THE ONTARIO ARGUS THURSDAY FEBRUARY. 4 1915 GIVE THE BURGLAR THE'HA.HA! BANK YOUR CASH WITH US SOMF pit f Ttend invitations to the THIEF AND HOLDUP MAN M thf ir i'frnn OT in their homes large sums of money. A CHECK BOOK is of no n? to the professional thief. Still, a check ll AS BOOB AS CASH to thf tradesman or for the immediate household wants If you luteal I brink account OPEN ONE TODAY. " The Ontario National Bank vB This h t.'ij Ansco Store and that mcan: he idqu irters for all that's best in photographic Materials. Cona in tj-day and let us show you how you can make liner photographs. We will ,'l.idly dcrnonatratn the Superb Ansco, the marvi l ai amateur camera of professional quality, and show you its vi.rlc with Anco Film the original, ncnuina and perfect iilm and Cyko, the pri :e-winm:v; photographic paper. Look for the Ansco Sign EVERHART DRUG CO. j Best Job Work at f dv it! 1 l ' ,j7 6 n" - -. m V) v -Vtri-A m r -fc - - The Ontario Livery, (i H GHmMkaw, ' I IO -II, II dnu i . Oregon sV' J. H. FARLEY 1 l.NKKAl D1RECTOB ami BNBALMEB LADY ASSISTANT .vi I 1 1 IP'S i ,iv I Pn i i I'liovtl ll l'v I'holU' lil I FOUR .. in .. ONE I O lull; DAINT1 Mini t i his o ONK POUND PACKAOI W A . 4 Golden Kul r I matit Mom Pl'RK PAS- IKl UlI.n 'i;i- ,i. ii reaehea you in i 1 Jf -ai Carton, Hacked to ir Kit; kv vni'U rbim ii Q Jensma S Nampa, 'i l A Amm The Argus Office J BIGHT ON THE MINUTE No timi' waited in vv:nt 'Votti the Ontario Livery. Our lervlce is prompt neM Iteelf, ami our oi tee :oitl carrUucei tre i'iiiai in ippeem to ilu i I ' iiimns. ciiii'- lei clean, comfortable and . ;t- .'.linv, and l'i --s nt" 1 1 in kind thai irel the Kt'N'KRALM Ol Nn.lil t' vl I - ANWI 111 l Ontario. OVBJJtM Co. Mf'gs. Idaho. 8 OREGON STATE HAKES Salem -Although three weeks of the 28th legislative nesslon have illp pi-d by with all the Ma meaaures itlll io It pansed upon by both houaea, yet really more proRresi has been made ilnrlng the firm half of the preaent acaalnn than during the name period In many previous sessions Practical ly ull the Important hills have been introduced and many of them hare received uttantlon from the various MMBlttMl and are In shape to be pMMd upon The bealnnliiK of the fourth week of the session found both bo M In Hhapc to el dOWl to buai MM, .iii.i utiles there Is an unusual flow of oratory much serious work will M accomplished Tin- hill to do away with the petl turn peddlltu that created sin h a atlr in UM lions.- liiHt week will be back it . ,tn !! rorloton of 'aw committed tltlH week It was recommitted wIMt Instruction to atm-nd so tluit catnll MM may ha- the option of filing for oftlce either by the petition route or by Mytafl ' OMfc fee to IM county or Mtai' uutliorltleM lli.- section re.pilrtnn a audi. late to support hia or her MMOMftl oppo in nt In MM of defeat also will be ItrtcaM Mil or modified In that .Imp.' the Mil ma net through IM ROOM TM prohibition bill was reported hi. k M Hi" kOM In the form of a sub limit" for tin' orlnlnal NKN with Hi,, i.i rOTOMt r.-i oiniiM'tnUtloua of the MBHllttM M nl( olmlic traffic TM hill remains In aiiliMtanhally the mi lorm as when orUlnall drawn l. tin- CMMMttM of On.