The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 11, 1915, Image 1

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Ontario is in the
Centre of the (Jreat
The Produce from
15,000,000 acre is
marketed from On
tario each year
Snake River Valley
Corn Belt.
Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley.
lames iachy uora to oan
Francisco to Install
the Display.
Plkcvllle, Ky , l-'rl.. r, (Argus Spe
cial Service). Chorgcd with selling
votes at the Inst school election for
fl apiece, three wonn n wile Indicted
here today. Kiev en hundred nun nro
unused of having committed fraud
BtN at the primary election laat
ir. liSiCKy nin iepreseni
Five Counties of East
ern Oregon.
lumen Lackey left for La Grande
mday and from there he will go to
n Francisco to attend the I'snams-
itic exposition. Mr. Lackey wn
minted by the County Court to take
ri'i- uf the Malhuer county exhiMfe
the fair In company with Judge
Knight and County Commiaaioner
Weaver, he went to La Grande to
end me meeting 01 me r.asiern
gon district. At thia meeting Mr.
rkey wax appointed general manager
the exhibit of the diatrict whicn com-
Iihdn Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Halt
and Malhuer counties. Each of the
intiea made an appropriation to pay
' the exhibit and eastern Oregon will
well represented.
The Commercial Club elected officers
Wednesday night as follows: E. C. Van
Petten, president; H. C. Boyer, vice
president; Harry Crauel, aecretary
treaaurer, and A. L Cockrum, M E.
Newton, II C. Whitworth, W. H.
I n,, lit tie mh I L A. Adam as directors.
Ligation bills
Haines, Ore., Ken. (Argus Spe
cial Service). At the suggestion of
tfclr teacher, Miss .nnle Klshei. the
i amis of the tilth .-nil sixth grades
here have started ravings bank ac
counts with the Haines bank. Much
interest la being shown by the Jul-
wukat ki.vim: feared.
I'ltrrliajM-H hi I ii i ..(. .i ii Villous
b) Klirnpeitll
Figures are Compiled to
Show the Cost and Profit
of Such an Establishment
Operating Here.
Effort la luing made tO establish
a fruit and vegetable evaporator In
Ontario. Looaj men are behind the
scheme, and an attempt Is being mnde
to form a Iocs company of local
people to llnanee the iindertakiiiK.
The following circular bus been Is-
sind, ami explains the plans:
"It Is the intention to Hidcavor to
form a small stock company to In
stall und operate a fruit and vege
table evaporator In the city of On
tario, and the following information
reliably obtained will give concisely
what results can be accomplished
from a plant of this kind :
"Kvaporated Applea. The cost of
the production of 100 pounds of fin
ished product would be $4; pro
ceeds from sale of lot) pounds, 17;
profit over cost, per 100 iniunds, $.:
"Evaporated Potatoes. The cost of
the production of 100 pounds of tin
Ished product would be 111; proceeds
from sale of 100 pounda, 126; profit
over cost, per 100 pounds. $14.
"Evaporated Sijuash and Pumpkin.
The cost of the production of 100
pounds of finished product would be
f : ; proceeds from sale of 100 pounds,
92ft ; profit over cost, per inn pounds,
"Corn Is another product that can
be handled at a big profit
Sixty-four Animals is the
Record to Date. Many
Reports of Mad Coyotes
Are Circulated.
Sivt -four dogs have been killed so
far by R. A. Hcaglc and he reports
that all dogs are being muzzled nc-
OOraing to Cltjt ordinance Last Suthr
da In ujis (ailed upon to kill the
dogs of Rev. KoenlK ond ('. K. Nni
land. These dogs were bitten n little
over three weeks ago m a dog that
WOH supposed to hi' mud Not uM,
ing to kill their dogs until thev were
certain that they Wore mad. the own
ers kept the dogs tied up. Saturday
they developed hydrophobia and were
Tuesday a coyote, which had been
kept chained to a post by s mini
I" i of the steel gang, escaped and
ran down through the east side of
town. Several persons attempted to
kill It. thinking It to be mad, but It
About lutein head of cattle have
died of rabies out on Walker's place,
where Maker Hall's cattle are feed
ing. It Is not known how the stock
Rot Infected.
lltSr.lUI.I, MCmOR SOON.
Chicago, Feb. fi. (Argus Special
Service). Judge l.ondls assured Um
newspaper men here today that the
eould look for a decision In the Ml
battball suit of the Federals against
organized baseball most any time now
i:ir situ e the lawyers hove fhilslu d
pouring out their arguments the
newspaper men have haunted the Fed
eral court and Judge l.ondls baa
promised them that all would have
an equal chain it.
