The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 14, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Paid Aiirn-tlMinrnU
Free A alx plec kitchen set I be-
glven away by the Ontario market
to their customers. Ask them to show
it to you. They hare greatly reduced
their prices and are now making after
ajoon dellverle.
" SArrrY Dbpobit Boxbs For Rent -Two and two prices; an absolutely
aafe method of keeping your valuable
paper protected against loss by fire or
theft. Ontario National Hank.
"afy 20 acre tract for tale or trade. On
bench west of fair grounds.
Vale, Oregon.
W have a comfortable room fitted
tjp especially for the ladies where they
can rest, write chocks and letters and
not be crowded or intruded on; ladies
arc Invited to rail and open an account.
Ontario National Bank.
Thrkb Lots For Sale I blocks
wast of poBtofflce, at a bargain. In
quire at Argus office.
For sale or trade, three big milch
cows. See H. C. S. Wood.
Hay for sale to local buyers.
Barter, Ontario. Ore.
Church Services
United Prkshyterian
Bible school at 10 a. m. PwoWni
at 11 h. m. and 7::t0 p. in. Young peo
ples meeting at fi;4"i p. m.
The church ll net to help the people
and tl ommimitv. You can make a
more potent force. Come to any or all
ef the service and you will find a wel
come. W. W. BROWN, Pastor.
Mass at NAM on M and Hrd Sunday
of ..hiIi month. On all other Sunday
at 10 A M.
II. A. Oampo.HMtoi
Mktiiodiht Cm in ii
Sunday School, 10:00 a. in. Preach
ing, morning, 11:00 a. m., evening 7:30
p. m.
You need the church the church
needs you "Let's get together."
C. C. PRATT. Pastor
Your Banking
No matter how
small, no mat
ter how large
The First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
Oflicrrs und Directors:
A. I- COCKRl'M. Preside
T. TTK.NIir I.I.. Vice President
II. II. KM hl(l M, Cashier
C. W. PLATT, Ash'I Cashier
(Oregon Short line lime Table
Ontario, Oregon, November 8lh I'.'i I
v i r Aim
No. Leave
17 Oregon Wash. Limited 4:22 a m
75 HuiiliiiK li'ii PataangW ''& a in
19 Oregon Wash. Kxpress laa m
6 Fast Mail 6:16 in
18 Oregon Wash l.imiteii ,"1 a ni
76 Boise PMMbJM 8:50 a in
4 Eastern l' i 11:11 I1
6 Oregon Wash. Kx press i" :t:i p in
M r Attn
No. Leave
139 Mixed. leaves Monday,
Wednesday and Friday H:00 a in
Ho Mixed, arrive,- TucMlay,
Thuraday and Saturday tJO p in
IfaWM AlU)
No. I.eac
141 Mixed Vale and lirogau
Daily MOVftl iiui in
97 Paaaanger, Vale daily V-oo p m
:Asr HOI ni
Ml Paaaenger, from Vale
daily I 10 . in
142 Mixed from Brogan
Mai VaW Daily except
Sunday 3;,W p in
Tiix HouiediHe train leave Nyata
at : ' on Tuesday. TaUtadt d
ttatoilav, returning, arrive at On
tan at o p. aV
(Special to
The winter atorms and flood", while
they have put an end to any military
operation on a large acale, have not
been able to prevent the arrnlea In
the east and wet from pursuing the
offensive at Isolated points along the
two extended fronta.
In the snow-covered hill of the Cau
casus the hardy Siberian are search
Ing out the routed Turks, who aro re
ported to he surrendering by thou
sands, while In Flanders, which Is vir
tually all under water, the allies as
sert that thoy have found It possible
to mnke some headway.
The struggle In Alsace continue In
spite of the heavy rain. There I
more than n foot of water In the
trenches. The Oermann already have
lost In killed and wounded 6000 men,
according to reliable reports, and Rol
fort, the great French fortress, 1
filled with the prisoners men mostly
40 years old or more.
