, who has
been the guest of Mrs. Toningsen in
this city, went to Payette Friday for
a short stay before returning to Pen
O. R. Stageberg, who came here for
the purpose of opening a gent's fur
nishing store, has changed his plans
and returned to La Grande Thursday
H. T. Harris of Dallas, Texas, ar
rived in Ontario Saturday. He has
MM in business in that city until re.
cently, He is looking over the pros
pects in and around Ontario.
Mrs. Tonmingsen returned from
Payette Monday where she has been
the guest of Mrs. Payne. Miss Payne
accompanied her home for a few days'
L. Ash, general manager of the
Murphy Cigar stores of Poise, mo
tored over from that c'ty Sunday
to attend the ball game. He rtrncd
later in the evening.
Three men were sent to the state
hospital for the insane at Pendleton
from this county last week. They
were Worden Lynch, J. O. Johnson
and a man by the name of Baxter
from Nyssa.
G. Bradbury, a well known horse
buyer around this country, will be in
Ontario Friday for the purpose of
purchasing horses. He expects to be
here two or three days.
Fred Snow of Cheyenne, Wyo., ar
rived in Ontario Monday on the even
ing train. He expects to remain for
three or four days before returning
Mr. Klnckahy took u jolly party up
to Vale to the natatorium Sunday
evening. Those in the party were:
Miss Grey, Miss Curry, Mrs. Harrell,
Miss Maloney and Mr. Hlacknby.
C. II Anderson and wife, son and
daughter came back to Ontario this j
week after several months' stay in
California. They have been touring
California in a Buick.
F. C. De Lappe of Boise, recently
with the City Dye works, now agent
for the Horton band instruments,
was in Ontario Saturday. He expects
to place a number of instruments
with the local band.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moore of
Nampa were in Ontario Sunday.
Chester Y'Tex, who has been on the
Fran': I'lurf ranch neur Cord, Ore.,
for some time, spent a few days this
week with his father, who recently
purchased the Moore hotel in this city.
Sunday nn examination was given
to the brunch and main line employes
of this division on the use of emerg.
ency air. A special car for that pur
pose only was placed on a side track
by the depat. The instructor was
kept busy throughout the day, as
about 100 took the examination. Th;1
car left Sunday evening on number
six for Pocatello.
Mr. Winegar and wife passed
through Ontario Monday evening and
called on Mr. and Mrs. Hill. They
made the trip from Boise overland
in their new Maxwell "Jo, which they
purchased through Mr. I.inville, for
merly af this city, now with the Ban-
nock Motor Sales company of Boise.
They left for their home at Midvale,
Ida . this evening.
C. Anderson, a well known business
man of this city at one time, motored
from I os Angeles, arriving here Sat
urday. Mr. Anderson hu u n -.
Buick and made the trip from Los
Angeles in six days. He ay.- the
trip was a moat enjoyable one. Mr.
Anderson left for Boise Sunday, but
expects to be back in a few days He
gala expects to go in business here.
Mi. Anderson seems to think On- !
tario is the place
APRIL 29, 191B.
RHCIfciri'V I faTAI c
FOR SALE 30 nice shoats, J. J.
Dillard, miles west of Ontario. 15 t.
Order your aster plants and chrys
anthemum plants from the Ontario
Floral Co. Headquarters Argus office.
Phone 49-J.
Notice The Argus office wants to
buy clean cotton rags.
To trade Good residence property in
a fine Idaho town for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 633, Ontario,
Oregon. 4-tf
For Sale.
Seed corn. 90 days Golden Jewel
Yellow Dent, a heavy yielding corn
and fully acclimated. W. B. Gilmore,
Payette, Idaho. 15-3t.
FOR SALE A solid oak, round
dining table, 6 ft. Inquire "Temple
of Sweets."
The Ontario Pressary is doing some
fine jobs on Panamas, Straws or any
thing in the cleaning line. If you need
a Spring Suit it will pay you to see
Art Dunnuck, he has a bargain for you.
FOUND Gold handled parasol.
Owner may obtain same by giving
discription and paying for ad. Call
Argus office.
Hotel Ontario open under new
management. Rooms 26. 36, 50 and
75 cento. G. W. Iong, Prop. 1 l-4t
FOR SALE Cheap Good young
stallion of Belgian breed. Also some
mares. Address box 457. Ontario. tf
FOR SALE New I room cottage
in Riverside addition. Inquire at Argus
office. tf
Have you made that geranium
bed? Call Ontario Floral Co. for
your small geraniums to set out.
