The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 18, 1915, Image 1

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    I II I u (
Rulen. T I
t. II
Ontario is in the
Centre of the (ireat
Snake River Valley
The Produce from
15,000,000 acre in
marketed from On
tario each year
Corn Helt.
Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley.
NO. 7
(perinl Committee Reports
Favorably on Plan to Es
tablish Fruit Evaporator
in Ontario.
If. II. Halderman is Exper
ienced in Work and is
Promoting Company in
This Section.
II II ll;ilil man Ik actively engaged
n establishing nn evaporator at On
aiio this mr. He ban made a care
ul nlii(l f III'1 biislncxx anil Ik ccr-
aln of lilx success. Ijixt week lie
resented his Idea to the Commercial
lull and n committee wan appointed
look up thr matter ax to it pres
PcIh. The committee have endorsed
IMi Haldcman's plana, encouraging
ilm In go ahrad with them.
Mr. Haldcmnn haa had a good deal
of commercial experience and haa ob
served condltlona both In thla coun
try and Ktiropf. In evaporated frulta
and vcKetalilea there la a Krcat field
for development. A ahlpload of the
finished product could be uttllaed In
the i ii. 'i". in trade right now.
Alaxka alxo demanda thla kind of food
In great quantities. Theae things Mr.
Haldeman baR observed and he will
make a trip about March 1 to Port
land, Seattle, I. noma and other large
cities to muke at lunnvtuats for dla-
i'omiii; of the producta of the evap
orator he will establish
Tlila u an niicipi lac that every
citlxcn of the county should aupixirt.
It will not take much money to eatab
IIhIi It but it will provide a market
for applcM, pcuchex. puinpkinx, xquuxh.
potatoes that would otherwise gen
ualh lie wuxted. It will cut down the
;i-ir Hi the farm and ho build up Its
nficiency. It will iu big profltx to
Hie niinpany and at the name time
bring in outxide money for the bulk
"i On product! will be aold outxide of
i!i I oiinly and probably the xtate.
l'ln rcforc, wc wlxh Mr. Haldcman to
have every encouragement In putting
In ibis new Induxtry in Ontario.
Forest Service Announces
Useful Scheme for
According to the forest aervlce.
' as windbreak have a value to
li ram beix of Oregon and Waxhing
on in the dry regions east of the
'ascades. A windbreak or ahelter
n'lt around the ranch buildings and
ields adds not only to the beauty of
In- landscape, but haa a valuable in
uencc upon the growing of crops,
'iolent and long continued winds,
uch as occur in eastern Oregon, will
iv out the soil, or carry away the
ich top soil. Furthermore, in such
region irrigation ditches are either
"oped out by the wind or choked up
wind blown soil. Under such clr-iiiii.-iances
windbreaks would mean a
ig saving in dollars and centa, not
nly in the protection of the soil, but
1 the maintenance of irrigation
In the dry sections east of the Caa
"i -. where the trees must endure
routh and frost, Lombardy poplar,
arollna poplar, Ealra of Gilead and
ihaps box elder, are about the only
ees that will thrive. In irrgated re
ons, however, black and honey lo
ist, Osage orange, Russian mulberry
id Russian wild olive are excellent
" " to plant. Among the ever
eens, western yellow pine, Scotch
ne and European larch are fre
lently planted.
Local Bakery Forced to Re
duce Size of Loaf.
Flour D rubles
On account of the rlxe In the price
of (lour, tbc local bakery has innde a
change In the xlzo of the loavpa of
bread Hold. Formerly the weight of
dough in a five cent loaf before It wax
baked wax i:i ounces while in a ten
cent loaf It wax M ouncex. Now the
weight lx ten ouncex In the five cent
loaf and twenty ouncex In the ten
cent loaf.
Hour hax mined from $4.75 to $8.45
a barrel, making a ralxe in price of
almoxt Ml per cent. In cutting the
weight from thirteen ouncea to ten
ouncex the reduction hax been not
unite 25 per cent. So that now bread
la selling cheaper, conxlderlng the
coat than heretofore, ao cheap In fact
that a peraon buying a dollar'a worth
of bread ticketx can get bread cheap
er than by buying the flour and bak
ing the bread, nut counting the labor.
