The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 04, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Our first showing of the Seasons
Latest Spring Millinery Styles
Will Occur
At which tims trs will biva ready for your. IniptcUon n
beautiful line both In drtM inul tailored hats.
May v haw- I he pleasure of serving: you?
E. Cope, the only Practical Tail
or in Ontario, is the only practical
place to buy a suit made to your
order. Others try to follovfr but
don't succeed; get it here and get
the best for the least money.
Suits made to order from
$15.00 to $50.00
Tne only reliable and prompt clean
ing and pressing in the city.
E. COPE Moore Hotel Blk.
Feb. --', 1915.
For the "n ' u.i'k it Wll thought
that -pirns: had arrived i full force.
th" blrdi ainging, the squirmls made
their appearance, hut on Sunday ni?ht
ami Monda.x heavy itWW prevailed
tho valley, threatening B BW winter
l'i it Knight n rot&rned to his hoir-
at VV.stfall on Tuesday. Hfc KlUfhttfl
has beta visiting at H. M. Kuthor
Karl Lofton is very ill with mcasle.
which ho was exposed to while in On
tario. Sam Faust is hriKhtoninjj up tin
now homo of Jo-i'ph Allison by paper
mpr and painting.
Tod Wisdom loft on Wednesday for
WVisrr, Idaho, to visit his parents at
that place. Ho expects to -pond 80V
i ral weeks then before returning.
Ml i llmr VM BttK n and M
'i,n are Attained In Payette at
bedaldc of thoir mothari who li
lowly Improving,
Rev. Hai 1 1 ton p i h (
lay, i nn M ur to hold
ta) i ii mi
. tu-
mi. i '.i i nil
few da) - rlali with relatlvee,
hCl . Will M am v Ml at th '
hom of Julia Smith on Kriday,
'!i Onli i returned to hoi
I BOOM at Unity on Thursday, after a
visit with hor sister. Myrtle
HI n ton,
i t -. '. B, Boor and two little sons
roturnod on Toooday from Prultlandi
whtN thoy had boon visiting for thro
ooke, John Smith roturnod from Ontario
and Btiat on Saturday, whore ho hail
!"'i having In- cyos attondod to and
visiting his parent at Ontario.
and Mark Rutherford n
to Lmty on Monday for tho purp
buying horses.
ii.i an re o left on Thtuadaj fot
I' alloj vii I'liity, win ro ho ox
lo mako his home Mr. Lawrence
! livod in thia vicinity for a numboi
: in am! wil i ' av n r.ce ai I wife,
: . , ;; I i '
a,,,! Mill I awrence, Sam
Fail t and wife. All I ) I awn tiro and
wifo. Willi Woodco I Barl Lawronce
ami wifa, oiivo El Herbert Law
n iv .'. Travor Millon I' Ima, JeaM Law
rence, Jim Backer, Bill Beam and wifo.
tr ami Mar I awronre. Houston
A hor ami wifo. Mn Beam and fain
y, Myrtlo Lawrence, Tom Hoam. Ik
Dean, (ius Lawrence In all thoro
wore fifty-six guest -
Mrs. S. D. Dum an i- on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Bon .lonos arc at thoii
homo again aftor being at tho hodsido
of J. fl. Koro, who has boon ill tho
past month. Ho atJ improved but not
recoven d.
(01 il Smith went to Hrogan on Mofl
day. He will visit several days with
.loo Rood before returning.
v Fowler returned from nrognn
on Thursday with a load of freight
foi W. .1. Hmton.
Jap Woodcoch returned from B
on Monday, where ho had boon for
two v.
.' w. I ii, ij ha -: I ; ii"
nlta to A. R, at' lo, pu
p :n o. Mr, Zat hei
' I in tho Hall build
Mr. Llndsa; i aUng arrangen I
. n i " iih a ihow troop,
.1 by othen from that place,
Millinery Opening
Saturday March 6th
You are cordially invited to call.
Ontario, - - Oregon
ike Dean
n turned to Weatfatl on
Tho home Is the greatest contribu
tion of won i 11 to tin' world, and tho
bearthetoM is hor throao, our io
clal Htriirturo Is built around lor, and
ro i.ii MKmiMiuiiii'i, ij, in ii, r eiuina1. ,
Hor beaatifal Ufa nnhis tho Bkk
hope and lor refinement Is the i harm j
of twentieth centun clrlllaatlon. Her
Feb. 2.t. 1MB,
r'ruitlnnd will have a now store in
tho building now hcing vacated, where
('. H. Sargent had his store. Mr. A. L
(iorham of Payette will put in a
hranrh store of (rroeeries and gencrul
merchandise, similar to the one he has
In Payette, it will bo in chaise of hi-
con-in law, Hon Hohannan, who will
move his family here to make their i from
Rare bayen were in this neighbor
hood la t week buying horses for tho
I Tench armv.
