The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 11, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Mrp. C K. Kenyon of Weiser was in
Ontario Monday.
W. E. Lees made a trip to Vale
Dalton Biggs held court in Vale
ChaR. McGonagill attended court at
Vale Tuesday.
R. A. Swagler vent to Vale Tues
day. v P.. Rutherford ia visiting Wie
Broe. at Malheur.
I ' Jaker wont to Vale Tuesday
on legnl business.
Miss Van Sicklin ivUirni.1 to Weiser
Mrs. Whtyworth was a Payette visi
tor Wednesday.
Mrs. Sheffield of Payette was in
Ontario Wednesday.
Mrs. H. C. Whitworth went to Pay
ette, Wednesday.
McCulloch and Wood went to Vale
Tuesday on legal business.
C. C. Zwiegart attended
court at Vale, Tuesday.
Ray Duncan of Ironsides came down
Saturday, returning Monday.
Mrs. W. W. Wood returned from
Prairie City last Saturday.
Tom Carothers of the Big Bend
country wu in Ontario Wednesday.
James Moffit of Malheur was in
town Tuesday of this week.
Try our Top Notch Ice Cream.
Hill's Pharmacy.
Ben Jones and wife were visitors
at the home of J. H. Rose over Sun
Way. Mrs. H. M. Rutherford returned
from a visit with her sister at Boise
on Friday.
For Rent Modern five room bung
alow, nice neighborhood, seventeen
dollars. Ontaio Laundry. tf
J. L. Ford, organiser of the United
Artisans, was in Ontario Tuesday
K. Zimmerman, brother of A. Zim
merman, came in from Portland Wed
nesday. For Sale One Jersey cew. Also
span of young mare mules broken to
work. Phone 2722. It
Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels for
tiale (1.00 each. Clarence Fisher,
Fruitland, Idaho.
C. C. Wilson passed through On
tario on his way home from Vale to
Nyssa, Wednesday.
L. H. Tacton from Little Willow,
visited Sunday and Monday with Ed.
The Pastime pool hall has moved to.
the building recently vacated by the
Hill's Pharmacy.
Miss Effie Orcutt arrived home
Sunday after a visit of several weeks
at Salem.
FOR SALE Cheap. Oood young
stallion of Belgian breed. Also some
mare. Address box 467. Ontario, tf
Chris Province took his departure
for the Westfall country the first of
the week.
John Smith and family were visitors
of Geo. Morton's of Bonita on Sun
day. The Ontario Hotel is now open under
new management. Rooms are 26c and
up, with special prices by weak or
month. Mr. and Mrs. G. W Long.
A number of Gage pattern Hats
just received.
Special Showing Friday and
Mrs. M. C. Letson
I B. F. Farmer, . . ' nty surveyor,
passed through Ontnr.o Monday front
Nyssa to Vnlc
Mrs. Kenyon of Weiser was the
guest of Mrs. VYliitworth the first of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Horn of Jamlescn
spent the week end with friends in
The Ontario Bar has moved to the
old Elk saloon building. John Webb
is the new proprietor.
FOR SALE- Heavy work horses, 4
to 7 years old. Henry Hansen, Pay
ette, Idaho. 6-4t-p
FOR SALE Team horses, weight
about 2800, coming fi and 6 years.
Well broke. Phone 112 R. tf
Edti and Herman Rose went to
Melheur on Friday, returning on Sat
urday with horses.
F. W. Smith and family are yet in
Onturio owing to Mrs. Smith ttn.l lit
tie son being ill with measles.
J. M. Tyler and Theodore Wisdom
nre looking after the property of S.
A. Van Buren during bis absence.
Chas. Tnrner of Wild Horse re
turned home Wednesday from Hot
Miss Margaret Dunbar was down
from Vale to spend the week end with
her parents in this city.
Now is the time to spray and prune
trees. A Grause, Malheur County
Fruit Inspector." 10-2t-P.
Tutes Tureman of the Little Mal
heur arrived at the home of Fred
Lawrence on Saturday.
Mrs. Nettie Baird returned home to
Vale Saturday. While here she has
been visiting his sister, Mrs. M. Car
llle. To trade -Good residence property in
a fine Idaho town for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 638, Ontario,
Oregon. 4-tf
H. H. Trowbridge of John Day is in
town looking after some horses ho
brought here several weeks ago.
