M THK ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY, APRIL 8. 1015 SRVEM LEGAL NOTICES AAVWVWVSAAAAAAAAV. Notice of Seltlement of Final Account. Notice is hereby given, the duly ap pointrd, qualified and acting An cillary Executor of that part of the estate of William Haldcrston, de censed, situated in Mnlheur County, Oregon, has filed his final account in said estate, and that the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, has set Tuesday, the l.'Uh day of May. 1015, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock, in the fore noon, at the room of the County Court In the Court House at Vale, said county and stnte, as the time and pl.no for hearing objections to said final account and settling the same. Wat B, LBS, Ancillary ExOOUtOf of the Estate of William Hnlderston, DoCOMOd, First publication, April 1, I'.M'i. Last publication, April 88, 1911 AfASrAAAAAAAAVA Summons. In the Cfrcnrl Court of the Bti Oregon for the County of Malheur. Lora Vaughn, Plaintiff, vs. L. X. Heachel, H. 11. Fnrp and Marie Furp, husband and wife; William F. San ders and Nellie E. Sanders, husband and wife; M. D. Lnvell nnd Jane Doe Lovell, husband and wife; Robert Van Gilse; H. C. Eastham; J. Weil; and P. C. Holt, Defendants. To William F. Sanders and Nellie E. Sanders, two of the above named de fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the l.'Uh day of May, 1015, the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of the court di recting service of summons in said uit to be made upon you by puhlini tion, and if you fail ao to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: For a Judgment and decree against you foreclosing a certain real mort gage executed by L. N. Beachel to Lora Vaughn on Jan. 22, 1014, for J.'iOO.OO, upon certain lots in the town of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, saiil mortgage and lots being fully described in plaintiff's complaint, and for the solo of said mortgaged prem ises, and for all other relief demanded in said complaint. You are further notified that this summons is served upon you by publication in pursuance of an order of the Hen. George W. McKnight I County Judge of Malheur County -,-- ...L:..l. " ,..A.. ..... mn.ln I un'KDM, nn o mini ,ii-i n in...,. ami entered in said cause on the oOth day of March, Itlf, nnd directed that this summon- be published once . ft h Mtfc for six successive week.-- in the Ontario Argus, commencing with the issue of April 1st, 1015, of -aid n. ws pawr. First publication of this sum mons is on April 1st, 1015, and the last publication is on May P'.th, 1015. KaCULLOGB & WOOD, Attorneys for the Pluintiff. First publication April 1, Lust publication May 1 :. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I'ukl Ailvt-riiicmonU Safety Dk.i'osit Hoxks For Rent--Two sizes and two prices; an absolutely safe method of keeping your valuable paert protected against loss by tire or theft. Ontario National Bank. We have a comfortable room fitted up especially for the ladies where they can rest, write checks and letters and not be crowded or intruded on; ladies are invited to call and open an account. Ontario National Bank. Church Services I'MTEO I'RKSIUTERIAN BIMt school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Young peo ples matting at 7:18 p. m. The church is here to help the people nd the community. You can make a more iKitenl tone. I i.nie lo any or a i of the services and you will hnd a Wel- come W. IS. JJKOWN, I'KSUir. Catholic Church. Mass at II a. m. Sunday mornings. H. A. CAMPO, Rector. tturaoMM Cat mi Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preach ing, morning, 11:00 a. m., evening Ml p. m. You need the church the church needs you -"Let's get together." C. C. PKATT, Pastor Baptist Church. