The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 25, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    TtlK ONTARIO AlKilJS, THVR8D AY. MARCH 25, 1918.
HAY FOR SALK $5.00 per ton.
A. H. Cain, 2 miles west of Ontario.
(Jon. W. Younsr was here Wednes
day rum (urn
George Pwka enrie in from Jordan
Valley last Wednesday.
Robert Fenfiek of .Ionian Valley
spent last Wednesday in this city.
J. (i. Hon and wife of Weiser were
Ontario visitors Friday.
H. Walters brought his son down
from Yale for treatment Saturday.
Mr. Coulter, a prominent lawyer of
Weiser. was here Monday.
Mil - Moloney m nt to lloise Friday
evening and spent the week end.
Try our Top tytoh Ice Cream.
Hill's Pharmacy.
"Qui.k Sale and Small Frofit" at
the Millinery and Art Store.
Bay ynur Kast'i- Hat at the Milli
nery and Art Store.
Lewis Smith of Homednle, IdahOi
WM m Ontario I ue la
'i I '.. Ii ( ohii
in i 'nt " io Sunday.
In re.
Mi.;. Sheffield of Pnyette was in services in the Odd Fellows hall Sun
Ontario M v; ra! iki.,.; last week on day v nm :, March Um :iSth, at TtW
',, inaaa Mrs. B. Oana Parfn and little aoi
Mr. and Mrs. liearmond and Mrs. come in from Hazelton, Idaho. Sundav
Blaekwall moiOltd In from their farm morning to visit her uncle. a M
above Vale last Saturday. and her sister, Mrs. Ritch. wl o.
Saturday all day we will give every finrl in thp Hol Kesary ho te.
one who comes in the store a hipli elan Mrs- Cnns' r,nhl wont to "
kitchen match safe. Only one to the Mdy to visit her husband and father,
famil.-. Malheur mercantile Company. w,1 navo "" thpro l0r ""' ''
FOR SALE Cheap Good young ' .Icmx; the shearing sheds w he e Cm
stallion of Belgian breed. Also some "-M" r '.' iirnr several thousand Hhu i
mares. Address box 457. Ontario. tf Ihu 'I" ma
To trade Good residence property in Mrs. M. K. Newton and children
a fine Idaho town for land or town will leave Monday evening for Chico.
property at Ontario. Rox )I33, Ontario. California, for an extended visit with
Oregon. 4-tf her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
FOR SALE 20 shoats weighing Wittenheller have rented the Newton
50 pounds at the Holding Place one house and will move in Monday.
.nilt west of Ontario. Oregon. By Ban McFlroy of Cambridge, Idaho
W. T. Dingman. ll-2t. Is in Ontario this week recoivinj.
Mrs. A. Gramse's sister, Mr:. Hie- medical treatment. He expects t
kox. of Dulinn, Ore., is here for a few leave tomorrow for Westfall, when
weeks visit with Mrs. Grnme and he will visit relatives before return
other relatives. ing to Cambridge.
EjHaeopal services will be hidd b ' FOR SALE 80 ncres on Appa
I Pishop Paddock in the Odd Fellows J Bench near Roswell. Four room BOH
li.'li. Sunday evening, March the 2Ktli. painted, cave and cistern, bnrn an I
t "- 'll ..', I.u'l.- ben hmlan Cnti !w, Imunlil .1 ,, n . ,
..... .. , ,.. n. i ..-. v ... .'.,... ... .. ..ii,. f-.
of Weiser wai (,. nn, ;rg )jrker'on spent last : Address Lewis Smith, Horn. 'dale. Ida
Thursday In Ontario. Mrs. Diikerson'iio. 1281 pd
R. T. McIIaley. wife and daU
of Praitia city, Orafoa( nro In th
Blmar Oreatt of W.i,, r was in town Uils fl fttOOl of Mrs. Ora Campbell
Sunday for n visit with his sisters, r,. the dav.
