The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 11, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    I III I IMK K .
Corner Drug
D. M. Taggert went to Vala Monday
I). H. Kerfoot returned to Vale Mon-
Ttay Duncan spent a tew daya In
kntario thin week.
Charley Haines from the Narrows
tan In Ontario on business Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Van Dever of Juntura
Kerr In town the first of the week.
Henry Moody of Vale visited In On-
irlo Friday.
K. I llronan of Vale win an Ontario
flsltor thr last of the week.
Frank Cummins of Weetfall was In
tntaiin thr last part of last week.
For Sal or Trad-A Mortgage.
ox 412, Ontario. 6-tf
Mr Marry Klmes of Westfall waa
Ontario visitor the flint of the week.
Dressmaking done by Mra. Strickland
rid M.s Owena. Phone 129N1. 6-2tp
Prescriptions promptly fllled by ex
pert druggists st Mill's Pharmacy.
Ceo. v. Uing of Portland waa In
kntaiio on bualneaa thia week.
Istet Aiijrusl'na, from California ii
tisiting a tho Holy Roaary Hospital
Mrs. 0, K. Stewart la very low with
Uimnn iinahfa disease.
Mr. and Mra. l.eslv M. Thayer are
rjoclng over the arrival of a boy
chruary 6.
When going away, trad your stuff
or a trunk at McDowell's Second hand
John Wood returned from a woek'a
111 at bis ranch at Riverton Satur-
AU kinds of atova and furniture re
pairing at McDowell's Second Hand
McDowell saves you money on stoves
and furniture at the big Seeond Hand
FOR SALE-Heavy work horaes, 4
to 7 years oUl. Henry Hansen, Pay
atte, Idaho. 6-4t-p
The Ontario doctors recognize our
superior faeilitiea and ability for filling
their prescriptions. Hills Pharmacy.
W. B. Bray, of Oakland, California,
came to Ontario about a week ago and
haa taken up his residence here.
Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels for
sale $1.00 each. Clarence Fisher,
Fruitland, Idaho.
Alfred nirchman, who has been
visiting In the Willamette valley, re
turned Tuesday.
For Sale One Jersey cow. Also
span of young mare mules broken to
Work. Phone 2712. U
First claa.4 alfalfa hay for aavarD-
llvered in town. Phona J. J. Dillard,
Phone No. 2D4-N-4. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Draper have
been visiting here a few days the past
The banka of Ontario will close Fri
day, February 12, on account of Lin
coln's birthday.
For Sale Wheat for feed. $1.40 per i
hundred Phone 290R?. K L. Gil-
l-.rt P.Vntta Knot,- '.' 2-4tn
- - - j - aswwsw aasi aw -ar
Miss Margaret Dunbar came down
Friday afternoon to spend Saturday
and Sunday with tier parents.
Bring your prescriptions hare. Yqur
doctor knows it will be tilled right with
drags of the highest potency. Hill's
For Sale Pure bred young Ply
mouth Rock Cockerels. L. F. Shaw,
Payette, Idaho, R F. D. 1. Phone 12-21
To trade - Good residence property in
a fine Idaho town for land or town
property at Ontario. Box 38, Ontario,
Oregon. 4-tf
Loat A horse blanket, brown with red
.stripes, between Main atreet and ho-r,ood w,u c,ub
piUl. Finder pleaae return to HarneW
Shop. C. W. Wood.
Thoroughbred red Irieh Setter dog.
Reward for information leading to re
covery. Robt. A. Davia, Jr., Nampa.
You will be better satisfied With your
doctor if yon have hia prescript on filled
here. Our drug service produces re
sults Hill's Pharmacy.
Enjoy the Hallowed Orchestra Fri
day evening. Have you auit cleaned
and nicely pressed. Phone 84-J. On
tario Preseary.
, Before hearing the Hallowed Or
chestra Friday evening or dancing to
(hair aiusic, see that your auit is clean
and nicely pressed. Call 84-J. Ontario
' "' ' 0h'nn d D. Petrie returnee
Monday from Corvallia where they at
tended the big week at the colloge
short course. They report a nna pro
gram. I
Interest Increases
As Sale Progresses
This is a wonderful opportunity for the econom
ically inclined woman, in that the assortments are
very complete, the values are superior to those ordin
arily offered and the prices are much less than those
usually asked.
Most enthusiastic have been tho shoppers in our
tnihroidery and lace department. And with good
rtHQDl for never have we offered more exceptional
vulues. This Sale is in reality an exposition of the
iii'Wist and most popular patterns and designs as ex
hibited by the foremost manufacturers this season.
