The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 18, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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E te led in the DOStofloS nt Ontnrio, Oregon, for tfaastnlssfoa through the
mail bm arnnl-elaM nnttr.
'-. , : -- " -z. i ... ,
If we can depend n tlie sitftis of the times, Ontario and all the
rest of Malheur county will enjoy an unprecedented year of progress
and prosperity. The speculation stage is past and steady, consistent
growth has benn a opposed to the mush room activities of the past.
N'o one is buying with the idea of holding his purchase until a
bnom will increase its value hut everyone who buys and there are
many of them starts riojit in to improving his own property until
it is worth more money than he paid for it. In this way the people
are actually increasing the value of their property and earning the
increment instead of letting the property lay idle and expecting to
get something for nothing.
One of the sius referred to above is that immigrants arc coming
into the county every week and moving right out onto farms. Some
of them are renters, some of them owned property here already and
the rest have POUghl since they came. Kvery new settler is said to be
worth at least one thousand dollars to the community in which lie
lives ami according to that Malheur county has already been con
siderably enriched and will be much more before the year is over.
Another sign is the new industries that are bein promoted. In
bygWM years we might come into town any morning and sec a new
store, a creamery, hotel or some new business start up Some held
out and MOM went under but the new spirit is different. It is an
intelligent and careful effort to establish a business that is really
mided, one that will promote the interests of the community and l
a financial success
Then greater interest is btiag taken in stock raising of all kinds
and thoroughbred Stock is taking the place of s.rub animals. Tower
for irrigating more land is being ufilicd ami many private pnmpin",
plants are bting installed. In lad the sitis are evident n all sides
and in evtfj business. Business houses all show a big Increase OVei
last car in the amount i business transacted. Confidence is re
stored, exorcised ami fell bv every business man, who is alive to the
spirit of the xear ami ready to do his part in helping along every
laudable cntciiisc.
The close of the ear I'M 5 bids fair to mark the ending of one of
the most prosperous years ever experienced in this section and we
believe the same may be said of the whole Tinted Stales
cannot pay inteiCtl c,n bonds, cannot earn dividends for stockholders,
there is no future for this lare field of investments.
As the community curbs the initiative of private enterprise, jt
drives out capital and forces public ownership with increased tnx-
stion in nine cases out of ten as the "illy alternative.
i hen why should not legislatures, city and county governments,
courts and commissions become constructive and helpful instead of
attacking undertakings of private capital?
State, county ami city have a ritrin to collective enterprises, but
the) have ii" right to drive out or destroy the opportunities for
private capital in any legitimate field.
The riidit of reasonable regulation is conceded, but there is an
obligation that this regulation shall be helpful and shall conserve the
fountains of prosperity.
Nearly .sJD.OOO.DOO wa expended by the Oregon-Washington
Railroad It Navigation Co., in the states .,f Washington, ireon and
Idaho during the year 1914, according t figures just compiled. The
exact amount is $19,735,803.73. The statement further shows that
more than 13,000 names appear on the annual payroll and that be
tween 65,000 and 75,000 persons are dependent on the operation of the
Union Pacific system in the Northwest. For the year ending June
30, 1914, the O. W. R. I N. paid $1,390,698.65 in taxes. In the three
states $5,042,425.71 was spent in the construction of new lines.
The Bible Says the Turk Will tome
to Hia End.
Paraphrasing the scripture in the
light of simple deductions, we have
the following: The Turk shall locate
his seat of government at Jerusalem,
like a and shall come to his end, and at that
E. Cope, the only Practical Tail
or in Ontario, is the only practical
place to buy a suit made to your
order. Others try to follow but
don't succed; get it here and get
the best for the least money.
Suits made to order from
$15.00 to $50.00
The only reliable and prompt clean
ing and pressing in the city.
E. COPE Moore Hotel Blk.
(By Wm. Butler.)
Tho awful scourge that
mighty avalanche it now devastating time Christ shall begin His eternal
the faireat parts of Europe ia not the reign. This time of trouble to the
time of trouble of Daniel's prophcy, ' nations, such as never was, will follow,
but it is undoubtedly the prelude to it. and at that time all God's people,
The outlook for u creamery at Ontario is most promising at this
time. Several men, experienced in the dairy industry, have looked
over the field and pronounce it ideal. All that is meded is the man
that has the neccssan capital and the business ability to organize the
territory into one that will produce the necessary butterfat.