J. L. I). .Morrison and Clyde Witten-1 city, the guests of Mr
Attorneys Frank Harris und Jamea h(1Pr ,ctrned from Juntura. where W. Wood. Mr. Mellalov
kUloway Of WotOH attended COOrt th,.v wrnt with a party of (,,4. -wintering a large band of
lei. l! . week.
I'm- Sale Top Ottff)
harness in good condition,
Brown, Ontario, Ore.
I'. A. BffOWn and wife wire in On
tario Saturday from their ranch near
Cord, Ore.
Order your potted Fa ;er lilies from
Ontario Floral Co. T.'lc to $2.00.
pi, one 4M, Arena offloa
.1. B. Reightley the owner of the
well known rnce horse ")ol Norte,"
u.i here from San Francisco .Monday.
Leave orders earlv for oiir I
flowers tulip-, daffod I .. and carna
tions. Phone 4fj, Argoa offiot
Ordor your carnationo from th-
Ontnrio Floral CO. 86i n do.en. Call
10 40J, Argus offii e.
seekers last week.
and single Mrs c y Uinghnm of Otnario is
l.'v. Wi V ,,,,,, ,,f (1P ,nntestats in the subscrip-
I m I ' O. ) I inn riiiitiikl cif lh., li'vpiiinir T.iU.nrr!! m
of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kime and Mrs
Brodcrick ami daughter all of West
fall were Ontario visitors the last
of the week, returning home Mondny
V L. Jones, vice president of the
Malheur Telephone company, was in
town. He came over from Boise I'i i
A good drug store, quick service.
Lowest prlca on aigaoal ojaallty drugs
ami aundri's. Make us .prove It.
Qhra us a trial. Hills Pharmacy.
John Rlter. arao nndorwoat an
operation for annendlcltia in the Holy
Miss l.nvine Smith m hostess to ,. :lP. n0(,pjtl, :, . , rapidly
the Carnation Club last Friday. Mrs
L. Adam won high honors.
Mrs. E. (J. Bailey and daughter,
Miss Laurose, went to Boise lust Fri
day to spend the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cock rum and
W. E. O'Donnell, the electrician at
the pumping plant of the Shoe String
Ditch, was in town last week from
Landing, Idaho.
Ashtnn llorfll of Portland is visit-
on motored to IJoi.e la.t Friday tO!in(f roRtives and renewing acquaint-
M'enl the week end. ,.,. , ,,.,. thj weok He is the
Miss Arlene Sortoris, who was the m,.,h,ow of R. M. Carlile.
n t of Mi-s Ronn Adam in this city, J.: j, f Weiser was lure
returned to Payette last Friday. RBt Thursday. Mr. Phelps had the
Qrajfi dmiOttl .s.ien.e teacher ,.11M(ni,t f,,,- putting in the sewer sys-
nt me mn scnooi, spent insi caiur- t(.m u,r,. ., ,
day in I';, tie.
.1. P. Kidd who has been on the
MonliHill "! W "d. scientist, will
apM'ar at the DroumlH: A Thursday, the
, i ,-r.H. -..- . - -.
sick iis! ior hip pasi iwo wccks is 2rth Thi, iM U. the hut number of
lowly improi , S(.l.11), ,.,lUr,0 H, wil! ,t. onl. fif.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cummins are the ty ,.enMl.
of i. baby girl, born ),, M ,,.. w. w. wo.i have h i
MA ttM I foC a few .lays tin ir
Arthur Youai of rot Ida is ,.,., pyp of Prairie
Id school matoa here this CAt M, Anhford Is an atto. nev
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones of Jun
tura spent the wee U end in Ontario.
ii s is a well known
, a ahaap i n from
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Booa of
.. Indiana, iirrived here la.-t Suli
da' to visit tlit ir daughter, lira
Mr. Boos; is contemplating
an Ontario visitor last going Into business here.
Wed lesday. M - Marie P.n'iey left Widii
P '. PW I'd a well known wooF li"' I'oitlan.l, where aha will spend a
I'." ion was in town lust
two weeks' vacation. Miss Hasi
i will be at the Ontario library
in hei .
