The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 08, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Light rubber bathing caps are being extensively used to protect
the hair and scalp while dusting. We have all the popular shapes
and colors
FROM 25c TO 75c EACH
The Ontario Pharmacy
The Rexall Store
Mrs. Rambo came home this week.
H. Carter was up from Parma on
business Sunday.
H. L. Anderson was in Boise Tues
day on business.
Mrs. A. F. Tonningsen returned
from Westfall this week.
George Bond was up from Weiser
Tuesday, for a few dnys on businesn
James Cooley of Boise was an On
tario visitor Tuesday.
F. T. Page of Welser spent Friday
in Ontario.
Fruitland school was closed for a
few days last week for fumigation.
F. F. Prestcl of Payette was in
town Saturday between trains.
R. Higgins of Weiser, was an On
tario visitor Saturday.
Mr. Pratt of the Pratt Auto Co. of
Weiser, was in Ontario Monday.
R. B. Morse of Weiser was an On
tario visitor Monday.
HAY FOR SALE W.00 per ton.
A. B. Cain, 2 milea west of Ontario.
A. J. Blackaby went to Portland
Monday night on business.
Mrs. Chester of Vale was in On
tario shopping last Friday.
Father Brady of Juntura, passed
through Ontario Friday.
Chet Lackey made n business trip
to Boise last Saturday.
Arthur'" VanSicklln of Weiser, was
an Ontario visitor Saturday.
J. H. Smith came down from Vale
the first of the week on business.
Order I your carnations from the
Ontario Floral Co. 85c a dozen.
Headquarters Argus, Phone 49-J.
Special on Pnnsy plants for Satur
day, April 10th, at the Ontario Floral
Co. Call and see our display.
Have you made that geranium
bed? Call Ontario Floral Co. for
your small geraniums to set out.
FOR SALE New .1 room cottage
in Riverside addition. Inquire at Argus
office. tf
Lost A white srochet doily, on
Oregon street, last Thursday. Finder
leave at the Argus office. tf
Hotel Ontario open under new
manugement. Rooms 25. '''. 50 and
75 cents. J. W. Long, Prop. 14-4t
FOR SALE Toulouse goose eggs
at 10 cents each. Delbert Clayton,
R. F. D. 1, Payette, Idaho. 12-2t-pd
Rev. Baker of the Baptist church
will speak at the Valley View school
house at 3 p. m. Sunday.
Walter Shimp from near French
Idaho, was here Sunday to visit his
father, who is ill in the hospital.
FOR SALE Cheap. Good young
stallion of Belgian breed. Also some
mares. Address box 457. Ontario, tf
Miss McGrevie, of French, Idaho,
has been the guest of Mrs. L. A
Walker this week.
O. F. Streeter of Redland, Cal., has
taken charge of the pipe line that is
going on south of town.
J. P. Burk has leased the Johnson
Transfer Co. and took charge of the
business Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence motored
over from Payette Tuesday, to call on
Mrs. Keller, who is ill in the hospital
Mr. Keller of Payette spent Sun
day with his wife, who is in the Holy
Rosary Hospital.
Dr. Straub, dean of men of the
University of Oregon, was in Ontario
Monday between trains.
Mrs. George Kellogg went to Weis
er this week to be the guest of the
Van Sicklins.
To trade Good residence property in
a nne Kisno town for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 033, Ontario,
Oregon. 4-tf
W. W. Rose, with the Oregon Short
Line, is spending a few dnys at his
home on Owyhee street.
R. Snider of Boise, was In Ontario
Tuesday, looking after some of his
property interests.
Miss Marjorie Weasel of Pocatello,
was in Ontario last week visiting with
her sister, Mrs. H. Kline.
A. C. Gordon, a sheep man of Weis
er, was in Ontario Tuesday between
trains on business.
Mr. Sam Creme of the Alexander
'Clothing Company, waa In Weiser
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Emison
for the Easter week end. They mo
tored over Saturday afternoon.
Miss Fay Clark accompnnied b;
Miss Minnie B. Smith, passed through
Ontario Tuesday. Miss Clark was to
be the guest of Miss Smith in Boise
for the week end.
