The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 22, 1915, Image 1

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    (Bniat0 &V9N&
Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley.
Early Spring Weather Gives
Orchards and Fields a
Good Start
Early Varieties of Fruit are
Now in Full Bloom
Apple Crop Heavy
Never before in the history of the
Lower Snake and Fayette River val
leys, have the prospectt for a bum
per crop been no good as they are at
present. Our spring so far has been
ideal and shade and fruit trees are
almtoet .In full foliage and bloom.
Early varieties of fruit trees are a
mass of blossoms, and the many or
chards on both sides of the Snake
river present a most pleasing and
beautiful sight.
Every farmer in the entire dis
trict is busy with his spring plant
ing, and many crops are already
growing and the many fields are
commencing to take on the green
A large increase in the acreage of
corn is being made this yvt, it be- j
int. estimated that probubly three
time as much corn will be grown
this season thun ever before. There
are also many new apple orchard
that will bear this year for the first
time, especially in the Kruitlund sec
tion, ami the apple crop this year
will be much greater thun ever be
fore. The acreage of alfalfa will prob-
lilv Ite somewhat reduced, but the i
alfalfa hay crop in this section hus
been too large for the market the
past year or so, and n reduction of
the crop is needed by the farmers.
While there is a shortage of rain
fall in this section of the country as
in common all over the northwest,
yet the effects thereof are not felt
here as much as in other localities.
For this is principally an irrigated
section, and there is an abundance
of water for irrigation purposes.
In the dry farming sections, how
ever, the lack of rainfall is felt se
verely, but it is hopeil that ruins late j
in the season will bring out a good
After a lingcrint; illness of )
two years' duration, Mrs. G Wi Flatt.
one of ihe best known residents of
Ontario and Malheui county, passed
awuy early Monday morning. Mi
ami Mrs. Piatt have been R
of this county since ItM when UttJ
j tiled at Jordan Vulley. They moved
to Vale in 161)4 when Mr. Flatt was
elected County Assessor of this coun-'
.ty, and came to Ontario in Ibit'J since
which time Mr. Piatt has been ulenti-
fied with the First National bank.
Mrs. Flutt, whose maiden name was
Edith M. Lewis, was born in New
Haven, Conn., and received her edu
cation in the public schools of New
York City, where her parents moved
while she was quite young. She was
married to Mr. Piatt May 10, 1876,
in New York City, the father of
Bishop Paddock, present Episcopal
bishop for this section of Oregon,
performing the wedding ceremony.
She was baptized in the Congrega
tional church, but was brought up as
an Episcopalian, and has always been
a sincere worker in her church. She
was a member of the Rebekah lodge,
and was a member of the Carnation
( ontinued on page 4.)
Prospective Settlers
E. W. Van Valkenburg of the On
tario Heal Estate Co,, left yesterday
with three prospective settlers for
Harnes county. The new comers are
looking for stock ranches. One man
who came from Wyoming brought a
car load of household furniture and
and stock with him, and has fettled Jin
Ontario temporiarily gntil he can find
a ranch.
M. E. Bain Appointed.
M. E. Bain, former editor and pub
lisher of the Argus, has been selected
as one of the delegated of the State
Editorial association to the Interna
tional Frets Congress which meett
in San Francisco July 5 to 10. Others
chosen are: Edgar McDaniel, Coos
Bay Harbor, North Bend; Elbert
Bede, Sentinel, Cottage Grove; Geo.
P. Putman, Bend; G. A. Robbins,
Pilot Rock; E. H. Woodward, New
berg; A. E. Voorheis, Grants Pass,
and E. W. Allen, U. ef O., Eugene.
"Country Gentlemen" De
votes Full Page to Corn
Growing Here
An interesting article in the "Coun
try Gentleman" under date of Apr'l
17 deals with the corn growing possi
bilities of Malheaur county and
southern Idaho. The article takes
up ut length the corn show held in
Ontario last fall, and tells how E. I..
