The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 11, 1915, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Ironside Di. i-mi.
(Continued From Page 8)
over Sunday at John Smith's.
Herman and Kd. Rose wont to Mal
heur the first of the week on business.
F. W. Smith is visiting his famil
in Ontario.
Mrs. S. D. Duncan and J. H. Rm?
who have boon on the sick list fo
some time, are slowly recovering.
Tarver Lawrence of Unity, Ore., I
visiting friends of this community.
Krncst Anthony went to BfOffM o
Thurstlay after some thoroughbred
hogs, which they purchased f late
II relumed on Friday reporting the
roads in a very critical condition.
Walter LmIMWi while riding
broncho last week was unfortunate it-
letting the horse fall twice on him I
nwltlng a MftN injury n hta right !
foci, being unable to hour any Wi ir.hl
en it.
Jan Woodcock who bat been visitinjc
his family r,t liaker, return. r tl
of llie ui He was acriiiniiinii il lV
Guy Wnoihock of Malheur, who re
turned to his home on Thursday.
Ted Wisdom returned from week'
visit with his parents at Weiser on
Mrs. Alvin Busby of I'nity, who has
been visiting bar parent.'., Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Kims, returned BOOM the
first of the week.
C. Smith returned from llrogan on
Thursday, where lie had been visiting,
friends for several days.
Mrs. Win. Allen who has been in
Payette for n,ne time at the bedsidr'
of her mother, who is very low, was
railed to her home here on Saturday
to hr son Hoscoe, who was kicked by
m hon.e the first of the week and re
reived severe injuries besid.'H having
aevernl ribs broken. He is much im
proved at this writing.
Those to attend the i.,nc given at
Malheur on Friday the "26th, fron here
were Conor Young and family, Cecil
Smith anil Klmcr Molthnn. Tby re
port a very enjoyable time.
Arthur Hill made a trip to Malheur
on business the last of the week.
Ci.nm i un.i Miie ami daughter
Kter, went to Ontario on Saturday.
on business, expecting to return the
first of the week.
Coy Wise, who has been breaking n
l. -inn for Joe Allison, is Intending to .everal trips on the stuge to
initiate the new team for our Uncle
8am man. Mr. Allison is hoping to
make better time as his teams are
Ketting leg weary on account of the
I i.l roads.
k. Spring mm Opening Pfk
You are invited to our First Spring Showing of
New Spring Millinery, Ladies and Misses New
Spring Coats, New Spring Suits, and
New Spring Dresses.
All the Newest Spring Creations are here this week for your inspection.
New Wash Silks $1.00
20 pieces of beautiful, durable tub
silks; the best you have seen for $1.00,
are on sale in the silk department All
the new color combinations are shown.
Yard wide.
New shipment of Messalines and
Foulards in all colors and shades at
$1.00. 26 inches to yard wide.
New Shoes
The New Things are Here. The Good
Looking and Fitting Kind That Wear
Right; Shoes That We Know What
They are Made of and How They Wear
Dress Fashion and Your
New Corset
Skirts this season should be full at
the bottom, but fit snugly around the
hips and waist. Above the waist the
bodice should set more closely than in
the past.
You must select your Corset to gain
these lines. Yo can do so
with a "Gmsard"
Horseshoe pitching has been the
treat to the men of this place the last
week, since it is getting dry in spots.
Lanterns have been seen at 10:110 for
the benefit of the boys pitching shoe..
)..n Locey of Weiser, Idaho, who has
been at the C. T. Looey home the past
two months, took his departure on
Tuesday, where he will resume his
work again. He made the journey by
horse back, taking some young stock
with him.
ironside. OREGON.
Farmers have
March 8, 1915.
begun to MM
"What a
IWe Are Associate Distributers I
H ft .
Your pride in that comment from
a valued friend is worth all it cost
to select dining room furniture
carefully. Style counts greatly.
Quality goes deeper and counts
even more.
It is easy to have lifetime quality and artistic lines
in dining room furniture at low cost if you want it.
We have some beautiful examples now. We are proud
of them and know they will make you proud. Please
come in and let us show them tomorrow.
dnng-roomKI f?lr vWi
spring has appeared in full force.
The snow has mostly disappeared, the
meadow larks are singing and ground
squirrels are seen frolicking every
where. The farmers are perparing to
begin their spring work soon.
Edd and Herman Rose, who went to
Malheur on Monday, returned home
Thursday accompanied by Vern Gard
ner of that place, who is visiting them
at the present time.
Scott Davis anil family of Happy
Hollow were visitors of John Smiths
over Friday.
Stan Van lluren and family took
their departure for an extended visit
with relatives at Weiser, Idaho, on
Friday. They expect to move to their
homestead after their return.
Mrs. Sam Faust went to Brogan on
Thursday en route to Oregon City,
where her mother, Mrs. Freeman, is
very ill. She was accompanied by her
son, Fee.
Grandpa Gardner of Malheur City
was a week end visitor of Francis
Miss ( lain Howard finished a sue
and Ironside, which has been down glee clubs under the direction of Prof.
for some time, was put In good con
dition again on Wednesday by Will
CJuinn and Houston Asher.
Fruitland Items.
It was decided Monday that the
principal place of business of the No
ble Ditch irrigation company be moved
from Payette to Fruitland, which will
save the company considerable ex
pense for office room and secretary's
fees, and will be a great deal more
convenient for the members of the
board and also the stockholders. It
will be about a month before the move
will be completed.
