The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 08, 1915, Image 1

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Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley.
NO. 14
lother Mcivhants Co Of
rativc Bale Day to Oc
cur Hire April 7th.
tarni Spirit of Rivalry Be-
ween Loral Merchants
to Outdo Bach Other
p rhirf question in business cir-
in Ontario Saturday of thin work
be the purchasing power of a
ir. Knr Siitunlny has been dc-
l by Oninrio merchants a "Pol-
nay" nnl nnothrr of Ontario'i
ouk ro-opcnitivc sales ilnys will
f place. Like tho two former
it, the scheme for Saturday will
ininue and complete in itself.
bo pun-hnsing power of a dollar
bo exploited. Opportunities for u
ly attractive sale aro many, and
he merchants get into the propos
I more fully, they realize the real
it of mii li an undertaking.
Harty of un looking ut the propos
i BM hand, don't hop murh to
Mated one merchant. "Hut tho i
e thou !,t v., ii, It, the more we
lie it is n ally a Keut Hcheme. At
t hand we all naturally think we
f putty well the full purchasing
r of a cinKle dollar. Hut we
t. It almost uulielievahle, the
It Valuer we are Justified in offer
for a dollar on a sales day of thin
We can push forward all kind
uriluihli-, :,nd .-an tfive the buy
MbHe -.,- . i. ,. bargains on thit
ion." "no fifty in. -i-chants in Ontario
Mil i i pat i m in this "Dollur
" II' althy rivalry hus entered in-
nt. and each inerehant will
MM to s,u that a dollar ean
MM MH in his establishment
in tliat of his rouipetitor.
'''I in tin-. a th,. re will prob-
M rivalry among the loeul
than in any of the pre
' Milesdays. ',,r instunco, on
tm day" the limit of re
on in cadi i-tahlishmcnt was
' : I" PM .cut. Hut with the
W Dv" Um iky is the limit and
inerehant is fn . to offer just as
swgi raauetiofl at M omm to.
I:""' :,V- dtjri are being looked
" ' " By people all over this see
of the country. They huve be
rj POpoUtf with tiM liurehus
lul,li'' '""I Peopla for miles ir,
' ''"v.tion from the city are cag
watching for the announeement
M different event.
I'M afternoon
inland theat
and all the
Mr Chapman Leaves.
Mrs. H. A. Chapman left Inst Fri
day tvtnfog for htaeagboehtii Tmmaj
in response to a tHogrnm that her
brother, Dr. Marion Cttt leberry, WM
very ill. ,
'Saturday the fnmily received n
IM MM that th- brother had died
Mrs. Chapman will remain in TtXM
whic h was her old home, for ubout
four months.
A monthly meeting of the council
was held Monday niht, and wan well
attended, all the members being pres
ent. The streets are again to be
sprinkled with oil; flfiOO gnllons was
ordered to be here by the last of the
The improvements of some of the
city streets was the next subject they
discussed, and it was decided that
Grant street should be worked on and
graded up. Work will start on or
about the -5th of the month. The
north side of Washington atreet from
Oregon street to the freight depot,
will have cement sidewalks. That
will be a great help to the city traffic
as the walks at the present time are
in bad condition.
The council uppointed a committee
for the purpose of locating a dump
ing ground, as Tuesday was clean
up day, anil a place must be located
for the purpose of dumping rinbish.
Another meeting will be held by the
council the 14th of this month to hear
protests against street improvements
which are contemplated by th? city.
City Officials Work With
County Officials to Run
Down Offenders
City officials of Ontario, working
in conjunction with county official?
on both sides of the river, are en
deavoring to run to earth the night
prowlers who are taking horses and
rigs from hitching racks in Ontario
Two rigs have been taken in the past
fortnight, one of which was found by
Walter Burgess near Washoe. The
other rig, belonging to C. K. Bates,
has not yet been found, and whether
the horse and rig has really been stol
en or whether it was taken to some
obscure place and left.
Double Court Next to Dr.
Prinzings Resideuce Al
most Ready for Play
Several members of the Oregon
Club have been working on the tennis
courts next to Dr. Prinzing's resi
dence, and they expect to be through
and ready for games in a couple of
The members of the tennis club will
have the privilege to ask ten outsid
er to the use of the courts for the
season. A small fee will be attached
to each member for the purpose of
keeping up the grounds. It is thought
some of the best performers of the
city will be seen in action on these
coarts this summer.