A good many people are taking ad
vantage of thla condition and the
bakery la aclllng a good many ticketa
by the dollar'a worth. Twenty-four
ticketa can be bought for a dollar xo
that the gain thla way la twenty
centa on the dollar. Some of the
bakerlex In other townn have quit
baking the live cent loavea.
Hew long could you atand in one
position with out so much ax winking
an eye laah? Thia is the question you
will be asking yourself after you see
little Fifl Moore poseaa a statue in the
tabloid Musical Comedy, "A Night in a
Cabaret," which comex aa part of
(irace M. Russels new 1916 Minstrel
maids to the Dreamland Theatre, next
Tuhraday night, February 26.
For nearly half an hour thia tiny and
clever actress holds the same attitude
while a riot of music and fun goes on
about her, until the audience logins to
wonder if the pretty figure is really
tlesh and blood, or only wax. Tnen
comes the thrilling climax when the
statue ia brougt to life. Thia is only
one of the many novelties with which
the new Minstrel Maid ahow is filled.
All new faces, all new songs, all new
dances, all new costumes, all new scen
ery, all new novelties, are with the
Minstrel Maids this year, and it is
promised that this clean, pleasing en
tertainment will score one of fhe big
gest bits of the season when it appears
hits of thia seaaon when it appears next
Thursday evening in the Dreamland.
Feb. Ti the local order of the
Knights of Pythias will entertain the
neighboring chapters from Hunting
ton, Weiser, Payette, New Plymouth
and Vale. The grand officers of Ore
gon will be present and the meeting
will be one of the moxt important aud
interesting ever held in Ontario.
In its study of windbreaks, the foi
est service has compiled the follow
ing suggestions for those who wish to
plant windbreaks or shelter belts:
Place the windbreak at right angles
to the direction of the prevailing
To obtain best results from one
eighth to one-fifth of the farm should
be devoted to this purpose. The pro
tective value more than pays for the
ground it occupies, to say nothing of
the timber yield.
Plant only such apecies as will
form windbreaks, and are suited to
the region and the locality.
Committees are Appointed by President Van Petton
and Announced at the Meeting Monday Night.
Regular Business is Transacted.
The Commercial club held their
regular monthly buxlnexx meeting
Monday night. The appointment of
committees took up moxt of the buai
nexx but several matters of Importance
alxo were dlxcuxxed. I'rexident Van
Patten appointed the following com
mltiees: Finance E. A. Kraaer, A. L. Cock
rum, Hay w 'II -on.
Memberxhlp M. E. Newton, H. C.
Schuppel, W. F. Ilomau
Publicity E. O. Italley. W. H. Doo-
llttle. E. M. Gregg.
Oood Hoadx H. H. Whitney, J. R.
Mlackaby, 8. I). Dorman.
House Meetings and Kntertalnment
H. L. Peterson, W. H. Laxon, E. O.
Malheur County Farm Ex
pert Will be Chosen
in Few Weeks.
Prof. French, the state leader of the
county agricultural work of Oregon,
waa In Ontario a few daya thia week
While here he consulted with the
county commissioners in regard to the
county agricultural work. Prof
French is a great enthusiast in the
corn raising iMixxibilltlex of thix coun
ty and stated that the corn show here
wax something great. The quextion of
who will be county agriculturist for
the coming year will be settled In a
few weeks. Prof French went to
Huntington Monday.
A meeting was held Tuesday even
ing in the M. E. church to organize
the Epwnrtb League. Although a
stormy night eighteen were present
and the following officers were elect
ed: Mr. A i milage, president; Faye
Pratt, llrxt vice president; Mrs.
t.ii. in. i second vice president; Mrs.
Abernathy, third vice president; Mrs.
Robt. Maddux, fourth vice president;
Jesse ltroii. treasurer, und ltvernu
Thompson, secretary. Mrs. Fox wax
also elected Junior League superin
tendent und Junior Sunday school su
perintendent. Sunday evening at l:M
the first devotional meeting will be
A. M. Johnson of Nyssa District Produces Huge Yield
of Corn First Season. Malheur County is
Natural Home of Corn.
A. M. Johnson of the Nyssa district eight to ten inches deep and harrowed
raised 112.96 bushels of corn on one
acre of ground. When farmers can do
this the first year it is attempted, it
shows that Malheur county is a natural
corn country. Mr. Johnson has kindly
consented to tell ua how he did it.
