The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 18, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Corner Drug
W. Gardner went to Nyssa Tues-
Hen Crummett went to Welser Mon
day. L. J. Aker returned lant Friday from
La Grande.
Mrs. D. E. Baker arrived Tuesday
from Portland.
Arthur Moody wan in Ontario the
first part of the week.
Mrs. W. W. Letaon returned yester
day from her trip in the East.
For Sale or Trade -A Mortgage.
Box 412. Ontario. ti-tf ,
MYa. A. W. Athey went to Parma,
Wednesday, for a few daya Tisit.
Mrs. I,. A. Adam went to Boise,
Stater Auirustine returned to Callfor.
nia thin week.
WANTED Furnished house-keeping
rooms or furnished house. Address
C ogre Argus Office.
Dressmaking done by Mr Strickland
and' Mi a Owens. Phone T?9N1 A-2tp
Miss Ethel Hyslop visited over Sun
day: with her parents on Dead Ox flat.
McDowell saves you mehey onatoveaN
and furniture at the big Second Hand
Stee. j (
J. B. Rawlea waa arrested Monday
fined $25 dollars for whipping his
eighteen year old dauebjej. a
A good many Individuals bought
horses for their own 'nao fur Ing the
Inspection here Oils' week. ,
AH kinds of stove and furniture re
pairing at McDowell's Second Hand
Mrs. Ashford and ber little
John were Ontario visitors from
ladt Thursday.
FOR SALE Cheap. - Good young
stallion of Belgian breed. Also some
Address box 467, Ontario. tf
Heavy work horses, 4 '
to 7 years old. Henry Hansen, Pay
ette. Idaho. 6-4t-p
Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels for
sale $1.00 each. Clarence
Fruitland, Idaho.
When going away, trade
...... a. ..IT
- .
for a trunk at McDowell's Second hand
The steel gang are removing the steel
on the first bridge north of town and
replacing it with new. This is done
without interfering with traffic.
, Far Sale One Jersey cow. Also
pan of young mare mules broken to
work. Phone 2722. t.
First claas alfalfa hay for sals. De
livered in town. Phone J. J. Dillard,
Phone No. 204-N-4. tf
Miss Knight the Deaconess of the
Episcopal church, will be in Ontario
this week and will hold services Sun
day evening in the Odd Fellow's hall.
In publishing the list of directors !j8 to have a new postmaster. Wesley
of the Commercial club last week we ' A. Blow la the new man appointed and
mado u mistake in putting in H. C. an u,, well pleased over the postmas
Whit worth instead of K. G. Bailey. ter general's selection.
To trade Good residence property in
u fine Idaho town for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 033, Ontario,
Oregon. 4-tf
Case of Atkinson vs. Dennison was
tried in the justice court Monday and
a verdict was returned in favor of the
For Sale Pure bred
mouth Rock Cockerels.
Payette, Idaho, R. F. D. 1
young Ply-
L. F. Shaw,
Phone 12-21
The Malheur Home Telephone com
pany have a new wire chief. A. V.
Robinson, who has been here for
some time resigned and Oscar Kline
i of Boise is now In charge.
Lost A horse blanket, brown with red
stripes, between Main street and hos
pital. Finder please return to Harness
Shop. C. W. Wood.
J. T. Mcrfulty Is building himself a
residence in the uorthwest part of
town. It will have six rooms and a
bath and is being built by George Mc
Lane. B. E. Dunton and niece. Mias Eva
Haines, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Magill Sunday evening They
were returning from Boise to their
tome at Drewsey.
Mrs. Win. Kime returned to West
.fall, Wednesday. She has been visit-
ing at Cambridge and with her father
Mr. McErroy, whfjis in Ontario at pres
ent. puk 8AL.E one wagon 3-inch, one
set harness, two horses 6 and 7 years.
John Goodman, Ontario, Ore. 2tp
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bailey left last
Tuesday, Feb. 9th, for I-o Angeles.
Here they will Join Mrs. Bailey's par
ents and two sisters and the party
will tour California.
FOR SALE 4 HI' Fairbanks
Morse gasoline engine, almost new,
with Caldwell water lifter, rapacity 60
inches 18 feet high. Also new feed
grinder. At a bargain. P. O. box 25S,
Ontario, Ore. 7-4tp
Mrs. R. Mandell and son of Chicago
bought ten acres of land west of
town of M. O. McKndree last week.