Mrs. Nan Purcell went to Vale thi?
week to visit. She was accompanied
by her daughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Moffet, who were go
ing home to Malheur City.
Mr. W. U. Sanderson, the forme
proprietor of the Moore Hotel, ha
been in Ontario several days thi?
week, looking after property inter
H. Bradbury shipped two car load:
of horses from Ontario, Saturday
for Grand Island, Nebraska, wherr
they will be used for farm purposes
of the middle west.
Registered, imported, six year old,
Percheron stallion formerly owned by
C. C, Carter. Will stand In Ontario be
ginning now. For particulars call W.H.
Fiser or C. C. Carter,
18 2t
E. E. Hunter, near Fruitland, who
waa stricken with paralysis some
months ago, Is not Improving as
s his family and friends had
The Argus Is always pleased
to receive advance notices of so-
clety events that have' not been
printed; also news of those that
have taken place. The latter
should he in the office not later
than Wednesday noon.
Monday on business.
B. F. McElroy came down from rapidly
Cambridge Monday and will remain hoped.
here permanently. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King, who live
A. F. Sinder is here from Ledman, east of Fruitland, will soon leave this
Oregon. He expects to reside here j section to travel throughout the coast
M. A .Tipler has been here from
Cambridge for a few days on busi
ness. FOR SALE A 6 acre tract, Im-
country this summer on account of
Mr. King's health.
The Ontario Advancement com
pany has been keeping quite a num
ber of men and teams busy cleaning
proved and in arop; fruit, berries and out their ditch southwest of town, the
alfalfa. One mile from Ontario. Inquire past week.
at Argus office. tf I Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bowman, both
Murray Buchanan, with the Guar- well known in and about Payette,
antee Shoe Co., was in Ontario for a have recently settled on the Bowman
few days. He expects to return to ranch, some four miles south of Pay
Boise the last of the week. I ette.
Rev. D. E. Baker and wife and Misal FOR
Mary L. Ayers left Monday for a few
days visit at the home of J. L. Evans,
near Malheur Butte.
Mr. Chas. Edison of the Emnire
SALE 80 acres on Appa
Bench near Roswell. Four room house
painted, cave and ciBtern, barn and
hen house. Can be bought at a snap.
Address Lewis Smith, Homedale, Ma-
Lumber Compuny. returned home ho. 12-:ifrfrr
Saturday evening from a week's visit I Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Marden left
in Portland. (Thursday night for Boise. Mr. Mar-
Episcopal services will be held in den was formerly night clerk at the
the I. O. O. F. hall Sunday, April Carter House and has accepted a po
ll, at 8 o'clock by Rev. Charles Pow- sition now with R. N. Stanfield.
ell. Miss Sadie Fishback stopped in On-
Rev. Charles H. Powell will hold tario a few days last week on her
services in the Odd Fellows' hall Sun-, way from Boise to Emmett. Miss
Fishbuck has accepted a position with
a novelty store in Boise and will trav
el now.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner Clinkscales
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Van
Petten for a few days last week. Mr.
Clipkscales was the yard man in the
day, April 11, at 8 p. m. All are
cordially invited.
Mr. Terry, the bookkeeper for the
'Pacific Livestock Co., with heud
quarters at Burns, Ore., spent several
days in Ontario last week.
F. Ailshire, a well known recruit
from the east arrived in Ontario Sat-i lumber company at Pendleton and nun
urday night and it is understood thatibeen transferred to the Van Petten
he is going to be in the Ontario team, i Lumber Co. at Payette.
S. Martin, a noted catcher from
Denver, arrived in Ontario Friday
night and expects to wear an On
tario uniform.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Dunn'ick and chil
dren and Mrs. J. L. Brandt were the
guests of Mrs. H. Dunnuck in Pay
ette Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Paine and
daughter of Boise, were the house
nae I k
tlME I
JWIADAM. this little
talk on our flour
is meant for you. We
want you to get inter
ested in the lines we
carry. For years we
have maintained a rep
utation in this locality for pleasing the good
housewives with our flour. It's just the kind
that makes the best bread and cake and gives
the most nutriment to
the body. Our flour
may be entirely de
pended upon to pro
duce the best cooking
and baking results.