Purchases New Car.
W. K. Docs is the owner of a fine
now Overland car, purchased last
week. The machine is n seven pas
senger, strictly up-to-date.
Friday evening Mr. Lees and Mr.
Roberts, lOMl agent for Um Overland,
went to Poise and then drove the car
botlM SafeUrdaj morning.
RECEIEVE $2,925,175
Washington. One million five hun
dred thousand dollars has been allot
ted by the secretary of war to continue
work on the north Jetty at the mouth
of the Columbia river during the 16
months ending June 30, 1916.
The total amount allotted by Secre
tary Uarrlson for Oregon and Wash
ington la $2,926,175. or within 1645,600
of the amount carried by the rlvera
and harborH bill when It failed.
Other allotment for northwest
waterways are us follows: Columbia
and Willamette, below Portland, $460,.
ooo; Couullle river, $76,000; Coos Huy,
$70,000; Coos river, $3000; Sluslaw
river. $117,500; Yaqulna river. $3000;
Neliulem hay, $116,175; Snake Htver,
$2$. ooo; tipper Columbia river, Celllo
falls to mouth of Snake river, $37,000;
Willamette and Yamhill rlvera, above
Portland. $Z6.000; Cowlitz and Lewla
rivers, $16,000; Clatskanle river i
Grays harbor and bar, $460,000; water
way connecting Port Townsend bay
and Oak hay, $16,000; waterway con
necting I'uget Sound and Lakes Union
uiid Washington, $17,600.
8tage Robbtd Near Baker.
Raker, Or. Facing the guns of two
masked men, Ralph Moorehousc, driv
er bf the Kiilnbow Durkee stage, waa
forced to deliver a gold bullion brick,
representing the weekly cleanup at the
Ha) bow mine, valued at about $7000,
to the robbera.
William Haider, alias "Sourdough
BUI," was arrested by Marshal Kd
ll.iimiiii at Huntington on information
from Sheriff Anderson ut the Rainbow
mine for alleged connection with the
The Ontario Rail club had their
first good workout Sunday and pros
pects for a good team here was never
better. The boys had a severe test
of hitting and fielding and their work
was exceptionally good for their first
Mr. Martin, the new back stop, is
here, handles himself nicely and
looks like a three-hundred hitter.
Wells, who worked several games'
with Weiser last year, is trying out as
a box man and looks good.
Darnell, the old standby, is cover
ing first base, and gets them just
like he always did. Chapman is hold
ing down second, while Koupal is at
his old position at short atop. He
scoops them up at all angles. Ail
shire is making hia home at third,
and looks like a big leaguer in a
small town uniform. The outfield
includes, Dean, Smith and Lackey, a
better outfield would be hard to
This club is n team Ontario ahould
be proud of and the other clubs can
expect to meet defeat when they go
up against such a bunch.
show ut the
re has been arranged
Visitors to thp .ite
..I.... . -"J
"d are invite,
snow under the
rio merchant-i.
to attend the
auspices of the
" Plymouth came over to battle
'' Ontario High School last
and defeated the local boys by
re of 14 t0 2.
' N,'w Plymouth
au?r in all
W Mages of the game. The
"f N'ew Plymouth played
""" vim and life, and played a
.,7 '"' ba- The local boys
a" tho way through, but as a
JJtM outclassed. It is hoping
ca boys will give the New Ply"-
:,,' mu'h har game the
'me they cross bats.
High School
positions and mas-
Havana. The fight for the heavy
weight cliaiuil(iiiHhlp of the world be
tween .lit. k Johnson, colored, of Texas,
title holder, and Jess W'illurd. white.
of Kansas, resulted In the defeat of
the black in. in in the 26th round.
The early rounds were filled with
flashes of Johnson's former wonder! ul
speed, when he would rulu rights and
lefts to W ill. in 1 s body und face, de
livering tun blows to one of the big
white challengers. Through all this
time U ill. ii, I was strictly on the de
fensive, and on occasions Johnson
played with him, once standing with
guard down and letting Wlllard swing
at him, only to dodge and laugh ut tho
u kwurdness of his opponent.