Monday the purchaaers moved on to
their land and took up active real
Rev. and Mrs. Harry Mayes of
Nampa were In Ontario Saturday and
8unday. Mra. Hayes went to Payette
,Monday morning for a few daya' visit
ana Kev. Hayes returned to ampa
Monday noon.
Wilson Hros.' grocery have been
fortunate in securing the service of
Clay Miller of Union. Mr Miller has
been werkin hi ,1' business af Cam
bridge and Is recommended highly by
men who know him.
I" W. Vanderveer and family of
came t
Pine Creek, Ore., have been vlaitln
wlth Tboroaa Arnold. He came here
i) meet (his father, who I
kres in the
; this winter
east and has been visiting
In California. They left for Pine
Creek Wednesday morning.
Conductor and Mrs. Kayu arrived
last week from Hem Francisco where
the) hnirt been spending a vacation.
While there. they paid s visit to 'the
son of John l.undiiiKbam of this city
on board the. "Oregon." .Tayry fay
the young man la very happy abd con
tented. J. W. Thompaon received a telegram
Wednesday conveying the sad newa of
the dettn of "Ms brother. Matthew
Thompson, of Med ford. " The death
came as the result of an operation per
formed uho first of the year. Mr.
Thompson left Wednesday evening for
Paul Davis, of the Idaho Power and
Liirht Company, formerly the Beaver
River Power Co., was in town this
week. He states that his company haa
started construction work from Cald-
U...1I to inriiiiii I.. I Itit'.ri.i
I T.V.. .,wpl B.u. J WW wv......f v. r..v...v
He states that hia
poses to give much
rates iri
than those existing in Ontario at
For Hale.
Seed Corn and Potatoes. 90 dsys
Golden Jewel Yellow Dent, a heavy
yielding corn and fully acclimated.
Netted Gem and Idaho Rural Seed Po
W. B. GILMORE, Payette, Idaho.
Kit. rt..n lias Postmaster.
Word has been received from Wash-
inKton. D. C, this week that Klverton
Baptist Church.
Every service since the closing of
the Tabernacle meetings has been
crowded. Both Sunday evenings
btunding room was a premium. There
has been an addition of 45 new mem
bers to the church since the close of
the meetings; M were baptised Sun
day evening, the 7th. and eight last
'Sunday evening.
Last Thursday evening a social waa
given at the church for the new mem
bers. Two hundred and forty sat
down at the tables and feasted on the
good things the ladles had prepared
for them.
Topics for next Sunday, the 21st:
11 a. in . "The Exultation or tne
Cross;" 7:30 p. m., "Making the Hour
Run." This address will be illus
trated; B. Y. P. I services at 6;iQ
p. m . Sunday school at 10 a. m.
To all these services tne public lu
cordially invited
The efficiency institute at the Bap
tist church Thursday anu rriaay. oi
last ween was well attended and much
enjoyed by all. Rav. W..H. Bauler of
Boise. Idaho. Rev. O. C. Wright of
Portland, Rev. A. B. Mlniker of New
Plymouth. Idaho, and Miss Gresham
of Boise were the speakers.
They endeared their hearers to ifcew
by their strong enthusiastic speeches,
and many got a different view of1 the
enlarged work of the hingsJam of
Jesus Christ by their visit to us.
D. E. BAKER. Pastor.
J. H. Hill went to Emmett Monday.
Box Davis of Vale was in town Tues
day. FURNTBHED room for rent. Mrs.
Dickson, Villa Park. 7-2tp
Mr. and Mrs.
Nyssa Tuesday.
Lester Ernest went to
Hill's Pharmacy for
lates in box and bulk.
fresh choco-
Charles Davis
ferry a few days.
was up from Olds
visiting his parents.
Prescriptions promptly filled by ex
pert druggists at Hill's Pharmacy.
Miss Pearl
visiting with
Wilton of
her sister.
Mrs. J.
Your lady friend would appreciate a
box of fresh chocolates. Hill Phar
macy. Mrs. W. F. Smith of Ironside re
turned home Wednesday after a' visit
In Ontario.
FOR BALE Team horses, weight
about 2800, coming ft and 6 years.
Well broke. Phone 112 R. tf
Bring your prescriptions here. Your
doctor knows It will be filled right
with drugs of . the highest potency.