Wanted Durham milk cows from
3 to 6 years old. Broke to milk. Must
be good milkers. Fred Woods, Nyssa,
Ore. 10-2tpd
For Sale cheap or to trad for Iowa
property, 3 lots and 6 acre tract.
Ontario, Oregon, ri. A. Shreves. Green
field, Iowa. H2t
Miss Mary Aycrs conducted the
services in the Congregational church
last Sunday in the place of Rev.
Baker, who was ill.
Earl Lofton, who has been confined
to his bed for the past three weeks
with measles, is again able to show
his smiling face.
First clas i alfalfa hay for sale. De
livered in town. Phone J. J. Dillard,
Phone No. 204-N-4. tf
Miss Marie Weasel and Mr. Harry
Clyne were married in Weiser Wednes
day morning. Miss Weselis from Boise
and Mr Clyne is the wire chief for the
Telephone Company.
Charlie Anthony, who has been
visiting relatives in Portland the past
two months, returned home on Sat
urday. Thrrk Loth For Sals 2 blocks
west of postoffice, at a bargain. In
quire at Argus office.
The body of Mrs. Kmison accompan
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Emiaon will
arrive in this city at 6. 16 this evening.
Funeral arrangements willnot be made
until after their arrival.
Curt Ingle of Ontario who has been
visiting relatives at Unity for some
I time passed through on Tuesday, re
turning home.
Attorney Coulter of Weiser went to
Vale Tuesday on legal business.
Fred Lawrence and wife, Miss Mary
1 Lawrence, and Cecil Smith were en
, tertaiimd to dinner at W. J. Hinton's
on Sunday.
Bud McPherson went to the county
seat the last of the week on business.
He took with him a number of coyot"
hides to secure the bounty.
Francis Rose and family went to
Baker on Monday for an extended
visit with his son, Lewie Rose and
A great many stockmen are turn
ing their stock put, especially horses,
which easily find sufficient food on
the., foot hills.
W. T. Bunt returned from Brogan
with two four hnrse loads of freight
on Monday. lie was accompanied by
. n, Willie.
E. A. Gullans of Victor, Colorado,
arrived in Ontario last Saturday, and
is looking for a homestead.
Roscoe Allen who was hurt some
time ago by a horse kicking him is
able to be up nnd around on horse
back again.
Mrs. Herbert Williams, who has
been visiting friends in Ontario, re
turned to her home nt Vale last Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Myers are the
proud parents of an eight pound boy,
born March 4th, at their home on the
Rev. D. E. Raker was confined to
his home last week with a severe case
of gall stones. He is convalescing
Miss Sadie Fishback, who has been
working at the Cash Variety Store,
resigned her position and went to
Boise Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Hartley of Weiser return
ed home to Weiser Wednesday. She
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
D. H. Kerfoot of this place.
For Sale Extra quality Blue Stem
seed wheat, $2.26 per hundred. Two
and a half miles west of New Ply
mouth. Tel. 20-13. C. Mercer. 4tp
Glass Tumblers 40c, 60c, 70c and
$1.00, $1.26 and $1.60 a dosen. Six
kinds at a low price for the goods.
The Variety Store, Ontario, Or.
A good drug store; quick service.
Lowest prices on highest quality drugs
and sundries. Make us prove it.
Give us a trial. Hills Pharmacy.
Mr. Sanderson, proprietor ot the
Moore Hotel, came home from Port-4
land Sunday. Mrs. Sanderson will
remain in Portland for some time.
Episcopal services will be held in
the I. O. 0. F. hall at 7:30 p. m. Sun
day evening, by the general missionary
Rev. C. H. Powell. All arc invited.
For Sale Driving mare. Weight
about 1000 lbs. Well broke to drive
ml ri.ln Al... I inr..htor A,l
.-.ww .-w -)M ....w - .. ----
dress I
G. Mortenson, H.
F. D., On
Ml ..'! I'd
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Kmison left for
Portland Tuesday, having received a
telegram in the morning relating the
sad news of the death of the former's
Mrs. Chaa. Adams went to Big Tim
ber, Montana, last week to attend the
bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Uter
mohle. Shortly after her arrival her
daughter died.