Laces of Quality
Good edges that will wash-5
Bleached Muslin yd wide 9c
Embroidery Dainty and
firm Edges 8 1 -3c up
12c Dress Gingham - - - 9c
A Beautiful Line of Shirt Waists 98c $1.25 $1.69
Sale of Undermuslins
From the most elaborate conceptions to the
plainest styles the sale of desirable undermuslins af
fords an ample choice of dainty and desirable gar
ments sure to please the most fastidious. Right now
is a good time to buy because of the very low prices.
. a
Ladies finwna at 4'lr
Corset Covers at 16c.
K nicker Drawers at 63c.
Fine Nainsook Gowns . 89c.
Skirts. Drawers and
Corset Covers 49c.
Combinations and Princes
SHds 89c-
niie iainsooK jOwns. oc. onp aarw
Remember We Do Not Sacrifice Quality For Price
V. P. Drookover haa been rein
stated as eipressman at the O. 8. L
depot. He took up his work TuesdaJ
morning. Mr. DeKalb, who haa bees
eipreastnan, la now third trick oper
ator. The city council, In order to reduce
the danger from hydrophobia to a
minimum, passed an ordinance that re
quires all dogs to be mutsled in such
a way that they will be rendered utter
ly unable to bite. If a dog la not art
mnsiled he will be shot by the author
ities. K. A. Ileagle la on the alert for
every unmucxled dog and baa a for
midable list of victims.
f . For Sale. .
Seed Corn and Potatoes. 00 days
;olil.n Jewel Yellow Dent, a heavy
fielding corn and fully acclimated.
Netted Gem and Idaho Rural Seed Po
W. B. GILMORE, Payette, Iduho.
The Collegians will be at the Dream
land Theatre Tonight, February 11, in
stead of the 13th, as was formerly an
nounced. Thia is the fourth number of
the Lyce'im Course and this quartet
comes highly recommended. Each is
an individual soloist and their program
ia full of lively action With enough of
the "old favorites" and enough of the
sober parts to give a fine variety.
The Mualc club met at the home nt
Mrs. II. L. Peterson Baturday after
neon. Mrs. W. C. Johnson en tor ta la erf the
of Hratrioe Kebekah
lodge No. 82, I. O. O. F., at her home
Saturday afternoon, Feb. 6th, at a mis
cellaneous shower In honor of Miss
Teresa Leach, bride of the near fu
ture. The rooms were decorated in the
lodKe colors, pink and green, and hung
with hearts ami ruplds. At the door
Miss' I, em h was met by a "Kcwplc"
holding two ribbons which extended
round the rooms, and by following
these Miss Lefcch found her presents,
which were many. Among them be
ing pieces of out glass, silverware and
table linen.
Mrs. Johnson served dainty refresh
ments and altogether it was an after
noon long to be remembered by those
present as having had a "good time,"
once went for his gun and went on
I he trail of the coyote, but before
overtaking him, he reached the home
of Scott Davis, there being attacked
by Mr. Klbler with a gun. but he was
Unsuccessful In capturing him. Mr.
Davis was feeding stock near by and
the rabid animal jumped on the sled
and attacked him. Mr. Davis, having
a team of colts, was unable to let go
to protect himself. Mr. Klbler hav
ing reached the spot by this time and
having no more ammunition, grabbed
the coyote by the tail, Intcnwng to
kill It by hitting its head agaBst the
hay rack, but In attempting t do ao
the hair slipped from its tall,, throw
ing the coyote on over the rack on
the opposite side from him in a
ditch, but before he could get
straightened around to attack them
again they succeeded In making way
with him. Neither of them aua
tained any injurlea.
The Halloweti Concert Company will
perform at the Dreamland theatre Fri
day night, February 12, under the au
spices of the Oregon Club. This la a
first class company and well known to
this district. Tickets are on sale at the
Ontario Pharmacy.
Daloya J. Stoner and Tharaaa Em
ma Leech were married at Weiser
Wednesday morning in the Congrega
tional pwraonage by Rev. Walter Ash
lay. The young couple went to Weiser
Wednesday morning returning at noon,
accompanied by Mr. and Mra. Wm.
Lyalls. Their many friends extend to
them heertiest congratulations.
One of the prettiest parties of the
season was given at the homo of Mrs.
Glover Monday, when Mra. Jabob
Prising and Mrs. Arthur Glover en
tertained with bridge. First and sec
ond honors were won by' Mrs. John
Wood and Mrs. W. W. Wood. The in-
fvited guesU were MescUmes Fraser
Gregg, Adam, Emerson, Burnett,
Sanderson, Imogen, H. Anderson, Hill
ingaley, W. W. Wood. John Wood,
Rambo, Pinney, Newton, Rader, Marsh
and Swagler.
