ONTARIOCenter of the Greatest Corn Belt West of the Rockies t&ni&t0 . Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley. VOLUME XVIIV THE ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1915. NO. 11 mt t$M. CORN CONTEST THIS FALL NOW BEING PROMOTED Pomona Grange Committee Meets With Commercial Club Monday Night CONTEST ON BROADER SCALE A. G. Kingman of Kingman i Kolony Presents Sub ject in Address The corn contest for next year was thoroughly discussed at the Commer cial club meeting, Monday evening. A. G. Kingman, one of the committee men of the Pomona Grange asked the co-operation of the Commercial club in the matter of funds. The local club last year gave several hundred dollars as premiums in the contest and will give their support to this year's , contest, to the best of their ability. tf'he grange will also ask the county I'ourt to furnish the sweepstakes prize of the county for the best acre of corn. At the Walla Wiilla Coin Show the ruilroad representatives expressed their enthusiasm and willingness to ail in furthering the industry. The prizes this year will follow the same plan as those of last year which were, one hundred dollars for the best Cft in the county, and fifty dollars for first, twenty-five for second and fifteen for third prize, each of the districts. Also last year there were five dis tricts, while the plan is this year to have, only three districts thus cut ting down the number of prizes. If this plan is followed one district will be all the land south of Nyssu includ ing Big Itt-ixl. Kingmun Kolony and the Owyhee; another district will be between this district und the Malheur river and the other will include ull lands east und north of the Malheur river comprising part of the Vale ter ritory, Brogan, Willow Creek and Dead Ox Flat. The showing made in corn raising here last yoar was a marvel to every one. One of the most interesting phases of the Walla Walla Corn Show was lately discovered when it was found that Bert Robertson of Big Bend won first place for the best twelve ears of corn over a man who had taken first place in the contest for the previous two years. Last year's contest was a great success but the grange promises that this year's con test will be much better. WM. H. TOMLINSON PASSES AWAY William H. Tomlinson, aged seventy-three years and seven months, died at the Holy Rosary hospital Saturday March 13, from cancer of the lower jaw. He was born in Missouri in 1842 and came to Oregon. He leaves as relatives in this vicinity three nephews, J. T. Sullens of Ontario, Nel son Sullens, living near Malheur Butte and Ona Ramsey of Rockville. The funeral services were held this after noon at 2:30 p. m. from the Farley undertaking parlors. BIG BEND BRIDGE STILL IN TANGLE W. H. Brooks, as district attorney, made a formal demand on the county commissioners, county clerk and treas urer that they be peraonally responsible to the county for $81,000. th amount that Small of Portland, bid for the Big Buy Sheep. H. Blackwrll, a well known local stockman, has this week purchased 2000 head of sheep from John Wood. Eleven hundred head of the band were received by Mr. Blaekwell Sunday and the balance are now being brought in from the John Wood ranch. The sheep are all two-year-old ewes. They will be sheared about the first of the month, after which Mr. Blackwell will turn them on the range between Har per and Huntington and will ship them to the Portland market from Huntington about June 1st. MRS. EMISON WAS AN EARLY POINEER Settled in Oregon in 1869 and was Prominent in Life of Community Mrs. Mary N. Emison, one of the early pioneers of Oregon, and a resi dent of Malheur county for twenty two years immediately following 186!), was laid to rest in Ontario Friduy nfternoon, the funeral being one of the lurgest and most impressive ever held hire. Mary Nent Rice was born in Rawles county, Missouri, June 20th, 1841), where she resided during her child hood and early life, and received her early educution. She was married to W. N. Emison in 18(1!), and the young couple immediately started out to find u home in (he west. Thev came us far as Wyoming by rail, und from there they traveled overland to Mal heur county, Oregon, settling here on u ranch. Mrs. Emison was one of the best known und most beloved of the early settlers. She entered into the life of the community and was always ready to lend an aiding hand in al leviating the