The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 11, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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i'ii i niKtn
Kstray Notice
rhrii' fame to my place aliout nine
.1 ..e w . , ... , ..I.,.,. i ii.. ..
jleH suum-wrai in - .......... tc.-
r IIHfc 1!'14- ()n- "Iark hor8e
wilt 1-1 years old. mg-ni mnti root.
jiti', star in forehead, little white on
.4l f-L .: ,,, III 11, .Iw
MO. IKI Ollll-I IH " " '.".
lOwner may secure his property by
Hiving ownership, paying for this not-
iii il the animal ' keep.
Address: I . Williams, Werner, iciano,
UtofllM box No. 63.
tke County Court of the State of
Oregon tor the County of Malheur.
the Matter of the Estate of Frank
lin II. Lackey, Deceased. Citation:
To James A. Lackey, Andrew M.
ekty, Amos A. Lackey, John Mur
v, Frank Murphy, Susan H. Lackey,
hn Liu key, Hettte Lackey Cox, Sal-
l.ackey McNec. Charles Lackey,
Mt Lackey, and Andrella Lackey,
.. ., i : ..f l'...L I,.. II
jng all me neirn ui -milium n.
ckey, deceased, and to all other per-
. . .1 1.. 11... ..ullllll III 111.. ....i.l
ns inlercMiii in mv "ii. .....- nm..
I N 1 1 1 ! N A M I OF THE STATE ( 1 1
KKiON: Mini Undr anil by virtue ot
onli r nf the llininralile deorge W.
.... . .-. , ......
nintv "I Malheur, uuiy maoe mm en-
r,, in the mutter of the estate of
ratiklin II. Lackey, deceased, on the
ninth (10) day of December. 1911,
i i. . t . .... ..... !....... I... ---
Ml anil earn oi von nn u,.... iimi
il riiuireil to appear in this court on
...... I C 1.V.I I
lirit'i nuiuoiw.iMn ....... m ... ,
tiirdav, Hi'' I'Ui nay oi rconinrv, ,.ertlon uforesalil.
. Lackey, as the administrator of Ohm""" " "' " '
lute of Franklin II. Lackey, do
a-.i. I. -i II at private sale the fol
I, I . in block Wl and an undiviiled one- to the full amount ot said nui.
hit It mli n -I in and to lots one and tuo
liln.k IL', all in the City of Ontario,
of Malheur ami State of lire
lerciiiito set my hand and allixed the
IvhI nf the said Court at my olllce in
iilf. Oregon, this thirteenth day of
iSi t. I January. 1916.
I Signed) John P. HiWHToN,
11 County Clerk.
Idmlnisl.dtor's Notice to Creditors.
In Ha- ('ounty Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur ( ounty.
In tho matter of the estate of G. W.
Morruoil, deceased.
Notice ii hereby riven that the un-
Bcr-igri-d haa been appointed by the' Htate, wherein Itobert I'
. oiinly lourt of the Mate of Oreiron, ,, nlaintiff. leeovered
Beinigned, with the proper verification interest thereon from January 4. 1915.
is by law required, at my office in On- a( the rate of 8 per cent per annum;
ario, Oregon, within six months from 'and for the further sum of one bun
late hereof.
Dated January 14, 1915.
Date of first publication, January
E4th, 1915. Last publication, February
lth, 1915. C. Mi li.iNAi.iii..
Administrator of the EstateofU. W.
Morrison, deceased.
Administrator's Ssle.
Notice hereby given that in pur
suance of un order of sale duly mude
and entered by the County Court of
DM State of Oregon for the County
of Malheur, on the Kith day of Junu-
ftiy, UUI, in the mutter of the estate
Of ThOBUU Harned, deceased, the uu-
.iilministrutor with the will
aniu ni of the Mli eMate will, on and
hat -'0th day of Eebruury, l'.Mfi,
'I Ml borne near We.itfall, Oregon,
off. t fn sale und sell at private sule,
la 0M paived, for cash in hand, sub
J". t to lonfirinaiion by said court,
following described tract of
leal estate owned by said
towttl The Eli of SE'i, and
Nltt, and NW'i of NEU of!
