The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 22, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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The Ontario Pharmacy
The Rexall Store
I.'ood River, Oregon,
We used "Corona Dry" exclusively in our orchards, comprising some
three hundred acres. It gave the best satisfaction of any lead we have eyer used.
Nort Pacific Fruit Distributors
We haee Corona Dry in 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 lb. kegs
G. E. Filtnore of Notus was in On
tario Tuenday on business.
Fred Flatt and wife came up from
rarma Sunday.
Mrs. George B. Kellogg
Weiser visitor this week.
A. M. Byrd, postmaster at Juntura,
was in Ontario Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Whitworth went to Weiser last
Friday, rcturninR Saturday.
C. A. Snider, district wire chief of
the telephone company, was in On
ario Monday.
Henry Olsen of Sedalia, Mo., came
into Ontario Monday. He expects to
reside here permanently.
Sam Briscoe, with the Studebaker
company of Weiser, was in Ontario
on business.
H. Brockman motored over from
Weiser Friday on business, returning
late in the evening.
J. W. Fisher of Chico, Cal., passed
through this city on his way to Kan
M City, Ma.
Mrs. Fayne of Fcndleton was tho
guest of Mrs. A. F. Toningsen for
aeveral days last week.
Henry Newman of Cherryvale,
Kan., stopped at Ontario on his way
to Sacramento, Cal.
and Mrs. J. H. Rix are the
parents of a baby boy born
April 13
Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson of Weiser
were in town last Thursday, the guests
of Mrs. Ona Campbell.
Rev. Charles Powell came down
Wednesday to conduct the funeral of
Mrs. Piatt.
Joe Ostfeld, with the M. A T. Co.
of Boise, stopped off at Ontario Mon
day on his way to Weiser.
A Sunday school was organized at
the Grange Hall on the Boulevard,
last Sunday in the afternoon.
Hugh Logan of the Eastern Oregon
Land company made a business
ty Baker City last week.
Rev. D. E. Baker will preach at the
Lincoln school house near St. Paul
Orchard, next Sunday at 3 o'clock.
Oscar Utley of Weiser came over
to Ontario Monday. He expects to
go to work at the Carter House as
night clerk.
Mrs. Garvis Brown and Miss Leona
Fisher of Weiser were the guests of
Mrs. Ora Campbell a few days last
Mrs. J. T. Gallagher and daughter,
Mrs. M. E. Dolling, were over for a
few days visiting relatives from
R. W. Gardner, connected with the
telephone company of this city, went
X)ME here for your
soap, as well as
for groceries of all sorts.
We have on hand just
now several lines of soap
that may be exactly
what you want At
vanous times you can strike bargains in certain
brands of soap. When you think of soap
think of this store. Then come here and buy.
to Boise Saturday on business. He
returned Monday evening.
Miss Clorinda Ingerbretzen of Wei
ser was the guest of Miss Violet
Campbell for the week end, returning
home Sunday evening.
H. C. Slump of N'ampa was here
Inst Friday to visit his uncle, W. H.
Shinip, who is confined to the hospital.
Miss Nellie McDevitt of Boise, and
J. J. Brogan of Flacerville, Ida., spent
Sunday in Ontario visitinir Miss Nellie
at the Hoy Rogary hogpita.
T. M. Seward and family who have
been residents of the Boulevard south
ot Ontario, left Monday for Cord,
where they will reside on their rancn
at that place.
The foundation was started for the
new Nacerene church on the east side
Tuesday. The church is expected to be
completed and ready for services in 80
Mrs. Barton of Weiser is In Ontario
for several days' visit. Mr. Barton
recently underwent an operation for
appendicitis in the Holy Rosary hos
pital. Hugh Logan of the Eastern Oregon
Land company went to Baker City bv
auto last Monday. Mr. Logan expects
to visit their farm near Unity before
returning to Ontario.
r v . .u v r i .
V. C. Kerr of the Kerr Implement
company, Boise, drove down in his
automobile last week, arriving here
Thursday evening. He continued his
trip to Weiser and other towns be
low Friday morning.
