r THE ONTARIO ARGUS THURSDAY, FERRUARY 4 1915 I U LEGAL NOTICES Eatray Notice There came to my pUw about nine miles south-went of Weiser ithout Dec ember l.rth, ISM 4. One black horse about 14 years old. Right hind foot white, star in forehead, little white on nose, M other marks or brands. Owner may secure his property by proving ownership, paying for this not ice and the animal's kMp Address: C. Williams, Weiser, Idaho, postollice box No. lilt. 4-t AffUOATtOM POP. ORAHMQ it.umits. Notice is hereby ghrefl that all appli cations for permits to irraze cattle, horses, and sheep within the Malheur National Forest during the season of llllfi, must lir tiled in my office at John Day. Oregon, on or before Fabruary , del signed has been appointed by the lflS. Full Information in regard to '""ty (,""'i ot the state of or. , the grating fees to be charned and "or Maihaur County, administrator ol blank forms to be used m making apph- U" estate of 0, W. Morrison, det . I art, cation will be furnished upon request. Al1 persons having claims againel the Cy J. Bingham, Supervisor estate of said deceased, are hereby re QUircd to present the same to the un til the County Court ol the State of "J4 with the PP verification Oregon lor the County ol Mdlhcur. In the Matter of the Estate of Prank lin II. Lackey, Deceased. Citation: To James A. Lackey, Andrew M. Lackey, Amos A. Lackey, John Mur phy, Frank Murphy, Susan H. Lackey, John Lackey, Itettie Lackey Cox, Sal lie Lackey McNee. Charles Lackey, Grace Lackey, and Andrella Lackey, being all the heirs of Franklin II. Lackey, deceased, and to all other per sons interested in the estate of the said deceased. IN THE NAME (iF THE STATE OF OREGON: and under and by virtue of an order of the Honorable George W. Mcknight. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of Malheur, duly made and en tered in the matter of tl slat.- .if Franklin II. Lackey, deceased, on the thirtieth (Wi) day of December. Till, you and each of you are hereby cited Hn'1 r'''lrc,l t ear in this curt on Saturday, tin- Pith da of February, loir . iu u..,,. t i i t. ' i It'l.i. al the liolir ol one o c lock I M.. of the said day, at the Court I liaise at Vale, Oregon, to then and there show cause, if any you have why an order of saiil niiirl houM i ol bo made, and entered iiuthori.inu and directing A. M. Lackey, as the admim -tralnr of the estate of Franklin H. Lackey, dc ceased, to sell at private ale the fn. low iiik described real estate belonging to the said estate, to-wil: Lots 11, 12, It and 14, in bjock 2: 19; lots 1(, 17, IS, 19 and Jo. in block 109; lots II, 12. I .:, Malheur Mercantile Company LEGAL NOTICES 14, 11 in block 112 and an undivided one half interest in and to lots one and two in block 42, all in the City of Ontario, County of Malheur and State of Ore Ron. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and aflixed the Seal of the said Court at my office in Vale, Oregon, this thirteenth day of (Seal) January. 1915, (Signed) .JoltN I'. HolsTON. 2-11 County Clerk. Administrator's Nulla- to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. In the matter of the estate of Q, W. Morrison, (licensed. Notice is hereby iriven that the un- as by law rcipured, at my otnee in m- tario, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated January 14, 1915. Date of first publication, January 14th. 1915. Last publication, February 11th, 1915. C. McGonagILL. Administrator of the EstateofG. W Morrison, deceased. Administrator's Hale. Notice is hereby given that irf pur suance of an order of sale duly made and entered bv the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Malheur, on the 16th day of Janu- nry, 1915, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Harned, deceused, the