The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 08, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Carter Boom, Taaadai March no
Sir. und Mrs. li. H. Cannon, Vale; H.
"W. I'uwley, San Francisco; T. A.
Tvinlc, Marino; I. C. Law, Denver;
Mrt, !. W. Drummond, Riverside; K.
Jv MeCajTi Riverside; Carl Butler,
JBoiw; H. ('. Malliaon, Boise; Mr. ami
lMr. C. M. Crandall, Vale; L P.
tiller, Kansas City; I. F. Orr, Pay
'(; I!. V. McCawn, Jordan Valley;
,l U Wans, Portland; Harry Good
aiml Wife, Portland; P. F. ('lymr-ns,
. Mtltoi w, s. Jeaee, Wetoeri
I,. , ll.rtlr, Jordan Valley; Pftd
Wois, linker City.
Wednesday, March 31 B. McKin
ley, Portleedl W. Jones, Weiser; C.
J). Sander, Weiser; William Lind.
Metlocl . Wn.'ih; L P. Haley, Hois.-,
T. A. Efertle, Jordan Vnlley; Frank
Carder, I virion.
Tkareoey, April l J. c. awaUl
Poise; Qeorgt S. GoodinR. Weiser; A.
II. GeritO, Hoise; C. W. Malli'tt.
Mallett) Mrs. F. P. Ryan, Juntnra;
P. F. Clement, Pnrma; W. G. Rand
Pamtai J. O. Connor, city.
Fridny, April 2 Mrs. Copel, Vale;
T'runl: Hand, Poise; Mr. and Mm
J. A. Baleyi CaM Willi J"h" Mataaii
lN'nmpa; P. K. Newell, Caldwell.
Saturday, April S John Macho
Nnmpa: 1. P. Puller, Owyhee, Ore.;
Wins Katharine Markiss, Nampa;
JMisa Victoria Markiss, Nampa; Ar
thur Van Slcklin, Weiser; O. M.
Nermeiatr, Tacorna; F. S. Kldridpv.
Boise; 1. S. Robertson, Fruit land; J.
K. Clcmi nt, CaldaaUl Frank K. Sels,
Sunday. April 4 W. R. Olivers,
Valo; E. A. Frasor and wife, city;
Lofa Mustard, Westfall; Frank Cum
mins, Westfall; I. W. CushinK,
Weiser; C. K. Bntea, Frultland.
Monday, April 5 T. H. Goodhue,
La .Irnndc; Frank R. ScIh; Vale; W.
J. Roup, Middleton; W. P. Chivcrs,
Vale; W. P. Uand, Boise; T. Martin,
Jo .wKli. NBMMaawL JAadr. .7tailSTMMiii2M9S:,
Moore Hotel, Tuesday, March .'10 -Mrs.
Charles K. Johnson, Westfall;
8. C. Ogsl.tiry, ifolse; II. C. Oliver
Portland; ( P. Iloff. Salem; M. .
Hoswdl, Hoi ... ; W. 11. Huthorford.
Ironside; O. C. Knijrlt. Beiat) C H
Henkol, Hoise; I. A. Block, Boiso.
Wednesday, March Ml K. f Walk
rr, Portland; B. F. Ware. Boise; G.
A. Thomas, l'ortlanl; !'. II. Gardnc'.
Pendleton; J. K. Sewell, Boise; I. L.
Driscoll, Boise; C. M. Selor, La
G rondo.
April I l. Timmermun,
La Fontaine, Hoise; .
Port laid; N. C. Prea-
( W. I'm ,11, Boise;
Huntington; l: v. I'l"
1. R. Scenght,
Thursdav .
lioise; J. I
It. Cosgray,
cott, Boise;
John lolun,
Brady, Juntnra;
Union. Ore.
Friday, April j On Dickinson,
Portland; K. 1. liroguu, Vulc; 1',
II Clerf, Andrews, Ore ; Q, H Bed
man.; Homer II. Kyileti, linker;
II V lilackwell, Vale; C. P. N.a.l
ink, Hoise.
ITiiay, April 3 J. L. Driscoll,
Bd ' I P. Terry, Bcveii-,; Inn
H ai I, Veto) Pauline Jehaeea
Vale) 1 1. I'!. Itohinson and wife
i andoy,
I .H
Detli '.
Bakt n at
Jinra. Boise;
Pert Ian
'. il 4 Homer II Kyder
F Ware, Boi; II. K
Salami William Balrd,
0. Davis, Plymouth.
April f- James McN'n-
( . IV llailiom an. I w ire
c. c. Hi nkaon, '
Si. ncer, Uoiac; i . i .
Hi iik- mii
One of the best Percheron Stallions on
the Pacific Coast
We hereby certify that this Percheron Stallion, Imported September,
1910, by W. C. Baughman, Pulaski, Iowa, is recorded by the Percheron
Society of America, and that his recorded number is 71954.
Color and Description: Black; strip; three white feet.
"OlT'raT'Dl?!?. Foaled April 15, 1908; bred by M. Saussereau, Department of Sarthe.
JrlLlJiljltlliri. SIRE: Paulus 55307 58125, by Phaeton 29994 44472, by Sully 21779 40430,
by Boule d' Or 19129, bv Grevin 6846 6892, by Lagrange 3065 1 1334, by Brilliant 1271 755 by Brilliant
1899 (756), by Coco II (714), by Vieux Chaslin (713), by Coco (712) by Mignon (715), by Jean le Blanc (739).