- Hundred and ii. tin In .'d by Dr. Anderson It has been amended however. Ml has more teeth in nearly MM) section. ProboMy tM most praaMMNd chain- is in the limit set ou the u nut of Iniuor that i an ho shipped In for MM consumption The bill now fixes this uuanttty at either two ijuarls of whisky or 10 quarts of beer in a mouth The original bill BMI I fn-.l no limit pproprlailona for sis atate Institu tions r pro. id-I for In a many bllla Introiluced In IM house by the ways tiii,tllS romniltteea of the hone ONTARIO LEGISLATURE GOOD PROGRESS and senate. The amount allotted reaches a total of HJWiMMO. The corresponding appropriations for 1111 and 1911. rMMCtlytljr, were 1,U4, 797.11 and ll.IMJtl.4li TM current aiproprlatlni. then-fore, ahOWl nn ai parent savini? of about $J45,OUO MM two years ago. The death knell of Senator l.nni;- unth's Mil ptrmtttlni (ronton to serve on Juries was sounded so far ns this srssloti Is COPCOfB id WhM tM minor It) report of th" judiciary comtntttM ;ii BdOptOd KBd 'h" measure v. as PMtpOMd lodel II ' 'I) Pal otnlil" it" Mm hail prtvloutl) boM takM by too ai nut- on Hi" n . IBUrti but It was re culled from th" h his.- nnil reconsider ail. Qnollflcatloni for county school n piTlntendents wore "tthtOflOd up" by tM bOOM 'li' HlBSlO hill providing tMI porsooa boldlni this office must have at bust .'" months' actual exp.-rlo In toochutf school and bold a stnt" tMBbtfl' OM1 tltlcate To h " iinnillis of thi- i I M experience mual OOTfl bOM had In Oregon. The Mom poaoad Dr. .i ft Andtr- on s bill appropriating Mono for tin experiment sltillon at Hood HIvit I'or the s.-i ond time In t It i - .1 I . the house voted not to rOPOOl the phyi leal exanilimtlon marriage law, passed ai Hi. Ill I session. Senator hluil. k's hill providing that aa.ks of shorts aMIl weluh N pounds, passed the senate, was reconsidered ami iMtoftntttl) PMtpOMd The hoiine passed Itepresentatlve lloston's bill empowering the gov.r nor to fill vacancies In the office of I'nlted Stales senator, pending a re ular elei ti.m Miss Towti.'s bill for an Increase of the length oi th" rnrui school banal from six mouths t 1 eight mouths, was defeated In the house. II) a vole oi ! to IJ. the senate adoited the majority report of the Jtldieiiir committee the bill re pealing the law passed at the 1911 session providing Hint school districts may furnldi free textbooks, he pass... I Senator Karrelt's bill providing IM ji ,.i..ei. " of in per cent of salar'es Sixty Days' Trial - know that it' you ooot try i Bbai M i iicksn vtui will oertainly buy one r more. Wa iaok up our tOflHdtnOf in tlii by rt'tritii you thi Si alv on sixty iia trial. If at thi iod of thai Difflod vou are BOtOOBVinOid that it is thi i't-'st mat tifss you tver ilopl on, an will tiki it biik and rcfuiul thi full puffihiM prloi without quibblior qUMtiOB. As you vaiut- thi health and oomfori of your- st'll ami family, try the SEALY. t'i thf tiiu'M Inviatniint you ian DAike, pay ing luu liividemls iu health, happineai and Bjrreatar tower to aehit Just Received A LARC.E SHIPMENT Ontario Furniture Co. INE VESSELS OFF HAVRE (Special to The Argus.) I,ondon. The toll taken by tin Qoi man submarine U-21 in its raid Satur day in the Irish Sea In the vicinity ol Liverpool, stands at three ships, the steamers Hen Cruachen. Linda Itlanche and the Kllcoan. the latter small vessel. The crew of the Kll MM was landed M the Isle ot Man by a coastwise MMJMff In addition a (Jerman submarine also has torpedoed two Hrltlsh steam ers In tin Snfllah channel near Havre the Toko M;iru and the lcarla. The Irish Sen raider easily made h"r scope aod ahlpplng interests, oonfl dent that she bM t"tiirnei to hr h:is(. ordtrod a roauoiptloa of Mrmal traffic This under w.iter BndM is tklMM vessel which Inst September torpe dOOd In the North Sea. the Hritlsh l i 'T PatbflDdar, with a Ions of -' lives, nnil Inter ilcstroved two Hritlsh tMOIort Oft H:ivt" She found nil ni.rons vessels in the waters to which M has MOtOTOd her activities. In addltlOII to tM thrM vessels she is kaOWfl to hnve Mini K nt lenst five oth it st'iimers were (based by her. TMm Include the steamer (Iraphic with IM pa --"niters and a crew of 4n. and the amaller boats. Atreus, Ava. Knthli'en ntid Kdvmlnu. All these ves sels SOOOpOd in i ll a flight. Inventor of Barbed Wirt Oiea. Sun lllego. i'ii! Il.tirv W I'litnam. M, Inventor ntid philanthropist. Is dead at hi" palatial home In this pit) lie was the luv.