The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 28, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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This winter has been exceptionally
good for skating, Owing to so much
clear, cold weather. There are Reveral
O0d places alone; the Malheur and
Snake rivers and at Washoe. Sunday
there were over three hundred people I
skating on the Waahot iloogh, coming-
from Payette, Fruit lard, New Fly-,
It is Apparent Thai a Line of Strictest Econ
omy Will He Followed.--Expensive Com
missions dncermoniously Wiped Out
mouth and Ontario. I he ice waa in
firstclass condition and everyone had a
pleasant time.
Salom When the leplslstnre began
thft third week of the minimi all the
Important measures (if general Inter
est. FiKh ss iirohihitlon li-itinlalion,
taxation amendments, the appropria
tion bill", consolidation of boards and
commissions, highway legislation,
change la election lawa, atlll remain
ed to be passed upon
The senate Kave evidence of a do
aire for economy when It voted to
abolish the state decennial census, res
pealed the law carrying an appropri
ation for the naval mllltla and to abol
iah the atate accountancy board.
The house alan paiaed a cenatii re
peal bill and It la expected that the
two houses will concur on on meas
ure and withdraw the other.
A measure abolishing the atate lin
migration commission, which baa been
coating $20. 000 a year. aaaed both
What la alao regarded aa In line
with the economy policy waa the ac
tion of the house In paaalng the Hobua
bel bill providing that all hut an ex
cepted few of tlie atate funda he placed
In the genernl fund Advncatea of title
measure, clulm It will reault In a con
alderable annual aavlng to the atate
A further manlfaatatlon of the In
teutlona to wave money waa dlaplayed
In a comparatively amall way when
the houae piianed the Weeks bill pro
vldlng ainendmenta to the rcglstra
tluli lawa that will obviate the i
ally of mailing election pamplileta to
more than one voter In the mime ram
lly Tbla. It la expected, will aaveone
third tin- expense of printing and mall
tug election pumpbleta every two
The prohibition queatlon dnuhtleaa
will demaud much attention from the
house lllla week The committee on
alcoholic trafflr will he read) to re
port out the Committee of one Hun
dred'a bill alined to in. ike effcHlw the
prohibition iiiin minion! to the coiihII
tlltloll liilnptcil li the people lust Tall
'I he report will be favorable to the
A standard for hoxea or baaketa for
at raw berries, blackberrlea, logatiher
rti-H. raspberries ami other berries is
preacrllied III a bill Introduced by Sen
ator Hit) It also prescribe a stand
ard hop measure
Itepreaeiitatlve Lew la. of Mullc.
mail ioiiiiIv liiirodin ed a bill In the
house, prnviillng (or the pciiMlotiint; ot
piace olllcors III brief the bill pro
vlih - thill peace olflcc's .-hall paj lii
to a fund to be kept by the atate ITSM
urer 1 per cent of their anlnrles. and
that If any officer la disabled he shnl'
'lin w $30 a month while Incapacitated
and if killed, hia widow shall draw a
pension of $.1i a month during her
life; and If be does not leave a wife,
but leaves children, they shall draw
this sum until they reach the age of
lfi years.
Senator f-'arrell's bill for the cutting
of salaries of various atate and county
employes Is before the senate. It pro
"On and after July 1, 1916. and ex
tending for a period of two years, the
salaries of all officials and employes
who are at present receiving salary of
f.tiiutl or more shall be reduced unl
formly M per cent, and the secretary
of state and the county clerks of the
several counties ahull draw warrants
In accordance with tbla act In the pay
ment of salaries."
Representative Anderson, of Wasco
count v. has introduced a bill In the
houae providing for repeal of the law
requiring a medical certificate "as
additional requisite to Issuance of a
marriage license "
Legislative lobbyist were put on the
run by the house The Schuebel antl
lobbying bill was passed, after a warm
discussion, by a vote of 48 to 12.
Members of the legislature from
eastern (innon are going to Insist on
a liberal appropriation for bounties on
Iteprcsotilalh Slauflelil of Morrow
county bus Introduced In the house a
bill rxeiuptltm banks from llabllltv U)
a depositor because of the refusal to
pay a ilin k throir-h mistake, unless
the depositor shall prove himself dam
Simplicity marked the entry of Ore
gun's first woman state senator to the
state i apilol Neat's but not elabor
atel dressed. ii it a black veil shad
inc a pleat-ant lull nun face
.i:lnwi il. I.. 01 Qlondak Douglas
county, passed tutu the building a;
the front entrance and found her way
into the senate chamber
lly a vote ot 14 to the senate etc
ellneil to memorlalie congress to call
a constitutional convention to amen I
the eOMtltlltloll so (hut the ('lilted
States should have entire control ot
the suppression ot polygamy Sena
tors votltiK against the proposal de
hired that It was a gratuitous Insult
to a state that had ilis.ardcil the prac
tice of Moi'iiioniMii
The Court passed sentences on the
parties convicted in the last term of
court, last Thursday. There were
eixht persons sentenced, one of whom
was paroled. Kclith Smith, who was
found g-uilty of keeping- a bawdy houae,
has not yet been sentenced, and the
case of Charlea Hamblett was contin
ued. The following sentences were im
posed: Frank I.ucv. found trinity of
larceny in a store, was sentenced to !Mi
clays in the county jail and $2r.00 fine;
Wm. McKenzie, found g-uilty of petty
larceny, was fined $.111. 00; C. II, Spencer,
guilty of living- in and about a bouse of
ill fame, was sentenced to two to fifteen
years in the Orejron penitentiary; Earl
''.. I ox, guilty of larceny of two foals,
was sentenced to one to ten years in
the Oregon penitentiary , Florence O'
Connor and May Russell, g-uilty of sell
injr liquor contrary to law, were fined
$1. '.11.00 each; Walter Meldrum, g-uilty
of burglary, was sentenced to two to
five years in the Oregon penitentiary,
('has Ntitt, who was found tiilty of
larceny of a calf, was paroled
iih. ii st mini vol i:s.