The sale at Shirley Klagabufry'l
last Monday waa not very well att mi-
For Health and crop Insurance use
It d? troys gnin BUlilt, potato scab
and other fungous diseases
Of yean and loaves many friends who ad an nooownt of bud weather that day.
I mi that reaeon thinjrs did not brirtf
aa good i. i hey should.
v. ill mlsi hie
Prank Kims of Unit waa a wick
ttd visitor at W. .1. Hinton's. roturn-
"i o mi Monday.
.link Howurd. little son of Cha
H to Ontario on W(
daj to visit with his grandparent,
Mi. and Mr. S. M Molthi.n.
Kr.'iios and hor lim'ir are the eiimii. and
lain ! products of c .'Moral Ion of
queenly conquest, and her crown of
exalted weeaaahood is faweM with
tho wisdom of hiiiiitiy mothers. She
has been a Kreat fnetor In tho alory
of our country, ami lor noble achieve
menta should not bo marred or li.r
hallowed Intluencn bllhted by th
coarser duties of citizenship Ameri
can chivalry should never permit her
to bear the burdens of defending and
maintaining government, but should
preserve her unsullied from the allied
Influence! of politics, and protect her
th welahty responslhlllflca of
tho aordld affairs of life that will
crush lor idcaltt and lower hi r Maml
ardi. The motharhood of tho farm
Ii our Inspiration, she . the guardian
of our doniestlo WOifBfe and a gnide
to a higher life, but directing the at'
fair of goveriiment la not within wo
man's sphere, and political gossli
would cause her to uegltct the bom,,
forget to meu'i our clothes and burn
the bUcults.
We need social centers whom our
young people i an be -nf nalned.
nimisiii ami UiHtructeil mid, i thl Ai.
roctlon of cultured, clean Bad rnn.
peteal It iderahlp, where a, !i,0n,
iiToiilidlnus stir the hive f, ,r th
In aiitl'nl. where art charges th,. gj,
mosphoro with Inspiration and nofjgj
and liuioioiit nniiietiietits Itistrad
brighten their lives.
I.: noiii our ouug people on the
farm we must makn farm life tnon
allt.ictUc as well as tho business g(
farming more remuueratlv' Th
school house should bo the social unit.
properly equipped for nourishing mil
building character, so that the llvrgirf
our people cm properly function
nround It and become supplied with
the necessary elements of human
thought nnd activity.
Education Is a dovoloplnjr or the
mind, not a Mulling of the nittmorr.
Digest what you read.
Did men aavo visiotia, young ran
havo dreama. Successful farnitrt
deep while sluggard, sleep
Mr. H. K. Boomer, who owns the
finest Holstt in dair) In rd In this pur'
of the country, lias purcluued a Hin-J
man milking machine.
The W. C T. L'. meet- this ThtUa-l
ia afternoon at the borne of Mrs. O.
('. Stout.
Height of Mcnnnesa.
Jinks lie Hi-ttbii $i,iii.i.iiii n tbi
count and the cu.-. wonl orea play
poker with him. so's he ran get a lit
tle back New York Qloh.
The ii . , i i , ,if ii,,. Pruitland
Waller Mcliarn, who received a .-,
injun on hi left foot while hi Id
I injr dehorn cattle at the IJuthorford grange who were able to uttend the
Broa.i some two weeks ago. is yet on
crutchea, it is belloead the leaders
w.i. tarn loeaa la the foot as it is so
Everhart Drug Company
I FOUR .. in .. ONE I
I mi li Dtisn inn.K triiKS fO ONI POUND PACKAGI 0
J i
tioldcn Kill- liuUfr is made from i'l'KK PAS
S li:iKI!:i) CREAM. It wachea you in a Dust S
I'i-.l,iI I ktm DaaeiA V...,t i ... ....1.1 D
i itini .aii i i n i . .i .ii a i .1 v ' l i i i ? t-
f litlll Illlh'S til ,1111' tlilllllil
PM sai.k u Hint Qgocn
g lemma Creamery Co. Mfgs. t
5r Xtimiiit. iiiniii) B
Pgaaoauu ArretrrtoN Qivbn to Ku Pumbbaij CaiuAaavaaaa
I'lti'MI'll l Ou NiUHl
I'hniu- B4w
Oniarii), Oragoa
I' 0 W.Li'iigi v.. m Port. W Gowan. who hat been apend.
land. Sunday. lr. ami Mi lot tho winter la Portland, paaaed
l,e n u p opi 'ioi.- of tl Ontario through here the first o( the w k on
in- u.a tu Bui ii.
proi Ing,
May Hcaiu ami daughter Hossio
Ashei, aren i ita al Julia Bmltha
Satin, lav .