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Service 11 :00 a. m Evening Service 7:30 p. m B. Y. P. U 6:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting. .Wednesday Evening Bible Study Thursday Evening A hearty invitation is extended to all. DAVID E. BAKER, Pastor. LEGAL NOTICES 00000t0m0ljm0W10100m0000l0W0WWWWto Summons for Puhlicstlon In Fore closure of Tax Lien. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur. W. E. Lees, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. Steppa, B. F. Campbell, J. W. Graham and I). I). Hambly, Defendants. To J. H. Steppa, II. I'. Campbell, J. W. Graham and D. D. Hambly, the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that W. K I.ees, the holder of Certificates of De-1 UnqUancy numbered 102 issued on the 20th day of October, I !0f, by the Tax Collector of the County of Malheur, State of Oregon, for the amount of KtghtMfl and 18-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for tlv year 1908, together with penalty, interest nnd costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of ii i ord, situated in said County and Stnte, nnd particularly bounded and described as follows, tn-wit: S'i of NE4 nnd IN of NW'i. Section 2. T. 18 S. R. 46 E. W. M., and Lots 2 ,3 and 4, in Block 107 in On tario, all in Mnlheur County, Oregon, nnd of which snid property there hns been redeemed the SH of the NEU of said Section 2 nnd the Lots 2, 3 and 4 in said Block 107, leaving the S4 of the NW14 of said Section 2, said T. nnd R. unredeemed and subject to snid lien. Said J. W. Graham and D. D. Hambly, aa the owners of the legal title of the above described property aa the same appears of record, and each of the other persons named ore hereby further notified that W. E. lees will apply to the Cricuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described and men tioned in said certificate. And you ore hereby summoned to appear with in sixty days after the first publica tion of the summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and de fend this action or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and accrued interest nnd in cose of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by orde of the Honorable Dulton Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur, nnd said order was made and dated this 9th day of March, HL", and the dale of the first publication of this summons is the 11th day of March, 1915. All process nnd papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the mi dersigned residing within the State or Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. W. E. LEES, Attorney for Pluintiff. Address, Ontario, Oregon. 000t0l0000t00t0t00t00t00000t000000t00t0t0t Oreqon vShorl Line line Fable Ontario, Oregon, November 8th 1014 TIMC TABLC NO. 70 V HMTWAH I Train No. I,eave 17 Oregon Wash. Limited 4:22 am 75 Huntington Passanger 0:35 a m 19 Oregon Wash. Express 6:33 p m 5 Fast Mail 6:15 p m KAH'I'WAItl) 18 Oregon Wash. Limited 2:51 a m 76 Boise Passenger 8:50 a in 4 Eastern Express 12:12 p m 6 Oregon Wash. Express 6:33 p in OREGON EASTERN BRANCH wmruAHi) Train No. Leave 130 Mixed, leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a m AfVWiM) 140 Mixed, arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p m VALE A. BROGAN BRANCH WKMTW'AMI) Train No. Leave 141 Mixed Vale and Hrogan Daily except Sunday 10:00 a m 97 Passanger, Vale daily 7:00 p m SCAHT HOI'NI) 98 Passenger, from Vale daily Mil m 142 Mixed from Brogan and Vale Daily except Sunday 3:30 p in Tbe Honibdale train leaves Nyssa at 2:45 on Tueaday, Tnursday aud oaturday, returning, arrive at On tario at 6 p. tu. wvvwwwwvwwviivwv'vs .iniarii- Library. Open Monday and Wednesday from t':00 to 6:00 p. m. and from 7:00 to :30 p. m. Saturday from 10:00 If i2:00 a. m.; from 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. nd from 7:00 to 9:30 p. m. FOR SALE 3 building lots in Villa Park addition. Fine location and must sell. Apply J- E. Kerrick, Parma, Idaho. 