The registration bus now
total of LIS; tit; boy-, and 7J in Is.
Tins week Fditb and ivi..ii lolg.-r.
ti. linn ii. entered I'min Bole High;
M. H by. Jennie and Earl Hull entered
the . on, m. u 1. 1 1 rlepat linen! and Pewe)
Btaruliah returned to the Sophomore
class atti i n .-cine- tor in Bol t
On Friday, rVbruan 5th, at .' SO p '' "'
Portland, Oregon, Jan. If, i:m .
Keturni of annual net income, for the
iii.-oiiie t.i for Individual! ami fa
corporation making their returns of
annual net Income baaed oa tin eali n
An article published in the Malheur
Knterpris,. of .lanuary I'ith, 1915, under
the heailmiof "Items From'ltig Mend "
places Hig Mend in a false light before
the re--t of the county.
When the I'oinona QfMft laid down
the rules of the Corn Carnival, one of
the rules was that each contestant must two bushels of corn, the corn
thus exhibited to be donated to the
Orange, and to be sold to help defray
Mis- i "" expenses incurred l.y Hie contest
After awards wt re made the count)
bOOght Hie colli t,, . . xl,lt,t. .1 ,,t
the Walla Walla Com Show or when
ever they suw fit, the corn thus paaalng
out of its former ownership to be used
to Hilvertise the county and not any one
The contestants knew before the
awards were made they did not have
the only corn in the anility and knew
still latter when another district had
live contestants with a yield of overPK)
bushel per aeie that there were other
places in the county that could raise
corn about as well as Mig Mend.
If the Walla Walla Corn Show would
bring-any settle" to Malheur County,
they would naturally inquire wnere the
eom was raised if that was what they
were after.
The contestants from Mitr Mend aaa
proud to lie aide to give to the county
their share of the records of the Corn
Camival lO advertise the e. unity
Sidled. Mert Robertson, Dale Kob
Bftaon, Alex. Wade, Ceo. W. Swieert,
Harvey Hatch, Thus 'ur,iy, Arthur
Holly. F.y, id Tate.
$ a -HTY-V IITTl llTlll D
s iiMJ wu win;;
Have Some
thing of Interest
for You Next
fff ffffjf" $$;.$$
year, are due t.i he
in , the lit. i. ii y MM let) will fiv. the
following program la the High Bchool
auditorium, to winch the public are in
vited: Fiauo .-olo, Amelia Piughoff;
imitation, Ruth Lackey maadolla and
violin duet, Kphrim Harriotl ami Bry
an Nii.i.; origiaal m.i. Mabel Cald
w. il; girl1 tn... Fih, i Healup, Crystal
Wt i and i..i.. Caldwell; vocal sol...
Rena Adum; extemporaneous sptu'ch,
Katol hot . p ano lolo, H Hit hael;
school n..;., r Q .,,,. gage,
i'h. I
V. !
oil or
before the im da) of March, and fail.
lire U) III.' Mic II ii Mi ii on or be lore
thai dale Hill ilo. , t the delinMii. -
taxpayer to an additional tax ot fifty
per eeal and liability to baav) aaaal
tie- llo hie, I hy l;uV
With holding agents should be pai
ticular to ascertain their duties un.l.
the Income Tax I aw. . 'specially the
fact that peraoni af alnal whom tax
has 1" en w Ithheld have the right umiet
me law. to fii,. rorni inns with
rty days prior t.
thai tharefon
1 the wlthl
I wish to thank the kind friend- who
-o assisted ma In the lllnees and
death of my husband.
Mrs. Annie Vagal
Kstrau Sot ice
TI, . .i ...
....i ' .inn- ii. mi piace atiout nine
-ootliwe.-t of Weiser almiit Dee
amber 15th, IPli, One bhuk
about it rears old. Right hind foot
white, -tar n forehead, little whit. ,..,
no other marks or brands.
Owner may secure his propart) by
provin m i rahip, pajrlai ft r th tot
the animal's keep
C U ilh.,, i , , , Ui
... 63.
IONS rtl B018E
rt I
i t
remainder u
tile n below
Jaa 80, U ..i Ontai io, i'..