BOrtloa 88. Township 17 South, Ranee i
10 Rut, W. M in Malheur County,
(,,,. ... , .. . 888M III PATIBT8
1 h. first publication of this I j,.,,,.,,,.,, , touut, ,.rh Oitice
"'"ice la on January 21, 1915, and the j From Feb. 1st to Feb. th, l15.
laal publication is on February 18,1 Oregon 'all. Land Co. to Carol
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Thomas Harned, de
i od.
Jan. 1 -Feb. 18.
Pure Bred
s C. White Leghorn Pullets
nd Cockerels. Sired by first
jock, Boise show. Fine stock
for breeders. Prices low. A. A.
Metier, Payette, Ida Telephone
rruitland, 7-2.
NOTICE of neurits w,
To IMM and Sell MMN Mi 1 il
of inn! in Mnlliciir ( ounlj. Ore iron.
Issued for the Construction of Per
iiiniieiif Bonds Therein iiml Inviting
llhls Therefor.
County of Mnlhcur,
Ptirsuan to the authority and di
rection conferred upon the county
court of the state of Oregon, In and
for Malheur county, at the November
llrd, 1914, i'i in ill election (authoriz
ing the iHHiiance of the bonds herein
after mentioned) and an order of the
court made the 5th of February, 1915,
pursuant thereto, authorizing and di
recting the i -ii.iin i of certain bonds,
Cold bonds Issued for the construc
tion of permanent roads In Malheur
county, Oregon, to an amount aggre
gntlng the principal MM of MO.MO,
comprlHed of .'10 bonds numbered con
secutively from I to HO, both numbers
Inclusive, of the denomination of
$1,000 each, dated Dec ember 1, A. D.
1914, due and payable December 1, A.
I). 1934, bearing Interest fnun their
date until paid at the rate of six (fl
per i eiitiim pi i annum, payable semi
annually on the Hi it days of June and
)e ember, resM . tlvi 1, in each veur;
both in 'iiieipal tin not and Interest
cKnight, lodge of the I ounty Court I thereon payable at the Fiscal Agency
i,.. Sinte of Oreiron in and for the of the state of Dhuoii, In the city and
Htate of New mk, I S .
The said bonds ate being issued and
Hold for the miiiimc of raising money
to be ii-ii il for the construction of per
manent mud- in iiml for the said
county put' until tn ntc nf the legal
voters tbeienl taken at the general
15, ut the hour of one o'clock I'. M., PUBLIC NOTICE 18 IIKBKHY
the mihI ilny. "I 'be Court House at (JIVEN, MOOrdlBg to law, that sealed
ule, tin I'l.n. to then ami there show bids for the bonds aforesaid, win tie
me. if any you have why an order received at tin oflteo of the mulct -MM
. ..iirt should not be made, and 'signed cleik of Hie c t in Vale, llre-
I,..,il., u.,,1 .lir.wtiiur A gon. Utltll ! I. clock A .M. ol Motidav.
A. I) 1915.
Said bonds will be readv for deliv-
lery at the time of their sale. naincM :
the dav. date and hour tfon kid
tnv ilf-.ribed real estate oeiongmg xilEUEFOKK. all tenders, bids or of-
. -lute, to-wit: l,ota II, VZ, tf,.s (,, M1M 1MSr IUS . wllhoiit eoti
ind 11. in hjnek 2.T.I; lots III, 17, IX, dlllon or itialilb -at Ion and be ueenm
liml 10, III block MB Iota II, VI, 13, pitlllcil In Ibe mill lot Its equivalent I
MY oitDKit of tin count) court
made this Mb day ol Fehiiian, i
(Seal l 0B0. V MiKNKillT.
Judge of the eounl court of the slate
oi Oregon, in and for Malheur
Attest :
First I'libllcatlon February II, 1915.
I ,i i I'ublicatlou March t, Mil
I in;i t i ici re.
My virtue of an execution in fore
closure duly Issued by the clerk of the
circuit court of the county of Malheur,
state of Oregon, dated the third day of
February, 1915. in a certain action in
the circuit court for said county and
or Malheur County, administrator uaKttinst Hurt Huffman and wife Clara
restate oi u. yt . mi.rriBun, ur.cuni. ,, ,,,, J. p. Sllldebaker. C. C.