many hardships of the pioneer duys. She was a prominent HHato of the Christian church und was always a devout christian. Resident! of this section during the early duys tell many stories of her good work among neighboring fami lies in time of sickness, and aside from rearing her own family, sha was always ready to aid others when the occasion arose. Five children were born to her, four of whom survive her. The sur viving children are Sanford Emison of Blackfoot, Idaho; Mrs. Ollie Young of Portland, Oregon; Charles Emison of Ontario; and Miss Salome Emison of Portland. William Emison died at (he ajy of eighteen years, being drownwl in the Snake river at Nyssa. This occurred several years ago. Her husband W. N Emison died sixteen years ago, since which time Mrs. Emi son has made her home in Portland where she died. The funeral was held Friday after noon from the home of her ion, in On tario, and the body was laid to rest in the city cemetery beside that of her husband. Rev. Baker of the Baptist church officiated. Local Horse Market Still Continues Good. The selling of horses still continues and the business seems to be getting more settled. Mr. Bradbury from At lanta, Georgia, was buying horses here last week through Hailey and Turner of Caldwell. Altogether they bought up one hundred head of horses, three carloads of which were shipped to the east. A number of carloads of horses have been shipped from here this yeat and still there are many more for sale. Bend bridge bonds, also that the offcials assume the burden of all legal matters pertaining to the issue of the bonds. Mr. Small's attorney was here Sun day but returned without any indication of wnat thev would do concerning the matUr. It ia thought that there will be an early adjustment of the affair but whatever turn the matter takes there will be no delay in the building of the bridgo- KINGMAN BOOSTS EOR BETTER FARMING Says Blue Grass Pasture on Every Ranch Would be Money Saver IS BEST PASTURE GROWN Demonstrations Made Prove Assertion. The Best i For Sheep A. G. Kingman of Kingman Kolony waa in attendance at the Commercial club meeting Monday evening at the city hall. He addressed the club on several very important matters in regard to the farming interests of this county. One of the things of consequence he discussed was the matter of blue grass meadows or pastures. Mr. Kingman's idea was for someone, logicully the county ugriculturist, to conduct an experiment with the blue grass on some piece of irrigated land near here. A three acre tract divided up into three equal purts would be sufficient for the experiment. The scheme to be followed wus thnt while one acre wus being pustured, one could be growing and the other could be irri gated. So us quick us one wus ready for pasture the stock would be moved to it while the old one could be irri gated. Then an uccotint would he kept of ull stock thut was pustured show ing the gain or product of such stock. In this way n complete record could he kept of the expense and revenue from the pasture. Mr. Kingmun stated thut for every forty acres of farm land, ten acres should be in bluegruss pasture. This pasture wus worth us much or more than any other crop ami saved the cost of hurvesting it which in other crops would amount to ten or fifteen dollars per ucre. Also bluegruss did not tend to kill out aa alfalfa does and the older the pasture the more vuluublc. For instance u bluegruss pusture ten years old is worth twice aa much as one two or three years old and one twenty or twenty-five years old is worth twice as much us one ten years old. Mr. Miller of Big Bend stated that he had some bluegrass pasture and also Chas. Emison related some inter esting facts concerning three acres of blue grass on his farm west of town. He stated that during the past year he pastured on his three acres, fifty head of sheep and lambs, three cows and nine hogs. One of the lambs in particular he was sure would shear seventeen pounds of wool worth from twenty to twenty-five cents per pound. This matter is one of great import ance to the interests of this county. Dairying is now, and promises to be more so, of great importance to this community. With a bluegrass pas ture becoming more valuable every year, dairying ought to be one of the leading industries here. This is some thing that should be encouraged by ull concerned. Anybody interested in the propaga tion of bluegrass should