THE ONTARIO A'lGl'S. THURSDAY. MAW I II LffiVfcN LEGAL NOTICES In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor the f our ty of Malheur. In the Mutter of the Kstnte of Frank lin II. Lackey, Deceased. Citation: To James A. Lackey, Andrew M. Lackey, Amos A. Lackey, John Mur phy, Frank Murphy, Susan H. Lackey, John Lackey, Bettie Lackey Cox, Sal lie Lackey McNee. Charles Lackey, Grace Lackey, and Andrella Lackey, being all the heirs of Franklin H. Lackey, deceased, and to all other per sons interested In the estate of the said deceased. IN THE NAME OFTHESTATE OF OREGON: and under and by virtue of an order of the Honorable George W. McKnight, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Malheur, duly made and en tered in the matter of the estate of Franklin H. Lackey, deceased, on the thirtieth (80) day of December, 1914, you and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear in this court on Saturday, the 13th day of February, 1916, at the hour of one o'clock P. M , . of the said day, at the Court House at Vale, Oregon, to then and there show cause,' if any you have, why an order of said court should not be made, and entered authorising and directing A. M. Lackey, as the administrator of the estate of Franklin H. Lackey, de ceased, to sell at private sale the fol lowing described real estate belonging to the said estate, to-wit: Lota 11, 12, 18 and 14, in bfock 239: lots 16, 17. 18. 19 and 20, in block 109; lots 11, lit, 13, 14, l in block 32 and an undivided one half interest in and to Iota one and two in block 42, all In the City of Ontario, County of Malheur and State of Ore gon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the said Court at my office in Vale, Oregon, this thirteenth day of (Seal) January, 1916. (Signed) John P. Houston, 2-11 County Clerk. VWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Oregon Short Line Flme fable Ontario, Oregon, November 8th 1914 TIME TABLE NO. TO WKHTWAHI) Train No. l..n. 17 Oregon Wash. Limited 4:22 am 75 Huntington Passanger 9:35 a m 19 Oregon Wash. Express 6:H3 p m 5 Fast Mail 6:15 p tn k:am i a in 18 Oregon Wash. Limited 2:51 a m 76 Boise Passenger 8:50 a m 4 Eastern Express 12:12 p m 6 Oregon Wash. Express 6:33 p m OREGON EASTERN BRANCH WRHTWARI) Train No. Leave 139 Mixed, leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a m KAMTWAHIt 140 Mixed, arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:80 p m VALE 4k BROGAN BRANCH WESTWARD Train No. Leave 141 Mixed Vale and Brogan Daily except Sunday 10:00 a m 97 Passanger, Vale daily 7:00 p m EAST HOUND 98 Passenger, from Vale daily 8:40 a m 142 Mixed from Brogan and Vale Daily except Sunday 3:30 p m The Homedale train leaves Nyssa at 2:4 5 on Tuesday, Tbursday aud Saturday, returniug, arrive at On tario at 6 p. ro. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Paid Ailvertlsciiu-nts Safety Deposit Boxes Fok Rent Two sizes and two prices, an absolutely safe method of keeping your valuable papers protected against loss by fire or theft. Ontario National Bank. We have a comfortable room fitted up especially for the ladies where they can rest, write checkr and letters and not be crowded or intruded on; ladies are invited to call and open an account. Ontario National Bank. Church Services United Presbyterian Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Young peo ples meeting at 6:45 p. in. The church is here to help the people and the community. You can make a more potent