Gus Patten and A. D. Callahan came
up here from Nevada recently and
stayed a few days at the Randall Sage
ranch, four miles south of town, from
which ranch they started to drive
about 65 head of horses to Disaster
Peak, where Mr. Sage has a large
stock ranch.
Mrs. Whitworth. Mrs. E. A. Eraser,
Mrs. Adam and Mrs. Emison motored
to Weiser lust Friday afternoon to at
tend the purty given at tho Wash
ington Hotel by Mrs. J. W. Cage and
Mrs. W. R. Hamilton. Mrs. Kellogg
from Ontario, who was also visiting
in Weiser, won high honors at bridge.
Miss Claudie Barton of Boise, for
merly of Ontario, is one of the pop- j
ular contestants in the beau(y con-,
test being held on the Idaho Daily
Statesman for a trip to the exposi-
tion. Many friends here arc saving
coupons for Miss Barton and Mrs.f
Holcombe at the Malheur Mercantile
company will be glad to receive any
coupons for Miss Barton.
"Madame Butterfly," given in dra
matic recital by Mrs. William Seiler
Monday evening under the auspices
of the Woman's club, was attended by
a large and appreciative audience.
Mrs Seiler is a true artist and her
combination of wit and humor brought
alternate tears and laughter to the
Now is a good time to
stock up for the season.
Act on this. Our
prices on sugar, tea,
coffee, flour, canned
goods, etc, are low.
j! IK I
Notice The Argus office wants to
buy clean cotton rags.
James Swanson of Umatilla was in
town Monday looking after his coun
try home east of town.
C. Wade of Denver, Colo., was an
Ontario visitor for a few days last
R. Hurst of Tacoma, Wash., was in
Ontario Tuesday on a short business
visit. He expects to return Friday.
Mrs. Willinm Seiler arrived from
Boise Monday evening, and after giv
ing her recital here she left on the
4:20 train for Baker City.
The music furnished by local tnlent
during the intermissions was also en
Joyed very much.
George McClelland of Bliss, Idaho,
arrived in this city Monday for a short
visit with relatives. He expects to
return Friday.
When you want pansy plants call
the Ontario Floral company. Head
quarters at the Argus office, tele
phone 49-J.
Ta trade Good residence property In
u fine Idaho tow for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 888. Ontario,
Oregon. 4-tf
For Sale.
90 days Golden Jewel
tinuvv vu.lilincr rnrn
and futly acclimated. W. B. Gilmore,
Pytte, Idaho. 15-St.
- -
FOR RENT Modern seven room
brick house and basement, close in,
new interior finishing. Inquire Mrs.
A. L. Sproul, l.vif
WANTED AT ONCE To trade p; -
tatoes for work. Geo. Meyer, Ontario.
FOR SALE A solid oak, round
dining table, 6 ft. Inquire "Temple
of Sweets."
The Ontario Pressary is doing some
fine jobs on Panamas, Straws or any
thing in the cleaning line. If you need
a Spring Suit it will pay you to see
Art Dunnuck, he has a bargain foryou.
FOUND Gold handled parasol,
Owner may obtain same by giving
discription and paying for ad. Call
Argus office,
Hotel Ontario open under new
management. Rooms 25. 86, 50 and
75 cenU. G. W. Long, Prop. 14-4t
1 FOR SALE -Cheap Good young
stallion of Belgian breed. Also some
mares. Address box 457. Ontario
FOR SALE New I room cottage
in Riverside addition. Inquire at Argus
office. tf
Have you made that geranium
bed? Call Ontario Floral Co. for
your small geraniums to set out.
FOR SALE A 5 acre tract, im
proved and in arop; fruit, lerries and
alfalfa. One mile from Ontario. Inquice
at Argus office. tf
Order . your carnations from the
Ontario Floral Co. 85c a dozen
Headquarters Argus, Phone 49-J.
FOR SALE Drilling mare; weight
about 1000, well broke to drive and
ride, also 50 egg incubator. Address
Addrass F. Ci. MortenBon, Ontario, F.