un dersigned administrator with the will annexed of the said estate will, on and after the 20th day of February, 1915, at hi homi. ,,,. W(.BtfaM Oregon, ,, , . , offer Uiv sale and sell at private side, r in one pureed, for cash in hand, sub ji 1 1 to confirinution by said court, the following described tract of nal estate owned by said .state, tow it: The E'j of SE'.,nnd I ! Ml .. and NW', of XK'i of Section 2::, Township 17 South, Range in Fast, W. M., in .Malheur County, Oregon. The first publication of this notice is ou January 21, 1915, and tint Br this coupon I w s good for HL MW 10c to 50c Mm & M IF PRCSINTIO AT C.ROCCNS mi IW FEBRUARY 1 bth to 20th, 1915 W 'Cl 45C Reulr Spcci.ll. pric I 3C VLM fS Coffee i If i II Qu'll,y I W ' ' 2 00 160 JJ 'MS B Cmoil will collect Ihr ,lilfrrnc. from ut JHMF BtSbtI tntew youh "Per below M W Wl " I tinrttsit AW k WE REDEEM THEM The LEGAL NOTICES last publication is on February 18 1915. HENRY W. HYDE, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Thomas Harried, de ceased. Jan. tMtb.ll, Pure Bred S. C. White Leghorn Pullets anil Cockerels. Sired by first cock, Hoise show. Fine stock for breeders. Prices low. A. A. Stetlcr, Payette, Ida, Telephone Fruitland, 7-2. INNI ALONG EAST LINE (Special to The Argus.) London, lumping claims of mill tary successes aloiiK virtually the en tire eastern front, except In the ex- trenie north, are made In an official report from the Austrian war office. It Is asserted that in Poland, on the Warsaw front: in (isllcla. Hukowlna and northern Hungary the Austro Uer innii allies are balloting don u the Una Ian resistance. The rearward communications of the Russians in (Jallcia are threatened ,l"' report savs, hv the Austrlans. while the KiinkIiiu forces which lined it! Itllknultiu unit li.trllieni llimvnrv ,,. ,,. . IM1HMl ,,, ,, , ,,,,;, the trendies of the Austro (lerinan ar l tides are apiroachlnK the Warsaw forts. Nu mention is made of east Prussia, which, aeeorilliiK to Petro Krad reports, now Is menaced by a new offensive movement (lll the part of the Hussum until of Invasion. Ite ports from the Itusslan war office re aaatl) hart Indicated that the Austrl ans have rained some advantage In (lie fighting in the arputhlaus. hut neither the Patrograd nor lleilln state tin nt has shown Important changes mi tin w ,i nr. ronl Germany Forbids Exporting Potash. lieilin. via wireless The govern- lllellt IhsiiciI a decree prollibitiliK the exportation oi potasli ami potash pro ducts SENATOR LODGE ML ' jHBV Is OBBS ' tak JwM WW1 Henry Cabot Lodge, Republican Senate leader oppoeing the Admlnle tration'a ship purchase bill. BRIEF WAR NEWS The end of six months of Barofja'l great war finds the armies of the im tlons i ouiiletiiiK arraiineini'nts lor a new series of operations of actually eiiKaveil in ctimpalKtis the ,.tt ut ol wlili h hardly was aiitielpateii when the declarations of hostilities wen made In I'landers l-'ian M "''! I ' n tral Poland a deadlock still Mista, hut largely because of Itussla's tr. dons resources and the action ot Tur htjf, the sphere of operations has been which extended Itussla alone Is ciiuhm'iI In (IgkUlg hostile armies from Tilsit, tar In the north ot eust Prussia, to Tabriz., in Persia, a dlstiiinc ot BOM Mian lift miles. Mil that portion ol her terrl tor hordi rltiK on Koiimania Is free from nieiiaie. Imt a. ..nllin. to In i PI ports all Is gotag well with her im nn use armies. The RitMlan outflank Iiik mini tin ut In iioiih. in a i Prus si. i Is said to he gaining m ntiiiti The armies on eai Ii side ol Tilsit have cut the totiiian rallwav litween that i It) and Menu I on tin llaltlc. lin I In- southern liont in east Prus sia anot In r army Is aihaticini; toward tin (iirmaii