force. Come to any or all i of the services and you will tin.l a wel- come. W. N. Brown, Pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass at 8 A M on 1st and Vrd Sunday of each month. On all other Sundays at 10 AM. H. A. Campo, Rector Methodist Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preach ingjmorning, 11:90 a. av, evening 7:90 m Yoo naad the church the church needs you Let cat toaether C C. PatT. PhOtOr LEGAL NOTICES 00IOSSJSS0SJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJSJ0aO)eS Notice of Sheriff's Sale in Foreclosure. By virtue of an Execution in Koro closure duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County of Mal heur and State of OivKon, dated the 27th duy of February, 1918) in a cer tain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein W. E. Bobbitt, as Plaintiff, received judg ment against Emma J. Conover and Albert W. Conover, as Defendants, for the sum of Eleven Hundred Eighty Dollars, with interest thereon from the 6th day of March, 1912, at the rate of 8'i per annum; and for the further sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Dol lars, Attorney's fees; and for the fur ther sum of Twenty-seven Dollors, Costs; THEREFORE NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That I will on the 3rd day of April, 1915, at the hour of 11:00 in the forenoon of said day, at the main entrance door of the County Court House in Vale, Malheur County, Ore gon, tell at public auction to the high est bidder, or bidders, for cash, the following described real property, to- wit: The S '- of SE and the S H of the SW '. of Section 22, T. 18 S. K. 46 E. W. M. in Malheur County, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the prop erty of the said above named defend ants, Emma J. Conover and Albert W. Conover, or as much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of W. E. Bobbitt and against the aaid defendants, with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may ac crue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 27th day of February, 1915. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff. First publication March 4, 1915. Last publication April 1, 1915. Summons for Publication In closure of Tax Lien. Fore- In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur W. E. Lees, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. Steppa, B. F. Campbell, J. W. Graham and D. D. Hambly, Defendants. To J. H. Steppa, B. F. Campbell, J. W. Graham and D. D. Hambly, the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that W. E Lees, the holder of Certificatea of De linquency numbered 192 issued on the 20th day of October, 1909, by the Tax Collector of the County of Mulheur, State of Oregon, for the amount of Eighteen and 18-100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxea for the year 1908, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: 84 of NEW and SW of NW', Section 2, T. 18 S. R. 46 E. W. M . and Lots 2 ,3 and 4, in Block 107 in On tario, all in Malheur County, Oregon, and of which said property there has been redeemed the SW of the NEW of aaid Section 2 and the Lota 2, 8 and 4 in said Block 107, leaving the SW of the NWW of said Section 2, said T. and R. unredeemed and subject to said lien. Said J. W. Graham and D. D. Hambly, as the owners of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons named are hereby further notified that W. E. Lees will apply to the Crieuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the