Mr. Thomas Kennedy, special
for the Hankers Ri s, we, was Mnfinod
to ail loom at tl'. Ifoora Hotel aev
eral da'. ' t w k, with a severe case
of neurai-
1. H. Holland of Burns was in fcown
latarday. Mr. it Uaad was fooi
the bookkceDer for tin Pacific I
In !: 1-. bttt ha- . . ii up his
i . J-.
I. P. Hai'ey and A. Johnson of
War. I. i-U:i, are here ibis week
Inn ing l.ocses.
IF P. , rived It
0 "Vi r till' e
J. .. I;. '. ' ; , i;. argia
a town tiiis v. ek ; rer tha
Portland last
Wi .lis. iday.
.. d Plymouth Rock Cockerels for
Fruitland, Idaho.
.1. A. Hai' of the firm of Hailey.
Turner and Soiead, lioisehuyers of
Caldwell, was here Thursday.
Mrs. E. (i. Lailey und her guest
lira Blackwell were Puyette visitors
last Monday.
aboat -Mm, ooaaiag and 6
Well broke. Phone m li
Tha I-.
church will hold an Easter sule M
Friday Bad Saturday, April 12nd and
"nl. In tl" at I building flrot door
north of Variety Store. Bi freshment-,-,-v.
1" '-
John I'1 ailng and J. M. Hoode, well
known cattle buyers, passed through
here this week on thi If way to the
interior to buy btock. They expect to
ship the last of the week.
J. F. Kelsey, a well known
man from Boise, was here Thursduy.
Ili-hop Paddock will hold Episcopal
At the Millinery and Art Store,
the Leading Milliners of Ontario
will have a Special EASTER
See our New line of Royal Society Stamped Goods.
Remember our motto is Quick Sales and Small
Hull & Harrell W
md Mrs. W
ba b
little in th
Juntura country and is on his way t.
inspect them.
Among those who HMtOfl d to Weis
er to see the Chocolate Soldier last
Wednesday evening were J. 1 1. Bil
lingsley and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Rader and Mrs. Chas.
A novel hnsket social will be given
nt the Boulevard Grange hall next
Saturday evening. Each couple will
be weighed and the gentleman will be
required to pay a cenl ;i pound for lhe
difference in the weight of he nnd his
lady friend.
A pleasant social meeting of th
Young People's llible . ! the
Pi t. ri an rhareh was held at the
home of Mr. I. J. Dickson last 1
evening. These classes have made ;
great deal of growth in the past fev.
months. Prof. I). A. Hiles is the
t acher of the young ladies class and
Mr. I. J. Hlckson has charge of the
young men's class.
1BJ -k. T i 1-. (bT
ajjj IT ll Jj
Picture Show at the
Saturday Afternoon, Mar. 27
Under Auspices of Ontario Merchants.
Sheriff Brown Arrives With
Man From San Iieo
Sheriff Ben Brown returned Sat
urday from ill co, California
with "Spot" Thornton in tow, who is
uaa'ed h"ie to aaanrOT B charge of
grand larceny. "Spot" is a..n i I !
havinr robbed the K. p. ,lauraiit in
Ontario last S ptember. He w.i OJf
raaaad at thai time ami , tdor
N I bonds of $200.00 which ha for-
sheriff Br mm bai i i banting for
the man. Iiou. v, . and I'iiiully
him in San Diego. ItcipiisitiOH nam i .
were necessary in order to bring the
man bark, and these were secured h
Bhortff Brown before foJhaj to Cali
fornia. Thornton is now bulged in th.
'"iinty jail, and v. ill pi .1. ably remain
there until his trial.
The large flocks of sheep which
have been wintering in tin country
around Nyaaa are now being driven o
the hills for the summer, win ra then
will soon be grass In abundance.
-a achooUi at pi s, ni, are pir-j
paring for the contest at Yale, v. hie!;'
will ba held March 27th. An ofi
being made to charter a ipecial train
for the purpoaa of tran porting tl
thuslasts and bringing back the CUP.