DAM: Rose (61321), by Theudis 25015 (40871), by Besigue (19602), by Brillant III 11116 2919, by Fenelon
2682 38, by Brilliant 1271 755, by Brilliant 1899 (756), by Coco II (714), Vieux Chaslin (713), Coco (712)
by Mignon (715), by Jean le Blanc (739).
2nd DAM: Calot 28938, La Ferte 5144 462, by Phillbert 760, by Superior 4M 1730, by Favorl I 711, by Vieux Chailin 713, by Coco 712, by
Miifnon 715, by Jean la Blanc (7:w. 3rd DAM: Palotte 9865, by Brilliant 1271 756, by Brilliant 189" 756, by Coco II 714, by Viaux Chaaltn
713, by Coco 712, by Mignon 716, by Jean le Blanc (739). 4th DAM Facheuae belonging to M. Lolaon.
Will Make The 1915 Season at the Eagle Livery Barn
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday of Each Week
At the Fruitland Livery, FRUITLAND, IDAHO, on
Monday and Tuesday of Each Week
Will be in Ontario Each Evening During the Week Except Monday and Wednesday
$5.00 Single Leap $10.00 The Season
$15.00 to Insure Mare to be With Foal
For particulars call the Eagle Livery, Ontario, Oregon
W. H. FISER, Ontario, Oregon
kaa i
J a."TV
w II ...... , I W
We hear i gnat daal thttt dayi about inn
nu'iits. And not withstanding OUT aversion to war.
wo raOQffniiw tho principle! Of sdf-juvservation, and
appreciate the efforts made to aaie-guard commer
cial intareati aud the general welfare.
The niooaai of military operationa dependa
largely upon the vigilance and efficiency of theeenti
nols. Theae man are picked and rigorously and regu
larly impacted The weak picket is a danger in
stead of a safeguard.
In a like inanin'f our failiuv or siavoss deponds
Inn great measure upon our teeth the thirty-two
eentinels picketed in our oral cavity. It" we allow
our food to slip by our teeth without halting it for
proper mastication, we oon shall have inside iuti
maiion of the same by General Debility.
It is necessary tlu afore to keep our teeth in good
aha e, to have them attended to periodically, so as
to prevent decay, tartar and acid mouth.
Dr. WG. Howe is eminently qualified to do
thii work. He is competent, careful, conscientious;
his equi ic -date and hygienic, the mater-
ialahi of the finest quality, and the chargei
most reai nable.
Suite (5-7
Fire! Natl. Hank Bldg.
,m i n m
" B a
A Plumb Bob Level.
N.wiii' iiu-s ,ii,M 1 iit-cii'ii a level, bat
coultl lint eecure uuo wltbla ten nillea,
sm j s a ctrreaiMn(lttut of Farm and Flre
aldf. from wblcb tbla article and the
picture .Hi- i.ilu. -d I ii.- one I con
tructed as a mukeahlft miMwered thu
i u r i . i a f bo well
Unit I Outlined the
whole Job by It.
Take a piece of
bourd bardie a
at r:il lit edge. To
this i i-t.-ii two other ptaoaa forming
a triangle. Now with u aquare liml
the oUit on the hune from which a
Hue lt-avlug It at right uuglea exactly
strlki the point where the side plecea
meet. From tliU iolnt suspend 11 plumb
bob and your level In complete. 1 ased
an old peg top as a plumb bob, but
almost any little weight will do.
n i an uon.
Ptuo by American l'rM Auiviatuia.
Frani LeliAr, compoier of the "Mer
ry Wiiij." reported captuied by the
Rutaiana while serving aa an Auatrian
How to Load a Wagon.
In loadlug a wagoa ila e the load
evenly OTW the fiont iiml liltnl wheel.
If any difference Is made It xhould he
n the hind wheels. They are larger
' i ml hence do uot sink In aa deep as
the sum Her front wheels. The fact
(hat the lo.ul ts farther from the team
doa not taMNMt the draft on the wag
on. When the team Is hitched to some
thing dragging oa the ground then the
nearer the team is to the loai the light
er the pull This 18 due to the fact
that the nearer the team is the more
the pal will he upward, thus helping
to radar the fricttoa between the load
lid the ground
Swedish Veaael Sunk by Germans.
London Dispatches from Hull say
that 14 aurvlvora of the crew of the
Swedish steamer liuiina landed there,
the llaunu havlug been torpedoed by
a submarine off Scarborough. A pass
ing steamer had picked them up. Six
of the crew were killed.
Graung a Tonio For Horses.
Don't e. ii. line the work horses In tba
stable stall at night Early In that
season provide for a good Hlzed lot
Into which to turn them after they re
ceive their grain and small amount of
roughage There's nothing in the
world to equal grazing aa a tonic and
general conditioner.
Poultry Wanted!
I will be in Ontario Tuesday, February
9th, and will buy your Poultry at mar
ket price. I will also be in Ontario
Tuesday of each week, through spring
and summer. Will make headquarter!
at American Express. I l Plff BOISE
i he Argus. 1.00 the year. waaia
Prohibition for Alaska Proposed.
Juneau. Uatka -A bill prouding
(or prohibition throughout the entire
'.ir: ry of Alaakft as introduced in
the laaat house ot the territorial i.-
PnaOMA AntMirt Given To All Fi
Promptly Day 0 NMMT
Phone ta'w
Calls AjugwsiuU)
Ontario, OrMM