II person, having claims aKamst the! . . .,. ..., 11M ,,..r..dants.
state of laid deceased, are hereby re- ,bc (n ()f ()I)), ,hoUHttnd ono ,llm-
uired to present the same to the un , . d Blx.v.two untj r.l-100 dollars with
dred dollars, attorney's fees; and for
the further sum of thlrO -three dol
lars, costs;
Therefore notice is hereby Riven,
that 1 will on the 15th day of March,
1915. at the hour of one o'clock In the
afternoon of said day, at the main en
trance door of the court house in Vale,
Malheur county, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, or bid
ders, for (ash. the following described
reul property, to-wit:
The east half or the northeast quar
ter of section tti in township I". south
of lange 4.". east of Willamette Me
ridian, together with the tenements,
beiediiainents and appurtenances
ihei.mito belonging or in anywise up
p. 1 1. tilling.
Taken and levied upon as the prop
cit ill the said ftbOTO named defend
ants, Hun Huffman and wife Clara
Huffman B. T. Sllldebaker. (' 0. Mi I
Ii I and John IMeis, or as much then -nt
nu mm lie neeessarv to satisfv the
'said ludcmenl In tavor of Bobort 0.
Bmdoten Msi Mtart Ik ad above
named defendants, together with all
costs and disbursements that have or
ma acinic.
Hand at Vale. Oregon, this :!rd day
of I'chi nan, llll
BEN ! BROWN, Sheriff.
My ROM v BOWARD, dpui.
First publication Feb. II, 1915.
Last publleoUon March 11, l:M
Tucket si:, of NW'i
15-37, Feb.
1st, 1910; $200.
State of Oregon to Anna D. S.
Pratt Nltt SWV4. I- 1-10. April Zi.
19U'; M00.
ii. a. Trimble at u to w. a. Ollva
N4 SWU 8814, 11-31-41, Jan -'".
1915; $500.
D. K. Hood to H. J. I vers NEV4
NIH Mi NH Nv, NWH NBH. 25-17-39,
Oct. II, 1114; $1-
Frank D. Hall et ax to Harry
Newbv, NKV 8W NEVi NEV4, N Vi
SEVi MM NE'4. ;il-19-47, Jan. 26,
1915; $1,100.
Edwin R. Hanford et ux to Edwin H
Hanford -Lots 34-35, block 3, Terrace
Heights addition, Ontario, Jan. 2, 1915;
Kdwln H. Hanford et ux to Edwin H.
Hanioid S'. SW4 NV4 NWVk. 8-18-17,
Jan. 2. 1915; $2,000.
D. II Kcrfool, sheriff, to McCornlck
K- Co, bankers NEii NK', 12-19-46,
Oct. 9, 1914, $1165.25 (Certificate).
M Cot nick & Co.. bankers, to I'tah
Nursery Co., assigning above certifi
cate, Feb. 2A. 1915; $1.00.
.lunctiira Investment Co. to Lee
PariO -Lot 17, block 18, Juntura, Sept.
5, 191.1; $150.
George F. Parker et ux to Robert
Hurkhardt et ux Ixits 1 to 5, block
21. Ontario, Jan. 15, 1915; $1,260.
Walter A. (ireen et ux to O. E.
Wellcr NWVi NW, 35-33-38, Dec.
23, 1911; $10.
Complaints Filed In Circuit Court Dur
ing Week.
First National Hank. Vale, vs. A. V.
Roblson Recovery on note, $195.
Recorded in County Clerk's Office
From Jan. 25th to Jan. 30, 1915.
John A. Wnrd et ux to Mrs. A. J.
Neathery, E' SW' :H-l!)-47. Jan.
l.Mli. 1915. $8805.
W. A. Race to Clnrn J. Race. SW'
WV'i 7-::7-.'!7. June fith, 1911. $2:10.00.
Chaa. W. Tnlhott et ux to Johnson
8. Young, trustee, N'W'i 15-rt4-38.
Dec. Mth, 1914, $1.00.
C. S. A. to Frank E. Struthers, SE1
K-17-44, Jan. !lth, 191::.
Ontario Lnml & Townsito Co., to
noreaee Towner, lot n, BL B, Rhrar-
ule Adn., Ontario, May 7th. 1914.
Ontario Lnml & Tamntlta Co., to
Mary II. Stiirrock, lots 24, 25. BL '!.