-nlor of barbed wire and horseshoe nails ot county iiiel t:ite officers recelvltu' Md or more a year was defeat.- I b) the Sill ll" At a conleretice culled hy tlovernor W'lihv. onibe. at which Senator Kuiii ryn t'lnrk, of Douglaa: ttornev i,.m nil BMW! and the members of the senate i.illchirv i ominlttee were pres enl. It waa vlrtunlly decided to ahsn .Ion the object sought In senate joint resolution NO 1 , to empower tl x- e.-utive to remove district attorneys anil sh-rlfls In case he becomes con vinced that they are not performing In good faith their official dutlea. ORKGON 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Pld Ailvcrlirtrnnt Safety DBPM1T BOXM For Kknt Two sizes and two prices; m absolutely snfe metho.l of kooptttg vour valuable papers protcctcil iiKain l loM hy (ire or theft. Ontario National Hank. W'k have a cotnfortnlilc room fitted up especially for the l.nli.s where they can rest, write checks nnil Utters anil not M crowiicil or Intmdod on; ladien are invited to call and open an account. Ontario National Bank. Tiirik Lots For Sale 2 blocks west of pMtofflcO, at a bargain. In m i r- at Argn- ollii . Church ScrviccH I'NITF.K I'KKSIIVTKItlAN Bibla chool al 10 a. m. ProMhJng at 1 1 a. m, and '. :30 p. m, Yt un i--1 pies mMttng hi 6: 19 p. m. The chun h ii Iwra t.. bolp the people and tha community, You con make a mote potent lone, (ottie to any or all of tin- services nnil vou will liiul a wel come w. N. Brown, Poi tor. i ,i. nc cm RCH Mussnt B M on - ami ;;r 1 Sntnlay ot Moh month. On all othor Sumlaya at 10 A M. II. A. ' 'iitnpo. Rector Methodist CHURCH Sunday School, 10:00 a. nt. I'reach inn, 'morning, llKWo. m.. MOWllg 7:3(1 p. m. You I'.-eii the church the church leeda you "Lot'lgfl tOgothM." ('. C. PH TT. Pastor Ort'qon Short lint1 Time Idblc Ontario, Oreifoti. NoVOOlbM Htli I'.HI TIMC TABLE NO. 70 l-TV,ll I) Train No. I .-ive 17 0r W ' '.. I.intite.l IJtl m 7." Iluntiinrton 1'uHsangi r '.';:i." a m 19 Orei,'.. n Wasli. Kvpr. 841 p m 6 Fast Mail I II ni BAarrw m i 1H Orvfron Wash. Limited Ml a m N r...i . c . ,;er :." a m 4 Kaxtcrn Kxprvaa ll:U p in tl Ort'qon Wash. Kprcss ti :i.l p ni OREGON EASTERN BRANCH V KH T A R I ) Train No. Leave HI Mixe.l, leaves Monday, Waxlni'wUy ami Friday 9:00 a m i vs-nvAit i 140 Mixed. rnvcHTuoitlay, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p m VALE A BROGAN BRANCH !:- I A Itt) Train No. Leave 141 Mixed Vale and Urocan Daily excupt Sundav 10:tt( a m 97 PoaaanKfr, Vale daily TsOOBBI KAH'I' Ml si) M Paaaenirer, from Vale daily s in i, ni 14'J Mi.d from Brogon and Vide Doily axoopl Sunday :I::10 p m Tha ll. in. -lie ttniti leave. Nyata at 2:4") on '1'iic.iIhv. TaoiOdOl ami batuidiiy, returning. MTITt at On tai lo til '' . m Strictly Confidential CUSTOMERS have a right to txptet that their bank ing bufintMi will be treated as Confidential THIS WE DO, and we also aim to protect their interests in ev e r u legitimate manner. ST. NATIONAL BAM 1 ONTARIO OREGON Capital and Surplus $100,000.1 Book in a Good! suntri "