write to the University of Idaho at Moscow, for bulletin No. 80 entitled "Grasses for Irrigated Lands."' CONTEST TO BE HELD BY PUBLIC SCHOOL The public school pupils of Ontario will hold their seventh annual De clamatory contest, March 24th, at the Dreamland Theatre. Seven contest anta will enter and it will no doubt be worthy of a large audience. An admission of 25 cents will be charged. The grown people and the grade pu pils will admitted for tea cents. CLEANUP DAY TAKEN UP BY LADIES OE THECITY Ladies' Auxiliary of the Commercial Club Will Promote Cleanliness BEAUTIFY All VACANT LOTS 'Mv Receives Hearty Sup- port of Commercial Club and Aid is Promised The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Com mercial club have taken up the clean up campaign for Ontario and have planned for an extensive line of work. This club which used to be the Sociality club, has changed its name to one that expresses its purpose. At their meeting March 6, they appointed a clean-up committee, consisting of Mrs. Walter Glenn, Mrs. Murray Mor ton and Mrs. H. H. Whitney, to look up conditions und the means for bet tering them. The club discussed the fly question, vacant lots, dirty streets and alleys und ulo the mutter of beautifying certain public grounds M longing to the city. Monday evening the ludies asked the Commercial club for their support in a clean up cumpuign which was promised. To complete arrangements for ,Ui'ii- campaign the ladies will ask the city council and schoolbourd at their next meetings to co-operate in the movement. Then ut the next ii ting of the Ladies' Auxiliury iiuti, March 27, the final pluns will be udopted and the work will be com menced. A. G. MAKES ADDRESS Declaring that the farmers of the Lower Snuke river valley could make u substantial saving by growing black locust trees to be used for fence sst. on their lunches, A. G. Kingmun of Kingman Kolony neur Nysu mude un enthusiastic uddress ut the regulut meeting of the Commercial club Mon day night. Mr. Kingmun (let lured that a quarter of an ucre of land would grow enough black locust post to fence an eighty ucre field. "The farmers of this country," stut ed Mr. Kingman, "should buy puint with the money they are now paying out for fence posts. A bluck locust fence post will last a life time. It is no trouble to grow them, for all thut is necessary is to pull a few seed pods off a locust tree, put the seeds in boiling water and let them stay there until they sprout. Then set them out and the work is accomplish ed. They grow quickly, and will soon amount to a great saving to the farm ers." EXPERT RECEIVES GRAIN W. R. Shinn, county agriculturist, has received front the Oregon Agri culture College a shipment of grains for distribution purposes. Here is a chunce for fifteen or twenty farmers to secure free a start in some excellent grains. The shipment consists of two bush els of Banner oath, one bushel of I'JlhS barley, two bushels of Wiscon sin No. 9 barley, and one-half bushel of beardless barley. This seed is done up in one-fourth and one-half bushel packages and will be distributed free to the firat persons asking for it. J. M. Brown Improving. Word has been recciv. 1 In Udl city (hat J. M. Brown who recently under went u i'iiTHtion for appendicitis in Portland is convnlesing His son Ben and his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Fiser tire in Portland with hint. Mr. Brown, who hus been confined in the Holy Rosary Hospital for the past six months, suffering from nervous trouble, was taken to Mallett Monduy morning to the Brown Ranch. LAND SEEKERS GO TO THE INTERIOR First Party of Immigrants This Spring Leaves for Harney The first party of immigrants to go out into Malheur and Harney counties this spring passed through Ontario this morning, accompanied by three members of the Oregon Western Col nnixatiou Compuny. Six families ur rived from I. a (irunde Sunday even ing und ten rame in from Salt Lake. 0M auto load was taken from Ontario and the rest of the party will go to Juntura on the truin und will be taken from there in machines, to look over the land. A large annul.' ,,f advertising 4mm i M ill nt) in the past two yeurs is beginning to show iv suits und a large numltnr of immi grants are expected in here during (he coming noon r, A vast amount of liteiuture lias been rill out by the head office of the Oregon We t. rn Colonization Company ,"t St. Paul (his year