lien against the property above described and men tioned in said certificate. And yon are hereby summoned to appear with in sixty days after the first publica tion of the summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and de fend this action or pay the amount due as above shown together with costs and accrued interest and in case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said tuxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur, and said order was made and dated this 9th day of March, 1915, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 11th day of March, 1915. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State or Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. W. E. LEES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address, Ontario, Oregon. For 81. Seed Corn and Potatoes 90 days Golden Jewel Yellow Dent, heavy yielding corn and fully acclimated Netted Gem and Idaho Rural Seed Po B G1LMOKS, Payette, idahe l.i kSjafaR W - Deedc and Patents. Recorded in county clerk's office from March 8th to .Mnivh 18th, 1911 H. P. l;ivis to Warren Dillon Lot 9 B, I IHmhTt'l Adn. Vale Mar. 9th, I918 ioo. jVdan Valley Hotel Co. to Frank Swisher, SR lot 1 Sub. Div. H of1 Bl.." Pioneer Adn. Jordan Valley. Mar. 7th, 1!14, $17.1.00. Soviah H. Danner Et Vir to J. R. Blacknby Commercial Co. Lots 11-12 ' Bl.9 Blackaby's Adn. Jordan Valley, i Jan. 21st, 1911) $1000.00. John W. Catron et ux to Jose 7,ab alla SE'4 NE -3-30-46. June 10th, 1914, $1.00. U. S. A. to Martha A. Ruehanan Vale; C. E. Peck, C. M. Beaumont, H. Lot 4, SW- NW'4- W4 SWK-4-17- R. Otis, A. E. Wade, Nyssa; I. F. 47. May 1st, 1912. J Kelsey. Boise. C. E. Hildebrand et ux to I. W. Rush Saturday, March 13th. Nina Ap 84 NEK NWK -16-33-89. Nov. 15th, plegate, Mrs. T. C. Bostic, Weiser; 1913. $360.00. Law Feldscher, Payette; Wayne Hyde G. W. Routh et ux to Amanda F. and wife, West fall, Ore.; Mr. Garri Stewart A Zella M. Stewart acre gan, Nyssa; Mrs. Chadwick and in Lot 1-3-18-47. Mar. 6th, 1915. $50.00.. Ontario Land A Townsite Co., to H. L. (J rover -Lot 32 Bl.3 Riverside Adn. Ontario. Apr. 13th, 1914, $126.00. Harriet M. Ramsey to Henry B. Slippy 40 acres in SW of 33-20-46 A Lot 1 Sec. 4 21-46. Mar. 1st, 1915. $1500.00. A. E. Jones et ux to Bertha M. Mae Lafferty 90 acres in 30-20-47. Nov. 30th, 1914. $7500.00. Charles M. White et ux to C. H. Morehouse SW W NEW-NWW SEW NW SWW -7-16-47. Jan. 20th, 1915. $1.00. Olen L. Brown et ux to Emma A. Rose Lot 3-4-7-8-10 Sec. 84 A Lot 2 sec. 35-26-44. Oct. 16th, 1914. $3000.00. I, H. Holland et ux, M. G. Hope et ux & I. W. Hope et ux to F. In amuno Lot 17-18 B1.36 Hope-Holland Adn. Vale Mar. 1st, 1912. $660.00. George Green et ux to Otto Schneiter Lot 8-9-10 B1.64 Green's Adn. Nyssa. Jan. 18th, 1915. $1.00. Charles Williams to Catherine Wil liams NW SWW -WW SEW -15-16-46. March 6th, 1915. $1200.00. Jordan Valley Hotel Co., to Ara bella E. Warn Lota 4-5 Sub-D H B1.5 Pioneer Adn. Jordan Volley. Feb. 27th, 1915. $200.00. William O. Hodirin tn Aumista Hodgin SEW SEW-2;NW NEW-11; NW NWU-NW NE'-12;-23.46-46. Oct. 5th, 1911. $1.00. U. S. A. to Camel C. Kilburn Lots 2-3.11-21-47. Feb. 5th. 1914. D. M. Miller et ux to Gerritt Stam, SW NEW NWW -25-21-46, March 3rd. 1915. $1000.00. Complsints in Circuit Court Filed Dur ing Week. Polly Ann Zink vs. John Zink Di vorce. W. E. Lees vs. J. H. Steppa, B. F. Campbell, J. W. Graham, A D. D. Hambley Foreclosure of a tax lien, f'1.96. Oakea A Company vs. S. J. Hull & Alvin Hull Recovery on Acct. $848.04. o Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wittenhiller re turned from their honeymoon in Port land this week. Mrs. Wittenhiller came up on the train and Mr. Witten hiller accompanied by his father as far as their farm in Harney county, came overland by auto. No. MB it. p. .1 1 of Ihr Condition of I In- First National Bank st Ontario. In I In Stall- of Orrgoii, lit Hit- . 