Tale produced 121.(18 bushels of corn
to the acre. The article is illustrate!
with several nice half tones, and will
be a greut advertisement for this
section of the country. The first
purt of the article follows:
For some time it has been known
that corn could be grown in the in
termountain country, but how suc
cessfully it could be grown and at
what yields to the acre have been
very puzzling questions. The de
velopments of the pust season have,
however, removed all doubts of what
could be done in the corn belts of the
irrigated west. This term "corn
belt' is applied to these intermoun
tain districts for all irrigation pro
jects do not fulfill the requirem tjtt
for corn, other than for silage and
it is only in the lower altitude coun
try that corn can be made to pro
duce very profitable and enormous
One of these districts stretch. ;
across the full length of southern
Icluho and into eastern Oregon and
known as the Snake River valley.
Throughout this district there has
been a very active campaign by
county agriculturists to bring coin
into its own, ami ut a corn thou h A
r.-ri ntly in Ontario, Ore., tin r.
v.m- tJOtl .-iirpri.-ing and inn restim.'.
Every competitor repre.- i.i -.1 va
required te select hit corn, not from
an experimental acre hut from
of sufficient size to insure on
In lil conditions; and Um yield of hi-
avaagp was ietarmlned i
mittee that supervised the moaiUrO
I: itii t of the land and the huskine ;.n
ing of the corn. Fifty per cent
of the farmers con. pi ting in tin
grew over 100 bushels an acre; tli
sweepstakes winner, E. L. Tate, grew
121. fi bushels an acre, thereby M
tublisliiiiK record yield for the- in
termountain country; Uert K
son, of the Big Bend district, 112';
bushels an acre; and A. M. Johnson,
Nyssa, Ore., 112.05 bushels an an.
The lowest yield represented was
63.6 bushels an acre.
Though this contest was open only
to eastern Oregon growers the yields
in Idaho during the season were none
the less satisfactory. Mr. Butter
field, Weiser, Idaho, who in 1913 grew
160 acres of corn that averaged If
bushels an acre, surpassed this yield
by 10 bushels an acre last yeai,
an average from a 200-acre field.
Arthur Van Sicklin of Weiser mo
tored over from Weiser Saturday.
250,000 HEAD SHEEP
Many Bands Gather at End
of Line to Undergo
Spring Shearing
Several Thousand Head of
Sheep are Sheared
Each Day
Probably the largest number of
sheep that were ever banded to
gether in Eastern Oregon are to be
found now at Riverside where ap
proximately two hundred and fifty
thousand heud ure now undergoing
the proceat of being theared. The
sheep belong to a score of owners,
among whom are Anderson & Gwinn,
I. V. Williams, John Woods, Bill A!
Ian, A. Van Ator, Mealy Co., J.
Hughes, Davis Bros, and several own
ers from Idaho.
The shearing is going on near the
depot at Riverside, and the wool Is
being stored there. About four or
five thousand heud are being sheared
daily. The shearing plunt belongs
to Prow & Johnson. It is the inten
tion to sell all the wool at Riverside,
and the first tale will be held on
May 10th. Buyers from all over th
country ure expect- d to be pre-., nt t i
bid on the wool.
Being One of a Series of Articled Telling of a Visit to Kai h ol
The Many.KurmN And I'laet-M of Interest in ThiH Section.
When the Lower Snuke Uivt r Valley
was creatid the .Maker then of wus
most certainly in a generous frinre of
mind. For the nonce His there ul
cares must have been at a nun mi,
allowing full attention and ci Tel nl
planning for the future in the making
of this, one of His most f. rOT 'I
For n.iwle ! la Um orid Sfl i '
gifts of natural rueoureeu greater,
thun to this OsCtlea Pi the
Snake and Fuyctte River V.-.ili .. .
"Modern land n of !. i i t 111
ably railed, and t n h i'
f)ivvrni!i- '
lorsPwf JBBaVMBflLsaT V FyIbV S 1 Jr JrYVdgHgf I " 'SPYi BsrBsHHnSKi.'l daii
BpKliVH U Ba 'g ossln. lew '. bHsmuAm F " 4
Taken on th I. A. Cieer Place an Fruit land Ave
nue in the Fruitlund District. Mr. uger is Stand
ing by the Corn How.
is not a misnomer While it remained
for the hand of man to detn lop an. I
bring to maturity tin- wotuk
tion, yet the work of the Creator is
only emphasized thereby.
