The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 25, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Ewtrfd In th- SCStofleS St OnUrio, Orairon, for trannniioa IhfOVfk the
matin as BSSSS4 -laia matter.
An interesting story "f actual facts, ihowrng how advertising
pari by cutting down the overhead expense and swelling the profit,
was told to the University t ( )reon class in Journalism recently by
C. F. HcrR, i business hum of Portland. Mr, Berg declares thai
the non idvertiser pays the cost of the advertising done by the other
fellow, For hi illustration be t"ok three firms handling line of the
same grade in the same territory, who revealed their advertisini and
their soiling cost figures, These wen' the figures!
C spent 129,000 in advertising: his sidling cost was -ix per Cenl
I! -pent $4".XHi in advertising: In- selling cost was four per cent. A
pMt fBSjOOO in advertising; his sailing COSl was two and "iicdiali
per cent.
Naturally A's price to the enn-niner lor a line of the same grade
in the same territory could he no greater than It's and It's no greater
than Cl Yet though A spent nearly twice as much in advertising as
It, his selling cost was nearl) 90 per cent less. He lowered his selling
cost by selling more goods, and he sold more goods because he ad
vertised more. His profits grew as his sailing cost decreased. Ac
coidmgly, the man who paid the cost of A's extra advertising ovf It
was II, ami the man who paid the cost ,, It's extra advertising over
C was t '.
This Illustration was used to hannner homo an advertising
epigram before the class m Advertising at the Universit) of rregon,
I 'inlay. The lecturer was ( . I'. Iterg, of Portland) vice president of
I ennoii's, the widel) known glove, hosiery andumbrells firmoi Port and Seattle. The epigram was ;(s follows:
"The man who does not advertise is the man who pays the COSl
..i the other fellow's advertising."
This u;is not the only advertising point driven home i. Mi.
Uergt hut it was the one thai made the greatest impression upon the
students, of whom man) will some day be consumers of Advertising
themselves end who ire now trying to learn the methods and results
ol Advertising so thai the) ma) waste as little mone) as possible
w hen iii business.
"Consumers read the costly full page ads. of great national sd
ecrtising campaigns and think thev pa) the ultimate cist," s,ii,l Mr,
lierg, Hut III) dull t. Aeitlier noes tne niaiiiiiaciiuei, w no cannoi
decrease the ualit) ( Ins Article ur make ii cosl more to the buyei
than a rival Article niiei I't- the jobber iii the retailei pay the
cost; their profits remain stationary,
i he iucc isful nun's Advertising is bought and paid fot l the
firms that are less SUCCCSSfttL
i .ike in stores, each doing $100 a da) business, each with o et
In ad expense ,,: ' : 1 1 cent, ol goods .sold, and each with 25 per cent
i it Om of the 10 owners sets aside 10 per cent of his sah n
ccipts foi Advertising and doubles his sales, lie thus reduces his
overhead expense to U'1 per cent, and ins Advertising expenses
to ine per cent, ills pro! its, accordingly, are increased
tO ."'. per cent, less the live pel cent advertising epen-e. Of
7' . per cent more than they were in the beginning, I lis Additional
ssles tu a greet extent mean correspondingly decreased sales among
the remaining nine owners; the) have paid Ins advertising bill, in
creased then overhead proportionate!) and lessened theii profits pro
Mr. Ilerg described the benefits brought to farmers and rural
iv identi b) Advertising. "Millions ol dollsrs in labot saving devices
aie Annual!) soiq to tanners tnrough tne press, lie said.
" lieu an .into has In RSCOUd hill, you do lint i tie 1 1 ell ihe gas
to s.ue mone) i you turn on more gas. Now, business is all uphill;
there are no level grades. Advertising i the gasoline of business.
I se it with judgment, hut do not tr to make voiu s. iv in- on u
"Local dealers ahould use local papers i, connect with national
campaigns by manufacturers,"
h Berg's lecture vvas illustrated b) advertising results seemed
b) well known niAnufacturers ol Autos, watches, hosiery, roofing,
and other line -
sired results, in a community w here g'
alwavs find plenty Of road-drags.
roads prevail, you will I
The greatest medical center west of St. Paul and north of San
Francisco is to be established In Oregon. It is to be In Portland and
tO be built around the medical school of the University of Oregon,
which is even now the only medical ichool in the BOTthwe t states
And eemi unlikely to have any opposition.
Pi rtland is asked to raise $50,000 to go with $50.000 appropriated
by the last legislature to start the building program. The sie, one
i the most scenic educational sites in the world, was donated by the
Oregon Washington Railway and Navigation company during I'M t
It overlooks the Willamette river and the city of Portland, heing on
the heights south of that city, and commands a view of the Cascades
the Cblumbis, the Coast range, and the lower Willamette valley.
