THE ONTARIO ARGUS THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 4 L916 II UPHOLDS LAND ACT OPPOSED BY SENATE Devil's Lake, N. D., Post office Causes Deadlock Do YOU Know . ! a i a i 7af a iVeiC Edition-the Second of the New INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA is now in course of publication ? THE PUBLISHERS: This work, like the first edition, is an undertaking of Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, publishers of 75 years, experience and lor 30 years makers of encyclopaedias Never was a general reference book so thoroughly rewritten within po short a time after publirxtion Much Needed: Many recent changes profoundly affecting important human activities have demonstrated the imperative need of a new ency clopaedia, It is the him of the publisher to supply this need with the Second Kcition of the New International. It in thus the only standard encyclopaedia covering: recent events. Widest Scope: Every topic that could by any possible chance be of interest to the busy man man. professional man, general reader or stti'lent. is included. Highest Authority: The l.rst edition is in IStHi public and school libraries and is recommended by the grent majority of librarians as the best. Of it the New York Evening Tost ami the Nation, said: "As an en cyclopaedia of American interests for American readers, it is un doubtedly the best and fullest in existence. " The Second Kdition will fully maintain the position of authority established by the lirst edition. New Throughout: In the Second Edition a free haud is given the editors, since the type is being reset for the entire work there is no ingertion of new matter in old plates and no supplementary volumes. Enlarged: Each article is critically examined, enlarged, or rejected in fnvor of a now one and a vast number of new articles added. The result is an increased space of nearly twenty per cent, and of vol umes from 21 to 24 The work of revision is divided into depart ments, covering the whole field of learning and is undertaken by foremost authorities. A Great Enterprise: International: The work is broadlv internatianal in its scope, yet contains more topics of use and interest t Americans than an other -dsndj aril encyclopaedia. Profuse-Illustration: It is illustrated with colored plates, half tune-, dilotints, and text cuts on a scale 'more elaborate and costly than has ever be fore been attempted in this country. Convenience: Each subject is given its own artii le and may be found in stantly in the alphabetical arrangement. The Cross-Reference System: has I n o extended as to guide the reader to every part if a general subject and to form a connection between related to i A Feature: In the article describing Cities ane Towns, information is in cluded regarding their government and ownership of public util ities. Each article is checked twice by someone living in the town and once against published information of the town. Maps of im IKirtant cities are introduced. Contents: New Matter: lev. persons realize the immense amount of time, labor and money spent in collecting the information so conveniently obtain able from its handy volumes. A costly organization of scholars of international requirements and reputation was perfected; a trained crew of alphabetizes, and a corps of expert proof-readers were assembled, the necessary clerical force is of special efficiency. The artists who do the illuatrsting and the map-makers who pre- iuir- Ili 1 1 inisiutlle iit niMiw nrii stu.fiitl. ,1 nf tiiirh nnler K v pert tyMgraphers were consulted to secure a type face at once I f War legible ami iiuratile. ftate makers, eicciroiypers, printers, bind er required great care in selection. The choice of a printing paper proved a matter of great difficulty. Finally a special stock was made uu thin, strong, durable, that won't crumble believed to lu the finest paper in existence for the purpose. The Second Edition will contain about ko.immi articles, (I pages, 40,00 columns, and 3.000,000 lines. There will be about 10 per cent, more articles than may be found in any other similar work, due in part to the vast mass of new matter incorporated. The causes, history and effects of the current European War will receive adequate