The house of representatives passed
rte Irrigation measures last week
ilch have a direct bearing on proj
ts in Malheur county. One of these,
'use bill 298, will give the state the
lii to puiebuse irrigation bonds
Portland, Ore., Keb. . (Argus
I Special Service I. -The residents of
, Washington, Oregon and Idaho may
suffer from the lack of wheat unless
'inotmous pi ices are paid for importa
tions from other pot tions of the coun
try Miionliiii to statements made
irrigation districts organized under ,;,.,. , h ,.ainnK millers und
m ,ii federal supervision. Another 'growers. Crop statisticians say that
II that wus passed proposes to make there is less than three million bush
ate lands held bv private Individuals I1" of wheat '" the hundH of '"'
, J .und millers. The highest ipiotutlon in
. mp contracts subject to irrlga- u. )n(.,. ()f ia.nI ,,,. WH(i ml(.h,.(1
n assessments. This will make today at $7. to, although M Hour la
iidbulders develop their land or freely predicted. Cash wheat prices
II ii advanced from 7 to Hi cents a bushel
I, .Mm to I. miii pounds per day uf fin
ished product would be under 12,000.
Oreat care haa been exercised in
drawing up this estimate, and It Is
above what the actual cost will be.
Another unit to double the capacltv
These could be added at a very amall cost.
both cost and profit are ex- The whole world is the market for
reedlngly conaervatlve. The product this class of commodity, and owing
from the class of evaKration that to the state of affairs in other coun
woiild be installed commanded from, tries, there is nothing that has a big-
one cent to one und u hulf more per ger future ahead of it thnn cvupor-
pound than uuy other on the market ated fruits and vegetables. There is
lust season. t no place in this country that has any
i in total 'Hi to install a one belter facilities for cuterlng to It
unit plant that would turn out hum .limn Ontario, Oregon."
Alex liochcad Is erecting a two
sioiv apartment house a block west of
Hoyer Hros.' store. This apartment
house will be about about thirty-two
feet wide by thirty-eight feet long
and will cost In the neighborhood of
three thousand dollars.
Local Men are WorUing on
Plans For Institution
For Ontario.
Need of Such an institution
Has Long Heen Known.
Now Started.
The third bill gives the Irrigation i
atrial the right to s.ii their surplus!
iter power for electric power pur-1
on the Portland Merchants' exchunge
this week.
Julian Hurley
tarlo i i hi. i'
of Vale was In On-
n an interesting article to the
hub, p. t r',v uf js'y88a wno took
mi i-nze for the Nyssa district In
' '"in carnival at Ontario last fall,
daius how lu raised 101'Mi bushels
')iu to the acre. The article fol-
am Klad to have the opportunity
"plain how simple a matter it was
M It raise that amount and it
mid he an easy matter for the
'age farmer to have no trouble to
be same or even better with the
l,,al advantages we have here in
lawei Snake river valley such as
anu climate. Nowhere in the
' "i noithwest have I worked with
which was as easily worked and
roughly worked into a perfect seed
bn an kind of crops which was
"Hie labor as the acre of corn,
re was no special pains taken. It
raised under the same conditions
L'tl as the entire Held of 38 acres,
act the one acre was taken almost
I the center of the field and I was
fled for some time as to where to
ft my prize acre. It was only at
'ast moment when I nctnnllv rt-
d on the acre measured. I have
1 told by parties looking over the
'hat l could have selected a bet-
e. This held was in alfalfa for
years and in the spring of 113
Mowed up and put into wheat,
,s""g 41 bushels of Little Club
" " In the spring of 1914 the
M plowed at the depth of about
""t"s with a J. 1. Case 16-inch
-1 Plow with a homemade harrow
"uient following, which I con-
d as ood a pulverizer as tw
ordinary harrowings. This plowing
was done the last of March. As Boon
as plowing the entire field I harrowed
with a spike tooth barrow twice more,
and then the field was ready for the
planting. In planting 1 first used a
two-row marker using two Planet.
