The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 18, 1915, Page FOUR, Image 4

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I ntosilK, OREGON.
Jesse Lawrence of I'nlty Ih a visitor
kt the Jim Elms home.
Mrs. M. A. Van Ilium and son Enrl
g-prnt Sunday at Hip Stan Van Huron
Miss LMM Elms of t'nlty Ih a guest
fet her slater's. Mrs. Walter Hlnton.
Roy Duncan returned from a brief
Vlalt tn Ontario on Thursday.
J. N. Woodcock Is visiting with his
illy In Maker.
Mr. Oeo. Morton and wife drore In
from Ixt Valley Sunday on business.
The masquerade ball at Malheur on
FYlday. Hip 12th, waa attended by many
from here.
The veterinary, W. O. Hyke, of Hro
ajan, was in the vicinity last of the
reek looking after stock buslnpss.
Karl Lofton mailp a trio to lliogan
n Saturday.
Ike Dean, who has been gbttBt from
the vicinity for some time, returned
J. II Ross, who has been quite III, i
much recovered.
Mert Knlghten or Westfnll
on Saturday on businesH.
Chat Hoswell of Rrogan was a
vlaltor at the F. W. Smith home Batur-
W. R. Uifton had a favorite dog go
nad laat week and waa compelled to
kill him.
Chaa. Hctoo and Clyde May are
erecting a blacksmith shop in Iron-
Smlih and Molthan dehorned a large
berd of cattle on Monday.
If the weather continue ibis way
the stock will aoon bo turned to the
an making use of the vehicle.
Iin Wlae. who la feeding atock on
the McPherson place, near Malheur
:i a i 1' here over Sunday
Myrtle Ijtwrence la a guesi at her
brother's, Alvey Lawrence.
Otis l.arcne made a business trip
to Cottonwood on Sunday.
Julie Smith la atlll under the
doctor's car In Ontario.
Ivan Welch returned from the
M'ncv on Friday.
dladva Young left for Ontario
TWsiIuv'h stage for a brief visit.
W: t, M KB
Vic Admiral Sir David Beatty, com
mander of the Britlah in the thrilling
aea battle with the Qcrmana on Jan
uary 24.
Amerlca'a objection to Germany's
principle of submarine Irresponsi
bility in British coast watera, la
the moat avrloue war development
of the paat week ,1 Publication of the
teits of the notea aent to Oreat Bri
tain and Uermany, reapectlvely, re
vealed that both countrlea had been
warned la moat emphatic terma from
menacing the veesela or Uvea of Amer
ican rlttsena traveralng the recently
proclaimed sea aonea of war.
Oermany waa advtaed that the
United States "would be constrained
to bold Ike Imperial government to a
..,!.-, aflMWNlAMIIlH" In .ii.-l. m. la ..f
The anow Is mostly gone. Once I
M.i. the sleighs are set aside and T?f".'"".' " """"l "T
I. IIRI iirFuui iiiiii ill iiir-iiii
or the lose of American Uvea, and that
"If siii h a deplorable altuatlon abould
arise," the ' Awerlcam govern men t
would "take any steps it might he ne
ccssary to take to safeguard American
llvpa and property."
To Oreat Britain the United States
pointed out "the meaauro of fesponsl
blllty" which would seem to be Im
posed on the llrltlsh government "for
the loss of American vessels and Uvea
In case of an attack by a German naval
fore," If Kngland sanctioned the gen
eral misuse of the American flag by
llrltlsh vessels, and thereby cast doubt
on the li.l character of the neutral
The greatest numbpr of aircraft ever
assembled during the war was tba'
which, under Hip direction of Flight
Commander Orahame-Whlte. thirty
four In number, raided the towns on
the Hplglan coast, which the Germans
are attempting to convert Into a sub
marine and airship base against Great
Britain. The raiders are reported to
have gotten away without losing a ma
chine, although two were hit. Gra-hame-White,
well known as an airman
In this country, fell Into the sea, but
was pulled up by a British cruiser.