The 1100,000 that is in sight j to DC devoted tO the l'ir-t unit of a
medical building, Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, dean of the medical school,
hopei tO induce Portland and Multnomah county to join in putting
up on the medical campus a large city and county hospital. City and
laboratory work is expected to gravitate tO this institution, thus cen
tralising laboratory work now done under several auspices.
Dr. Mackenzie says some Of the most important American medi
cal clinics in the United States are now found in the middle west, and
that Portland, tOO, can DC medical center of national importance.
The medical school of Oregon is even now rated Class A in
American medical circles.
An entire new lighting lyitin baa
Juhi been Installed In Dallas.
lie new crematorium at the eaatarm
Oregon Htate hmpttal haa been cam
ii. t.-il
The Junction City annual pumpkin
dhow will be held September 16, 17
and 18.
Indtmtrlal cluha nre being organliaJ
In niHiiy of the illatrlt-ta of Waahlng
ton county.
Charlen Vol, a well known buHlnaia
m.m of North llend. died ituddenly of
Mrs Jack Weiiandy committal nut
ride at her home In Mend. DSSSMttl
iiiii'iciiiiii-K are Masses' in a noe.
Six iiumtha' atteudanee at Sunday
Mchool nn the Hcntenee meted mt by
.luvetill.' .IuiIkc (llllette to a delluiilent
Oraats I'bhm boy.
I'll'- I'nlk County Jeraey Hreedera'
iiHNiK iutloii will hold a big public auo
tlon May .".. at which all breed of
rowa "ill lie Hold
linil Hall, of Salem, haa been ap
piiinii'ii Aspetj sealer i sretghts sad
miKHiiriH lor the aresSSfB dlalrlet by
atute Treoeeeec Kay.
Kruuk SfessfKh, m-cretary of the
OetSJoa state fair boitrd. haa been of
fered the Hcrri'tarxtthlp of the Waah
liiKton s,t,. imr board
-osi it Media, of Baker, win na.v
charge of the Oregon mining exhibit
at the Panama-Pacific aipoaltinn. and
It la the plan of the comm't'...e Id
charge of the work to make th- exhibit
a permanent one In Oregon after the
Forty accidents, none fatal, were re
ported to Labor Commlaaloner Hoff
durlriK the week. Fourteen of the ac
eldenta were In connection with turn
ber manufacture and logging, while
11 were In connection with the rail
roud work.
Labor t'ointnlaaloner Hoff la send
ing out notlcea In r urd to the law
pnsaed by the last ctalature which
reKiilatea emplovm "U agenclea. Un
der the new law, which becomes ef
fectlve Mav '.' ii'innta must secure II
SSaees from IBS labor eommlaalnner.
Kollouli' sj appropriation of 120,
Ooo bv i' ' highway commission,
with srhlch to Improve the Pacific
hlKh.;. let ween Canyon Creek can
yon .mil i he Joaephlne county line,
DoiicIuh eoiinty wilt appropriate a like
sun In the liuprov i uifiit of (he road.
VceordlliK to advleea received by
State Forester Klllott from the federal
forestry department, Oregon's appor
tlonment under the Weeks law for
teeeet Nredightlna will be fauno this
year, $2000 I.-hh than the apportion
Infected with rabies, the ruiiKera of
the Malheur national forest have loll
in. lit the Htate has i-tl during
.. ,.n arson f ssterasiaais coyotes ew.h of ,ne mHt , .,.,.,
Sheepmen have been notified of a
meetiiiK to be held at liaker April 1
' aa 100 coyotes within the amJ , for tn4, purpoBe of organising
laat month Q ,,lftt ,hl, woolgrowera may get the
I'vthian Maters of the third district moH, frolll ,,r,.h,.hl Iliurket conditions,
held their convention at Albany with Botn 0rt.Bon UU(I ilUho woolgrowera
iSlsptSS present from all lodges of wl bt m,t Co-operation will be
the BTfiAlBAim in Marlon. I.lnn. Ij,ue emphHilt., at the meeting,
and Polk counties A cllblnet Conferenee of the Y. W.
One hundred and Blxt) five thousand c A aSJSBiai " represoutatlves of
two war old DeeSjtSS fir tree will he ,,. QseSJOl .ducuUonul Instltutlona.
planted on Head mountain, three mile. WM ,u.(, , AlDany. The Unlveralty
of Oregon. Oregon Agricultural Col
above Oakrldge in the Cascade uatlou
al forest this year
lege, Willamette t'nlveralty, Albany
It has been stated, and ti ulv , that thete can DC end in mg pios
peril) in an) conmiuuit) without good roads, Good roads are one of
the farmer's best assets i ,n o,i roads are big factor in making
I. ii in hie pleasant, and Are An Absolute neCCSSlt) u the economical
marketing of farm products.
In this section ni the Snake nvei v alley, inuddv mads are not
one oi the principle problems with winch the road builder is con
fronted Not that we ' not have mud here, but our soil is ,.i a sandy
nature, And what mud we have is not of the sticky, gumbo kind that
di v s 1 1 1 . slowly, and is a serious handicap to travelers On the other
hand .mi roads arc easili drainetd ami with a little work every road in
this section cot i Id ic made a good road and placed in such a condition
that the maintenance could be reduced to a minimum.
