TBI ONTARIO ARGUS, THURSP AY, FEBRUARY 11, IM& FOUR THE ONTARIO ARGUS A Merchants and Newspapers Great Factors In Building Up a Town PATRONIZE YOUR HOME NEWSPAPER! Although there ore many reasons whj EVERY ONE SHOULD DO ALL IN HIS POWER TO HELP THE HOME PAPER, it ia self evident that tho men who can and ahould do the most are the merchants. Their success means the success of the newspaper, and none will deny that the SUCCESS OP THE NEWSPAPER IS MAINLY DEPENDENT ON THE MERCHANTS. Tho newspaper is vitaJly interested in tho success of those who hare things to offer to the community. Women nnd many men nowadays read the ndvertising columns almost jib closely as they do the news column. IF A MERCHANT HAS ANYTHING SPECIAL TQ OFFER HI KNOWS THAT THE VERY BEST WAV TO LIT THE PEOPLE KNOW THAT HE HAS IT IS THROUOH THE COLUMNS OF THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. MERCHANTS SHOULD TAKE A DEEP IN TEREST IN THEIR HOME NEWSPAPER. IT IS AN INSTITUTION OP THE TOWN. IT SHOULD BE SUPPORTED. IT SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED. IT IS THE GREATEST TOWN BOOMER THERE IB. THE NEWSPAPER IS NECESSARY TO THE MERCHANT AND THE MERCHANT TO THE NEWSPAPER. IP THE HOME NEWS PAPER OCCASIONALLY KNOCKS IT IB TO REMEDY SOMETHING THAT IS WRONG, OR AT LEAST SOMETHINO THAT IT HONEST LY THINKS IS WRONG. THE HOME NEWSPAPER'S HANDS SHOULD BE HELD UP. IT NEEDS THE SINCERE MORAL SUP PORT OP EVERYBODY IN THE COMMUNITY. BUT NONE MORE THAN THE MERCHANTS. Merchants of a town, those who supply its daily needs, invaria bly are PUBLIC SPIRITED CITIZENS.' They are tha men who moke up the hoards of trade. They ore always in tho fore front of sny ag.tation looking to the BETTERMENT OK THE MUNICIPALITY. Their cause always is identical with that of tho home newspaper. There shonld be a spirit of co-operation be tween the merchants and the homo newspaper. MERCHANTS. BOOST EOR THE HOME NEWSPAPERI t u The Mechanical Department of The Ontario Argus is one of the best equipped in Eastern Oregon. It is equipped to fill all all the needs of the most exacting customer. Gook workmen and plenty of good material , and machinery is our hobby, anJ we guarantee to please you. V vFrf Our Commercial Printing Department is not excelled anywhere. We have plenty of modern type faces, and are thoroughly equipped to do your commer cial printings-no matter what you needs. There are'- few country printing offices so well equipped as ours, to furnish our customers with the best and most modern jgb work. Figure with us the next time you need some printing. You will find our prices right and consistent with our high class work. OUR NEWSPAPER Have you noticed lately that the Argus is carrying a large amount of news? Have you noticed an improvement? Just compare it with the average week ly newspaper. Just spread it out on a table along side of any weekly newspaper that comes along. THEN DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. Home Paper Stands With Public School For Betterment of Our American Life IT has been well said that the great PUBLIC SCHOOL SYS TEM hi the BACKHONK of the AMERICAN NATION. Something else can be said just as trulv. It is this: The BACKBOM of the PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM is tho America! woman. And that backbone has ofteu been strained to the BRE IK ING POINT, Our woman Uaohtfl hero and all over the land are spending the bMl tMN of their lives for the young. They are spending these best years very often under TRYING CONDITIONS poor pay. overcrowded classrooms, insanitary quarters, curtailed facilities, small thanks. The backbone must be strong, but not straiued. ft ft THIS PAPER LABORS EARNESTLY TO IMPROVE OUR LOCAL EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS. IT RECOGNIZES THAT OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM IS GOOD. BUT IT ENDEAVORS TO BRING ABOUT STILL FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN, FOR THE SAKE OF THE TEACHERS AND FOR THE SAKE OF THE TAXPAYERS. WE WANT OUR EDUCATION AL EFFICIENCY TO BE OF THE HIGHEST. GOOD SCHOOLS BOOM A TOWN. THEY ARE THE FIRST THING THE MOTHER ASKS ABOUT WHEN THE NEW FAMILY MOVE8 IN. ft ft This paper not only works for the betterment of school condi tions, but it chronicles all the SCHOOL NEWS If Vou are interested in your home schools and in local edueat.onal news vou will tind the constant companionship of this paper of especial ft ft ' FOR YOUR OWN INFORMATION AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF YOUR CHILDREN KEEP IN TOUCH W.TH OUR LOCAL SCHOOL TE COUNT SS? EUCAT,0N" MATERS THROUGHOUT IZZV"T,L IH'8.HMeNeW8PAP ' TACTICALLY THE r,,u uf,PLIKt TH8 ,WF0RMAT0N THE ONTARIO ARGUS i n