Until the advent of the white man
this section oi the country wa.
upon as a purt of the great s
desert. It differed little from th"
sandy country to the south only that
the surface ml teen I a little
til,'' tO '
Mammoth Project to Irri
gate Huge Tract is Be
ing Worked Out
Would Market All Surplus
Power in Ontario and
Neighboring Cities
The City Council of Ontario is now
considering an application for a fran
chise for electric power asked for by
the Dead Ox Flat Irrigation Com
pany. The irrigation company was
originally organized for the purpose
of bringing some twenty-two thous
and acres on Dead Ox Flat under ir
rigation. The company now owns
power rights on the north and east
forks of the Fayette rivet which will
piodute electricity to the extent of
some fifteen thousand horse power,
and the intention of the company it
to develop this power, transmit it to
the Snake river and utilize it for
pumping purposes to ruise the wuter
to a sufficient height to water the
vast territory north und emit ol On
turi Realizing that they will have a
vast amount of surplus powet, the
company is now taking steps for the
(Continued on Fag 4)
I. rush made a ranker growth. The
lilst pioneers pussed up this lund,
however, ,-ecking what th. y thought
WOtl more favorable spot, linihci to
th went. 'I In ilia! tin nioit
oi the out l. V tiler:, ol lite ..
valley trailed their oxen und their
coven i wi ion uu u
Mi n without re; 'i.m tin- ( i 1,1. :t i p
pertuintiei they van pe Miloi
after i:,il the alli i.t.. BlBM
level ;:.- ; floor, nvi il
. i
Far mi no Srene
for those who came later to find out
tae secret.
The soil it. ef i, a it. It sandy '"am
of an almost incredible depth. With'
; irrigation it i a c""l farming
.'and, but with Irrigation it becomes
the trw "garden spot " With climate
ng of the moat tan
1 r dormant
to di-
t He . I
Grand Jury Meets
The grand jury is in session this
week at Vale, and Prosecuting Attor
nes Brooks has been in attendance sll
week. The jnry will probably bo in
session until the last of the week. It
is said that their duties this session arc
light. Ships In Sow
Dorothy Anderson, sn enterprising
student of the Lincoln School west of
Ontario, has entered into the industrial
school work with a vim. and is the first
student in the county to select hog
raising as her project. She has secur
a young sow from the Union Stock
Yards Company, of North Portland;
who arrived in Ontario Tuesday, and
expects to raise a fine litter of pigs.
Lloyd Holloway, of the same district,
has alto selected hog raising, and has
sent for a sow but it has not yet arriv
ed. It it taid one or two students in
School District No. 13 have also sent
for tows. The Stock Yards Co have
made arrangements that the towt can
be paid for when the pigs are market
ed. S. AKER
Came Here Four Years Ago
and Took up Home
stead Near Town
John S. Aker, uged .''. years, und a
resident of this section for the past
four years, tlictl in Ins chair at the
dinner table .Sunday ut his home in
Ontario, uft r having driven in front
his homestead on Dead x I'lut in the
morning, heath came entirely unex
petted und was a shock to his wife
ami son who were with hint.
John S. Aker was horn in Fulton,
Schoharie county, New York, on No
Vetnber 5, 1855. Me was reared to
manhood and lived ut that place un
til comittK to Oregon four ' ars ugo.
lie immediately took up A homestead
n Dead Ox Flut und hud just ad
..itiscd to make final proof on the
place, the date for linal proof huviug
been set for May If, next.
The deceased is survived by his
ite, Mrs. Canil B. Aker; a MB, Les
lie J. Aker, who is u local attorney,
a daughter, Mrs. Mabel Gebaaer of
. anil a sister, Mrs. Rebecca
11... ..lit.... ... A ,.,t. ..-.!..... V V
The funeial will be In Id thi ..
(Thursday) afternoon from the i. ,
ill in e in ( Intario.