'" vaie. Feb. ., Culdwi II at .
ale at Ontario. I , !. ; ', ..(, ..
u tario at i aldwt II r b
Caldwi II . i A ,lU
in a pi
ternoon tl
I . . c .
- tin tli Dart
V I" obtained nu
.,.. 1
ii n
18tl . to I
ux to Hit mi
Wi - tern Colin i :atioti Co, Secti ins .i ,v
11; W NKi-W, NWJ SKJ-S SKl-lH-KS
-37; all of Sec. 2T-27-2-31-. Twp. 25
37; Sec. 21-2.4 in 2ti-:4; Ej SEj-E SWJ
SEJ-1-18 46. Dec. 6th.. l!14. $16827.02.
Men J. Mrown. Sheriff to First Nat
ional Hank, Vale, R SWi-W SFJ-14-1-
II. Jan. 16th.. 1011, $83.r).(MJ.
Men J. Mrown. sheriff, to First Na
tional Bank, Vule, SWJ W SEi 14-1H-44.
.Ian. Itlth., 1914. $189:(2
U, S. A., to John Arthur Schutte
lots 3 4-5-6 se nwi nej swJ bwJ nej
nwj se 1.-15-41, Nov. t) 1914.
H. H. WaKKoner, et ux, to W. J.
Mink lots lb 17. HI.2uV.Ontario, Dec.Sti.
1914. $7u().00.
Edward WcKslcock, to estate of Mob
ert W. Worsham, -ei swi, 11-1H-39,
Jan. 19th., 19. f4lt H10.00.
I'urnel Hutfman to Claus Martinson,
si sej ni ni 13 21-45. Nov. 2HU
l'.tli. IRM.I0,
A. K. Jones et ux to C Martins.n.
I nt'l awj ne m nWj aa swi nwi
H) 13-21-45 Nov. 27th. 1914. $1 (Hi.
Interstate I. ami & i.oun Co. to Kob
ert F. Addison, l.tH 3-4, Bl. 8. Villa
lark Ad. Ontario, Oct. 22nd.. PU4
Adolph (iratnse et ux to O. S Hob
son, lots R Ml. Terrace Heights Adn.
Ontario, Nov. f,th , 1914. $1 (Xi
John W. Kicbards et ux to I'nion
Land, l.uan cV Trust Qa .se4 sel nwl
U 12 Sept 24th., 1910. $2.iKHl.(Kl.'
I'nion Land, .ojn
OvagOfl Fruit Lands
sej saj nw 2".-r. it,
Klias F. Day id-,,
Hlnaa, setnel
Bliia S. I'ow ih nd to Ifvin Clay. !,,t.-ll-lii
Ml. 27 Col iiiil.ine. January 3th
101ft. 11.00,
i aaa rloronos Prinaing t.. Jaoob
lot 11 to 18 Ml. is Ontario,
R. . Mi rehai t . ' ux t,, t u,.-
'fell, I BL '.. R
""tarn in 110.00.
I i to Prank Patterson, n nwl
i"-i". June 2nd..
I'M I.
II ., !' . ...
..... ,.i u, I . C I .
No. 3 A Aim
HU I t1 xsgfl
am I 'Ft, 7
This is the Ansco Store
nd that meana headquarters for all that's best
in photographic materials. Come in to-day and let
us show you how you can make finer photographs.
We will gladly demonstrate the Superb Ansco,
the marvelous amateur camera cf professional
quality, and show you its work with Ansco Film
the original, genuine ar.d perfect film and
s-yko, the prize-winning photographic paper.
Look for the Anscx) Sign
1 r1
& Trust Co. t
leveloitnent Co.
Oct. xth., ion,
et u to ,). I..
Jan. 1,1th. 1011
Mh - ' . W NU ; 1 Is ,7.
M.. loch. 1014, 11800.00
AUOipn (,!.ii:.-, i t Ujj tl, wi
lots ..-L'i-j.. j. -:;-: block 1
. Ontario
1914. 1100.00,
' v. liretror) to Mrs.
int. ir - N ft' i ...
Jan. 15. 1915. tl.oo.
Charles Utachul ol u t,. OfM
in, .jir'S.1 rvmmms., A" Irtii having prei
. wvna i i i i 1 1
invsenl t u-ni tn n uml ...l-,.
selection while our stock la complete, as we expect our
stock :to be .all gone by February 10. Ifte. JhChtSS
c will not recognize any premium books.
Vtir FEE I
e rhr Paatori I ripi with CASH I'urchasos
pt. Itth.,
i 12 IT-40 Jan.
21st., 1 115,
Orogon I Waatarn Colon itian Co
tO St. I'.tul Co.. QVj swj (
I w m swj ncj ji-is-i,: iilV"
nd., 1914 ltt,,
neuuen .iici rcary et n. ,..
J Kircher. lot, y.u, m' 2 Adrian
I 1 24th., 1014, 1100.00.
---i-4e'. c' , plaints tiled n Circuit Court'
M.,11 L' ....
.......ivuc rurwarutng to. ti '1'. .1
I is rjrar, Racovorj on Account. fll5d
Noy .
12 l-2c
l "" "rarsi1 mii, ai
For Sale
1 O Cost