'lose of business Mm ill lib. IVI.'i. 1. i .. in-, uiui tiixounis .ias,:iaa.Kii j. Overdrafts, uturcursd, i i - . 1 1 '-' l'. S. lluliiU ili-piitllnl to ki-i'Ulr riliulullull iMI valu) -'-' 180.08 i. Other beads oMtsd la m-.-uh- t . a, Psaeatts ' "" K. Ilollils. n-illl lllis, ill'., pliilsril SI i ull.ili-llll fur Mllti ol otlli-l' i I'. S.! aSllOQS rilll.ini I IJ08.H s.i. iiiiin bunds, securities, iic, owned amplde)d (other the slutkm, In. I ml I nn premiums on mini- 18,831.88 M,4thM 8. suiis. i ipiion to iioea or Kederel deserve nana ' ii.immmmi lis- nun. lint iinpm.l jjSJffcOS 1,888.80 iii. iimikinti boose, furiiitm. and fixtures, iMtTJH '- 11. tlllirr reel rslitli- ownril 1,711.31 12. lu- fioin Federal Reserve bunk s.7.'n.8i IS. Din- r i . .in appiuwii rseervs agents in senlrel reserve sltlee. I bb0so.II iiih- frees nppn.Mii reeerve us-nu in athei reserve el t lee.... :i,.ViH.7o as.US.M ii. Dm- frees benes unit aeahera I ether then laehessd la i- er IS) ai.iiim IS. ouikiiir rherks and ether soak Itessa, MS.esi freetlonal tommy, atehete I seats, MStht tUM i i ihaaoea for sleaHssj I)um --"' - is. Nutt of other iiiiiioiml liuuk t, :.. so. i i i ni.ei) reserve in bsnk: Sp.-in- I 11,34.08 l.i'Siil-tmilrr notm 1 .700.00 'jn.WI.Ml 22. fund ilh I. s. Iii-muii'i mot more litem J -i n-nl on circululloiii IMAM Total I.IABIIHIKS I, i .ipn.ii etees pi'i I mi.oko.iio U. Surplu fund .',0.000.00 :t. i ii. 1. ...I.. I profit 7,871.82 Miasma1 for t 7.071.82 LaSS i ui i nil rtM-ur, inlri, l, mid SSS paid 8 -I.l4ii.27 2, ttl.'i .'..' t. i n. minims aetee .'.....- It.100.01 7. Dili- to l.mik-. mid i -. lollirr ili.m im luded ill or Ii) ,1I , M 8. I ' III .1111 1 ilii"MI. ,Ii-,..mI. SOjkJSSt to ilo-I. II8S.121 10 Certlfleeiet r drpotii iiu. in ink ihaa 30 deyi a,T744l I'okliil kuviiifk drpoiili IS, I.I Sluli. county or ollirr liioilii ipul ilipukitk kreurrd by Itrni 8 Of Hr.ourcei" 7,I.I0.IS Mgjtljt 10. Timr deposits: Gertlfleelee of depoit due on or uin-r St deyt I hh.tti.u i Dcpuklti SJlhJeet to .Hi in morr days' notice 24,11 I H-. U2NH'I 71 14. Redikioiiiiik witli federal lli-nin bunk s.i.Cf.ti It, Billk puyublr, iiuludiiis obllsutioiik i rpi isi-iitius nioiiry borrowed 2.I.00O.00 Tolsl 488,ttla.84l Slate or Oresoii. I.uunly or Malhrur, u. I, II 14. i oikiiiin. cashier ol tin- ubovr-named bank, do tolemly SVSOI Ihut the above statement Is true to the brtt ut my knowledge and belief H. U. CUCKItUM, Cuihlcr. Correcl Attest : A. L. - ... Kill M. J. Ii. 141 1.1 IMlSl.K, I. R ( 4W Kill M. T. IIHMllll. C I HENVON, Uirotflore. baiiscrtbcd aed soin to kefoie est Ikis tik day or Hsu. 1S14V m. m. WOOO, Noter fokUe. MOON Hotel. W -dnesday, March 10 Mrs. 11. Hardy, Jamas McNstnoxs), X. c. Present, Q, I!. ClOM, A. V. Mackin zie, Boise; ,!. F. Williams Pnn.-.