A new gome of Volley 1! ,!l ba- Itch '
introduced int.) the play gTO I"
Prof. VoOgolion and I I fo 1
ih the pupils.
id people from Njraao and nt
rounding country who have b, e
eling in varioii.-- parts of the continent,
have returned home advising the '
raai to remain In "The Oh'
Snake BITOT VaUoy." The ('..! ,.l.
be blue, and sunn.v I Ii
fornia alluring, but there's .so. mil Dg
about thia eouatry that brines thaan
back. Among the Intaoi : ival api
Mr. and afra w W. Boa Chll
tnd Mr. E. J. Rich.
Th.- ad town by Prof. M
his recent lecture t. the s.
ilreii. have beeoi to deep!)
of the little .
under tee I!. r
in fruit fanning- Mr,
The Wi stern betel will b-
by Mra Mar) Bl Inhai p
April 1st.
Miss Edith IredoJoi who
itarblng In Jordan VaUey( re!
home Thursday, much to "
light of bO many friends.
The Xyssu bridge has now bei-on B
teeming thoroughfare for auton
and motorcycles, which haw i
making the most of the beautiful
weather and excellent roads attendant.
John Laary of Plac rvfflo, Idaho
was in town Prlda) to vi -it his h; t. ,,
BO n. v I o is eOnfUM "I in the Rol)
ry hoapltaL
Special Discount
Off on Phoenix Paints
Until Closed Out
Irriffatin Shovels Rakes and Hoes
Just received a shipment of barbed wire, nails and
poultry netting. Will receive a shipment of enamel
ware and tinware this week.
25 Percent Discount Con
tinued on Several Patterns
in Dishes.
McNulty & Co.
On Monday of laet week a numb. . .f
young men of the Itaptist church at
ut the parsonage with toola la hand
und money to purcbaae materials for
a thorough renovatiei of ti..
ing- The uj er stoi.. .vas thoroughly
. lei. ned U). 'I Of the
story ilcieneil, the woodwork
rarniabed, tilii and UnoWuma
painted. Tl I pa '' and ion are
now Bi iii d in 'In- pa
Topii for the n:da .t the
Baptift church ..II be 11a. m., "Daj
vine 'i.ion X eeaaary to Human Sol
vation. " 7: I 0 p. m., The younj; paopaj
will have charge ot the bervice, "Mission-.
Tha H. Y. P. U. of the Baptiit
church will hold their monthly buaij
r-ess meeting on Friday evening at
7:30 p. m. A program will follow th
business meeting.
At This Boys' Store
Proud pnronti who desire to economise, will And :i haven
of good fortune. At no time have wre been excelled In point
of value giving in Boys Clothes and In no former season have
we shown so many suits for boys in short pints.
Serviceable Suits For Real
BoysSizes 6 to 17
I .A' I'" j
H i '
vcaiafli -
a lii
Suits In striking tartan plaids and the popular itrij
new rich browns, the staple grays and al a n anj ot
effi . The materials in tl aits are pure wool
: i be d I I upon to hold their color. Each
ll cut knickers that every hoy will II At
. will appreeii
Yes, the Utile fellows of 2 to 6
years are well eared lor
By our hitf new stock of Suits---washahle or lii.c
st-rviceable woolens. Russian blouse and Norfolk
K. &E. Blouses, in new designs,
made to stand the wear ot the
most lively boy.
At 45c., 50c. and 60c.
Sizes 0 to 1 1.
Our Boys' Shoes
An- sturdily built foi hard
MFviot iljut boyi fivg iliim.
'I lieii goodnoaa pit aaoa ovi i y
boy. Binok r tun, button
; ii i laoe, all I , fi on m
ing iboaji i" in ii ui- Bj
I i ! nod Up tu Me 'i.
Call bluohora, aiioa B to
$1.60 i" t'-'.-'"'
u.iiiii,' H 11,60 to I -.-"'
Drooa, button, l.c.i o 13.75
lur ibooa ar ar boltor nud
coat li