treatment. Maps: Accuracy: A new series of maps will Iks provided later, better and mon accurate than can be found elsewhere. I he blghotl degree of accuracy has been obtained by dividing and sub-dividing the subject matter among specialists and experts .ru I lis having their productions criticised by other specialists so that the articles represent the collective knowledge of highly trained ami able men, and each article is proof-read six times. Bibliography: Interest: The articles have been written in such a way as to be free from eatioiis technicalities and with due regard to form and logical order of presentation and contain really valuable informa tion instead of loosely assorted and unrelated facts Distinctive: The pronounciation and derivation of the title words are given a valuable feature not found in most encyclopedias. Practical: The articles are concise without loss of sufficient content. At the end of each important article a bibliography is'altacht-il naming the best books for further reading, giving name of author, date and place of publication. The sub-diyi-ion of the larger sub jects is indicated by appropriate sub-headings Research Bureau: Each subseriler to the Second Edition of the New Interna tional Encyclopaedia will receive, free, a certificate of meinhei ship in our Kesear-h llureau, carrying with it the privilege of consulting our experts on 'any encyclopaedic subject upon w hieb technical and exhaustive information is desired. Thin Paper: There is a thin paper edition for home and office use and A Special Library Edition printed on regular book paper ami bound in Library Itu t ram after specifications of the American l.ibran AogoeiBtioi . DODD, MEAD & COMPANY NEW YORK CITY From the New York Sun, January 23rd, 1915. "For ten years now the New International Encyclopaedia, published by Dodd, Mead & Com. pany, has been subjected to the severe test of daily consultation and has stood it well. It has practically held the field alone in America. "The rapid advances in every branch of human activity and learning makes frequent ad ditions and changes necessary. The editors have, therefore decided to issue a Second Kdition of the New international fully revised and brought up-to-date, printed from new plates and increased in size to twenty-four volumes. "" "Some instances of the changes may be of use. The article on Aeronautics is an admirable piece of work, covering the whole field concisely and clearly in a space that is fully warranted l the general interest in the subject. "The recent Balkan War is described adequately. Advance in science calls for reconstruction of the articles on Archaeology, of Babylonia, and Cuneiform Inscriptions, and of that on Biology. Architecture now includes a description of the Woolworth tower. "The New International promises in its improved edition, to continue as the most convenient encyclopaedia in the American market. The thin paper is perfectly satisfactory for privet pur poeee, Of the size of the page is not too large." : S Placet Himself Squarely on Record Against Any Amendments. (Special to The Argus.) Sacramento QOTOHtOf Johnson placed him.cli Miiati'l on record as opposed to an) amendment to the an t, alien hind net, passed l the Cali fornia letinlatnre in lilt. lie Imli thai It the Shartol bill. Intro ducrd in tin' MMtnbly, eliminating the three-year looting clause poised the - ilnre. it would meet with the i m CUtlVS elo The elimination ol' the three. war 1 ' hj labor or .: tatsoUona genera,!!) throughout the ( Hdopled It would have the oi prohibiting Japanese and nliei a. .in tanners who are Ineligible to citivetiMilp from leasing land which ,,i are prohibited from purrhoolog Qovoraof Johnson I that no rtlld reason exists why IBS alien land bill, passed with so miiih difficult) two I, should now attain be ie I to tie turo tor amend to m and there are many reasons . Ii It should DO) It Is my hopiv and to this end so as consistently I nIi. til lend in) aid. that the exiHtin i Ian be not disturbed ARTTRESERVATION IS (Special to Th- Argus.) Home croup oi welt known Ital IniiK has addressed a let tor to Seere lary nl State Hryiin eoue)ltg U, up P al that the lulled Mlaten lake some action lo the end that the monuments of art In the