The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 18, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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gf mm BEGUN
(Si . .1 toTho Affl .)
idou. Great lirituin made known
tr world In :i formal proclamation
) r.he propones to sever all the ar
i of acn enmtnfiree to and from
I. . iny 'I nil, the period of tin- war.
tie term "Mm -limits" Ip not us'H and
? prohibited area Is defined Never-
id, the tett of the order makes
11 KiiKland'a purpose to prevent
iiiuiilif1. I Of .'iny kind from
Iiik or lOBffBf (Jertuaiiy dorlOf Hie
'I'ho lirltlsh order Htaten tlu.t neutral
ehip mid lit of boh ' Dm
be porsd hi i . nit l.m iii . i tared
CfcrKOffl Will lie lift to lit, if
not mutoltloned by tontrnmont, pa)
tnent for seised I " OW not to bo mad'
until i omo
neutral befoi I ol rdi v.
In the ImI ClaUSS of the pTOOlOJBsV
Hon Ih tin proposal in'
to neutral . This i,. ;i hit I i i men!
to lift thi ' In i i tny u
Hon win 01 rtlf) thai U
ItH flat tO QOf
ninny, or "or he
IoiikIih' to the inbjMtl Of UM (lennali
It h iiuliih'e Ihlt the ord- r declare i
no llllelltl' n tO ' Millire shlpH proceed
InK I" nod iron i.ernuitiy'M allien, iih
trla and Turkey, the reason beliw, no
doiiht. that i he measure Ih avowedly
reprisal mta.imt the Herman sub
marine warfare.
Vigorous Protsst Expected.
WiiMtiliiKton Great llrltalu's order
In council explalnltiK her cmharKO on
II comiiirri between (lermnny and
neutral countries wbh received with
such evident dlsaipolntmenl h IiIkIi
officials ol the I'nlti'd States govern
metit that a stroiiK protest aKatnst Its
terms was considered In official quar
ters as certain to lie made soon.
Mmlstrr Will Continue War Until
Proper Cuar.inteee .r Obtained.
London A Iteutcr dlxputeli from
Itiiiin b v. ay of AuiMterdam OBtOI
the (leriuau milliliter of the Interior
lid Vice chancellor. ('leOMMM )e llru
erk, as dei l Him- In n 'i'i li In the
upper chamber (lermauy'e Intention
to continue the war until she obtained
the KliarulitccH hIic deHlred
"If we were satisfied merely with
WpoUfM the 1 1 -1 1 . ' " mild the vice
chaiirellor. "we should soon have
pence Hut ho (annul rent siitlslled
with that alone, we shall not sheath
the mh. iiil until Me obtain IWU unties
that our enemies will not attack us
n tin I ' ii uaniees
ut tim prvaenl mo l vmM not ti.r
tier ilerinaii Interests."
Eight iihips are Oam.ijed.
HiTlln. x la I. on. I. hi tireless dis
patch lii.lied Irmii (oiiHtaiiliiiopIo
li i in offlrlall announced and
most saaphatleall) las Brttlsa wur
ships A. in '111111111. Lord Nelnon, Corn
wallls. Iiiiblm and the h'reuch afffft
Houvet. Sutiren and Saphlr all have
lieeii ilimia . d iii the Hamate Ibj . n. tit
lag, 'I be IsTltlSB. lialtU :.i,.
i .. al iii i.. i" i u m in u b .
heat i holla.
mm mm
sunk by mm
London Thi
Uen. Um
the battl
ea UI III!
b tl I
Tl I 'i
1 1.
ll.W II IllI ,
I . II
tuplodsd " '' . . er works M
i irolni nei iti)
Italy Stops Mails to Austria.
Heine p.. Italian nttn
lsts ttn.i ttdegruuhs issutvl r,i i
suHpeudiiiK thi
lc iiieiu urUsra alio luatrli Huu
..1 ill! .. i HI .1 Ul-
pfoaslai ii' lr eii: . , i ifflea un
tralaa souad foi i' otlar.
British Cain Said to ba F ur Miles
rutin, rii. tdvsaoa of taa British
truoix '" ,tl1 Ylclaltj of Nu 'tu
tulle is e.stue u.t ul ftBOUl fOttl BtUSS,
iu a allts rffS rascSlBg here
;Sj . ml I i The Argu-.)
Washington President Wilson has
SstSfOslBOd that all the rival factions
in Mexico ahall he compelled If necce -
sary, not only to respect the lives and
property ol foreigners, but to Insure
freedom of commercial communlca-
Hon BStWSOfl IBS l.'uited States and its
soutii'.rn BSifBBOfi
This policy, enunciated In tho last
two net a sent to Genera! Oarranza
coin ernliiK the filiation at Mexico
City, v.a.'i larUn r ,evi loped by the din -
patOb or. a communication Informing
tfce '. , lean eiiiel that Mil hh the gun
boat Cftragnai ana rsooJIod fino Ita
attl nptOd blockade ol tha port Of Pro-
gnso, the president of the Uoltod
Btatet "would ba oonatralnsd to issue
,i trucUona" to tha w ntnsndaf of Um
arntorod orutasr lies Moines "to pre
vent any int rfOfOBOO" MTftta merican
hips going to or from
Tha of thla nota apparently
was in :;. .I before It rei ted Vera
''II'.-. ' lie Ii.lV y lie . a lie t 1 .
ii word thai tho Baragoss bad put
buck to ', . i'ii CfOI "on account of the
sin as of the weather." The opinion
Of officials is that there will be no
further attempt to bid Sad.