fortress ol Thorn, while still another is holdiiiK a Hue of en treiu liuieiits whlili protect Warsaw and wliich tii in rul on Hlndonburi has been tryliiK to batter througk lor three months Other urinles are uaallt preparing to meet a Ida Austro tin man force which Is attempliiie to n rain Ouliela and gnkOWtMa then l lurnliiK l.rand Ihike Nicholas' bit wiliK Matties lu the west still consist local I Mtllt-i lliellts. Illtlleiull tile (,. mans, who apparentlv are pn for ail eti llnive OftellsUe before tin Uilles Kit their mil ' into Hie field, oci iihlonullv gall 01 tailor no n ' t. ii l.s I : Cattl n d all along tiM trout from tin .- .1 to ite Sw i-s iiontii 1, hut alua ..i' !. to iliat portion ot Ho ,i,i., line w !m 1, ties between the Hermann and tin I'reiuh toast towns The Arnoniie. loo. has he, tin sum- of anotlier attack, .ini! 111 tins ease, ai.oidiu,- to .1 (..1 in. i', report, Kin . ess foil lo Cini'i rot' V'l!' lin. u im u) thai iiun- tail 11 over 7ou prisoners ami counted In tut en 4110 and juu dead. Tn lin- t.isiwsrd the Muscovite trooi's are kattllag Mutual the I 111 tin 1 .oii.isiis and I'ei -1.1 'I liev an parent!) have Infllotad nnoinar defeat on the 'I urklsh forces, for the Kit tin i.ii report as then oppununte are rotTMllBI to 'lahru. while niiotn atal Alopatakao that tin- Kui have noiiupled thai lit). I 'here has lieeii mon outpost f(l ' IIIK Hi the vli'llill) 01 Hie Sue 1 aha but the latest reports suv the 'lurks are w illidraw Inn their advance posts there still is koine doubt whether the;. Have detililtel) ( illlllill ti-U llienisel v e. 10 Hie march the) must make .010. the desert to invade KK.vpt THE MARKETS Portland. beat -1 lull. tlAi; bluest. -n, 4, red llussian. Jl .17; fortjiulii, ll.M red fife, tl 4" iisv Haataru irnon tlarathy, li;, grata gay, 111; alfalfa ti : rail) Um ulhv HI Hut 1.1 CraaaMT) Ut ril Ksaili toe csintled. g Hops nominal Waal L'Oo I'.I4 crop. UVfce; im crop, alley. ISc; eastern Seattle. Bluestem ti 4; ueai club red Kussisii 1.37: turkev red. Ir...,, .i tarty told II M Mi ti (4 Hsrlev II pet ton llav I iinoili . HI per Inn 14 I '"ti lint '. i i eamei 'Cfc BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL fJHARLES C. ZWEIGART Attorney-At-Law Wilson Building ( tularin, Ore, JR. W. 6. HOWE Dentist Telephone No. 7:12 First National llnnk HuildinK JRS.TRINZIKG I WEESE 1 INTARIO, t rggQOM Office m New Wilson Block. D H. D. C. BRETT Dbntot Olliee ted door east of Ontario maev on Nevada Avenua Near R R Depot Phar. M CCUILOCH & WOOD Lawykhs Baaasi lM First Natl Bank Ontario, Oregon BMg. QSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS I ill II Minn 1 g mis DM. I'm link BBAM QradaatM American Bchool ol Ost en- I'lithy. Kirksville. Mo. Wilson Block. 1'el.phonc. 154 lllk j H.WHITNEY Physician am Sugai os Oftae ill I. II, Ontario O. f. Bldg., Oragoa J McGONAGILL 1 ."it- iv vi La Will Practice In All Courts Notary Pu, I ,-. i if , , Over Poatofficc JRANSFER. BAGG.'GE AND EXPRESS . I. AINs! IIN LANDINGHAM rj e. colcord. m. d. Olliee in New U ii on Block Ontario I ESLIE J. AKER Lawym lio.iin ti, I'm t National !!.. i Building tii I. W. HINTON s'lMi 1 v -1 1 . MAI.IIKI'H (ci M . . , 1 1 1 1; H tltN, I'lli.M. 171 nF.Pi tii Bun ' 1 . .a. I ..la ad 1 tularin Borl II .. Vale C. C. M ton, old's ' N. O. White, Wi . Bridge, J. I. II. 1 Ai I lenn Ji 1. 1. in alley Joe Baukotfer, M. '. i tnitl I BO) dell. Nv ",l Jill ra Will K in- . il.npi 1 L M. . h aid. 1 hitario Bridare Why not give jour buy and .'ii I an opportunity to make their Mane uluily ccum and ..... t ti i Vi' II.. Ill the I- a 111 B i I. .lie cstu will pro- lie I, .,11 and NIK a- tls l.ei buying the Inlv alilae,- i.I WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL In tionary in In- boiue. Tins new mat ion auswi rs with nnal auiiior it y all kinds ot piuuding queetioni in bi-t.iiy, ip'ograiiliy, liiuaraithy, pi lling, pioiiun. uiiiiii,sjiorts,aii , alel m ieui i. 4se,ses Vemasjlen Teresa, hm Put. rl HIUlllil.ll4ll.,ll. I ..I..I..I I'l .lr ! ! laUl.i F WIU tka Lil 1... The tp matter u e.ouv li ..t to that of s 15-vuluuiB eiicyt'iu(ii'ilik More S4 le.Uf l v. , 1,1 . i. ( ,,i.,r....