Hill's Pharmacy.
FOR SM.K Kitrj quality Blue
Stem seed Wheat. '.' Ifi per hundred.
Two and a half roll west of New
Plymouth. Tel. 10-13. C. Mercer. 4tp
Mrs. Hold.' Draper .or Vale-passed
through here Wednesday morning on
her wav to Weisr to.vfsH her daiiah
ter. Mrs. Frank Giulianis
WANTED A party to deer! plow,
levsl and seed to alfalfa our ten-acre
tract on Vale road Just southwest of
He.nn's house I nvnila Park addition
to Ontario. Interatate Land and I mn
company, Boise, Idaho. 7-Jt
The Ontario doctors reeognlie our
superior facilities and ability for nil
ina their prescriptions. Hill's Phar
NJrTand Mrs. C. N. -Wilton an
dsugBter are visaing wfTh MY
MraJ H. Hill, r Mr. TWlltnn I
brother of Mrs. Hill. They have beet)
visiting In Cslifornla during the wig
ter snd are on their way home to tCI
gln, Neb.
The Salem Nursery company.
Salem. Oregon, have to offer a splen
did line of 6 to 7-foot Carolina poplar
trees, valuable for wind breaks. Ilea
sonable prices snd shipment free of
freight charges. The value of wind
breaks Is universally known. Write
ua fro prices. 7-6t
Oh February 26 the afternoon will be
given over to programs. The first will
be s talk by the field aecretary of the
state and the second the regulsr pro
ram of the literary aociety and the
third the parent-teachers meeting.
Parents sre urged to sttend.
Trent Johnaon traded one hundred
and tmenty acres of land out on the is
land by the fish hatchery for the half
block between Colorado and Wyoming
streets, owned by Ted Butler and son,
Will Butler. This property consists of
the ten lots fronting Oregon street on
which stands the Ontario Livery barn
ami i be brick blacksmith shop and If.
worth about fifteen thousand dollars.
Leonard and Dnne Kerahner tlef
school last meek to go with their parents
to Homedale where they expect to work
on the farm uutill next fall when they
will again enter school.
The classes in History and English are
having debates of late with the tesult
that Seniors and faculty members are
being interviewed at regular intervals
and their opinions determined.
Basketball season closed with the game
at Caldwell last Friday evening for our
team and attention has now turned to
track. At the first rail for candidates
Mr Williams had adelegation of nine
teen men and many who intend to turn
out were unable to attend this first
meeting. The vacant room in the base
went has b-en cleaned and will be used
as a dressing room for the track team
Mr. Clemo ie organising a baseball
team to be composwd of high school boyfc
who do no track work and grade boy.
The High School is laying more stress
on track work this yesr aa there are
more and better tripe in view.
A new organisation haa been added
to the list of high school Societies by
the name of the "Nut Club." Several
of the mot' prominent students are
embers and take an active part in tkw
clubs affairs
v The Argus is always pleased
to receive advance notices of so-
clety events that have not been
printed, also news of those that
hsve taken place. The latter
should be in the office not later
than Wednesday noon.
Mrs. Newton was hostess to the
Carnation club last week. Mrs. Wood
won the honors.
The Bridge club was entertained
last week by Mrs. Eraser. Her house
guest, Mrs. Gilbert, won high honors.
The 8. snd C. club will meet Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30 at the home oA,. Krw(on Mrg, .,ohn Womli
Mrs A. M. lackey.
Mrs. Chas. Peterson wss hostess to
the Carnation club last Friday. Mrs.
whitworth won the prise.
The Bridge club met at the home of
Mrs. Prlnstag on Main street Tuesday
djfternoon. Mrs, Whitworth won the
) The "Collealans." which wer title
gs the fourth number on the Lyceum
urse, were exceptionally good and
ell appreciated by all who attended.
, : . t . . ,, , .
Mrs. Ofirftn wss hostess to the
Ulvet Bridge eltib last week at her
ttritlim Main Street Mrs. Oowdy had
blgt score. ,
The Music Club will meet this week
frith Mies Hasel Lackey. A McDowell
...! II. .1. . Ill I j t -
end Bach program will be rendered
.the members of the club.
ladles' Guild of the Presby
rifurch met last week at the
tf The
" hrlfcn
FEBRUARY 18th, to 25th.