-i: Geo. E. Davis, Vale. Thursday, Maivh 11th F. E. Chad- wick, ,. R. Jones, Jesse B. Hawley, L. P. Bacon, H. R. Waldo, Phil B. Hein. Boise; C. I. Brogun, Vale; J. F. Kessler, V. F. Stolle, K. F. Tucker, Boise; I. F. Orr, Payette. I'Yiday, March 12 Mrs. H. E. Moys. Brogan; Mrs. A. Sheffield, Payette; Chas. H. Powell, LaGrande; C. C. Hinkdolm, D. R. Peerson, Boise; Len na Mallett, Mullett; T. W. Davidson, daughter, Boise; P. J. Connolly, Drew sey. Sunday, March 14th. T. W. Allen, Boise; O. E. Myer, Parma; Mr. and Mrs. Dearmond, Vale; Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell, Portland; Mrs. L. Millar, Burns; Fred Nodine, Baker; B. A. Benham, C. J. Scriber, C. W. Lammon, M. A. Smith, LaGrande; Lewis Mc- Calhoun, Union, Ore.; Peter Allen, LaGrande; Joseph Yargenson, Union, Ore.; E. E. Beeman, Buhl; T. L. Jon, Sterling, Idaho; A. Bahu. Oxford, Idaho; Miller Jensen Blackfoot; D. O. Collongs, Blackfoot; Mr. Driscoll, Pay ette; J. E. McAlpine, Pocatello. Monday, March 16 B. L. Pearson, Boise; Mrs. L. Tahy, Westfall; Chas. F. Spinner, F. G. H. Granerly, C. W. Allebough, B. E. Hamlin, Boise. Carter House. Wednesday, March 10 Mrs. Fannie Buffington, Mrs. Bessie Carey, West fall, Ore.; Earl Shields, John Day, Ore.; C. R. Ames, Vale, Ore.; J. A. Yancey, Nampa, Idaho; Tom Crothers, Big Bend, Ore.; G. H. Harvey, Roise; W. J. Shroder, Vale, Ore. Thursday. March 11 George W. Young, Mrs. Harry E. Smith, Burns, Ore.; Earl Shields, John Day, Ore.; Lefn Mustard, Westfall, Ore.; Frank Cummins, Westfall, Ore.; H. F. Ir win, C. It. Irwin, Meridian, Ore.; Mrs. laurl Wnldron, Prairie City. Friday, March 12 J. A. Hailey, Caldwell. Idaho; Mrs. D. Dyer, Dr. Anderson, ('has. Crim, Mrs. G. Smith, M. J. Derrick, Weiser; Mrs. J. Coned lined, Westfall, Ore.; P. E. Ritch, Cop- perfield. Saturday, March 13 Mrs. C. E. Kenyon, Miss Jessie Hicks, Mrs. Geo. Smith, Weiser. Sunday. March 14 C. B. McCon nell, Burns; W. L. Van Shurtt, P. J. Connolly, Drewsey; Frank Cummins, Westfall; R. N. Stanfield, Stanfield; F. H. Van Wyngarden, Riverside. Monday, March 15 J. H. Harvey, Boise, Idaho; C. W. Polk, Huntington; E W. Oliver, Rye Valley, Ore.; A. J. Kingman, Nyssa; F. A. Miller, Parma; D. V. Keeney, Pocatello; Robert Lind sley, Weiser, A. L. Scott, Weiser. Miss Irma Cook who is attending school in Nampa, visited in Ontario ovvr Sunday returning Monday even ing. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS : : PROFESSIONS : : TRADES ATTORN FYS. W. H. BROOKE. I?. W, iWAOLlR,M. M. Attorneys at law, rooms 1", 14, 13 l maker, Wilson Bldg.. Ontario, Oregon. CHARLES C. ZWIGERT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Wilson Building. Ontario. Ore. C McOONAOILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Over PoftotflM LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, First National Bank Ontario, Oregon. Bldg. Mcculloch a wood LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Ontario, Oregon. Bldg. ART STUDIO. J. P. KIDD, Prop. Job and Commer cial Printing a specialty. Ontario, Ore. AUTOMOBILES. FORD GARAGE Wright A Coward, Props. Ontario, Oregon. BAKERY. HORENR'S BAKERY - CONFECT IONERY and Short Order House. CONFECTIONERY. E. FIFER, Ontario, Oregon. DENTISTS. DR. W. G. HOWE DENTIST Telephone First National Bank No. 732 Building. DR. D. C. BRETT DENTIST Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar macy on Nevada Avenue Near U. K. Depot. FLOWERS. ONTARIO I I.OR l. CO. Orders taken for cut flowers. Argus Office, Ontario, Oregon. LOCAL MARKETS Prices quoted Im-Iow ore general re tail prices prevailing in Ontario and are in no case special sale prices: Apples, box 60c Bunanas, doz :i0c Heans, navy, 10c lb. I for 26c iieane, Mexican, lb 7c Butter, ranch, lb 