-iit. Aulllulllaill.c (Ii in ml) elliti I lig- II. Ii III. 1 .1, KM. I I AR AMI INDIA I'M! K I IU1IONS. W 1(111 f.,r KI i I ' II i i; i,.j lull,, '.!.. I C tC. MIRRIAM CO, hPNINullk.il. MAti. .feWlfeBMa. T v J w Is. "! nj l m H 'lafMC ietfojSsgl lJrTVfc. WE. SPflrT ii !)l m "& fW ! I lr?' "" LBI F f-t ' I? "W BATTLE RESUHED ON ' SHIP PURCHASE BILL (Special to The Arrus.) Washins on Armlet Ice in the sen ate lctisb'l re strncule 1 the ship purchase bill, vvhieh let Ii to In i.- hi itOTiC place I .Us of the 1 utied Btati ' at i" o't lot iv Monday, b ati rei (itiv cued after a ry si 1 n Saturdaj tnidntghjL Win 11 d. UOt rath leadl r I mi "t''"d Sal iid.i.'. lulu s Ol inldl H pub" ii( an opponents ol the t In ti thai It was a si. -i 01 vvi but the generals of the adi kstratlon fori in. tht v the republlcat nh more 1 IhrOUgfa :iie week eh . ntldi ni tl Ihree or four diiv-i 01 continuous seion will .1 roll on the In 1 her substi tute. Which is the sliip Ii II AS amend ed lu caUCUSi and thai im leafier the mens. 1. ore qulckl) through re- malnlng parliamentary stages without much dittii ultv. Kepublli an b adcrs are just as lr til mined slid confident Hint the) csn ki 1 p up the fight until Marrh 4, If necessary, uud that the bill will not be permitted to pass ut this session of eonnress. Housr May Sustain Veto. What will I rate Of President Wilson's veto ot the Immigration bill e of lin reeti Ictlve litHMj test Is another snbieet or supreme Inter est in Hie oongreoo tor the week. '1 hat so Ii inoi lain ineinbers )a voted lor tin mil do not propose tn ot 1.1 i" ie the pre iMoal s re- air. inlv Is known and house 1 1 ei tain that the re two I, ill, Is v an be pm -ii 1 1. Ill fall to reoelve a two minis vote 11 will die. If It passes tew dOUbl Unit tile senate would give ii 1 010 ideiahlv more than the in-. ' sai t um lorlt v . 11 having paaaod there originally by ff to 7. OLEO TAX DODGERS JAILED AND LINED (Spu isl to The Armi St. Lou: 1. ... .i gaj was sen- I. need 10 time yean 111 the (fdaral I v at 1 i v 1 ,. v orth, Kansas ami um ! 1 .lain, end Itaynoad A Mar tlllS W.IS Ulvcll a two Villi hOlllelH e ' lii l.i iiv eiivvorlli ami rinil t'.lHKl In t "." !': ml lu. Ire .I0I111 (' lollock In the St l.ouls oleomargarine , .iscs Three other men were lined and sentenced to jail. PEACE PARTY IS MOBBED IN ROME (SNK'ial to Tin . . I i h. .-ii or aaiiist i "i the I a ni.. i ol ill m . .ni.i other pun i . aid... the in la .train v IB ' I ,i ' n ..! II. I entrain lo lii .i! I thi neutral ' 'I In poll. vv ei . . an. i urdi i Alter tins tut i ' h. V trian tube Imiwb nn Ailsti I in .v a vv lib (.. i nianv ' ' II. e I i ,n.. . an. I I an. - n . i the '.. al I h . a. .i.ii had to I Cull, ii on lo dlnpeibe the iIo.mIs. ARTILLERY COMBATS HOLDING SWAY (Special ti, i he Argue. I larie i bi t n ru h vr office kv Slieil Ihe follow lUI tall 101 III Ol lh pro; 'ni- war i be in uggle la i onflned on s'tm.-t ( rroal to an. .i i . ou.balK i canuouadlng vvan lotanae st numere - points (nn artiii.i) ims evarywhe sec un 1 1 the iol .untaKe Villa Wounded Denied. Waehlagtoa Daaial ol repartethal i;. ueral Villi had ben, lerloue i Aiiiiiuieil was received al the stste tie- partaieal fram American akshi ci ib is at i.i I'aao gee L)ieayc is 1300.000 I.." i i. I hire In. mil. ii thi liars v'.io ..: ia sae st Venn i , uml other toast 'n n.