Wlllard looked clumsy against John
aon. A more skillful man might have
knocked Johnson out inter the 12th
round, for utter that (he negro wus
going on speed und lleive unit skill.
The end of the fight cume with a
suddenness thtti .l.i.i .I the spectators.
It followed two or three rounds of al
most complete idleness on the part of
the contestants, und the crowd settled
down to u long drawn out struggle, be
lieving that it would go the full limit
of the-45 rounds.
Speaking of the final round that won
him the victory, W'illurd said:
"The blow that brought the fight to
a quick conclusion was a right-hand
smash to Johnson's body early in the
lust round. I felt Johnson grow limp
in the next clinch and knew I had the
championship with'u reach. A left to
the body and u right smash to the Jaw
put Johnson down for the count."
It was the old story of skill and
strength against youth and strength.
Johnson, one of the largest men who
ever stepped into a prise ring, faced
an opponent measurably larger and 10
years younger than himself. Johnson
is 38 years old, Wlllard Is 28, weighs
normally 20 pounds more than John
son, and tops him f. ' inchea, being
six feet six inches tall.
Stage Robbed by Two
Men; Get $7,000 in Gold
Rainbow-Durkee Stage Held up Early Monday Morn
ing. Bandits Escape to Hills Near Raker
Morrison Returns.
1. L. D. Morrison of the Eastern
Ore. Col. Co. returned from Portland
Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Mor
rison and children. The family will
remain here for some time and will
be domiciled at the Moore hotel.
Rye Valley, April .r. With thr
guns of two masked men bearing on
him, Ralph Moorehouse, driver of the
Rainbow-Durkee stuge, was forced to
deliver a gold bullion brick, repre
M'nting the weekly cleunup at the
Ruinbow mine, valued at about $7,00(1
to bandits at 1):S0 o'clock this morn
ing. The stage was just past the
stage, Mrs. A. H. Frietag of Durkee,
was not molested. According to u
report made by Moorehousc to Sup
erintendent of the Rainbow mine
the robbers mounted horses, ufter se
curing the bullion and set off ut top
speed in the direction of Pedro moun
tain. The first intimation of danger camr
just after the stage rounded a turn
in the road when Moorehouse found
himself looking into the muzzle of a
revolver aimed by a musked man
standing in the middle of the road
First came the customary "hands up'
order, which the driver obeyed auto
matically and then a commund to
"hand over that gold." Again Moore
house obeyed, and was then informed
that he was to drive on and refrain
from looking behind him. He looked
however, long enough to see the two
men, one of whom had been ambushed
behind a tree at the roadside during
the holdup, pointing revolvers at him.
Moorehouse at once reported the loss
to Mr. Lee at the mine.
The bandit taking the more active
part in the holdup is described as
wearing light colored trousers, a light
hat and a blue serge coat and vest.
He addressed the stage driver as
"Slim." Moorehouse believes he has
u clew to the man's identity, and turn
ed the stage over to another driver
remaining to join the posse which is
being organized. Both men are de
scribed as of medium size, one wear
ing a blue handkerchief over his eyes
and the other a white handkerchief &-
a mask.
Mrs. A. H. Frietag, mother of Mrs
Ragan, of the mine, left on th. . t.,
and continued her journey to Durk.c
ufter the holdup. She formerly lived
in Maker where she wus housekeepei
for W. G. Ayers. She was tin n Mi
Olds but has married since.
Rainbow Mine,April ."., ::., p. ni.
No word has been received up to
this time of the bundits. H. & 1.,,.
superintendent of the mine and A. H.
Hamilton, master mechanic, lefi in
the direction of Pedro mountain, is
soon as the holdup was repotted and
the sheriff at Maker had been noti
fied. No word has been beard from
them since. The bullion is .stiiuited
to be worth $7,000. Then is greut
excitement hero.
Rye Valley, April 5, 2:10 p. m.
Sheriff Anderson and Deputy NeUon
accompanied by Driver Moorehouse
have just left here toward Mormon
Masin in search of the two bandits
It is thought the men had IMMJM W
hiding and mounting them as soon at
Moorehouse was out of sight, dashed
toward Pedro mountain. The sheriff'
posse is headed in that direction with
all speed of the auto. Other posses
are believed to have started from
Mormon Basin.