F. D. 16-2t-p
TAKEN UP An old brown mare,
some sort of brand on left shoulder,
shows collar mark. Owner may have
same by paying for pasture during win
ter and cost of ad. E. B. Conklin. 16-t
International Stock Food at $14. 00 we
will vive free Z II of Stock Food,
worth $3.50, and one 41 piece set of
dishes worth $7.50. If the the stock
food fails to give satisfaction you may
return 50 Its at the end of six months
and we will pay you $1 1. (JO and you may
keep the diahee and owe us nothing Jfor
the stock food you have used. Ask us
about it. Hill's Pharmacy.
4- The Argus is always pleased
to receive advance notices of so-
clety events that have not been
printed; also news of those that
have taken nlaco. The latter
should be in the office not later
than Wednesday noon.
The Bridge club was entertained by
Mrs. Whitworth at the Carter House
last week and high honors were won
by Mrs. Cockrum.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild
will hold a "May Day" tea at the
home of Mrs. G. L. King Saturday,
May the first.
Mrs. Lou Mogan was tendered n
surprise party last Friday evening in
honor of her twenty-fifth birthday.
The gathering was also in the form
of a farewell to Mrs. Mogcn, who will
leave in about three weeks to join
Mr. Mogan, who has accepted a posi
tion with an undertaking establish
ment in Portland. Thirteen ladies
were present and Mrs. V. W. Cham
bers wan high honors at "500." One
of the most enjoyable features of the
evening was the dainty and delicious
luncheon served at the eoncluslon of
th n.rtv hv Mr. Fil. Mr. M J
gan received many dainty and useful
A very enjoyable meeting of the
Music club was held at the homo of
e.noon. ,ne program o,
roue oongs ami muian music wii
icii Call. .
.Items on Indian Musi -
Reading.... "Folk Music of America"
Miss DuClos.
Piano sol... "Balkan Folk Song"...
Voeol solo (a). "The Weaver."
(b). "Love Song"....
Amy Odell
i .N iran.
Piano solo, "March of the Indian
Phantoms" Kroger
Verna Jaqulsh.
Vocal solo, "Irish Folk Song"..Foote
Mrs Cox
Piano solo, "Folk Song". .MacDowell
Mrs. Jaquish.
The most brilliant affair of the
week on the exposition grounds in
San Francisco was the song recital
ami reception at the Oregon build-
V Bi -
1 5rt
Childrens Paranoia in endless variety ot style and
Ladies Parasols in all the Young Ladies Fancy Up-to-date
New Shades and Colors at Parasols in all the New Shad s
98C. tO $3.00 and Styles; a Beautiful Assort
ment at
Ladies Black Silk Umbrellas
$1.98 to $5.00 $1.00 to $2.50
ing, honoring Mrs. O. M. Clurk, wife
of tho president of the Oregon Fain
Commission; Miss Mabel Withycombe, '
daughter of Governor Withycombe;
Miss Ava Milam, professor of home
economics, who has just arrived for
a month's stay at the Oregon build-
ing, and Miss Sarah I,. Lewis, as
I "'stant professor of home economics
at Corvallis, who is returning to her
post of duty. Gregor, underwent MftMM open-
The principal feature of the even- tion at the hospitn last W.'dn i. .
ing was the song recital given by Car- The doctors report him doing very
rie Jacobs Bond, the noted composer, well.
and author of "A Perfect Day." She Nannie Duncan, 'laughter of M
gave many of her well known favor- and Mrs. George Di.'icun, of Ironside
ites, "Just a-Wearying for You" and met with n serious - ident last Wed
"A Perfect Day," also a number of nesday morning, Mm was driving to
her poem readings. Oregonian. her school in Cow valley, when her
Miss Withycombe is a sister of W. horse became fright ned and she wim
R. Withycombe, proprietor of the thrown out of the rig. She was
Ontario Pharmacy in this city. brought to Ontario 'i hVHcfcy noon and
after the X-ray ha! I.''n put on her
Two lpliffhtfnl "MM)' nnrtii worn
aivon hv Mr n,l Mr. Krnnlr H..;..r
at their home Tuesday and Wednes
day of this week. The home was pret
tily decorated with spring blossoms.
Card honors fell to Mrs. Drane,
Mrs. Payne of Pendleton, Mr. Eraser
and Mr. Van Petten the firs( even
ing, and Wednesday evening Mrs.