14-4t-pd. The Fairy And The Waif The story of this Gustave Froh- man production is sure to appeal to every person in the audience. The principal nctors, Mary Miles Minter (known the country over as "The Lit tlest Rebel"), Percy Helton (the boy of "Peter Grimm" fame), and Will Archie (whom everyone knows), will delight the children with their pathos and humor, while the grownups will be gripped by the splendid acting and the interest of the plot, based upon I events brought about by the Hidden I outbreak of the present European a aa war, which in brief is as followa: Major Drayton of the British army receives a cablegram which necessi tate hia return to London. As he will be gone but a few weeks, his lawyer suggests that he leave Viola in his care. Viola is not happy in Lawyer Nev inson's household, and is therefore dismayed when at the outbreak of the war abroad, her father writes that he has been ordered to the front. The news of Major Drayton's death causes the Nevinsons' attitude to LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Hearing of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. In the mutter of the Estute of Joscrjh Col lins May, Deceiised. Notice is her. by i-ivi-n, That O. M. Nicely, the administrator with the will annexed of the cstatO of Joseph Collins May, deceased, has rendered and presented for setth inent and filed in the said iourt his final ac count in' the administration of said estate; that Saturday, the 1st da.s of H Undtr g,rioua Handicap Com May. l'.M.'i, at II o'clock a. m., at the parsd With Hit Biggar Competitor. County Court Room in the County FrafOMi as the DnttnO states dopurt Court Mouse in the Citv of Vale. Mai-i "'"" of ''c'iuiu I hcur County, OivK.,, ha, been duly I appoint' d by the Judge of said court for the .settlement of said final report and the distribution of the property of the Mate, at which time any pet son inteie-ti d in suid totatO may ap pear and file exceptions in writing to the said finul report and contest the sume. O. M. NICELY, Administrator with the Will Annexed. First publication April 1, 1015. Last publication April 20, IMS, Notice. Notice is hereby given that due to repeated complaints made to this of nid in pursuance to the require ments of ordinance N'o. 140 in full force and effect within tin roipor ate limits of the City of Ontario, all owners of chickens are hereby BOti tied tbut until after the glUWlOJ, sou of the year, all chickens are to be confined to enclosures and not Dtrmittod to run at large, and that any and ull violations of the afore said ordinance will be In Id to prose cutions. Hj order Of the city council. By DAN KESFOOT. tf. City Marshal. ;r- VJ r- Try it for , Habitual Constipation M...I l,,ln,, ,i , i, w, ,. I, ,, i (in. Ileauull biiluir while Ihev ma, "im e the bowel the do not . ..,,. . i the tolidiuoil nl the bowel or Int. .tin. luclf and after the laxative haw acted the cotutliwtioti i. iii.ii. Vif'mn'i tmdd lAilm l uutllk lllfaff rillenla will, t. I them in Mich condition that they will act llurliilo tone up the howeU. and el..,, without the iuve of laa.ativea. It haa a very HKUU laate and it din. a not tlpi Sold By A. Sinclair, Nyssa THE McCONNON MAN change. A sum of money entrusted to N'evinson tor Viola's care hus been lost by him in speculation, and Viola is looked upon as a burden and treated harshly, becoming the house hold drudge. Gondeil beyond endurance, she turns away, drifts into n theater nnd become! a fairy in a 'heist mas pro dtiction. At the dress rehearsals she foils from a cloud which was bearing her tjqrward. She la not injured, but is so belated by the stage mnn.ii" that she rushes out into the night in her fairy costume, and disappears. This