Marshal von liindenhurg won anoth
er remarkable victory during theereek
In east Prussia and still further added
to bis reputation as the most efficient
commander of the war.
By using the strategic railway ays
tern along the German frontier, Mar
shal von Hlndenburg has driven off
the Slavs almost over night.
Throughout Poland, where fierce
fighting has occurred during the past
week, the battles now consist of artil
lery engagements, while In the sr
pathlana righting of more or less ae
verlty continues.
In France, Flanders and Alaace
there has been little or no fighting of
Importance, so far as the official re
porta disclose.
Albaniana Begin Serbian Invaalon.
London. A large force df Albaniana
baa creased the Serbian frontier into
the department of Prterend, forcing
the Serbian troops and local authorl
tlea to withdraw, according to a dla
patch from Nlah, Serbia, to Reuter'a
Telegram Company The Albaniana,
the message adda. are continuing to
Kaiaer lummtm Qerard to Center.
London The German emperor, ac
cording to an Richange Telegraph
dispatch from The Hague, has Invited
the American ambassador to Oermany,
James W. Gerard, to a conference at
eastern headquartera.
Qansral McClellae'a Widew Dead.
Near York. Newa of the death in
Nice. France, of Mra. Kll.-r Mary M
I'leiiaii. widow of the famous. Upton
oointnauder aad mother or George H.
Mi leiien. former mayor of New York,
was received here. Mrs. McC(lellaa
has made her home In France ,evr
since the death of General McClallen.
Jamea Creelman Dlea After Operation.
Herlln, via London Jamea Creel
man, the American Journalist, died
her. Mr. Creelman underwent an
. ... .
operation In a sanitarium berg ft
Urlght's disease.
arlum here tQC.ta
To The Customers of The
Idaho-Oregon Plant.
In our letter to you of February I. we stated "We are not here to
exploit the community We wiak to nave our investment ami keep it in this
wctiuii. and desire only a fair return thereon. Beyond that we wish the
people to have the benefit in good service at fair rates."
By "fair rates" referred to in that letter, we showed that we believed
Hie present rates were not fair to u. (but we had nothing to do with
cresting or establishing these rates,) and our intent was to give you a fair
rate as soon as the sale was continued by the Court and the property turn
i il ovei to us.
The people, who are now offering "reduced rates" and informing you
that vim do not exjoy the same rates as your neighbor, are the scry people
who bad control of ami managed the Idaho Oregon Light & Power Company
before it wan put in the bands of the Receiver, and they are responsible for
Hie rites yajsj arc now paving.
sk the ajsjgjtS. of tlie Power Trust wh your neighbors in the Mwl.ilc
ton. Star and Kagle Ibstricts, which arc served hj tlieni, do not enjov the
licnclit of competitive rates.
VS I are an imlcpt mlcnl Company, and the only Electric .Company in
till- territory not controlled by these Wall Street interests.
All other companies in tliiti territory ARE controlled ami operated by
by Hie MgM Power Trust and Wall Street interests.
Please remember we are here representing the landholders, of whom
thgW iv several Imndred the majority of tliein of small or moderate
means who desire to sac their investment from the ravages of the Elec
tric l'ov or TruM. 1 1 eg operating a ith us von can also save yourselves
iroin being exploited l a combination of promoters, whose real purKscis to
drive all compel, (ion trom (he lield. and thus enable them to charge the last
cent the scrv Let) III bear.
MfS MB you consideration lor a square deal, and trust that you will
with hold action until after the continuation of the sale, at which time we
will advise you of the reduction in rates that was intended to go into etfect
as soon as the purchase of the BNBSftf was continued by the Court.
Yours very respectfully,
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Co.
bondholders Protective Committee
Remnants and Shoes
Friday, February 19th
Saturday, February 20
Thousands of Remnants from the best Woolens, Silks,
and Cotton piece goods ever handled in any store.
They are from the best sellers of winter and summer
goods, and the whole store is given over for this Sale
Friday and Saturday.
