The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 18, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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AT HORNERS BAKERY you can get a Steak or Chops
at any hour in the clay. We have opened a Short Order
Cafe in connection with our Bakery.
Now that flour is high we are selling more Kream Knist
Bread every day. Once tried always used. Ask your gro
cer for a loaf of Kream Krust when ordering your groceries.
.. Z ' ' '
.'''" Ojs
Ucnls mill I'lilrnts.
nicd in Hi' eouat) 'iiis niiifi
n. .in K. I.. v. to !- b, 19, l16:
i . s . in Siinnii ! i: BlftJ lock
Nil of sv,. si'. sw4. ji;-ji-j7,
Oct B, i!'i
I. H. A. to
SW, N',.
SI ',. 2B-21-37
Siiiiniii I Blayloeft
Ki li NKV. NWfc
Auis. 14, i i
Ihiviil N. Turner to Samuel K.
Illaylock K'i NK",. HW'4 KV, 34;
NWV4 NWH, :tr.-2l-27. IBM 10, Itltl
H, too,
niiin.ii McOIbbIi i rlr. tu tay
nard Redmond NW'4 Hi IM0-40,
Her Hi, Hill. $1.'
Slate if Orewn '" Maud Wham
bcrger SW'i NV',. W' s'. 2:i
I7-4C,, Dee. 4. 1914; $700.
J. I- JB4Mi m W. II. Snyder H'4
flit NK HKK. 24-18-46, .Inn. If,
lilt; $i,r.r.o.
I f On infix el ux to I, I' Jensen
', intciiM In t NK'4 flKl. .'4 is
4. Jan. :to. I i i r. . $i.
I l .l.tiHin in I V I'm-neOx V4 In
terest In N NK'4 HK4, 24-18-46.
.Ian. .'Hi. 1011; $1
Northern Pacific
.Inhn 0 M Unnni'll
23: lot 2 Her I :' I
.Ian. ir.. MO 1001
tiiovcr C. Kiel well el inc. to J. K.
McDonnell lnts 12 3-4. KMi 8V4.
1014) ft.
I.. Jessie May ljr
NK'. :i:.-3-i!. Fell.
Hallway Co. to
nw, si-:",, :c-
all In i. in-..' 41.
Ml It, Auk. II,
.lanien M. Good
in- KV4j NK'
I. 1011) II.
I'. H. A. to Jacob r
8W4, SW HKW. 2-:
I I 2
V. 8. A. to Chaa. M
yiBOBtl H1H
27-4fi. Mflt :'.'..
Merrill KVfc
9EM i SW, HW. : .WV', NV',.
I 10, May tOth, 1011.
i.K'iii c. Viaerat in Harry f,
I .oo in m;i IWHi KWIi sk',. If
II 10, .Inn. If, 1010; 11,000,
I'. S. A. to I). II. PBBtOB WHi
N I.".-in. Nov. 12. 1914.
OrSBBB l-'rult (.ami Development
I'h. In TTBBtBM of Willow River I'ur-
iliiiHi si:', ski, or .i,. H i i
Nov. i!7. Mill; l.
OlBfJM 1'iiilt I. mill Development
Co. to Trustees of Willow River Pur
chase SK1, 4-Hi-i:'.: SK'-i NW',.
: i 12: 8K'4 NW14, R NK'4
KWfl, NWW SKM NWHi 3ii-l."-42,
Jan. 21. lOlfj II.
(). K. Stevenson et ux to May M.
I'liincv Ixits II to L'n, Mock 134, On
tario. Jan. 27, lOIOl 110.
O. K. Sifvennon et ux. to May M.
I'lnney Ixita 4-5-6. block 108, On
lailo. Jan. 27, 19ir.; 10.
unnon Valley l,anil Co. to J. W.
Smith MUt SKtt. 29-32-41. Auk. 8.
miii. 1000,
William A. Carter to Henry I).
jHlrilHHll- N4. 8W4, K'a K' SK.
alt In sw4, 4-21-46, Jan. 22, 1010 1
l,ollle I,. Ward to llerlnule K. How
'aril v Intereat In Iota I anil 4, Mock
1(1 loin 2-:i, block K Martini Short
piai or si:1 m:'4
1010; II.
i .... 'I'. II.
M V.i. -II. ill I ...I I.
Kelt 17. IIM.'i; I2.MI
t'iiniilalntN III..! UniiiiL' Meek.
J. H. Illackaby and W. K. LBM vh.
Killlh V. I, in. in H.rnMiy of rent;
. r W
' rsu J
. -''
k"VV' - '.
m&& i
Wt' JT v. h"wiiii. p. r- - ' J
Pholo by AlHWtOM I'r Aorltlon
The Maine Memorial, dedicated In
Arlington Cemetery February 15 to
the memory of the aailora who perish
ed on the battleship.
4-18-47. Feb. U
et ux
I. lot k
) William
. WcHtfall.
M. A. Schmidt Arretted In New York
After a Search of Four Yeara.
New Vurk II, A Si bmiilt, obJiTt
of a world wld" Hcnrch lnr more than
four yriirH. In riiiiiii'illiui with the dy
iiamttliiK f the Los Angles TIiiuh.
whh arrcHtcd here. Detective William
J. Ilurnn. who, with Detective Captain
William 8. Devy, of the New York po
lice department, made tbe arreat, an
aerted that Si bmldt admitted hla Iden
tity a few mlniitcH after he waa taken
Into euatody.
s. iimuli wan taken on a fugitive
warrant. According to Murna, he la
rliarni'd with being one of the three
men who BBBOJM i'"1" pounda of dyna
mite with which the newspaper plant
waa ruined and 21 persona carried ti
their deaths.