Kiverside Adn., Ontario, May nth. 1911.
8MjI o.
J. F. OR et ux to John C. Stewart,
NW'. SW',, BWM NW1., i:i-lfi-47,
Dec. L'titb. 1914. $150.
U. S. A. to Cieorjrc W. Thompson,
I ' SW1,, ::, BIN SE'i, 2s; NW'.
NW'i, :!4-27-.IK. Au. (5th. 1914.
(icorge W. Thompson et ux to Thos.
Turnbtill. S', SW1., 27; SE'i SE'i.
18 NW1, NW'.. :i4-27-:iK. Jnn. 22nd,
1915. ttOOMQ.
U. ft A. to Frank V. Malur, lots
.'I. 4.5, Sec. I; lot 1, Sec. 12 ::2 111. May
.".r.l. 1911.
.Ionian Valley Hotel Co , to l.auru M
How aril, lot : ft B, Sub. I II 111. Pio
neer Adn., Jordan Volley. Dec. 1st,
191.!. $250.00.
Laura M. Howard et vir to F. ft
Miller, lots 2. ::. Sub-d H. HI. 5. Pioneer
Adn. Jordan Valley, Dec. 17th, 1914.
O. W. R. & N. Co., to Riverside
Homestead Co., all of blocks 1 to 48
in townsito of Riverton. November
1Mb., 1914, $5000.00.
Everett F. Mickey et ux to Lynch D
West. NE'i NE'i, 25-27-H8. and NE'i
NW'i, NWUi NE', lot :0-27-39. Nov.
4th, 1914. $2500.00.
U. S. A. to Oleus C. Field,
NE'i, SW'-i NK'i, NW.4 SEU, 28
17-46. Nov. 4th, 1914.
Anna D. S. Pratt et vir to Hubbard
Walters, E S NE ' , 9; W ' NW ' , 10-21-46.
Jan. 9th, 1915. $1.00.
Hubbard Walters et ux to Annu 1).
S. Pratt, SW', SW'.. .'12-20-46, and
lots 4, Sec. 5; 1 Sec. 6-21-46. Jan. 9th,
1915. $1.00.
('has. A. Seymour et ux. Nellie S.
Cleveland et vir., and Henrietta L.
Cabot et vir to Jessie J. Grunt, .'1-4 Int.
in SV NH NWI4 NW'i, I16-16-47.
Dec. 20th, 1914. $1000.00.
John W. Catron et ux to Catholic
Church of Jordan Valley, lots 11, 12,
13, 14, Bl. 6, Catron's Adn., Jordan
Valley. Jan. 5th, 1915. $1.00.
Win. E. Lees et ux. to Ella Sproul,
b.t 11, 12, 18, HI. 120, Ontario, Jan.
26th, 1915. $1500.00.
U. S. A. to Ella Cartin. SE BH ' 1 1
:i2-.'i2; NE'i NW'., NW' NE'i, 5-
: It Dec. 14th, 1906.
Hen J. Brown, sheriff to U. S. Na
tional Bank, Vule, lots :!, 4, Bl. .!, Had
h y's 1st Adn., Vale. Jan. lKth, 1915.
Deli Cemetery A-a., to Mrs. Eldore
Moudy, lot 1(15, Bl. 1, Sec. l.VHi-t:'
Dec. BMfc, 1911. $10.00.
Frank (I. Kellogg et ux to Unify P,
Staccy, Btt BIHi 2-19-1::, Dec. 2Mb.
1914. $:1000.
U. S. A. to Jesse W. Staples, SW'i,
11-27-29. Sept. 11th, 1914.
Complaints Filed.
C. W. Ceisler und J. C. Ceisler vs. H.
Tyree, recovery on acct. $55:',. 15.
Ben Q. PettengiH, deputy bank ex
aminer, vs. T. W. Thomas, N. J. Min
ton, J. A. Gregory, H. Q, Monro et ux ,
E. S. Clap)), trustee, Effie L. Minton
and John A. Greg-ory, foreclosure,
J. R. Blackaby Coniniercial Co., vs.
C. P. Eulen, recovery on note, 1696.41.
Emma Deputy vs. Win. Allen Dap
uty, Divorce.