The capital nttliaiflf to install a ncainctv would not have to
be very lainc at liist, but with the increase of the business tfcg in
vestment would be grater, Bttl the proceeds from the business l"i
the first ear or two would furnish the amount necessary for the
additional investment. A very successful creamery is operating at
present in a nearby town with an initial investment of one thousand
dollars. This gradually inci cased with the busim s transacted until
now, with a prosperous dairy community, then- is ,i well equipped
creamery paying good dividends,
The priniepal investment nectasar) is business ability and practical
knowledge ol the dair) business. What is most needed at present is
a man that knows tho business thoroughly s,i that he can tell just
what must be done to establish and maintain a Creamery,
i in- organisation ol the territory is one of the most important
phases ol this proposition, i'he field must be canvassed so as to tmd
nt just who will furnish cream and how much. Then new patron
must be secured and all should bf encouraged to keep the best stock
ami i un then held on ,i -..uutaix am! scientific plait
Alter organisation o( the territory the disposing of the manu
factored products is the next problem Hut when wrc remember that
Ontario uses creamer) buttei in great quantities throughout the
yea i nul thai t Iregon still Hitports several millions ! dollars worth
oi buttei each year, we cm ice that this i, jutt a question ol turning
out a uuality oi butter "i other products, that will in-u ever)
rhen there must also be businesi abilit) exercised in the manu
facture oi llu' products I here is or should he a good field here for
I utter, ice cream, cheese ami the like hese could in' manufactured
in proportion to the demand for them a ml thus prohibit waste a ml cut
down tin likelihood id over production in anj one line. Also pro
vision should be made to utilise the otherwise waste products
We have the country, the crops necessarj i"i dairying and ideal
climatic conditions. The opportunit) is open to the first man or
compan) that has tin' capital and ability t turn the tuck. Several
.in- looking the Held over at the present time and before the spring
has i. ii advanced there will no doubt be a creamer) installed.
Soon the Turk will make his last stand
at Jerusalem, the day of salvation will
end, the great day of the- Ton) will
begin, the time of trouble such as
never was will suddenly break upon
the world, the King ot glory will ap
pear, and the great conflict so long
wagi'd with sin will forever end.
What has the Eastern question or
the future of the Turk to do with
Scripture, and why so much concern
about whether Turkey or some other
power li.'ill occupy Constantinople?
More than twenty-four conturica ago,
the Lord revealed to the prophet Dan
iel event that would tuke plac
umoiiK earthly powers in connection
with the cloning scenes of earth's hi-
tery, follows:
"And he shall plant the tabernacles
of hia palace between the m'bh in
the glorious holy mountain; yet he
shall come to his end, and none ahull
help him. And at that time shall
Mi. li.n-1 .-tun. I up, the greut Trine-'
which stumleth for the children of
thy people; and there -ball be a time
of trouble, such as never was since
there wus u nation even to that -aim
time; and ut that tune thy people Khali
be delivered, every one that shall be
found written in the book. And many
of them that aleep in the dust of the
earth shall awake, some to everlaating
life, and aoiiie to shunie and cverluat
ing contempt." Dan. 11:45; 12: 1, 2.
This is the conclusion of a long
prophecy thut begina with the Medo
Persian kingdom ami closes with the
establishment of the eternal kingdom
and the resurrection.
Soon after the death of Alexander
the (ireat, hia generala formed a com
pact for the government of hia em
pire; but it w.i- aoon broken, and
out of bis conipiest.s four kingdoms
arose "toward the four winds of
whose names are found written in the
book of life, will be delivered.
The thought that Christ takes Hia
Kingdom and begins His reign at
the beginning of this time of unpar
alleled trouble to the nations may
seem atrange to some, but it will be
seen to be in perfect accord with the
Like the muffled tread of the thief
in the night, the day of the Lord is
stealing upon us. More suddenly than
the preaent war broke over Kurope,
and with much more dire reaults, will
tbe war of the great day of (Sod break
over all the world. The only safety
in that hour will be found in Jesus.
"He thut dw.'lleth in the secret place
of the Most lli-h ahull abide under
the shadow of the Almighty." Pi.
For Health and'erop Insurance use
Streams of Oregon Attractive to Capk-
tallsta aincs Removal of Tax.
Salem. Announcement was made
by Bute Engineer Lewis that three
foreign capitalists engaged In water
power development will visit the state
during tbe summer to make an exam
ination of the water power poaalblll
ttes offered by Oregon streams, and
be and bis corps of assistants are
rushing work on surveys and mapa of
a number of projects In order that be
may be able to present full data to
tbe visitors. He has already assem
bled considerable data as to a number
of feasible power projects on the Co
lumbia, Hokii and Snake rivers, and
he Is urging the federal geological
survey to complete Us survey of tbe
It destroys grain smut, potato scab
and other fungous diseases
Everhart Drug Company
I Poultry Wanted !