Will Vltallxe New Discovery.
Washington -It Is announced offi
cially that two large companies have
arranged to take advantage of the dis
coveries recently announced by Secre
tary Lane that revolutionize the manu
facture of gasoline and make tho Unit
ed States Independent of Germany In
the manufacture of tuluol and benzol,
used In making explosives and dyes.
British Auxiliary Cruiser Bayano Tor
pedoed by Qerman Submarine.
Ayr. Scotland, (iraphlc description
of the sinking of the llrltsh auxiliary
cruiser llayano by a German siihma
rlne was ghen b survivors of the tl Ih
aster, or the Ml men on hoard. I'M
pel lulled, uh the emitter sank so rapid
ly that the men had scarcely a than c
for their lives. She was a converted
Lieutenant Commander (lay, one of
the survivors, said "The llayano went
to the bottom five minutes after the
(leriuau torpedo struck her. Of the
HI persons aboard, I am certain that
only L'ti were picked up by the steam
ers Halmorluo and Tarn, which came
to our rescue. All the others were
killed b) the explosion or were swirled
dow 11 III the ol li'X."
Vermont Will Vote Upon Prohibition.
Montielier, t QoVOCBOf OatSS
t.lttneil the lirohlliltloil referendum bill.
As a result the voters will decide at I
it... .,00.1,1,.,. .( i Muret.
rasthsf to Miii.Miitute i.iai. pro
hlbttloti for local option.
wnlario Library.
p.-n Monday and Wednesday frW
tin to 1; no p. m. and from 7:00 to
H i in Satur.iuv frets IOiM I
..':00 11. 11 ; from ItOO t" tttt p. m. '
.n.l I'.om , (Ml 1,. n - fi ,,
The Big Spring Showing Continues
Mtoit tKj coA rj
Fxcry freight and every express is bringing large shipments for every
department and it will be a pleasure and a saving to you to eisit this big
store and see The Newest Spring Creations.
We will sell you extra good L8 l-8oBleaohed
Mulin for
7c. yard, and as many yards
as you wish.
(Spec: il to t Ar M)
j Washington. Germany probably
ejrffj rspOdtait the MU00 of the MP
1 uin Of the Prinz Kltel Frledrlch In
pklng the American ship William P.
t Krye, loaded w lth wheat consigned
from Seattle to Queonstown, and make
reparation for the loss of the vessel
and rarpo, l:i tho opinion of German
officials here,
' Captain Tlilerichens, of the Print!
MUi, stated that his only guide while
' at M mid for months out of omnium
cation tvlth his government was the
decli' rut Ion of London. This would I
porail tha dootfoottofl of a neutrui ;
prise If carrying a cargo more than
half of whii h could be proved to be
OOOtraband, provided It v. as Impossi
ble to tale the vessel to a home port
a iii it andsagoriBi Um oaptoc war
. i break of the war tin
Qarman govtmmonl ins ''efined its!
7 1 1 1 uts ol conditional con
mi tnd hi argued thai
stuffs ii! without any
iioni't to lie boon i actually n a I
linen nt torse iii aii taeni) boforo the)
pan :
Thaw It Acquitted.
New York Ham Kendall Thaw
was acipiltted of the charge of con
spiracy to aaoape from HattoaWM asy
lum for the Insane, but that did not
mean freedom. As soon as the verdict
was announced Thaw was given Into
tho custody of Sheriff Grlfenhagen, of
New York county.
Hood River Board Votes to Secede.
Hood River. Or. The board of di
rectors of the Hood fllver Apple Grow
ers' association recommended that the
Hood River association withdraw from
the North Pacific Krult Dlxfihutora.
Pinal action, however, rests with
tin . en. ers i . tho '...-: a :H:?cla'.lou,
Haptlst Church.
Topics fm next today 11:00 u. m.
St.., I. Pale Religion. 7::: p. m. "The
Way of Life." A heurty invitation if
extended to nil. This is the second ol
u series of uiIiIivhscs on the general
top Life."
D. F. HAKKR, Pastor.
William Ihirton I.e Roy was born
April U-llh, IMK. and died March !th,
ll'l.'. He was stricken with tuber
culosis five yours ago and gradually
failed us is peculiar to thut disease.
Throuifh these years of suffering
he was very putient and kind. He
was always a dutiful thoughtful son
and lived a good clean life but was
l-rii t.-I- and clearly saved last July
'""' "luintai.i.d 11 clear fuith in
( brief to the lust
Deuth held no
terror for him.
The inimediate relatives who mourn
his loss urc, father, mother, uml
graadmolhi r. Funeral services were
loinlii. ted I'roni the PSSldsWCS under
the iliiection of Mr. Fail. y. Rev.