The ground on which this corn was
raised had been in cultivation about six
years. It waa plowed about two inches
deep in the fall and in the spring it
waa irrigated. When the alfalfa had
got a good start it was plowed about'
Sociability Reprexentatives of all
ladies' associations In the city.
Irrigation and Fleet rie Tower A.
V. Trow, K. M. Orelg, 11. C. Whltworth.
Transportation F. A. Froser, II. O.
Diane, Sam Creeni.
Manufactory D. M. Taggart, 1..
Adam, II. L Peterxon, W. W. Lctxnn,
Hay YYIIxon.
Automobile J. Priming, H. II. Cock
rum. A. A. Wright.
Immigration A. W. Trow, E. O.
Ilalley, W. H. Doollttle.
Legislative J. W. McCulloeh, W. H.
HriM)ke, H. Wlthyeombe.
Agriculture, Horticulture T. Clag
get, A. Qramae, E. n. Conklln.
Merchanta D. M. Taggart, Frank
Rader. L. O. McCoy. H. I Peteraon,
IW. T. Lampkln.
Father and Son Who Were
Bit by Dog do not
Develope Malady
A report that George Murray and
bi son Virgil, of Vale, who went to
Portland last week to take the Pasteur
treatment, had developed rabies, ia un
true. The report haa been widely cir
culated about Ontario and Vale, but
apon inveatigation it was found to be
will be remembered that two weeks
ago Mr. Murray and his xon Virgil were
bitten by one of their dogs. The dogs
had fought a coyote several weeks pre
vious and so were watched carefully
for signs of rabies. In about three
weeks one of the dogs showed the
symptoms and was killed A few days
later the other dog began to act strange
and in attempting to tie it up it bit
both the father and son.
K. J. Hartelx, representing the
Wyoming Coal Co., was in town lust
week making preparations for putting
in a branch of bis company. The
company hax ul ready stalled the coal
business by delivering ut wholesale
prices directly from the curs. Mr.
Hands said thai there would be no
more high prices on coul in Onturio
and that his company wax here to
atay. As soon as a convenient place
has been secured, the company will
put in an office and yards and handle
other lines besides coal.
right after the plow. It was irrigated
before planting.
The corn was planted on the 8th day
of may in hills 32 inches by 42 inches.
After planting it was harrowed so as
to retain moisture. The corn waa cul
tivated four times with a John Deere
two-horse cultivator. The last cultiva
tion was the 21st of August.
When the ground was measured by
the committee and the corn waa huxked
and weighed it waa found to have
yielded 112.96 bushels per acre'
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boyer
Attend Retailers'
Mr. and Mis. M. C. Hover Id
Sunday evening for Portland to attend
the annual convention of the Hetail
Merchants association l-'nllr i nnn
men. reprexenting the retail Interests
of the whole slate of Oregon, are in
attendance at this meeting, which lx
being held at the Multnomah hotel
Covetnoi Wlthyeombe and A. .1. Kings
ley, president of the Oregon Manufuc
turerx' axxoelatlon, delivered the ad
dreaa of welcome to the delegates
Monday morning.
One of the social feat urea of the con
vention wax the theatre party at the
Orphcum Monday night when the Port
land axxoclailon acting aa hoxtx
bought out the entire houae for the
occasion. Mr. and Mix. Mover will re
turn the last of thla week.
Those to attend the masquerade ball
at Malheur were: Hill Heam and wife.
Ted Wisdom. Hill Qulnn, Hert Law
rence aud wife, Kills Henshaw, Ruth
erford brothers, Mllloux Lawrence, Lin
Tiireinan. Chan. Howard and family.
Klmer Moll ban, Summers Smith. Fred
1-awrence and wife, John Smith and
family, Conor Young and wife, Tip
Tyler, Ernie l.acey und family, (lux
l-iw mice, lion laeey, Cecil Smith and
Mary I-awience. Onle Kims, Walter
llinton and wife, (iluds Young and
Walter Uiwiiii'c, Arthur Young and
Guy Wlae. All report a fine time.
Owing to bud roads our stage hax
been arriving at a very late hour the
past week, therefore compelling the
: nxloux readers to be delayed a day
in I he war news,
Mix. a. H. Vun Huren und Mrs. Win.