Emma Farrier vs. Francis M I ai
rier, Divorce.
Purlin & Orendorff Plow Co., vs
H. M. Housh, recovery on note, $861.40
Mrs. W. ft Griffith vs. C. A. Powell,
recovery of money, $10::. 50.
United States National Bank, Vale,
vs. Catherine L. Shehan, recovery of
money, $5,000.00.
Allen Porten vs. Frank J. Bradley
et ux., and Henry Hill, foreclosure,
Marriage Licenses Issued.
Charley Kingman to Sadie A. Burns,
Courtesy to Minority Members
Noticeable and Steam
Roller Slows Down.
Boise. Democrats in the Idaho leg
islature are at a loss to understand the
very decided change of tactics which
has developed during the past week on
the part of the republican leaders, es
pecially Speaker Conner and Lieuten
ant (lovernor Taylor, the presiding of
ficers of the house and senate respec
tlvely. The steam roller has percep
tibly slackened Its pace aud In some
Instances real courtesy bns been
shown by the republicans to the ml
norlty members.
Whatever the cause the change Is
very apparent. It has been manifest
on several occasions during the past
week ami culminated In the action of
the senate when the upper house vir
tnall apolonlzed for its apparent dls
respect to the governor. The message
or the governor on state Institutions
at! iiiissinc In the senate Journal nnd
aa explanation was ininieiliately asked
by the ii moerntlc senators. The re
publicans were quick to state that BO
disrespect was Intended, but that It
1. in I been found more satlsfnrtorj to
have the message printed In pamphlet
Tx Interest Bill Piss-d.
In the house not nice VII mlMa
against the passage of the first of tin
bills tarrying out (iovcrnor Alexan
tier's proirriini to reach a vote. TMl
bill proiiiles for a reduction of the
panalty r anttecjaeat tasaa from is
to 6 per cent. MUrrylaf mil to the let
ter one of the n i MBBM nd.itloiis made
by the governor in his message to the
During the week a number of bills
wet. ii. t rod H I I itb a view of carr
Ing out the democratic plan for 0000
omy In the administration of stute at
fairs. Included in the list are Mill
reducing the salaries of slate officials.
Tin M bills will take their regular
course and will probubU I naeted
In some form or other, although It Is
known that strong pressure Is total
brought to bear to prevent any muter
liii i lianges In the salaries of the offi
cials. Committee Changes Plans.
The special ln estimating committee
of the home has changed Its plans en
tlrch Realizing the hopelessness of
the task of attempting to make any
thorough examination of the condition
of the various departments of state
during the period of the legislative
session, the committee has underta
ken to go Into those matters merely
which are to be the subject of pro
posed legislation.
With this end In view the past week
has been given over to an Investlgu
Hon of the Carey act projects. Tb .
In Itself Is enough to keep the comm
tee lu continuous session for a mouth
or more, aud so far the luvestlgators
havo been content to look only Into
the causes of failures which have
worked such hardships to settlers ou
the Irrigation projects.
Asks Censure of Officiate.
Found careless and la in methods
because of their failure to take proper
action to protect the state's deposit uf
$14,000 in the Hank of N'aiupa. at Nam
pa, which failed, the legislative lines
tlgatlng committee probing Into the
statehouse scaudal recommended that
former Governor John M Haines, for
mer Secretary of State W. L. Olfford
aud Attorney General Jospeh II Pe
terson be censured by the luwiuuklug
body ot Idaho.
The committee recommends that
some action be taken in an endeavor
to recover some oi the loss on the
tioml ol ilcluulliiiK State Treasurer ()
V. Allen and so instructs the attorney
Albion State Normal is Safe.
That the Albion sta'e normal M bool
will not be abuiulo'ieit through an 04 t
ol the present legislature is evident
from an act ol the house killing tin
bill to accomplish this as introduceil
by Thrailklll at the request of the
tata board ol eiliu ation
The state instilullo.i bmliiet was n
vised after the lUNMI rofUIOd (0 ab.m
don the Albion normal school Appro
priatlons now are provided tO? stato
liistitutioii.s M follows I uiversitv ir
Idaho. Moscow, HH.I0O; Slate Nor-
mui, Lewteton, IltfS.KuO; Aonden) of
Idaho, I'oi.tello, 10l JiOO; ludusirial
Training School, St Antlions. JIM,
000; Deaf, Dumb and BUBd School,
Gooding, U4 Jadi State Normal, Al
bion, $110400
Revision Plan Lost.