Pratt of the Mathodlrt dMutk offi
ciated. N.v Bpriug Millinery
New Spring Buits
i vv Spring 'oati
New Spring l r itei
MaiXh D) r
MARCH 18, 10t
Iroiuid , r..; ...
Bud MePhtTOOn returned from a
eak'i isit with ralattvoi at Ontario
on Thursday
.". IBcil Rose who hai boon visiting
' kof for some time with his son,
and family, returned BOOM on
. ... ,1'Iay.
Rev. Harrison of Unity passed
through on Saturday onroute to Mal
heur to hold services there Sunday.
Miss Mabel Horton of P.onita after
a week's visit with friends of this
iilnce returned home Sunday.
Jack Clifford and wife were busi
ness visitors in Ironside, Thursday.
May Roam has returned to her home
again after a two weeks absence at
the home of S. A. Lofton's, taking
care of the sick with measels.
Stanley VOS P.aren nnd family re
turned from WOiMV the Inst of thr
week, WBON they had been visiting
relative- the past week.
W. R, Lofton fiiil wife were Iron-
slda riaitOM on Friday.
Will Qoiafl mndo a trip to Unity I
thi tint Of the v.i'1;. vi itinn with
MondSf returning on Thursday. (
Vcrn Gardnsr of MsUi ur who is!
while ratting wood on Friday '
I UM llip accidentally cutting his left
thumb quits l-adly.
Ren Faust of Oregon City arrive!
in the vicinity Ofl Saturday. After
vi.-iting with his brother, Sam Fnust,
he took his departure for his BOOM
lear West Camp Creek, where he will
bo for the summer looking ufter the
Fldaro ditch interests.
Fd Ream made n trip to Hardy
Murray's on West Camp Creek on
Thursday, after grain.
Miss Nannie Duncan who is teach
ing at Cow Valley was a week end
visitor at her mothers, Mrs. S. D.
Duncan, returning to her school on
Chas Seton has been compelled to
lay aside the building of the hotel
until Mr. King begins his spring saw
ing a a shortage on lumber.
Mrs. M Benin was a visitor nt
Via Oregon Short Line
March 1, to Nov. 30
You can to via Ofdttt, Salt
Lake an J l.os Vndes aiul
return via San Francisco.
Portland and Huntington or
vice versa at a comparatively
low expense and cover
Most Interesting Scenic
points of the Pacific Coast,
including both Expositions.
Ahk mrentH for rates and further
particulars or write,
Cen. Pw.. Aft., Salt l.ake City.
- .. . . .
t.,k w;il. ...,.i ut-I-Twn
New Tub Silks and
Lace Cloth
Another shipment of our special yard
wide tub iUki at $1.00 tiu yard reoii ved
Abo another big ihipment Of those
beautiful new I. ace Cloths, priced
25c. to 75c the yard
way 1. 1 ami on i nui Kiay.
turveyof of Ontario pasted
through Iron Ids onroute to Unity en
The basODOll boys had a practice
game here on Sunday, The n .
team will be organized this week.
Now bats, gloves, masks, etc., will also
:.rriv, thil WW ':.
Branding hai been exclusively car
ried out by the stockmen in this vicin
ity the last week and will be this
week. Thousands of heads of cattb
are being turned on the range.
Frank Reed and wife of Bor.ita
were visitors in this vicinity Sunday.
Geo. Devenney of BonitO went to
SOME people extend invitations to the THIEF AND HOLDUP MAN.
They carry on their persons or in their homes large rams of money.
A CHECK BOOK ia of no use to the professional thief. Still, a
eheck is AS GOOD AS CASH to the tradesman or for the immediate
household wonts. If you haven't s bank sccount
The Ontario
In n food tract of land with a nuinier one water'
ri'lit. Will .m-ll anywhere from 10 to H) acres. Half
cash. Two miles south of Ontario. i?12" per acre up.
J. J. DIESS, Ontario, Ore. Box 51
Personal Attention (iivE.s To All Pinekalb
Promptly !av tm NlWI
I'hone liaj
Ni m Spring Dress Uoodi
New Spring Purnithingi
New Spring sho
for all the family
aleni and Boyi
Spring Sniti
We trive out-of-town customers the same
privilefjeoi buying u thoae who live in the
city. Moreover, oar method is not i "mail
order System," il is, rather i lyotematiaed
shopping eervioe, whieh gives the peraonal
attention of a trained shopper to the tilling
Of every mail ordtT, Your order is studied
and promptly tilled with ai much "intelli
gent intereat" as if it were yourself,
. ar ly Murray! i ."...-... soy .' t
grain, returning on Sunday.
A number of young people arc mak
ing preparations to attend tho danco
at Unity on Friday Cue 19th, given
b; the has 'ball boys of that place.
A ord whs received that Mrs. Free
man, mother of Mrs. Bail Faust who
is visiting is improved.
Smith Bros, moved a large herd of
their stock from Win. Reams on Mi
Mrs. Nancy Rutherford and daugh
ter Mary, moved to the John Sm;tn
home on Monday.
Vein (Gardner returned to Malheur
National Bank
Calls Asshkreo
Ontario, Oregon
Mdil Orders