Allen was called to the bedside ol ihcir
mother at Payette, Idaho, who Is very
ill and being in the eighties, will prob
ably not recover.
Chax. Hoon weni to Hrogan on Sun
day to meet his futility, which returned
from Filmland, Iduho, on Monday.
Mrs. Hoon bus been visiting relullvex
the past three weeks.
Kail Loften, who hax been in On
tario the paxt three weeks, leturncd on
Friday with his new Ford auto. He
found the roads almoxt impassuhle tor
a car but landed safely.
Herman Rose, who has been uttend
ing business college in Haker and
has completed his course, returned
to his home here last of the week
Mrs. A. J. Murray, who hax Imn at
the bedside of her lather, J. 11.,
returned lo her home ut I'nity the first
of the week.
louse Kliiix and lumily of I nity
moved luto this vicinity on Tbursduv,
where they will live for some time.
Lela Serrurier ot Hortlund, sister of
(Irace Rutherford, who has been visit
ing here the pusi three months, re
turned to her home on Monday.
(ius Ijiwrence returned from I'nitv
on Thursday where be had been visit
ing friends.
Mrs. Ii. u Jones is ut the home of her
grandfather, J. II. Hose, during his
Mrs. ('has. Howard spent the week
end with relatives in Malheur, return
ing on Sunday.
Win. Allen and son Roscoe left on
Sunday with a carload of mules for
Haker ru route to Walla Walla.
Mis. II. M Rutherford, who has
been visiting relatives at Miller, Ore.,
the past two weeks, returned home on
French Inspection Board
Takes Fifty-three Head
Out of Many Horses That
Are Offered.
John Day Buyer Takes 20
Head After They Were
Turned Down. Inspectors
go to Juntura.
The French officials held nn Inxpec
tlon at Ontario Monday and bought
I'liy-throe horses out of several hun
dred that were offered. The beat
grade of horxcx wcrciuased up and
only the lower priced ones were
boui'ht. The price paid waa from
$80 to $120. On Tuesday Henry Trow
bridge of John Day bought twenty
horses from those that were rejected
by the inapectora.
Halley and Turner of Caldwell
bought about twenty-flve or thirty
head of heavy stock for the atock aale
held every month at Caldwell.
The horses bought by the French of
ficials will be shipped with those iroin
P-oiae and Caldwell to New York aa
soon aa car are available.
It la not known If the Inapectora
will come here again or not. They
will hold inspection at Holae, then at
Caldwell and then at Juntura. They
may come here again before going to
Juntura hut It Is not certain.
The Deep Purple," to appear at the
Dreamland theatre Saturday night.
Feb. 20, the next release of the World
Film corporation In which Clara Kim
ball Young is starred in the pail of
Don Is Moore ia a pulurUcd version
made aud produced by James Young
of the play by Paul Armstrong and
Wilson Milier.
Doris Moore lx (he daughter of a
minister living at u small country
town a few hours' distance from New
York. Her life ix one of sweetness
and usefulness. She helps her father
in his work among his congregation,
teaches in the Sunday school ami
plays the whci.y old organ in the.
The household ix thrown into a mild
state of excitement on receipt of a
let i ei pin polling to come from an
Orgun Supply company in New York,
but which in reality is from a band of
crooks who use this ax one of the
fraudulent schemes whereby they ob
tain money from tin unwary. The
letter offers to supply u beautiful pipo
organ on receipt of an installment of
one-third of the cost, the balance to
be paid on lime. The matter is laid
leiore the deacons and they decide to
consider the offer. The minister
writes to the organ company ami I bo
chief rooks, HUT) Inland, a hand
some, dashing man of the world, ar
lives and expluins in glowing terms,
the advantages ot the organ. Wbilo
waiting for tin deacons to collect the
first installment of two hundred dol
lars, i. eland pays considerable atten
tion lo Doris who is much fascinuted
by him, reprexenting ax he does a
totally different type of man to what
she has been used to.
in the meantime the (rooks in New
York have received information from
out wist that Will Lake, a young east
ern college man who in two years ban
made a fortune of fifty thousand dol
lars is returning east, and will stay
in New York for a week. They decide
to try to blackmail Lake on his ar
rival and at once communicate with
I.eland. who replied that he will m
t it ill immediately as soon uk he g ts
the oriian money. I.eland has become
(Continued on Page 8)