is how it comes to pass that the waif, a wretched little urchin whose only shelter la an old barrel in a lonely alley, is aure that "the Christ mas Angel" has come down to him when he is aroused from his Christ mas eve sleep by Viola dishing head long into hit barrel, seeking to hide from a pursuing dog. Despite the gathering clouds, the threads of the story are woven to gether into u happy ending. Saturday, April 10th. Dreamland. Westfall Notes. The boys and girls of the lower room in thp Weatfall schools recently '"' '"l "'' two ipiilts. For these tloy received $15.10, with which they bought u flag for the school and u framed picture for their own room. New hyloplate blackboards have recently been added to th uipment of this school. SMALL FARMER'S TRADING. A " ,,U" "-""" perlty and i-u-ii the c teme of the small fanner Is the li.uiilleap under which lie limit liltnaelf In lm. lug and sellliig. The Mg farmer ulm can buy Ulld sell 111 lafgM iUUitilles mid also employ expert tales! i buying and tiling and In Neeiirlllii credit bus an adraatago oror Mm mall htraaor vao inuat buy nnd sell In aiiiull ipiuutitlcti and glvo bis time anil attention mainly to tbe growtag of ci-opa rather thuu to aellllig tliein. Much of the supposed economy of large scale production, even In iiicr- chaaSlalng and mnnfOoturlag. u fuuuU upon examluatloii to consiat wholly In an atlv niitage lu lar:ilnliig that ia. bUjing mid selling. When It luiies to Ihe work of giowlnu farm ropa. as ditin i i nail Inn them ami buying raw BMUNtNa the one fitinlly farm in the mot i ihi lent unit that baa it been fo'lll I. Hut the ln CinnoV can bOOl the Indl- initial small farmer In Inlying and sell ing. It would iiii ileMi-alile, I mill ihe indpulul "i uatloual eflb Uuiej, io pro servo the sinull farm aa tlie prodOCtlVO unit, but to organtoO a iiuinlier of ii. el farms Into largOf nulls for buying and selling. Tbna ire ahookl have tin- most (indent units until iu producing ami lu bUJ lag and aelllug. If this la not iluno tho only furuiera who can enter auceaeofulljf Into tho production of agricultural ipoeloltloo, i. here the I'lohiem of marketing U I lei1 than the problem of producing, will be tile I1k. eapitalislic fanners. The -mall faiuic-r inuy bold bla own In the growing of ttaplo crops, lu which held tbe problem of elHclent production i- K-thaps graabl ' thuu that of sui-iu-ii-fill uiaiketlng. The reason for this Is that there la a wall aaganlood oiortot for smpii- crop i.d the piobleiii of marketing it there sac bouiowhat lesa il.th.-uit thuu In tbe ' leg of agiieiiltural speclaltiea. Hut at eu iii tbe growing of ataple crop tbe aiiiull farmer will have a bard time of It If he la forced to compete with the big farm when It la cultivated by guuga of cheap laborer. Tbe two wont enemies of tho hiiiuII farmer are the opponents of co-operative buying and veiling on tbe one band aud tlie advocate of enlarged Immigra tion to the rural dlatrtcta on tbe otber. The latter would help tbe big farmer lu the buying of labor for bin farm and reduce tbe price of tbe amull farm er'a own labor when he undertook to veil It lu the form of produce. BUSINESS BUSINESS PROFESSIONS ATTORNEYS. W. H. BROOKE R. W. IWAGLER, Attorneys at law, rooms 13, 14, l"i Wilson Bldg.. Ontario, Oregon. I SABLES C. ZWEIG ART ATTORNFY-AT-LAW Wilson Building. Ontario, Ore C. MeGON Willi, ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over Poatoffltt LESLIE J. AKBR LAWYER Room 0, First N'ationnl n.ink Bldf. Ontario, Oregon. Met I LLOCH& WOOD LAW Y Kits Rooms 1-2-.1 First N'at'l Bank nidp. Ontario, Oregon. ART STIDIO. J. P. KIDD, Prop. Job and Commer cial Printing n specialty. Ontario. Ore. AITOMOBILES. FORD GARAOE Wright & Coward, Props. Ontario, Oregon. CONFECTIONERY. F. FIFFR, Ontario, Oregon. DKNTISTS. DR. W. G. HOWE DENTIST Telephone First National Bank No. 732 Building. DR. I). C. BRETT DENTIST Office 2nd door eaat of Ontario Phar macy on Nevada Avenue Near R. R. Depot. I -LOWERS. ONTARIO FLORAL CO. Orders taken for cut flowers. ArgiiH Office, Ontario, Oregon. LOCAL M UK ITS Prices quoted below are general re tail prices prevailing in Ontario ami are in no case special sale prices: Asparagus -15c u pound. Appier., box 00c liananus, doz .'III.