:-: Topsy Hosiery :-:
We've set aside seven days beginning today as Friend
Making Week for Topsy Hosiery.
In other words, every man woman and child in this
community are cordially invited to come in and get
better acquainted with the superior quality, wear-resisting,
Special Prices will prevail throughout Topsy Week on all grades of this
Famous Hosiery, as an inducement to get our many friends
and customers to give Topsy Hosiery a fair trial.
MXmIjEj vvith every four pai
purchased. This
pair of 25c. hose in
ladies and children.
50c. Ladies black silk boot hose 25c
50c. Ladies all silk heavy hose 39c
nj CICC IIATF. A" Topsy Hose is dyed in pure vegetable dyes, which preserves the yarn in
iLLflOL nUIL. stead of rotting it, aa it does when acid dyea are used.
Vegetable dyes do not injure or poison the feet Neither do they
burn or stain the feet. So if for no other reason than this, you
should wear Topsy Hose.
W. T.
home of Mrs. Chapman. The next
meeting will be held February' 25th.
at Mrs. Eraser's.
The Ladies of the Methodist Church
will give a social this evening at the
old band hall in honor of the new mem
bers. A musical program will be ren
dered, the greater part being given by
the Ontario band.
The Oregon club Is to be congratu
lated for being Instrumental In bring
ing the Hallowell Concert company
here last Friday evening. Each and
every member was an accomplished
musician and It was a musical treat
to be remembered by all. The solos
were especially enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Eraser were at
home to a few of their friends Monday
night. The evening was passed play
ing 500, after which delicious refresh
ments were served. First and second . ia f,.. lli., wero awninil in
snd Dr. Prinxing snd Mr. Newton won
the gentlemen's prises.
A Valentine party long to be remem
bered by their friends, waa given by
Mr. and Mrs. 8taples st their home
Saturday evening. The gueeta were
entertained at ftOO and refreshments
were served st the close. of the evening-
Honors were won by Mrs, Morton
snd Mi Sbinii The Invited guests
were: Messrs. Holcomb, lim Smith.
Will Fiser. Lee Flser. Murray Morton.
W. R. Hhlnn. Mrs. Verrtoh Phsmbers
and Mrs. Caldwell.
. ,
The Oregon Club has bees vary for
tunate in securing Mrs. Childress aa
dancing instructor. Mrs. Childress has
taught correct dancing st the Multno
mah Club, Hill's Military Academy and
8t Helen's Hail in Portland, and Jvas
I . .. . . . 5 .
just recently finished an engagement
in Payetiss jsrhere she had a claas of
one hundred and ten.
Tuesdsy night st the . Qregon Club
there were forty-three present. Tie
every Mothers tiv
the store mens will buy more.
Mens heavy work box blk or tan '.ic
Mens colored Holeproof socks, one
pair free with
lessors are given Tnesday and Friday
nights from 8:30 to 10:80. . .j
The home of Mrs. Ura Campbell was
the scene of much gaiety Saturday
evening when her daughter Miss Violet
and Miss Opal Farley entertained a
number of young people at a Valentine
party. The rooms were prettily dec
orated, the living room in red and tie
dining room in pink carnations and
ferns. Card games, guessing contests
and music amused the young people and
refreshments were served at the close
of the evening. Mrs Campbell was
assisted by Mrs. Adam, Mrs. Logan,
and Mra lxng.
The invited guesta were. Misses Bes
sie Morton, Dorothy J squish, snd Mary
Carter and Messers Lynn Ringham,
Burnett Rader, Estes Msrtin and
A Isrge hand of Elks went through
Ontario Wednesday morning of last
week from Vale en route to Boise,
where four will be Initiated Into some
of the mysteries of the order. The
lucky four are R. I. Brogan. Harry
Hacked. J. :. Lawrence and John
Huston. The others who so kindly
offered to accompany them and aee
that they get through all right were
J. R. Weaver, Geo. Vanderhoof. John
Sullivan. Charles Ashford. John Gor
don, C. C. Burrow, Duncan McCrae, i.
.1. Hadley and Ben J. Brown or Vale
and II. C. Whitworth of Ontario.
You will be better satisfied with
your doctor If you have his prescrip
tion filled here. Our drug service pro
duces results. Hill's Pharmacy.
One pair
inrls LSc,
Of boys Of
hose with
these hose and vou
every 4
pairs pur-