Sheriff Anderson received word thi
morning of the holdup, shortly aftei
its occurrence, Superintendent H.
Lee using the long distance as soon
as the loss was reported to him. Ac
companied by Deputy Robert Nelson
Mr. Anderson immediately eommun
deered Charles Olds' auto and heavily
armed, the two set out for the scene
of the holdup to head the posse which
will set out in pursuit of the bandits
A conference of tho W. C. T. l
u-ieties of Vale, Nyssa und Ontario
will be held at the Presbyterian
church in this city Friday morning,
April 0.
In the afternoon Payette, New
Plymouth and Fruitlund will be pros
ent. The public is invited to tl
meeting at which the following
K'ain will be rendered:
Music, Devotional.
Solo, Mrs. McMratney.
Welcome Address.
Report of Idaho Union.
Duet, Mrs. Jauish and Mrs
Report of Malheur Union.
Violin Solo, Mrs. Cox.
. Address, Mrs. Jennie M.
state W. C. T. U. president.
Question Box.
Die k-
Basement of Candy Kitchen
to be Fitted up For
Wholesale Trade
Booz & Fifer Will Run Up-to-date
For Wholesale Business-
Another manufacturing' plant for
Ontario, and which will mean the
steady employment of aeveral men,
comes in the announcement this week
from the Ontario Candy Kitchen that
a soda and bottling works and whole
sale ice cream establishment will be
opened in connection with the popular
little candy atore in the near future.
Candy for the wholesale trade will
also be manufactured and it ia the
pirn to keep at least one person on
the road continually looking after the
out-of-town trade.
The new establishment will be op
erated under the firm name of Booi
& Fifer. These two men thoroughly
understand the business and arc en
thusiastic over the prospects for a
good trade throughout this territory.
The new machinery will be install
ed in the basement of the present
Candy Kitchen, next door to the post
office, and it is thought the enlnrgett
establishment will be complete n
equipment und ready for business not
later than Muy 15th.
"Jake" Cregg, Ontario's new poat
muster, took hin new u .(ion yester
day morning, h Ikvtag the former in
cumbent, A. L. Sproul. Mr. Gregg
received his appointment about .1
month ugo, but could net tnke charge
until the necessary papers v.
drawn up and the (ommishion re
n im ! here.
The MMJIialMlon MUM .Monday, and
Tuesday the office was checked up,
Mr. Gregg taking charge yesterday.
The Hague. Oifford Pinchot. ex
chief forester of the United States,
who, it is understood, has been uctlng
as special agent for the stute depurt
ment ut Washington in the European
war zone, has been expelled from Hd
gium by the Uerman authorities.
Washington Oifford Pinchot. ac
cording to advices to the state depart
ment. reached Antwerp, Belgium, but
was not permitted to proceed further
in his work as member of the Aineri
can relief commission in Belgium, al
though detailed as a special diplomatic
agent of the American government.
The German authorities objected be
sause Mr. Pinehot's sister ia Lady Al
len Johnstone, wife of the former Brit
lsh minister to Denmark, who is still
in the British diplomatic service. Ger
many has insisted from the beginning
that all agents and consuls of the
American government in Belgian ter
ritory under German military occupa
tion should have no connection, how
ever remote, with her enemies
Genoa, Italy. iu Maris A German
submarine has sunk the Mullun steam
er Luigi i'arodi, which h:t Baltimore:
Junuury y with a ej o of coul for
Genou, according t -., word renivej
here. Tho report has caused u pro
found impress. ,h M ... Hlul ,.,,.rt. are
many; o.' reaeiitment.
The new delivery aystiii inaugu
rated among a number of the merch
ants here is proving a great advant
age to both the merchants and the
The firms who havp t.i .-
contract are Malheur U....mi
Kader Bros..
Co., Ml'Cov Rma A
Co., Ontario Market, a,ul Oregon
Packing Co. The fin,t delivery leave
55E& ai 8L:!0 oVlock: si'cond 2
lO.dOo clock; third at 2 ;80 o'clock an
last at 5:00 o'clock.
Co., Boyer Bros. & Co.
Wilson Bros.