Mabel Horton baa bean rialtlng
'al, the pa-t three an . U
turned to her homo nt Lo
Curl liiele of Ontario p
Igh on Sunday to Unity, where hi
d with I. latin 11, tat..-, thi
roaila are In ears bad condition.
Davt i ' i hanan received a sever
cut in the face on Sunday, while aepa
ratlnfl tmk at the UOCO) homo. II.
ran into a barbed aiia fi'iice, receive I
tin cut, lo .il several teeth and wa
unconaeioui for everal minutes.
Houaton Aahar and wife apeni Bun
da) at O'Conor Young's.
i Bmithi arho has been nadji r the
dortor'a care ai Ontario for some tin
being treated for appendicitia, return
ed home on Friday, but owing ti. In i
slov Improving and haiag aapeaed to
the meaalei the returned on Monda)
Her little -on Elton is very ill nith
Bunday achoal has been poatpoaiul
initil the roads are improved and
. Uthl r la bettor.
V i ' B bj and on Clai. iu
ta at the Jim I
i M B th- ami Rimer Molthan
. rov t" die of hydrophobl
lust week also aevedal rabid coyote
have baea killed iii the aoighhorhood.
I trge 1 1 uwd assembled togi thi i
on Wt dnoada) evening and gave a sin
pri-e part) at the home of Mis. Quinn
The evening araa spent w dancing,
Bamlwichea, cake and coffee were
rved Bl a late hour after win.
reported an enjoyable time and d,
tO attend wore: (ha-.
BoOl and wife, t; y 'ie. CU
Howard. Don I ., , , I'rme I ocey ae.l
I I lth .i If. Tyler, I
x I and wife, Stan Van Huron.
May, t'i. a.- Seton, Waltei Hin
I'omonu k-iaiiKi- at New I'lymouth last
Thurada) evening were fortunate. Dr. I
o. k. Sisson, commiaaloner of adncai !
tion hum n ad i Our P
Educational Problema Including Bemi
Issues Before the 1 1 gl latara Man)
t m Dr, Blaien'a
work nnd wen- (tad to hear direct
from him what h. i- doing,
Fridu) ' m ning of th . I . b.
- i the date of the laat number (
the lectun it will be given bj
a trio, two reader- and an imp, i-,.i,
ator, a ..oii time It aatk Ipated
Mra I baa. Miller from North f
Payette araa gueet al Ike E. Hunt
er hoio. the latter part ol la-t week,
returning to her home Sunday evening.
Mis. Win. Joins, who ha- been in
Him-. BOVeral weeks takiiiK treatinenl.
is better and is expecting to ionic
home this week.
About fortyftV0 members of the
Ifethodial Ladiee1 Aid Bociety attend-!
ad the -onal afternoon meeting held
at the home of .Mrs. ). I. Inward and
her daughter Mrs. T. R. N'eil.-on, la-t
Thurada) afteraeeai They had pre
paud a delightful YYunhinirton pro-
graai and refreshments were -erved.
Ml- A. ('. (tourers, dles-ed in eoloni.'il
roatumi . gave talk aa rffhrnlal times
the could rememher hack aeventy
five eais. Mr.-. HnUaaach gave
talk about aft Vernon. She had vi-it
ad there .-everal timea duriag her tta
in Wraahington, i C Rev, C, R Heal
gavt a talk on Qaorge Vaahington.
Mii.-ii alto wa.- a feature of th. pro
gram, A large cake la the cental ol
the autiag table was decorated with
flags and cherries and on ea. h .-ide of
Um tai.ii an M caadlea la candleatickf
All preaeat aajayad a very pltaaanl
Poultry Wanted!
I will be in Ontario Tu- sday, February
9th, and will buy your Poultry at mar
ket price. I will also be in Ontario
Tueeday of each week, througli Bpring
and summer. Will make headquarters
at American Kx .less. I Dee IKHSK
H. K. Ruaaell made bueinea
to Caldwell and Balaa Baturday. re-
turnnifr Sunday morning.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. K. l'io.-t ha.- a severe , old and
I'raiui.- baa the mea.-le.-.
0 i Dickeraon, editor of the Parana I
v, paaaed through Ontario foa
day morning aa hia ara) home froi
Vale, where he had been taking tr. at
meiit In the hot ipxinga.
t-J111 3, ,tav fo i
Wl l'irj nV 1 BKr m. 1 1 1 lf vV J
Q0ME people extend invitations to the THIEF AND HOLDUP MAN.
W They carry on their persona or in their hornet large turns of money.
A CHECK BOOK is of no use to the profession ,1 thief Still, a
check tt AS GOOD AS CASH to the tradesman or for the immediate
houaehold wants If you haven't a bank account
The Ontario National Bank
. Iu Ml It,-;ut of lead with a number one vital
right. ill wi Myvhere from 10 to 60 tort Half
esh. rwo miles aotith of Ontario liafiptreertup.
J. J. DIESS, Ontario, Ore. Box 51