There will not be a constitutional
convention in this state to revise (In
state constitution. This fad was s. t
tied when the senate indefinitely post
poned the resolution, introduced by
Senator Klliot, ol Uonner county, to
call the convention.
The senate passed the $10,000 appro
prlatlon bill for the Northwest Live
stock exposition association ot Lewis
too. The money will be used for per
manent improvements at the show ami
to assist In making it a success.
Wilson Building - Ontario, Ore.
JR. W. 6. HOWE
No. 7:i2
First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
Office in NewHWilsonBlock.
Office 2nd door east of Ontnrio Phar
macy on Nevada Avenuo
Near B B Depot
Law vers
Booms 1-2-3 First Nat'lBank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Da IIaiiiiiki Bl vif
Dll. I'M LINK Hi. Mil
Graduates American School ol Orteo-
pathv, Kul. -villi-. Mo.
Wilson Block. Telephone. 104 Hlk
Physician and Si-rceon
( mice In I. O. O. F. Bldg.,
Attorney at Law
Will Practice in All Courts
Notary Public. Oliice Over I'ostollice
Office in New Wilson Block
Ontario Oregon
Boom it, First National Bank Building
Ontario, Oregon
COUNTY OPBIOB vt 1 i;ti it
Kmerv Colo, Brogan.
Alex l.ockbeud iliilarm
Bert High. Vale.
C ('. Morton, IHd'l lerrv.
N. 0. White, Weicer RrtUgO.
J. E. Holly Bivcrview
Alie Dinnv .Ionian S'allev
Joe Bankoffer, MoDermitt
.1 Boy del). N
John (I. South, Junt.ira
Win Kiiie, llniiei
I. M. Se.iwaitl, Ontnrio Bridge
i Why
not give your
buy and girl an
opportunity to
make their home
Hindu tuny und
iffrdin t (ile
tin-in the Hi 111 i-
chanoeo to nrin pro
motion and urn I
tat lie lad having Ibe
1 antage ot
Dictionary in lu- bono. Thi-t new
Croatian answers with tinal author
ity all kinds oi puasUng quostloni
in history, Mgrapbyi biography)
spelling, pronunciation! eporlai arte,
and s "in 1 ,
400,000 Viuabulary Tern". 27&0 l'uge.
. l.HI'll IIIiinIi, (.uliiiril I'ialm.
Tti oolr dlctlousty with IL, boUid t4 1.
The type tuutivi- is equivalent to that
01 a 16-voluiue encyclopedia.
More Sholarly. Aiiur'.f. Convenient,
IUU AUlllul IUIIK noil 11) "in. , .-
I.-I. III. lli.iiarv.
Hli.i I H
l-M-l K
fcUit IONS.
WH1TK tor
1 1 lint 11 Uttgel,
-iirttii,!.. etc
a w-tnl Hucket
you name tliu
arniMartaLO. ataaa.
sv lm M
W !. Av
'a Ran- a IF i'1"
;lt H W Mao if
4 W Lme- I
h JbT etc
piroilmately $114.(150 was spent
by Douglas county In building road
and erecting bridges during tfce year
The entire cost ot the Ttimale Irri
gation project was $447.7 70. accord
ing to the report to the t crt land
hoard, submitted by Projci t i.nifinnor
A four week course In scientific ag
riculture and home econo:r.:3, tttm
first of Its kind In the state, .as bo
gun Monday at the Hamev iNQi-f
high school In Burns. j
According to a compiled : he
stato highway engineer the JM idl
tures In Oregon for roads ur Ull Beo
from 1903 to October 1, 191 1, -w a
proxlmately $22,000,000.
Senator Chamberlain 1p I Ivf II by
the treasury department the thf
drawings are comploted I r the fen
dleton postofflee, and bldJ were ad
vertised for February 1.
The construction of the WTllsmctt
Pacific bridge across Coos Bay ht
progressed so that the engineers pre
dict Its completion by summer If no
unseen difficulties arise.
The ninth annual convention of tho
Oraajoa Batatl Marabaata' aoaaaastnai
will be held In Portland February 16.