Barnett, Mrs. Charles Peterson, Mr
1 " '
Kenyon and Mr. Emison were the,
fortunate ones. The evening's enter
tainment concluded very happily with
the serving of refreshments.
The invited guests were: Mr. and
n' C Emison. Mr. and Mrs. H.
- Drane. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Eraser.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Marsh, Mr. and)
Mrs. A. F. Toningsen, Mrs. Payne,'
Mr. and Mrs. Finney, W. W. Wood,,
John Wood. Dr. and Mrs. Prinzinv. '
j Mr. and Mri. A L Cockrum. Mr. and
u.. l u ,..... ... .j ii..
I .. i-.. ,t. iiiriK, vii. noil .mi, i lion.
Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Griffin.
Mr .nd Mn K (;. .,., Mr .nd
Hri D. M. Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. I
c V(m pptten Mr an,, Mri M- K
1 Newtoi,( Mr. an Mri F B Btti
Mri. jjg. nurke Mr. ,nd , cif weeR try Ur urys.,., o ywriy.
mouth and Dr. WHjrM f rruitlan.l.
i Boyer' Mr an'' M,," H C Schuppcll, 'Bnd undorwent an op ration on Mon
Dr. and Mrs. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. L. 'day. She ia stcadll) naming now.
I Adam, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Letson.l Mrs. H. E. Batc'-Un. wlm wu-
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Dorman, Mr. and brouK"t lown from VM by Dr. liar-
m a i u . ..
rH a,, j. (,Ver, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
narneit, nir. and Mrs. J. i. Hillings-
ley, Mr. and Mr. C. E. Kenyon of
Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Whit-
worth, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cayou, Mr. ind
Mrs. J. D. Staples, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Brooke. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Test,
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Clement, Mr. and
Mrs. H. B. Grauel, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. McCulloch, Dr. and Mrs. H. H.
Stunning are the
New Parasols
From 15 cents Up
All sorts in a variety that is sure to hold a new
parasol for every woman. Tho most fetel ing dis
play one could wish to see. Hundreds of t ht-m in
odd shapes with pretty handles are shown in plain
colors and prettily figured effects. There art stripes
and checks in many absolutely new combin: : ions.
A Great Number of Childrens Parasols lfc to 48c.
This is a special purchase. Our prices are therefore
unusually low
Mrs. Scott Davi and small lulv
went to their honi I in Ironside Inst
Mr. and Mrs. "Jn " (lu-gg ill th"
proud parents of n
- the Holy Rosary li
by girl born at
n'tal last Friday
James McGregor. n of A. II. Mc-
ankle she was rem m M to the hos-
P,U whcrl th b'
were set. Al
though the break is n serious one
he is getting along nicely. Miss Dun
can has been removed to the home of
Mrs. Motham.
Miss Esther Stuve or New Ply
mouth, who has been at the Holy
Rosary hospital for I few days, was
removed to Boise Monday morning.
'. .;.. i t... rt. it. ...J. I. Mi..
v . .
iiiuyr wn HuiiiTing; iiimii iiiurii-munin
of the knee.
Miss Ellen l.ear . who has been
confined to the hospital for sometime,
is sitting up a little while each day.
Miss Alma Homar daughter of W.
F. 1 Ionian, is reCOVi ' ll'T nicely from
i'ii operation for app ndicitis.
Mrs. Carl Morton Olds Ferry un
derwent a serious iteration at tic
hospital last week. She is comrades-
,n'r now-
, ... ,, . ,
T" ""J" ' 5S ""
OP". ted on for .pp. ...licit s last rrl-
Mrs. John Holm Whittloy Hot
torn was brought to tho hospital ln'
lett several days ago loi an operation,
'. . , .
has recovered sufficu nilv to be nmvi-l
hoi,. Mon)ay,
All Aboard for th I linptil chun ill
Sunday, May 0th. 'I 'io lui,- boon "
apart as a special r..ll) and got to
gotbor day, with spo. ial services. A
basket dinner will be served in the
park near the depot.
I!t everybody be;:in now to get
ready for this special day
Watch the papers for further an
nouncements. color 15c u; to 1 8r,