26c Butter, creamery, lb 36c f'nbbage, new lb. 4c; old lb 3c Celery, bunch 10c Cheese, fancy, lb. 20c 'im ii limit . each 16c Dates, package 16c Eggs, ranch, doi 17 l-2c Figs, package 10c Flour, high patent, sack 11.90 Flour, straight grade, sack $1.75 Garlic, lb 2.1c Grapefruit, I'loridu, each 10c Honey, strained, pint 20c Honey, comb, lb. 15c, and 2 for. ,25c I . iniiii . do 99t Lettuce, hothouse, lb 25c Lettuce, head 10c Nuts, English walnuts, lb Hi Nuts, Brazils, lb BJo Almonds, lb 25c Oranges, doz 20c to 40c Potatoes, Idaho, per Owl $1.0U Pinespples, lb '. Baisins, 2 lbs J Ui.e, Ih 8c und 10c Sui!or, i-Hiie, ht cwt $7 (8) Turnips, old, Ih lie I 'lut hone tenderloin, Ih ''(l. Goose, lb 15c Ducks, lb , ti Halibut, lb Hi Hams, picnic, lb 15c Hum, boiled, lb Ham, sliced, lb Head cheese, lb 20c Hens, lb 17c l.unih, ipttasj, fore iuurters $1.00 l.uinh, spring, hind quarters $1.50 Lamb chops, rib, lb 2.1c Lamb chops, shoulder, lb 20. Lard, 10 lbs. $1.50 Mutton chops, lb 17 '-i c Pork chops, loin or rib, lb 20c Pork, shoulder, lb 17'.. Rolled rib roast, lb 28c Rib roast, prime, lb 22c Round steak, lb 20c Salmon, lb 20c Kippered salmon, lb 20c Salt salmon, lb If Hf .Smoked salmon, lb ' ( Bmoked halibut, lb 26c Smoked herring, each 6c Shoulder steak, lb 17 He Shoulder roast, lb 1 ... Sirloin steak, lb 26c Smelts, Columbia river, 2 lbs. for. 26c Spare ribe, Ih I6V ear tbt JEWELRY. LETSON, Jtwtli i m I Watch o. s. L Wat. ' . portoft Sterling Silver, Cut (".! I MEATS. The best in the line of fresh and cured Meats at lowest prices. Ontario Mar ket. PHYSICIANS. h. tvMTNfc'Y II PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in I. O. O. F. Bldg. Ontario .... Oregon DRS. PRINZING A WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. U. It. COLCOUD, M. D. Office in Now Wilson Block Ontario .... - Oregon. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Sears Dr. Pauline Sears Graduates American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksville. Mo. Wilson Block. Telephone 164 Blk. LIVRRV. MOORE LIVERY A FEED STABLE. The best barn and service is our motto. PLUMBING. H. L. POORMAN, Plumbing, Heating and Tinware, Galvanised Iron. All work guaranteed. PHOTOGRAPHS. J. H. Ill H It EM . Ontario, Ore. Call and see our fine line of photos. TAILORS. ART DIMM1CK. Cleaning, Pressing and Tailoring. Phone 84 J. Opposite Dreamland. E. COPE, THE TAILOR. Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. TRANSFER TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND EX PRESS Meet all llrains. JOHN I.ANDINGHAM Sausuge, breukfast, lb 20c Sausage, country, lb 16c Turkeys, lb 24c LIVE STOCK. Hogs 6 to 6e Veal 10 cents a pound Cows I ' . to 6 V Steers 5H to 6'k Mutton 41.- to 6 cents I-amb 6 to 6 M cent A BANK'SIFIRST DUTY ifl tO itH ilriniMlm v llie liiisiiiosH f tliisj 1'iiiik i oondooiod on Ihli bf9i9( which is, in truth, SK (TliTI'Y AND CON. 8KRVATI8II. Safety heforo I cuii-nltri'il prolilo. Wo feel jiiHtilitd in nsk nit foi your betaking husiiiuhs, luihiiiini' you niwnyf, OOOIiOOlU trtnt- uieiit uiui Mtiiftotory Horvico. FIRST NATIONAL BANK w.w- HINTON 9TOOI IN9PBOTOB 09 MAf.HKUR tOUNTV OlTaUOl AT I'AitTKK HAKN, I'llUNK 171 DKPUT1EH- Finery Cole, Brogan. Alex Lockheed Ontario. Bert High, Vale. C. C. Morton, Old's Verry. N. O. White, Weieer Bridge. J. E.. Holly, Riverviow Abe Denny. Jordan Valley. Joe Bankotter, McDerniitt J Boydell, Nyssa John G. South. Juniura Wm atine. Hiupv L- M Seaward, Ontario Bridge ' V