and they say tln.t (hey never have hud so many inquiries about Mal heur county and expert a number of -i tilers in here soon. IS GIVEN ASSISTANCE The Ontario bund received officiul recognition by the Commercial club Monduy night, win n the club voted a monthi) uppmpi iation of Slo.00 to pay (he running expenses of the musi cal organisation. The bund bus re ceived the utti ntion of the club on several occusions, especially on the night of the club smoker lust month, when some very good music was rend ered, but not until now bus tin' band received financial a. istance from the club. Dr. Colcord appeared Monday night before the club in its regular meet ing, and gave a brief outline of the work of the bund. Dr. Colcord is training the players, and has devoted much of his attention und given his time (o promoting the organization. "There are sixteen pieces in tlie hand now," stated Dr. Colcord, "and (he boys are ui living ut the stnge where (hey can give pretty god music. With a little finunciul aid by (he Com ntercial club, we will soon have one of the fints t bunds in the roun(ry." K. A. Fras r mude (he motion (o give (he assistance usked for, und in doing so paid u nice (ribu(e to the work of Dr. Colcord und outlined in brief the benefit of u good band. 15 NEW MEMBERS IN COMMERCIAL CLUB Fifteen new members were taken into the Cominereiul club ut the reg ular meeting Monday night. The new members were: R. M. Berry, C. A. Garvin, G. W. Long, E. R. Wann, W. A. Dunnick, O. G. Luehrs, O. C. Field, A. L. McDowell, H. H. Haider man, F. J. Clemo, C. M. Williams, G. H. Grimshaw, E. C. McDowell, Pete FREE TELEPHONE TOLLS TO NYSSA AND Oregon Railroad Commiss ion Orders in 01dRates for Present NEW HEARING IN SIXTY DAYS Rental of Rural Telephones is Reduced to $1.50 if Paid in Advance Tree telephone tolls to Nyssa and Pruitland, and u reduction in the rent als of rural telephones will prevail for the next sixty days, at least, accord ing to a ruling of the Oregon Ruil road Commission at the hearing in the telephone rule case in Ontario last Saturday. In sixty days the final ItrWing will be held nt which time a definite decision will he handed down. Thos. K. Campbell und Clyde B. Atchison, members of the Oregon Kailroad Commission held the me. -ing here Saturday to hear the argu ments in reference to the complaint filed with them several weeks ago. Attorneys for Onturio ami for the Mal heur Home Telephone Compuny were present but neither side wus in a DOtJMoH to furnish the information re- quired by the Commission. Therefore an inf. iritl heir" with tl pnrM)se of getting at tile question US near us possible und each side got a hotter opinion of the other's position, l!ver thing win left in the hands f the Commission und each side wits ready and willing to leurn tin ir rfcjhtf in the case as fixed by It The commission Idled that lliit'l (he next hearing, which will be In .1 in sixtv d.i-, tha( the old i.ite . n the rural phone.; and free tnl1 BJ before, would be in offe, . und thu( the toll question to Fruit land wus not under the jurisdicti. n of the Oregon Commission. The sixty days deluy is for tie purpose of ullowillg (ho leleplu I e compuny (ime (o (ake an inven(oi . of (heir properly and TW unv otln t iiifni .i ation the eommiai I mj .pun When this information is r Hired an exper( will chick i( und . will be mod M bMU '"' urrivinu a( u final decision. The Malheur RMM Telephone Con puny bus reins(a(ed the old r..tes an I free tolls to Nyssa und r'ruillai I pending the decision of the Kttilln.id Commission. This means thnt many of the country phones will be n in stalled and new ones put in ut (I old nM f $1 M WW month if pa.i i i udvunce. Mrs. Rich in Hospital Mrs. i'aul K. Man, "f 'ori'' ' was brouh( to the Holy Ro srv II pital last Friday aftern Dr. A derson, of Weiser S'o n . operation for mh morning and is r . f ' Mr. I'aul P. R i ' ' ';"' H mother, Mrs " if Wl ser were In days. Mr. Kieli is v.. II I cfe formerlv I ing employ d I y the Main Or " Power Company. Mi i RWl M bent wishes of In i Us) ' " " ' ' sp.e.iy roeovery. Unfold and J. f, Dty. The ii. w member.! are the result l efforts of (he new member-hip -mitlee, the member of which un : M. K Newton, H. C. Schupp.l and W V. Hoinan. The Commercial club is ..teudily growing and is easily man tuining its place as one of the strong est organisations of the kind in the state of Oregon. & ai . 4 M.j ( y .. ....