Mr. George Coons and family moved
Monday to the Prestel place, south of
town, and (has. Rich and wife will
move onto the Maxfield ranch this
Mrs. Hostetler and Miss Beakley,
who have spent the winter in Penn
sylvania with their mother, who has
been ill for some time and is very
feeble, being more than 80 years of
age, arrived home last Saturday morn
cessful term of school anil moved tong. Their mother was not improving
We have just received a large assortment of high
grade pillows. Down and cnoice goose. We are go
ing to sell these at special prices for a few days.
Come in and seem them.
Ontario Furniture Co.
her home the first of the week from
Malheur. She was accompanied by
her mother and sister.
W. K. Lofton and daughters, I.illie
and Veva Lawrence, drove into Baker
on Tuesday and returned on Saturday.
The Misses Lawrence having dentistry
work done while there, also did their
spring shopping.
Miss Mabel Horton of Bonita was a
visitor of Nellie Smith the first of the
week, later going to t! . home of
Mrs. John Bioderirk where she is now
Frank Kced and son, Russ, of Cow
Valley were business visitors at Chas.
Howards on Saturday.
Kay Duncan went to the county seat
and Ontario on Saturday. He con
ducted business mutters in Vale be
fore going to Ontario.
Will Beam and family were visitors
over Sunday at W. R. Lofton.
Cecil Smih made a trip to Cow
Valley on Monday ofter grain.
Chas. Seton went to the west camp
sawmill after lumber to complete the
hotel which he is erecting. Conor
Young has been helping on the build
ing for several days.
Flmer and Tarver Lawrence who
have been in the Little Malheur river
locality the past week returned on
Saturday. They report lot of snow
in that country.
Rutherford Bros, returned from
Caldwell, Idaho on Friday.
O'Conor Young and family returned;
f iv m a brief visit to Ontario on Thurs
day. Walter Weaver of Bonita was in on
business on Saturday, having the
notary fill out some legal documents.
i 'Ian nee and Floyd Howard of Mal
!n i- were visitors over Sunday of
Chas. Howard.
but they must return to their homes.
Mr. Grant Fisher is still very sick
on account of a recent attack of meas
les. His lungs are affected.
The many friends of Mrs. Brandon
will be glad to know she is improving ! store
so she is able to sit up a little while
each day.
Carl Magni'son, who has spent the
winter in California, has written
friends here that he has attended the
exposition at San Diego and it was
grand. He also intends to visit the
San Francisco fair this spring.
Mrs. S. C. Dean who has been very
sick with pneumonia, U getting belter.
Her three little children have the mes
les at present.
The Kensington Club will meet next
Wednesday p. m. at the A. Hansel
home. Mrs. L. B. Cambpell will en
tertain. They met at the home of
Mrs. Pete Johnson last Wednesday
afternoon. On account of the rain not
many ventured out but those who at
tended had a very enjoyable time to
gether. This Friday afternoon is the reg
ular time for the Mother's Circle
meeting at the school house. These
meetings are very helpful and inter
esting. Mr. E. E. Hunter, who has been con
fined to his home all winter on ac
count of paralysis, is enjoying a visit
with his brother and wife of Brook
ville, Penn., who arrived Saturday.
They expect to stay three weeks. He
T. K. Neilson. The church was
crowded and all enjoyed a rare treat
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Russell en
tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Kennedy.
A jolly parly of neighbors and
friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Puchert
met at their home Monday evening
to help celebrate their birthdays. They
brought plenty of good things to eat
and all enjoyed a very pleasant even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Mcintosh
moved Monday into the house owned
h Mr. II R. Flack, which was va
cated by Prof. G. W. Cotton last week
when he and his family moved into
the house owned by Mr. A. H. Me
Connell, on Penn. Ave.
Th. M. F. Ladies' Aid meets this
Thursday at the home of Mrs. H. E.
Robinson, and the Baptist ladies aid
meets the same day with Mrs. Win.
Part of the merchandise for the new
store has arrived and will be put in
place as soon as the house is in read
iness. The rooms are being painted
inside and everything will look bright
and clean. Mr. Ben Bohannan, who
will have charge of the store, has
moved his family here and they oc
cupy the rooms upstairs above the
Last week Jesse Riffle got his
thumb and first finger mashed in his
new gasoline engine. It was neces
sary to have his finger amputated at
the first joint, but it is thought his
thumb will get well.
The Men's Bible Class Association
met Tuesday evening in the Epworth
Hall for a social time. Toasts and
music and an oyster supper were fea
tures of entertainment. Mr. B. Wheal
don, president of the class, was toast
master. It was a very enjoyable af
fair and those present hope for a sim
ilar meeting in the near future.
Waldo Richardson has the mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson expect to be
the next victims.
Mr. E. L. Davis shipped a carload
of wheat last week to the Caldwell
Milling Co., for $2.25 per cwt., f. o. b.
Mr. W. E. Dorthy will erect a new
house on his 160 acre ranch south of
town. He and his family will live in
the small house already on the place
while the new one is being built.
A number of the Pythian Sisters
met Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Murray Morton, for the purpose
of organizing a social club for the
reports plenty of wild turkeys and Pythian Sisters and also the other
deer and all kinds of game in the hills wives of the Knights,
near Brookville, where he, with eleven The club was named the C. M. D.
of his friends, go for a hunting and Club and will meet every two weeks,
camping trip each year. Fancy work will be taken and refre.-h-
Several of our young people at- ments will be served.
I..11.I...I th.. kirrml e.ou-ert Siiii.Iav af- I The next meetinir will be at the
ternoon at the Methodist church in home of Mrs. J. M. Conners, March
Too telephone line between Unity Payette, given by the boys' and girls' the 23rd.