Utz and Dunn
$3.50 And
Better Grades
These are Tan and Black in Kid
and Patent Leather in this group.
Feb. 10 Alex Eraser. Halter.
l-Yb. 11 J. c. Deen, Westfall; B. I.
Hiogan. Vale.
Feb. 12 Mr. and Mrs. R II. De
Armond, Vale; Mr. and Mia. It. bi An
derson. Crowley, Joe t'arr. m t.rande;
Mra. U Q. Willis. Hrogan; Don P.
Conklin, Cairo; J. I D. Morrison, city.
Feb. 13 C. E. Porter, Baker; Psul
Davis. Ilolse, M M Hart, Weiser; i: C.
EgKlcMton. K. J. Kennedy. Hums.
Feb. 14 H. W Joslyn. O. 8. E. of
ficial; E. II. Ho i in nk Denio.
Feb. 15 H. T. French, Corvallla; H.
n Waters. Boise: C K Mills. Weiser;
Hen Longinlre. lliogan; A. A. Derrick,
Feb. 16 J. W. Haya and wife.
(Henns Fern . Krunk Clerf. Andrews.
It J. McKitition and wife, Hums.
i iiii.-i House.
Keb. to Joseph (irunenfelder, New
PlMiiouth. (i. It Mendenhall. T. I. Dil
lon, French, Ida.
Feb u -leo W. Hays, Vale Henry
(iiccnrteld and wife. Parma. Win.
Johnson. Council; A. C. Lockett.
.lamiesoii. I). P. I.ogan, Hroguu.
Feb l 11 C Hlgelow, Hope; H. H.
Trowbridge. John Day; Peter Chrls
tensoii. Adrian. James Mm tut. Mal
heur. Feb. U I) H. Clay and family.
Uiv.isnte. C. It. Allies. Sund Hollow,
II. T. Fiances. J X. Williams, Xyssa'
M. K Thavci. J. W Lnd. Vale; E. W.
Pease. Pavette.
Fell. II N. I. Sil v . T. H. Silvey.
Vulc; U V. Kinnoii. Hurns; O. H.
Trscy. Hoinedale; J. C Heatty, An
drews. Feb 1.". John A Ward, N'vssa; li T
Cottinghaiu, Pavettt Mr and Mrs. W
II. Kline. Harper; Paul Howes. Burns.
Feb Hi Mrs. F. II Van Wvugarden,
Hiveiton K. M Mcltoberts. Arthur
Van Sicklin, Weiser; R. D. Curvin,
Ficuch, Ida.
1 j .w-i- .i
Best Job Work at The Argus Office
24 Stands of bees. SI Empty hives. IK) Section box
super, all new. 2000 Section boxes, Some founda
tion. 2 Foundation fasteners. 2 Smokers. 2 Veils.
1 Wire imbeder. Will sell all or any part very rea
sonable. If interested investigate at once. Write
for further particulars.
Wm. Champlin,
Ontario, Ore.
ooaoa oooooao 00 oooooooooood
Predator tulnals.
Notice Is hereby given that
hem county will pav the following
bountlea on wild animals: -For
each coyote pup or coyote
killed within the laat 8la
months and up to Feb 4th,
1M5 - ... 1.50
For each coyote or coyote pup
killed since Feb 4th. 1915
and up to and including Dec.
31. 1915 3.00
Bob cats 2.00
Gray or black wolf 5.00
Gray or black wolf pup t.50
Mountain lion panther or. cou
gar 10.00
FOUR .. in .. ONE
Golden Rule Hutter is made from PURK PAS-
TEURIZED CREAM. It reaches you in a Dust
Proof and Air Proof, Neat Carton, packed four
little cubes to one pound. :: ;j
g Jensma Creamery Co. Mfgs.
S Nampa, Idaho. 0
Poultry Wanted!
I will be in Ontario Tuesday, February
9th, and will buy your Poultry at mar
ket price. I will also be in Ontario
Tuesday of each week, through spring
and summer. Will make headquarters
at American Express. I I PlilT BOISE