Notes from the Holy Rosary Hospital.
Solemn and impressive services
were held in the hospital chapel Eas
ter morning. Beautiful flowers Bent
in by kind and thoughtful friends of
the patients were found in every
room and they added cheer to the en
tire building.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis of Iron
side are the proud parents of a 12
pound son, born at the Holy Rosary
hospital Tuesday afternoon, April 6.
Alma Homan, the oldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Homan,
underwent an operation for acute ap
pendicitis in the Holy Rosary hos
pital late Saturday night.
She is improving nicely now and
has the best wishes of all her little
school friends as well as the grown
people for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Keller, wife of the editor of
the Payette Independent, is conva
lescing in the hospital from a serious
operation of last week. Mrs. Keller
will soon be able to be moved to her
home in Payette.
W. P. Shimp of French, Idaho, is
slowly recovering from a severe op
eration, which he underwent last
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Shimp have
been in Ontario several weeks, where
Mr. Shimp has been under medical
treatment, but an operation was
found to be n'cessary for his re
covery. Will Fitsg'-rald, the young man
whose eye was injured in the raid on
the high school camp last week will
soon be abl" to leave the hospital.
The sight of one eye is destroy!
but the ey ball will be preserved.
The hU'h school faculty were at the
hospital Tuesday forenoon to call on
Will Fitzgerald, who has been there
for several days.
Mrs. Joe Stnplcs was declared a
most charming hostess by the Needle
Croft ladies who met at her homo
Thursday, April 1. Many new and
interesting games were introduced.
Each guest was asked in the first
contest to write as many words as
they could from the word Needle
craft. After ten minutes they were
read and Mrs. Fiser was given a
prize for having the greatest num
ber. The most laughable contest was tho
making of Easter bonnets from tissue
paper and ribbon. Mrs. John Bros
man's bonnet was voted to be the
most artistic. The taking of kodak
pictures occupied the remainder of
the afternoon.
A dainty and delicious luncheon
was served and a great deal of amuse
ment made over the cotton puddini:
which reminded all that it was April
Some delightful parties have been
planned by this club for the coming
summer. The next meeting place will
be announced later.
Mrs. R. L. Griffin entertained a
few friends informally at a six o'clock
dinner Saturday evening. Eastci
lilies were used effectively as a center
piece. Covers were laid for twelve
Mrs. Jacob Printing was a charm
ing hostess to the Carnation Club on
Friday afternoon of lost week. The
home was prettily decorated in Easter
flowers. Honors were won by Mrs
Tom Arnold.
Mrs. Whitney was hostess to the
Bridge Club last week. Mrs. Van
Petten won high honors.
The Silver Bridge Club was de-
lightfully entertained by Mrs. Whit
I ney nt her home Wednesday afternoon.
A number of friends of Mr. Roy
Smith surprised him last Sunday
.evening in honor of his birthday. A
Sundny evening luncheon was served.
Mrs. A. D. Kai.if.- of I'aton, mm
Weiser, who has MM .-i.-itinir h"r
daughter, Mrs. Homan, returned
home Monday evening.
TsUIMtMY, .IP8H 8th.
The O. S. L. Will run a special
train leaving Ontario nt 7:0, p.
m. and returnim immediately nf-
ter the perfc ance. FAKE
FOR ROUND T HP, 70 cer.ts.
Scour Special
Guaranteed to give satis
faction or money
Ever hart Drug Co.
How bare the room looks without curtains !
Who has not heard this remark, or made it.
More than fifty per cent of the charm of a
completely furnished room is in the window and
door draperies. This is becoming more and more
a recognized fact every day.
This is an age of window and door decorations.
Drapery goods and draperies of handsome designs
and qualities may now be had at prices within
reach of those of moderate means as well as the
extremely wealthy.
It is the draperies that give life to a room. It
is the color of the draperies that bring the tones
of the rugs and furniture into harmony with the
tones of the walls.
We are showing this week some new patterns
of curtain goods and drapery materials. Come in
and see them.
OntarioFurniture Co