I vei v should be rounded up al the center so the watei will
drain to eitbci ide I In u are some loads, probably, that should be
graveled, but il the roads were pnerl) rounded up, ver) little
graveling would ie necen trj I hen the road-drag should be used.
: ever) rain, ever) road should be dragged Phis elm:
.iiiv u ihle mis, and .it the same Mine dues up the ri
I rce use oi the road ilrag will keep a good road in gvovl con
tlii ion and w .d gvxul It has
proven man) I actual use that the -: drag ii hest
and most ecoiu iphtycd in road w ni'st
cost oi a drag is small. awA repaii s arc a minimum It is always read)
io use. e.i-v i gel started and its n- uevei iails to produce the de-
The lowest bid for the conatruoUon fj,!!,,, Philomath College, Chemawa
of the proponed stretch of the Oolua
bla highway In Hood lUver cquatx.
iSUHj ww submitted by buaSfsfSj
Clarkaon, of Porilaad.
Training School. Salem High School,
Kugeue High School and Corvallls
High School associations' officers were
Single Handed and Unattended
Chief ot Staff of Army
Takes Piutes.
Hlnff. t'tah The Piute Indian uprts
ing in I (ah is over. Ungadler General
Scott, chief ol staff Of the I'nlted
States .i r in returned here with Old
Polk, Tse ue i;.u aud other renegades
as his prisoners General Scott took
the Indians single hauded SU men
hud In. a killed, aud man) wounded
in earlier ftaAUOS betweeu the Indlaus
aud lneiuhcrs ol the posses, headed by
I lilted States Marshal Nebeker
vv uh old Polk aud his sou, whose
arrest was soiiKht on u murder charge.
General Scott DfOttSSt vv'th inm I'hiet
I'osev 4. id the latter a eldest sou.
Scot 1 .lulled the eupture of the
r in -Mil. n without tiring a shot Nav
ajo runners loeated the Indians near
Iks Navaju mnuniatae 1st the general
and it was through itie tri.tullv N.o
. 1 condui ted Ala uegotia
Virtually taking his life in his
hands. 11 believed lure. General
Scott 1 the poaae v. inch had
in Uliiif lor 111. uc than a numih
and eiilci. .naian ..".ait
oumpaaled net) l Ins aide and his
Indian guides.
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Forest to Have New Fire System
Kugene A new system of forest
fire protection, pstterned after modern
elty fire departments, la to be uaed In
the Cascade national foreat ihle sea
aon by Clyde K Seiti, auperviaor. who
haa outlined It. It will be placed iu
operation about May 1.
Klectrle alarm gongs, motocycles
and horses, with eoustautly prepared
packs ready for a moment s departure
aud equipped with rations for four
days, and also small force pumps.
shovels and sacks form part of the
new fire department that will cover
an area of l.cci cuo acres ot timber
la eastern Lane county.
Five fire stationa will be SStsS
Usbed, so arranged Uhut virtual!) .1: v
1 point in the forest will be acceasiul
in two or three hours.
E. Cope, the only Practical Tail
or in Ontario, is the only practical
place to buy a suit made to your
order. Others try to follow but
don't succed; get it here and get
the best for the least money.
Suits made to order from
$15.00 to $50.00
The only reliable and prompt clean
ing and pressing in the city.
E. COPE Moore Hotel Blk.
We can supply all the power re
quired in your territory. If you
need electric service for lighting,
heating, cooking, power or irriga
tion purposes, communicate with
our nearest office, and you will
have the immediate attention of a
man qualified to give you informa
tion, and advise you regarding the
most economical equipment suited
id your requirements.
Idaho-Oregon Light
& Power Company
W. J. Ferris, Receiver
Read this
chat. It
I z 1 A
om n
little coffee
will profit you if you
follow it You prob
ably know that author
ities differ as to whether
coffee is good for the system. Some say it is;
some say it is not; others say it has no effect
one way or the other. You no doubt have
your own ideas about
this matter. Personally
we think good coffee
is a delightful and ben
eficial drink. It must
be good. Buy it here.
M Haw A
OOOOO0OOO00O t aiit
nrvTiri w.x-i w
Ontario Library.
i. n Honda) ami Wednesday
iM t.) t".:lKi p. in. and from 7:00 to
(i 11. Saturday t'lvm 10:00 to
..!:00 a. 111.; from 2:00 to 6:00 p. m.
.ail from 7:00 IS '-'O p, m.
Gulden Rule Hutter is made from ITRK PAS
TEURIZED CREAM. It reaches you in a Dust
Proof and Air Proof, Neat Carton, packed four
little cubes to one pound. :: ::
Jensma Creamery Co. Mfgs.
ampa, Idaho.
000000000000 0 00000000OO00