A aocial meeting of the W. C. T. V.
will he held at the homo of 1,. Dcllc
I.ees Tuesday, Feb. 16. All members
and friends are Invited. The follow
ing program will be given.
Itattle Hymn.
Why a Frances Wtllard? Mrs. W.
N. Mrowu.
Poem, Frances Wtllard U I telle
Memorial Fund and Its I'se Mrs.
Light refreshments.
California Excursions
February 9, 13 and 14, via Oregon
Short Line. Low rates to Los Angeles
and San Francisco. Limit March 20th.
See Agents for rates and further details.
Charles II. Powell, general mission
ary of the Episcopal church, with
headquarters at Cove, wlll hold serv
ices at the 1. O. O. F. ball Sunday,
Feb. 14.
W. T. Lampkin
Hippodrome In Pictures.
The world-famous New York Hip
podrome will be shown in motion
pictures at the Dreamland Saturday,
Feb. IS, This is the first time in his
tory that these pictures have btfen
shown and Ontario will be given a
great treat. There will be seven reels
displaying the marvels of the Hippo
drome's greatest scenic spectacle,
"America." This will include the
Landing of Columbus, The Alamo at
San Antonio, Panama and the open
ing festivities, Marvelous Ladder acts,
Pueblo Village at New Mexico, with
hundreds of Indian performers, rail
way station, New York scenes, Cule
bra cut and the passage of the first
ship, Ponce de Leon Hotel. Florida,
ana carnival of sports, Fearless Fillis
Equestrians, New England farm
acene, Suffrage Parade, National Park,
Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Plung
ing Automobile, Levee at New Or
leans, Fighting the Flames, Australian
woodchoppers and the famous finale,
The Court of Honor. The Hippodrome
is the largest theatre, with the largest
stage and largest acting company in
the world. Arthur Voegtlier is the
inv enter of the entertainments, Wil
liam .1. Wilson is stage director and
Manuel Klein ia musical director.
Mil ..ill I. . t... mnul ii-:,l
1 Iiene put 111 CIS lit uc imv m,v. ......
listic and the most marvelous of any
!eei displayed.
i HONSHU-:, okf.
Chas. Seton completed bis lumber
hauling for the blacksmith shop on
Thursday. He will haul the material
for the hotel later. The commence
ment of the shop building will begin
A surprise party was given on Stan
Van Hurens on Thursday evening.
Over fifty guests assembled. The
evening was spent in dancing. Coffee
ami sandwiches were served by the
Kiiests after which all retired, report
ing un enjoyable time.
Ray Duncan left on Friday for On
tario where lie is visiting with
John White of Cow Valley is break
ing horses at the S. I). Duncan home.
Rutherford Bros, returned from
Caldwell on Saturday, where they had
been disposing of horses
Miss Clara Howard, teacher of
Malheur, was a week end visitor at
the home of her brother, ('has. How
aid, returning home Sunday.
Walter Hinton and wife, Walter
Lawrence and Cecil Smith, attended
the show at Honito on Prida. cwn-ing.
A. J. Murray of I'nlty was a busi
ness visitor here the middle of the
F. W. Smith returned from Ontario
m Saturday. He expects to return
first of the week to he at the bedside
of bis witi', who will he operated on
lor appendicitis.
Many preparations are being made
for the masquerade ball at Malheur
on Friday the 12th.
Stan Van liuren made a trip to his
homestead on Monday.
Walter .VicUarn sustained a severe
injury on one of his feet on Monday
while helping vaccinate stock at the
Rutherford Hros. farm. One of the
cows, when getting ui run one of her
horns partially through his foot.
Iji.-t week while W. T. Hunt was
i- i . .. . I . i . i . . , L- -i i 'I I ul it in it a tfc ok
dittcov'trtd rear by, bo Mr. Huut 1
24 Stands of bees. 81 Empty hives. .K) Section box
supers, all iifw 2000 Section boxes, Some founda
tion. 2 Foundation fasteners. 2 Smokers. 2 Veils,
i Wire imbeder. Will sell all or any part very na
sonable. if interested investigate at once. Write
for further particulars.
Wm. Champlin, - Ontario, Ore.
In a good tract of land with a number one water
right. Will tell anywhere from 10 to HO acres. Half
cash. Two miles south of Ontario. $12o per acre up.
J. J. PIESS, Ontario, Ore. Box 51
Are You
Making Money
s 1
It YfrlTWslrBsfflsWry''sMss I slff
-P- IP5BSZ5a. Jn ftdfisaW
J "a 1Z7&1 -sfi. lUafllssssa.
Perhaps you need some other tools than what you
have to make the same ground produce more with less ex
pense. Talk it over with
Ontario, - - - Oregon