Jr., lister shovels, making furrows
about four inches in depth in the soil,
Immediately following with a one
horse corn drill set to drop one grain
every twenty Inches, drilling the grain
about 1 inches deep in bottom of fur
row practically puiuug me eeu ui
the bottom of the plowed part of the
soil and immediately following the
drill with a smoothing harrow to level
and pulverize the soil. The planting
was done from the fifth to the tenth of
May. Nothing more was done until
the corn was about three or lour
inches in height. When the corn was
two inches high we had a severe wind
and ball storm which damaged it
badly und for a time it looked aB If
it would never recover, the little
shoots being literally pounded into
the ground and in some places al
most totally covered up, the corn be
ing in a furrow lower than the surface
of the ground making it cover more
than if it were planted on the level,
as the loose soil drifted, the furrow
almost level full. I noticed that corn
planted on level ground did not cover
up so badly. My object in planting in
a furrow was to get the corn roots
deep in the soil to moisture and being
rooted deep to begin with would stand
a dO 8l'e" niu-eh better than shallow
planting. I do not believe in irriga
(Continued on Page 8)
(Heat Interest has been ccntinl
about the basketball game between
Vale and Ontario, which was played
on the local Moor laat Friday even
ing. Dopesters are still figuring how
nut. ii, ii lost und all agree tbut On
tario didn't "come back" in the sec
ond half while Vale did.
The game wus attended by the larg
est crowd lint has yet witnessed a
basketball game in Ontario, the seut
ing capacity being so limited that u
large portion of the crowd had to
stand out on the playing space which
inii-i ii i ifd greatly with Ontario's
signal plays and was an advautage to
Vale in that it reduced the playing
field to about the same dimensions of
the Vale hall.
The first half wus clearly Ontario's,
the score of 13 to 11 at the end of thia
half does not represent the difference
in the playing of the two teams as
Ontario was easily 25 per cent better
than Vale throughout the half. Three
of the baskets made during this half
were made by signul plays from cen
ter, while Vale failed to make hei
signal work once during the first hull
In the second half Vule made her
signals work twice from center,
while Ontario worked but one.
All but four of Vale s points were
made by one man, Nelson, while On
tario's points were distributed be
tween three players. Ontario shot
one foul out of seven cbunees, while
Vule shot eight out of ten cbuine. The
game was hard fought from beginning
to end with no wrangling over de
cisions and was plaed aud won
Line up:
Ontario. Vale.
Lee Maddux M. (ilenn
Kred Teat It. Kills
Kight forward.
Kinest Orainse K. Nelson
Left forward.
Karl Weaver, Alfred Holland
M. Ilrown
Right (luard.
Jay Husted R. C.lenu
Left guard.
Huker City. Ore, Keb. fl. (Argus
Special Service). An effort la being
made here to hold a county fair next
fall despite the refusal of the county
court to appropriate $2,000 for this
puriKJse. President Welch today ap
pointed a county fulr board and
these men will go ahead with prelim
inary plans. The members realize
that it will bo a hard task to rulse
the necessary f 2.000 or $;t,oftn rroa u
public subscription but committees
will be appointed early and It is
thought that the merchants, stockmen,
formers and mining men will make up
the needed umount.
HthrK llaUB NIGH.
I laker, Ore.. Keb. ti. l Argus Special
;. nice). Twelve cants was the
price asked here today for loaves of
bread hitherto sold for lo cents. The
size of the .1 cent loaves wen ri-dui eil
fiom 12 to 10 ounces.
A mad coyote was killed Tuesday by
G. J. Berry in Thompson's field Mr.
Berry saw the iovWc in the field and
taking his rifle killed it at the first
shot. It was in a ve
and started to attack
That Ontario will soon have a Y If
('. A , or an organization similar, is
the statement mode Ibis week by sev
eral local men. who are Interesting
themselves In securing some such a
local institution. While the organisa
tion Is not yet completed, there has
been a committee appointed to look
into the matter and to take the neces
sary preliminary steps toward start
ing the movement.
The need of such an Institution is
known by every one nnd has been dis
cussed considerably in the last few
years. Several movements have been
started for this purpose but tor vari
ous reasons have been abandoned.
Hut the desire and need for this kind
of work is still as great as ever and
it will receive the liearty support of
every person.
J. T. McNulty and J. C. McCreight
bought out the hardware nort of the
store owned by Wm. McBratn
day. They will tak.- n.s - ,u,n ,,f tl..
business March 1. Mr McBratney will
retain the furniture and fixtures part
of the business and will keep his real
dencu at Ontario. A present he owns
undertaking establishments at Hunt
ington, Wen x r and Council hihI intends
to put ill ami equip complete ami up-to-date
undertaking parlors in Ontario in
the very near future.
Counts School Superintendent Miss
icious state I'ue, attended the Vale Ontario
Ukrry. I basket ball kuiiic lure Kriday night.