belligerent countries be preserved i rum ruin CRUISER'S DEAD ARE HONORED Funeral Services Are Held on KourclJU. S. Steam ship San Diego. I Special to Thc'Ai. U On liourd I'. S S Sun I". in, (Ins) mas. fcfosfc ii l In i. i . I. i.i l (.ii. With lull ii.u al honors . I en lees u.i. i Olid IK led on hoard the Culled Slules ItOOBMBlg - ii. Diego for the fl?o letlojo of Ifeo plosion when Minn- bOilOT tUbH .. il lit. I the eolllplelloll Ol S '. mlng Irtel 1 In- hodie.s were triinsterred to the I nit' d States steamship S.iluiu which ..ilcil lor I i. uu i ..ii. u l.a I's nut Ion Diego NEW STATE IS PLANNED BY WETS Kill to he Ottered at Olym- pia May Cut Off Twenty Counties. (Special to The Argus.) Olvmpiu. Wash Scnatoi ll"ichiu son. ot Spokane, this week will inlto line in Ihe Washington togUlilMW a .tint memorial. asking i ongress lucre tie Ihe new stale ol l.lhioln tioin Ihe iiiuniies oi oootorn Washington 'I lo- III OOUBUSO ol western V. I h luglon in the wei ' hi i.ear. t mil . v. Ulls i .i. i ii . nohingtoa sroal drj b tboul M i. . i since tin- i-iei tion tbors has ,. .n soma tall I lu liquor utu .i Uu- pouibil i "' dl "i lui sa ilei d .' nshiugton to ss to pi u Ii srsl ii tin- . ., i i i tl snd the Hutchiuson measure will provide them I i h in. to rs th in this ,! nih ll T I . t0 dO HO. Inventor's Fight Won liiiin a i . II. in Senate. (Special to The Argun.) Washington -The senate and the president hae come to a deadlock on the appointment of Mrs Marjotle J. nioom to be postinlstress nt Devils l.aUe. N D The president appointed J II llloom. of the DttHs Lake Jour nal. to the place The Journal Is the Ml) iliMiHicnitic dally In North lla Kutii III the course of i xinpi iutin It altiilucl S.'iiiitor Uroiiiia The sen BlOt went alter the scalp of Mr. Dloom and cot it Then the president nave a recess appointment to Mr MoOtsVl wife This S'tiator Orotina has opposed bitterly, and the question has been raised whether the president did not make a reieis appointment of Mrs Hloom lie hi . he knew she would be rejected at the reipiest of Senator tlronna as a matter Of senatorial courtesv. THAW IS IN NEW YORK TOMBS AGAIN i Special to The Argus.) New Tort lliitr) K Thaw again Is In (he Toinhs, hroiiuhl lore from Huston his onl stop over on the way from New Hampshire lie was lockeit up In the prison which he l.-ti almost seven years ago, when he was com milled to the state asylum for the i - r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 insane at Matleaw.m. fol lowing his in 'initial of the murder or Stanford White on the ground ot in sanity. VETERAN OREGON'S (Special to The Argus.) Hau i'rauclsco The sudden an nuiiiii eiii.nt the salllns date. I'ehruary 1, of Ihe battleship Oregon for the I'snauia canal was i am .lied Mini its depiirlure for tin- grand Opeliliu; eerepjono's oi the big illtcll mi lie!. Miilltl) postponed has left llleluhel'i ol Ihe M'lirail crew of IKIIS Shu Iiiim' resigned positions to serve during lipoatliOO nine uuder their tb t: .1 1 1 1 i.i ii ' I -1 in an uiifortuuiite pool tion Tin si' in. Ii. who came here rroiil Uieg.iu. WoihlOllOO. MoutHiia and H llnoln itinlei the helni 1 1 1 . would sail Mouda). will find theiiuaDes In 0 nil. lime til) Without elllUl.l . Ill.'llt CANAL OPENING HAS BEEN DELAYED (Special to The Argus ) Washington formal auuoiiucnmenl of the postponement of opening vers monies at Ihe I'anama canal from until some lime in Jul) was made h Secretary Daniels after a lahlllel UieellUR lii July Hie Atlantic tlset will pass through 'he i anal and all nf Hie other i en planned for I'realdttnt W'tl SOU'S atli'iidain e lu Man h will be held 'Ihe report of (iovernor Hoe dials of slides lu I'ulobra cut was giv en , Mr DgOJoig as the reason for Ihe poOtBOOOflOMM II was definitely aniiouili ed that I'n si. I. 'in W llsou OgOOOtg lo pj o (lo Sill I'lMlliisio exposition In M.i I. I. dMpilS Hie pogt OOOO OJOOJ Of Hie open iiik of Hie esnal uud will mal.e a ape rial II Ip lo I'.ti i III lull ITALY PLEASED WITH (Hpoelgl to The A reus i ROWS lleslllelil V ll.vill s Irln of Hi. Immigration bill pussd b) eon gress gH heeu reieiw-d Willi SOtlfl f. ii lion In It. ilv. one ot Ihe cOUBtrlM dial w on!. I h. , . ' the UU i ii-- I., sme law i ni bowevei tl ivorn .. ii, litem i i. , i i i sa