FOR SALE A 5 acre tract, im
proved and in arop; fruit, tarries and
alfalfa. One mile from Ontario. Inquico
at Argus office. tf
Order your carnations from the
Ontario Floral Co. 85c a dozen
Headquarters Argus, Phone 49-J.
For Saturday, May
Ladies House Dresses
$1.25 to $1.98 at
27 to 42 Inch Embroidery
Flouncing 65c. to $1.00 at
27 and 36 Inch Ratine
35c. and 50c. at
300 Yards Fancy Figured
Lawns at
We have many more Specials for Satur
day that will interest you.
Ontario, : ; Oregon
Sunday Dinner at
the Hotel Ontario
Cliicken Noodle Soud
Baked Chicken
Chicken Fricassee
Mashed Potatoes
Baked Beans
Pickles Ice Cream
Cheese Cake
Tea, Coffee
FOR SALE Driuing mare; weight
about 1000, well broke to drive and
ride, also 50 egg incubator. Address
Addrass F. G. Mortenson, Ontario, R.
F. D. 16-2t-p
TAKEN UP An old brown mare,
some sort of brand on left shoulder,
shows collsr mark. Owner may have
same by paying for pasture during win
ter and cost of ad. E. B. Conklin. 16-t
International Stock Food at $14.00 we
will give free H lbs of Stock Food,
worth $3.50, and one 41 piece set of
dishes worth $7.60. If the the stock
food fails to give satisfaction you may
return 50 lbs at the end of six months
and we will pay you $11.00 and you may
keep the dishes and owe us nothing Jfor
the stock food you have used. Ask us
about it. Hill's Pharmacy.
The Argus Is always pleased
to receive advance notices of so-
clety events that have not been
printed, also news of those that
have taken place. The latter
should be In the office not later
than Wednesday noon.
The regular business meeting of the
w. u. T. u. will be held Tuesday
evening at the Congregational church
The Silver Bridge club met at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Billingsley Wed
nesday afternoon.
A very pleaaant meeting of the
"Clover club" was herd at the home
of Mrs. Minster last Thursday after
noon. Six members were present and
two invited guests, Mrs. Spencer and
Mrs. Irvin Minster. A dainty lunch
eon was served.
One of the important social events
being looked forward to by the peo
ple of Ontario la the "May Day" tea
to be given at the home o( Mrs. G. L.
King by the ladies of the Episcopal
guild Saturday afternoon, May first.
May Day drills will be given on the
lawn by a number of little girls and
dainty refreshments will be served.
One of the most enjoyable events
of the season occurred Monday even
ing, a week ago, when about cighYj
young people of the Baptist church,
accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Baker,
drove out to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Stewart to spend the even
ing, wn
The party was in the nature of a
farewell to Mrs. Tom Seaward, who
I soon leaves for Cord, Ore., and Mrs.
William Uuckner. who intends joining
her husband at Juntura. The evening
Was spent with new and interesting
At a late hour refreshments, con
sisting of cake and ice cream were
served. i
Several members of the United Ar
tisan lodge formed a Jolly party who
met after lodge Tuesday night.
Mrs. Ora Campbell and Mrs. Mo
gan were the honor guests. Sou B
nir spoons were presented to them
as a token of the high esteem in which
they are held by their fellow mem
bers. Mrs. Mogan soon leaves for
Portland and Mrs. Campbell leaves in
a few weeks for a long visit with rel
atives in Pennsylvania.
The party adjourned at a late hour
to Hill's Pharmacy where refresh
ments of cake and ice cream were
served to them.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Mansker was the scene of a raerry
gathering Friday evening, the occas
ion being a surprise handkerchief
shower in honor of Mrs. Mansker, who
leaves soon for a long viait in Kan
sas and Oklahoma.
Music and recitations by the On
tario Union Bible class waa the prin
cipal diversion of the awning, after
which dainty refreshments were
served. The guests were: Mrs. ''ad -dux,
M-s. Haggar. Mrs. Doan, sirs.
Sheets, Mrs. Sanfard, Mrs. Lovelapd, '
Miss Mildred Sanford, MJsaws Lla
and Manda Stuart, Mrs. Durbin. Mrs.
Stevens, Misses Edna and Norma
Doty and Mrs. Bertha Mansker.