Mrs. Fred Curry of Juntura ar
rived in Ontario Monday evening from
Baker where she had been to visit her
sister who) is recovering from an
operation for appendicitis.
Rex Marquis went to the interior1
to look after a band of sheep. Ha
purchased them recently and then
sold them, but has to run them until
June 5th.
W. W. Hinton, sheep inspector, was
in Weiser the first of the week and
then left for Homedaie. Sheep ure
beginning to move toward the hum
mer ranges and the inspector keeps
pretty busy.
Owing to very bad roads our stage
has been arriving at a very late hour,
causing the anxious readers some long
hours of waiting, it being lip. m. be
fore arriving.
We have a few fireless cookers,
mop wringers, cylinder churns and
egg carriers which we want to close
out at a bargain price. Come and look
them over. The Variety Store, On
tario, Ore.
Win. Hanley, the cattle king of
Harney county, t -pent Tuesday night in
Ontario. He w;. . just returning from
the Panama-Pacific exposition and
took the train Wednesday morning for
Stamped goods for embroidering.
Ladies', m n's, children's cotton hose.
Laces and embroideries. Barretts,
front, side and back combs at reduced
prices. The Variety Store, Ontario,
The Best of The New Spring
and Summer Materials
fi , I'V V (!
SUMMER SILKS, in all Colors, special at, yard, .... 25c.
ORGANDIES, flowered and plain, exceptional values at, yard - 15c. to 50c.
EMBROIDERED VOILES, in white and all colors, at yard - $1.50 to $2.00
FLAXONS, figured and plain, at, yard 20c. to 50c.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold an Easter sale on
I riday and Saturday, April 2nd and j
M in the vacant building first door
north of Variety Store. Refreshments
served. 10-4t
Mr. and Mrs. Wyn. Seaward re
turned to their home in Barren Valley
last week. They have spent the win-
tor in Ontario visiting relatives and
mends and now win return to lake up
the spring work.
Ivor Williams, who is feeding hit
sheep on the Scott ranch at Jamieson,
waa in Ontario Monday. He had Just
returned from Boise and left for
Jamieson Tuseday.
B. F. Johnson of the Oregon Wast-
em Colonisation Co., of Burns, has
been in Ontario for several days, tern-
porarily taking the place of J. L. D. . Pythias or any other organised order.
Morrison, who is in Portland on busi The ladies of the club deserve much
ncM- praise and credit for their willing
Mr. u w. - t a i- Ineta to aid each and every worthy
mother of H. H. Wagner of the Moor.'
Hotel barber shop, arrived in On-
tarlo the latter part of the last week.'
ene expects to spend me summer neve.
Wm. Kdward Ohms of
Elgin stopped off in Ontario Tuesday
to visit a few days with the former's
father ami other relatives. They liave
V... .. . .... ... . ....
T IM'IMl lin 111 MM II lr Iflltflll IfU.KItlir
.!. i . - r
uyri n larm in -,un(iiiK '" "'- '"
Mrs. Ruby Tomlinson with her son
and daughter is visiting at the homei
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. lomlinsons home
is in Portland and she is a welcome
visitor here to her many acquaint
ances. Ray Anderson and Ella Walters,
well known young people of this vi
cinity, were married Saturday at
Caldwell. Thev .nt to Bliss, Idaho,
where they will make their home.
Mr. Anderson will run a ranch out
from Bliss.
For Trade Well improved 40 acre
alfalfa ranch, close to Council, will
trade for improved 5 or 10 acres near
Ontario or for improved town prop
erty. For particulars write to owner,
J. S. Rea, Council, Idaho. 10-lt-Pd
J. E. Carlson, a prominent sheep
man of Andrews, Oregon, is in town
this week. He has been several weeks
at Hot Lake and is now on his way
home. While here he is purchasing
outfits and supplies from the M. M.
Co., for the coming season.
C. C. McComb and family arrived
here from Spokane last week. Mr.
McComb has a sixty-acre tract along
the Malheur river, close to the bridge.
His household goods arrived Satur
day and he at once moved out to his
place, which he will begin to improve.