Fanny Croaby Is Dead.
lin i-.i port. Conn. Funny Croaby,
writer of KdOO sacred songs, died In
her home here. 8he was paat ' yeara
old and had been blind since Infancy.
Hmrys Manager Is Now His Wlf.
Los Angeles -Frauds J. Honey,
progressive candidate for the United
Showing of New Fabrics
I 45C ReiiuUr OtMSJalMll pric. C
TllifatH ' '' 2.00 i 60 "" 5k7lfi'
lKllfl Cro,, r, v. .11 collect th. diffor-ncc Irom ut ibJf.W'
al k iqcn your ohder below JKT
V ft. H.nJ to our " d.livrrmn k Br
Malheur Mercantile
We have on display a large assortment of New
Voiles, Organdies and Crepes, special priced from
10c. to 48c. per yard.
Large range of patterns in Percales. We sell
the best Percale made for 12 l-2c. per yard.
Our gingham stock is now complete for your inspec
tion. Foile du Nord Ginghams 12 l-2c. per yard.
Cameo Oinghams 10c. per yard.
See our new stock of Laces and Embroidery before
making your spring purchase.
We carry the SPHINX BRAND of Ladies Muslin
Underwear, which is noted for its fine shirr fabrics
and dainty designs.
Gowns 69c, to $8.89 Drawers 39c. to 98c.
Combination $1.18 to $1.89 Corset Covers 23c. to 89c.
sii.t. m senate In California, at the last
election, and Mrs. Kdna Van Winkle.
hla campaign manager, were married
Guadalajara Fails Before Villa's Msn.
KI I'aso, Texas. Guadalajara, the
aecond largest city In Mexico, was
captured by tbe troops of General Vil
la, according to advices reuchlng the
Villa headquarter here.
Golden Rule Store
Wheat Club. 1.4; bluestem 11. BO;
red Husslau. 11.41'; forty-fold, ll.&U;
red fife. 146.
Ma KuHtern Uregou timothy, $16;
grain hay, $11'; alfalfa, 13; valley Urn
othy. 112.50.
Butter Creamery, :tl'c.
Kggs Candled, L'5c; ranch, 24e.
Hops 11)14 crop. UltBi l913 ""P.
Wool Valley, 23c; eaatern Oregon,
Wheat Hlu.-8t.iii. $1 50; club 11.48;
red Russian, fl it; turkey red, 11.44,
fort fold, 1.40i fife. $1.46.
Ilurli $.17 per ton.
Hay - Tltnothx. $16 per ton; alfalfa,
$14 per toil.
Hutter Creamer), 32c.
The houae has appropriated ! mm
for the L'matllla reclamation project,
and $377,000 for the Klumatb pro,, t
Twenty five thousand do iurs hus been
appropriated for fire protection of
landa Involved In the Oregon ft Cal
ifornia land grant suit.
George Isackson, of Portland, haa
received the contract for the erection
of the postofflce building at The Dal
les, at a price of 179,651. The con
struction will be of aaudstoue. The
building will be two stories above a
basement 74 by 78 feet.
The succeaa of the Powder River
Gold Dredging company In Its opera
tion of dredges In the Sumpter dis
trict, has led to the adoption of this
means of saving tbe values at aeveral
old placer properties, Including that
at Gold Center in the Sumpter district
Taking the remarks or an 1. W W
speaker as an Insult to Americans. M.
J i'arcels, a aoldier from Vaucouver
barracks, knocked the speaker from
his atand at Fifth and Alder atreets
In Portland and started a small riot
which waa only quelled by the timely
arrival of the police.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
attraited by the frenhncHs and beauty
of Doris and decides to lure her t
New York and then make use of her
In the crooks' nefarious schemes, lie
pt'oie-.i. violent love for her and pro
noaes marriage ami Dm is consents.
There Is a pretty ending to the
atory when Will Ijike, a mining man
who has rescued Doris and who, to
1 ! liruli ln it I r..i inn, . has i.i. n l,
the church a presuit of a beautiful
organ, pays a visit to Doris and ber
father, und a love romance, the seejK
cf which were set when she Inno
cently acted aa a decoy, la happily
The director, James Young, haH
mude a splendid picture story out of
i.iitu i complicated material und with
a cast of exceptional ubility has been
able to obtain a series of (hi tiling and
well acted scenes. The part of Doris,
although the direct antithesis of
Lola," presents Clara Kimball Young
In a character of much charm, sweet
ness and simplicity which is bound to
win her much praise.
Considerable building activity la ex
pei-ted la l.ebane.1 tbla summer.
Linn county expended $161,943 6 In
Improvement of Its highway during
The Hood River comaiarclal club '.
Interesting itself In the improvement
of a city park. .
A short course for Klamath county
farmers and their wives Is to he held
the week of Pebruary 22 to 27
Bids for the construction of the
1122,000 IVndleton poatofrlce will be ,
opened at Washington, D. C , March
Fully 1000 men. represent! Ifta re
tall interests of the whole state of i
Oregon, met In Portland Monday to
attend the annual convention ol tbe
Retail Merchants association
Seven tons of acclimated seed corn
will be distributed to Oregon farmers
along the lines of the O. W H ft N
company, commencing March 1, hy C.
L. ("Parmer"i tinilth of that compauy .
Are Your Hands Chapped?
Does The Wind Make
Your Skin Feel Rough
And Dry? . ...
Arch Toilet Cream
Will Give You Relief
Your Money Back if it Fails
Evehart Drug Company