I will be in Ontario Tuesday, February
9th, and will buy your Poultry at mar
ket price. I will also be in Ontario
Tuesday of each week, through spring
and summer. Will make headquarters
at American Express. 1 I PifX BOISE
latter stream State Knalneer l.ewla
heaven." It was not long after this deires to have it completed to Lewie-
division htttt been effected till Canaan
ler hud succeeded in eomiuering .ill
that portion of Alexander's kingdom
lying to the north of Jerusalem, leav
ing but two of the original four tlivis
ton, and he believes It will disclose
projects sufficiently tempting to bring
capital Into the state to develop them.
Mr. l.ewla aatd'
"The repeal by tbe recent legislature
The legislature Ims adjourned without enactiug any reactionary
legislation attacking business or industries it went the other way
anil nac more attention to constructive policies
I'he effort Ol I he legislature a whole was ilitccicil to making
it easier ior industries, placiug (ewer burdensome regulations on cor
iorations ami capital helping development
The feeling is growing amottf the people (hat hiy business as
well as small business is entitled to profits, ami that industrial ami
payrolls are more desirable than agitation and regulation.
If railroads and public utility corporation cannot make money,
ion remaining. 1 hese are mentioned of a law providing that a tax of from
in the prophecy us "the king of the 26 ceuta to L' abould be paid on each
noith" and "the king of the south." horsepower of waterpower developed
Bines U.VI A. IV, when Constantinopli removed a great barrier to' waterpow-
fell into the bauds of the Turk, tin er development In tbe state and I am
pOWPI has i ill,. I over the territory confident that the next few jeare will
of "the king !' the north." see much progress iu waterpower de-
Tbe prophet declares, "He (tbe km-; velopment."
ot the north) ahull plunt the tain
nudes of his palace between the sea Oollarhlde Toll Road ia Purchased.
in the glorious holy mountain; yet I Medford. The county court bas
be shall come to Ins end, ami noni purchased tbe IHillarhide toll road
shall help him." Pan. 11: 4.V This over tbe Sisknoua for 11000. For the
verse speaks of two events that all first time in bait a century road trav-
llie world ba.s looked forward to with elera between California and Oregon
greut apprehension, und hus expected will not be compelled to pay toll of $1,
to sir accomplished at an early date to pass over the creat of the uiouu
the driving of the Turk from Kurope' Ulna. The road waa built In 1852 by
and hia coming to his end. Ue Dollarhlde family and held aa a
The "glorious holv mountain" ,,, territorial grant for many years.
(,..,. ii-,w..i.., I. i.J.,.t...i nk a.o ' The new Pacific highway over tbe
It is situated between the Mediterran
ean ami the Dead Sea. According to
the prophet . the seat of government
of the Turk is to be removed from
I 'oustantinople and located at Jem
During the progress of the Kalkin
war in 1!HJ, many writers in the daily
papers and the magaxines freely ex
pressed their conviction that the time
had come for the Turk to leave
Kurope. While he was driven by the
Kalkan alliea to the verge of Europe,
their hands were stayed by the con
ference of the European powers in
I on.ien and the Turk still holds Con
stantinople. Scarcely had the preaent
war begun when it was freely pre
dicted that this would end the stay
of the Turk in Europe
Slsklyous with a 6 instead ot a 30 per
cent grade takes the place of the toll
road and will be opeu for travel la a
taw weeks.
Governor Asks For Battleship Oregon
Salem. Governor Withycombe has
made official application to the navy
department to have the old battleship
Oregon replace the cruiser Boston in
Portland harbor as a training ship tor
Um Oregon mtliUa. In bis letter to
tho nav) department, Ooveruor Withy
eotnbe pointed out that the assign
mem of the Oregon would aid materi
ally in increasing the scope and effi
clone) of the naval mUllla aa woM
have a great deal us do is pooeiarla
lac and gwrpacwatta) he ataasSaaUna.
The) fttnesa of tho aaakgimeat frees a
eewllsseuui eUuSfetat was also u
OW about vour
grocery basket?
Is it eating you out of
house and home? Is it
costing you a third more
than it ought to eac)
year? You can change
thi gs by coming here. Our grocery baskets
cut down the cost of living. They do it in this
way low pnees. We mark our goods at prices
that give us a livino
profit, but still as low as
we can to attract trade.
We do a big business,
and small profits count
Let us serve vou
BaaVa 'ff' "'. Wlav
FOUR .. in .. ONE I
ttftttttjmiM on mtroimmJM
Golden Rule Butter is made from PUREIPAS
TEURIZED CREAM. It reaches you in &Duat
Proof and Air Proof, Neat Carton, packedjfour
little cubes to one pound. :: ::
8 Jensma Creameru Co. Mfa.
LSampa, Idaho. j