- Beans, niivy Hie lb. I for ,. ISeatis, Mexican, lb 7c Ihiltei , ranch, lb 2.'ic Butter, creamery, lb Cabbage, new lb. Ic; old lb iflower I ii ami UOt . Celery, hunch It) I t In isc, fancy, lb. 100 Cot oan i b i - . package 1 package Itli Flour, high patent, sack $140 Flour. Otraight grade, at k $l.7."i (iai lie, lb Qrapi -fruit, I'loritla, each 10c Honey, itrninodi pint -" Honey, comb, lb. loc, and 2 fm Lemonoi dog Lettuce, bothouoOi lb - .1- Lettuce, head 10c Not , BagjUoa wulnuts, lb Ho Nuts, Brazils, lb Bo Almond-, lb 'Joe Oranfoo, doa Me t., is Potato tJI per took, I ii h I'mapple, apieie 0l i w onions, liiiucb 0 KaKins, 2 lb.-. Joe RICO), lb Kc and 10. 'I'm nipOi old, lb 1 lat bone t nderloin, lb o. ib. ii , lb Halibut, Ib I - . iii nic, Ib I i. Ilaii, per Ib 2-V Bat "". per lb 22c Head ehOOOO, lb Mt lb n , Ib 17e Iamb, pi in- , 1.00 I. ainb, : pring, hind Lamb chop , rib, lb 2 Lamb 1 hop , hould.r, Ib Lard, lolhs. Mutton 1 Imp-, lb 1 . Pork ' hope, loin or lib, Ib 20. Pork, shoulder, Ib I . Rolled rib roust, lb Ho Sib ma it, prime, Ib 22c Hound ,,teak, lb 20c fladiohoi Bi o bunch. Ithiibutb Be a pound. Salmon, lb 20- Kippered salmon, lb 20c Salt salmon, Ib Ii i Smoked salmon, Ib I Smoked halibut, Ib Ho Smoked herring, euch " Shoulder .steak, Ib 17' jc Shoulder roast, lb tfa Sirloin steak, Ib 2oi Smelts, Columbia river, 2 lbs. for. .2.V Spare ribs, Ib ffl S.piabs, each l"'ggn, ranch, doz IT Ml Sugar, cane, per t wt $600 Ham, hlicetl, lb '50c DIRECTORY TRADES MFTS. The best in the line of fresh and curoS Meats at Invest prices. Ontario Mar tot PHYSICIANS. II. H. WIIITMA PHYSIC w AND SURGEON Office in I. O. O. F. Illdg. Ontario - - - OtT-gOg) " - DRStPRINZINOAWESn Ontario, Oregon Office in 'e- WillOU Hoefe. D. B. COLCORD, M. 1). Office, in New Wilson Bit k 10 Or OSTEOPATHIC , in si-TANS Dr. Harriet Sears Dr. Paulino Sears Grnduntes American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville, Mo. Wilson Rlock. Telephone 154 Hlk. I.l ERY, MOORE LIYFRY & I FED STABLE. The best barn nnd sen 'ce is our motto. PLUMBING. H. L. NORMAN, Plumbing. Denting and Tinware, Galvanized Iron. AH work guaranteed. PHOTOGRAPHS. J. B. Burrell, Ontario, Ore. Cull ami see our fine line of photo. TAILORS. ART OUNNUCK, Cleaning, Pressing, and Tailoring. Phone 84 J. Opposito Dreamland. E. COPE, THE TAILOR, Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. TRANSFER TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meet all Hraina. JOHN LANDINGHAM Sausage, breakfast, lb -0c Sausage, country, lb 15c Turkeys, lb '-Me Rolled rib roaat , lb -5c Spina. -h, 10c lb. :i ll:.s Livi: STOOL Hog i I" i'4 Veal 10 eonto pound Cowa ' to 5 '4. Steers '- to tl't Mutton I ' I .1 nt Lam! I to ti': cent licad The ArgUS. A BANK'S .UST DUTY i In its ill DOOitOI Tilt buiinsM of 1 1. is3 1 .nil is onduoiod on Ihii luioig, whieli i, iii mitli, B OUBITY ami i i. si:i: a i ism. .ts is com 'iei i ii ln furl pi oil to. We I lie-l i lisk mo; for your I' inking . miring fou aiwayr, uourivouo 1..11 nnd i FIRST mm. BANK w.w HINIUM STOfK INSI'Kl TOH OK MAI.IIKI U COUM'V nil . I AT . l I: KN, I'll. i.N U IV L DEPUTIES; lam rv oia, Hrogan. Alex Lockheed Ontario. Pert High, Vule. i( Morton, i Hd's Perry. N. 0. White, Weieer Bridge. J B. Molly Rlvervlew Aix- Hi iniv . , ion tan Valley. Joe BankofTer, Mcli.iii.iti ,J Ho ii. II. hi John G, South, Juntura Win Kin.-, Harper L M. Seaward, Ontario Bridgo l I I r? y ' c