.Mr. and Mrs. Cole Younger left
Tuesday for a trip to Caldwell, Nam
pa and Boise. Mr. Younger who has
been in the blacksmith business here
is looking for a new location and will
be back again about Friday. He Mill
then decide on his permanent loca
tion. Mrs. Walter Hinton has ordered
from Portland a nice line of ladies'
and children's hats which will be for
inspection about the middle of the
month. All ladies are cordially In
vited to call and look them over before
purchasing. Also a nice line of siting
and summer dress goods will l
the shelves shortly.
Now on Display and Sale at Rader's
Won re prepared with a comprehensive
nssortiiu'iit of the new Spring hi.i1 Summer
fabrics. These fabrics are now on display nnd
sale at our store, and the number of women
who daily come to see them shows the interest
this display has aroused.
The very newest patterns and color effects
are shown in ft variety that leaves nothing to
b ilosireil. These fabrics conic f.-om rtptttlbll
mills and are of uniformly excellent qualities.
Are you getting ready to kiss the
I :iu in. Stone?
Tickets for the library ball may bo
.cured ot any of the members of the
Woman's C.'wb. This organisation
offers this ball each year for the
P1""1" ot Publil "nl th Prof,t
to ,h llbrry M tn,r ntribution to
thc building of which we arc all so
Proul- " mi on inuopen.icni
1 ,n ev"ry WBy of th 'ntrl "d man-
itKcment of the library as vested in
the library commission and must not
be confused with that body any more
than would thc Masons, KnighU of
r,vir 4"trPri-
Mr. J. D. Springston of Portland,
drector of Huny S,.hoo, .,, H. Y. P.
U. ork for Oregon, will conduct a
Sunday School Instiute Pnturday
nftcrnoon at 2::i0 o'clock and at 7:30
. . ... - i . .-
o CHICK m uie evcn.nK m u,.
cniirrn. Ml invitation m
these ser
vices is extended to the public.
Modern Woodmen hail their annual
Ret together meeting and Jollificalon
Wednesday night. About seventy of
the Woodmen, their wives and families
were present. The fore part of the
evening was taken by a program of
songs, recitations and speeches after
hich an oyster supper was served.
All enjoyed themselves thoroughly.
Now is the time to get cement tiling
and head gates for irrigating purposes.
Built to your specifications. Phone
ll- R. Claude Bingham. Ontario Ore
gon. H-atpd.
PONT overlook our
We ven
and we
to say
we're right
you never tasted
better cheese than
kinds we are now carry
the '
mg. Best cheese value you'll ever get
some of it and you'll come back lor more.
it. If you have any complaint to make about
The English government intended
to hold and inspection here March 8
and 1), but the last information re
ceived from them sets the date for
March la. Carter and (ilenn art se
suring the inspection through Turner
nnd llailey of Caldwell, where an in
spection will also be held. There are
a good many horses around Ontario
that will lie on hands should the in
spection materialise- and several
hundred arc still at the fair grounds.'
Mr. Hailey of the firm of Turner
and Hailey of Caldwell, was in town
the first of the week and bought 15
head of horses from C. C. Carter
Qi . i
In onl.-r to get plenty of sunlight
choose a southern or southeastern ex
posure, f
If paa'ltilc. make use of tin turn I shel
ter against cold wlmN. Seloct tho
southern side of a hill, mi orchard or
Tho house must tie dry. A site that
provides natural drainage Is duslrabla.
Locale the house In as convenient a
place as possible.
I'resh a Ir bouses should always ba
used. Cold air, If dry an.) without
drafts, ' conducive to bag health.
Floor may bo earthen, board or ce
ment. Fart bou floors in'iy bo damp
Mini are hard to clean. Hoard floors
are beat for portable bouses. Cement
floors are best for pMMM-ti bousee
aud may osslly be kept sanitary.
Walls should be cheap and durable,
providing warmth. Tbey should be
about Ave feet high In the rear nnd
from sis to eight feet blgb at the
front. -"f flRrtgVa. 1
The best types of roof are the A
roof, shed or gable roof.
Prepared rooflng material Is better
than shingles or tar paper.
All fixtures should be portable to per
mit of easy cleaulnic. I' man I'rngreaM.
our store tell it frankly.
We welcome justifiable
"kicks." It helps us to
improve our ways. But
we think we give people
little cause to grumble.
cxase 7
-that L t