'I he people ol tin I i U , ,.
t No, lh Will Vi U i" I I
t . not i in- ti u
of the ili.- ti n t shall b u l . i
i i.iii it foi the p
. of building a m ,. high school
n l , ultli nd, i' I the i"
t. litem ol the trustei ' ,, ,. th
in i ni building for tl grai
I i :.
0l BUrpe I A union In aim.-
t. i the two buildii
the eonU mplati tl Impi o
It if -tali .1 that the pn .-, nt fat ill
f the i, school building are
I adequate ir only about forty pupil-,
end that tin- present m ollment of
t in- high wheal li K,- II If estimated
that the enroll neiit next year will be
about 110. There are many people
I in the Kruitlund section that are in
favor of the proposed Improvement,
and it is freely predicted that th'
measure will carry.
Caldwell Coming Sunday
The Caldwell aggregation of alleged
hall players will cross bats with On
tario on the local diamond Sunday.
Prom recent write-ups of the CaUwoll
. t am they are plajiiin a euotl class of
' af bail tad goad gaaat is aspected Rau
J. M. Royston Well Known
Stock Raiser Instantly
Killed by Animal
Wife and Daughter Present
When Accident Occurs-
Funeral Today
J. H. Royston, one of the best
known farmers and stockraiscrs of
the Lower Snake Hiver valley, wuh
almost instantly killed by a jersey
bull at his home two miles south of
Pruitland last Friday evening. The
accident occurred about (:.'10 In the
evening, when Mr. Royston attempted
to drive the bull into the barn from
an adjoining pen. The hired man on
the ranch has been accustomed to
caring for the bull, but the hired man
had gone to town and wus lute in re
turning, and Mr. lioyston decided to
put the bull in the barn himself.
The bull is suttl to have been cross
for some time, and bus been watched
closely by those who have handled
him, but this is the first time he hits
attucked anyone. Mr. Koyston cn
td th" pen again, t t! -otests of
members of his family who wen
there, believing he could handle th
hull as Mill u.. anyone, lie stinted to
drive the bull toward the burn, when
the animal became suddenly infuri
ated und churgetl Mr. Koyston. Mi.
Ro)stou is gfjfan of uii gad could
not avoid the ouiomlllg bull a i ,i,
ily us u panngat man. and he
caught against the side Of the barn.
One of the horns entered th. greiu
tad the ether horn entered the leg
just above the knee. As the horns
entered, the bull jerked his head and
literally tore the horn through I ho
flesh. Itlood Ves els were seven.1
li . Koyston, the younee.-t daugh
ter, witnessed tin scene, ami In t cries
i lame brought Mr, MorriauBi
a mac neighlcr, who ;i pp. iv: the
house, to the re-cue. The hejl 'icl nm
charge his victim again bul stood pa v.
lag and hollowing when Mr, Morrieon
n .iclc d the pin. 'I h inj n d n
was Immediately carried out af I
pen but died I" 'on h - d tho
i ml i .. ol in-" d and ' in
:ni to havt caueei ath, ul
llinugh the Injur) wa i -oi
Mi. (to) on his i i
.ul i .
. :u . H ha r In
pi t
, . ... He
-, iin H
i nek t i
I. cams t'
M , Neb.,
l Of III I
mi' . and
Si i
i ,
ard I .
'l win '
Karl Ko. ton ol Kimberlj Ion i Ru
.-ton oi ( ro son, eb., and ' barb
und J. a.' Ro) Ion "I l''ru laiwl Tl
tluughteis are Mr.. r:dwani WI
Knnberly; Mrs. Harry Hart, Twin
falls, and Clara, lima ami Josephine
Royston of Fruitland. Two brother,
Robert Ifnyston and William R"
and their wives ate hen- from liulti
more, ltd., to attend the, and
Henry Miller, a brother-in-law, from
lie. land, Mil., i ulso In ie for the
Tint funeral occurred tall (Thui
tluy afternoon.
Heary Blachwall umi wife and Ifr,
De Ariuond and wife came i" Oatario
from their farm ubtm Vale Uoaday.