Tuesday evidence was taken by Mr.
Walker, the court stenographer, in
the case of Kingmon Colony Irriga
tion company vs. Retta Payne in
which the plaintiff is starting suit to
foreclose mortgage. W. W. Wood and
J. W. McCulloch are the attorneys for
the plaintiff and W. 11 Hrooke und
John Rand of Huker City are the at
torneys for the defendants.
The final argument in the case of
the Kirst National bank vs. Seward
Hi os. Heane Hros., and Johnson was
beard by Judge Higgs in the city hall
Monday. Itoth sides will submit law
briefs after which the court will ren
der its decision.
W. W. Wood and J. W. McCullo h
are the attorneys for the plaintiff and
W. K. Lees, Judge Davis of Vale and
Judge Webster of Portland aie the at
torneys for the defendants.
Mrs. James Oiven of Vale is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
A call has been issued for u coun
cil of the fruitgrowers of the north
west, February li, at Tacoina. This
council will have for its purpose the
complete union of all the fruimrow
i is associations of Montana, Idaho,
Washington aud Oregon.
In this way a uniform price will be
put on all fruit and by-products will
be standardized, the shipping of the
fruit will be organized and done in
the cheapest way possible, and the
fruit growing industry put on a busi
ness basis.
Five members of the Idaho-Oregon
Fruitgrowers' association will attend
the council in Tuconiu.
Hydrophobia still is claiming its
victims. Up in the Agency valley
about fifty bead of cattle haw become
infected. At the Harper ranches about
a thousand dollars woith ot stock has
been reported lost through rabies.
Hecker, who is feeding at Arcadia, re
ports some losses.
A story showing the possibilities of
corn growing in Malheur county und
the Snake river valley, appeals in the
January number of the National
Orange Monthly, published at West
field, Muss. The story follows:
Seldom has the National Orange
Monthly been able to present to its
readers a Orange article of more ui
sorbing interest than that printed
herewith: Intciesting not meieh in
itself but us un illustration of Oronne
leadership for better things in this
Oregon instance leadership for bet
ter agriculture, at a time when it was
sorely needed Tin- ailule is written
troin Ontario, Oregon, and is from Un
pen of A. K Kimball, lecturer of the
Pomona (iiunge of MuIIm ur county,
the orgunizuiion which bus actum
plished so much foi the tanners of
its locality.
"The Corn Canmal, held today in
this cit, marks the end of the Mal
heur County Pomona Oiange corn
contest, the results of whn h astound
ed all the old settlers in its total, 12
out of the 31 contestants having aver
aged over 104 bushels of shelled corn
to the acre, and the winner of the
sweepstakts securing the remarkable
yield of 121 bushels and 40 pounds,
and that under oidinary Ibid condi
tions with no special fertilizer or care.
In fact, the contesting acres were se
lected from fields of from two to 38
acies When one considers that pre
vious to this year practically no corn
had bein raised in this county in
fact it hud In en said that corn coubl
not be successfully grown at this al
titude of 2,100 feet and so tar north
the results are all the more remark
able. "Probably no Oiange in the country
faced a more serious problem than
confronted the Malbeui County Po
mona last spring Malhi III county
Was loinitliv eoiisldeied o lunge
country, with un area larger than the
stute ot Massachusetts and a popula
tion not so large us a small town of
that state. A few 'anneis settled
ulong the rivers and discovered thut
wbeie wuter was upplled to the soil
enormous lelds ol altulfa could be
iiruiiil, und soon mountainous stacks
of thut woiideiiul legume dotted tin
lundscupe On Ihe lanwes thousands
of cattle grazed und in the winter en
tered the feed yurds to mow sink ami
fat on this finest ol bass.
"Oraduully but steadily the area of
the cultivated lund inereused, while
just as steadily the ranges dccieasnl
until suddenly it was disiovcied that
sufficient numbers of cattle did not
remain on the langis to dispose of all
The hay the tanners wire growing
Other crops hud been tiled with in
different success, owing principally to
the disadvantageous freight rateB,
but neai ! evuy fanner had riacbnl
ihe conclusion that the section was
only udupted to the growing of hay
and fruit. Hut only u small poition
of the farmers toiild ufford to hold
their land while their fruit tiees were
coming into bearing. In u new coun
try where development was progress
ing rapidly money was in meat d
inaml, while there wile pun in ally BO
savings to nn it the demand, and to
(Continued on page B.)