II and 17. when an attendance or
more than MM merchants from every
section of the stnte Is expected.
ttornev toneral (Iresory has ap
lirovi il the il id i vvhlch the federal
Kovernmont will acquire title to tho
OfOfOO city locks, and sent his letter
ot approval, with the d-d. to Hecro
t:uv of War C.arrlso:' for acceptance.
Porter Bros, are planning to built!
a railroad up the South Saitlam val
ley from Albany, via lebaaon. thin
roar, aaaardlag M a statement njatna
hv Wolcb. of Portland, former own
er of the Portland. Kugene ft Eastern
Permanent organization of the Lan
County Jersev Hreeders' aseoclatlnii
was effected at a meeting In Eugene.
f H Chase. Of Kuuetie. was chosen
president; C. S (aler. of F.ugeue, vlco
praaldaati '. a Hwarts. of spriug-
fleld, secretary treasurer.
Keprest ntatlve l.atferty has select
ed as principal and alternate for ad
mission as cadet to Annapolis Boss A.
Dial dm If. Ltnnton. principal; II
Towle. William tf Kinney. James I
Teed, all ol Cortland, first, second and
third alternates, respectively.
bequest of $600,000 has been madn
to the Methodist Church of Oregon.
Announcement of the Tact was mudu
In the Pacific Christian Advocate, tho
olflclal organ of the Methodist Church
In this district. W. W. Brown, of Port
laud, and Malheur, was the donor.
Substantial Increases In the loan
ami discounts and capital are showu
by the combined statement of all tht
banks of the state of Oregon at thw
close of business December HI, 1914.
according to figures given out by 8.
Q. Sargent, state bank examtuer.
Yellow after 09 years ot existence
but still legible, a copy of the first
newspaper printed west of the Itocky
Mountains, the Oregon City Spectator,
will be sent to the Pauaiua Hactfto
exposition and will occupy a promin
ent place In the Coos County exhibit.
Three acres of land lying east of
the normal school building In Mon
mouth will become a school garden
early In the sprlug. according to ar
rangements now mude by the agri
cultural department of the Oregon
normal school Cnder the new plun
of giving Instruction to the leathers,
.1 1 n ul 1 11 n is to receive 110 small
hhare of attention
u appropriation of $,.',0uo.uou for
continuing woil. on the north jettv at
the mouth of the Columbia river, In
provided In an amendment to the rlvei
and harbor bill agreed to b the sub
committee ol the senate lolilllieriH
committee. The house bin carried L-
U0,000, vvhich was all, the mgintSTQ
said, that win. Id be rOQUin I U) '.my
the vwirk Ion .ird during the column
1 in-. 1 in . , 1 made
bv the sub i oiiiinittee In Ii. 1 ol pi.e
lag the Columbia rivei project on
OODtlnuIng eonlr.u t ha
lu Ibe third bit ; tag
,ii 1 1 land board, lu 1 umpleti d, it
is recommended thai Uu !' rtaiatum
i,iov nie, 1 . lit bi. 1 nactmi nt, thst
ail moneys received on account ol
land sales or Frou ource on tbi
Tumalo project, except malntenaaoa
. be placed in a Special lnml to bu
known (J a 1 um.ilo projet t Moid, ami
Unit the desert land hoard be .Ulllo
i.i d to make ilisluu miih-iiIh liom thla
fund for tin necessar) expenses 'ii
lection with the Tumalo projt I
not covered ny the regular miiinti n
unci- 1-
I'reliminary eHtiinstes of the outi ;it
of metals from Oregaa mines In 1914.
made by Charles Q Vale of the I'nlt. il
tates leologtoal survey, show
ilei reuses Iroin the ligurea for Mli,
The gold yield for UU VI 1 r.T10(
und the aetimate for PJll about $1,
iiiiiiiiiui 'I he silver OtltPttl lor 11 I I
v. . 1 . LT0.M4 fine oui. ces, and the uhM
mate lor 1!H4 Is IM.0M ouiices, or
(S.000 OUBCei less The .vleld of otu
per in 1914 vvus about 5000 pounds, or
MiMI pounds less than 1913, and tl o
vield of lead was 4',.tuu pounds, or
40,000 pounds less