Htclnbach has been taken and re
taken six times, which accounts for
the conflicting reports In the official
Taking advantage of the continued
and InereBMliig cold weather, which
has frozen the marshy lands adjacent
to the numerous rivers of North Po
land, the Hermann are now Initiating
unother attemiii on Warsaw from the
north, having contented themselves
with fortifying and taking the defens
ive west of Warsaw, along the banks
of the ll.ura and southward between
Sklcrnlcwlcc and Qrodslsk.
Farther southward along the loft
bank of the Vistula the Hermans are
now reported massing lu the north
preparatory to an advance.
While Itotiinaiila has not taken the
fateful step, the belief exists In the
iiolllitrle of the allies that she soon
will do' so Other developments are
expected. The relation between
Ureeeo and Turkey have reached the
breaking point over the alleged III
May Force Government Reg
ulation of Resources of
(Special to The Argus.)
New York. Whether resource Of
iipproxli.iat.1y a quarter of u billion
dollars controlled by four great phil
anthropic Instltulioiin should be cm
plo.wil without i;o eminent regulation
lu the promotion or enterprises af
feeling public welfare, especially that
ot wage earners, is one of the uue
lions which the Kederel Industrial
Itelutlons Commission will bring to
the front hero during Its forthcoming
hearings Investigators for the last
two weeks have been preparing data
on which to base the examination of
w I mosses
The four Institutions are the Rocke
feller. Sage. Cleveland and llarou de
ttlrsch foundations, the latter repre
seated In thlh country by Jacob II.
Sealff Their chief officers have been
summoned to testify and will be asked,
it was said at the commission head
quarters, to tell what policies govern
the distribution of their charities,
their attitude toward labor problems,
the nature of their schemes for social
betterment: in sum, to disclose In de
tail the charuclcr of all their acltvl
(Special to The Argua.)
Uolse Fred I. Huston, state audi
tor of Idaho, was Indicted by the grand
jury Investigating state affairs The
charge agaiust him is the approprla
Hon of public funds contrary to law.
Huston was arrested and placed un
der $2000 bond, which he furnished.
(Special to The Argua.)
Paris. "The Kusslaiis have entered
Transylvania.' telegraphs the IVtro
grad correspondent of the Matin.
"The Austrians have hastily evac
uated the whole of ltukowiua." he
adds, "leaving open new roads tor the
liussiau troops in the Hungarian prov-iuoea."
the Argua)
treatment of Greek In Asia Minor.
Italy I growing restless over Turkey'
delay in giving satisfaction for the
violation of the Italian consulate at
Hodelda, from which the British con
sul, who sought refuge there, waa for
cibly removed.
Should Koumanla, now that the
Russian are on the border If not ac
tually In Transylvania, decide to par
ticipate In the war on the side of the
allien, her army will provide the nilsa
ing link In the chain of troops winding
from the Baltic to the Adriatic, a dls
tance, roughly, of 1300 mile. This
battle line would be composed of Rus
sians, Roumanians, Servians and Mon
tenegrins on the one side and Oer
mans and Austro Hungarians on the
Reports reaching Rio He Janlero say
that the German battle cruiser Von
der Tann. which was recently report
ed as leaving Heligoland to reinforce
the Herman squadron of Admiral von
Spee, has boen sunk with all on board
in a battle with the British battle
cruiser Invincible. According to the
latest report, the Invincible was un
hurt, and has reached port. The re
ports say thai the battle took place
off Pernamhueo.
Russia's movement across the Car
pathians into northern Hungary has
niado no progress during the week.
Instead, a further change seems to
have been ordered In the Russian
strategy. The rapidity of the Slav ad
vance through Bukovlna apparently
has made '.'. advisable to press the of
fensive against Budapest from the
east Instead of from the north. Sev
eral Herman corps are reported to be
en route for Hungary to stiffen Aus
tria's resistance, and the disposition
of these reinforcements may have
caused the Russian general staff to
rely on the Iiukovlna advance Instead
of the Carpathian movement for the
success of the movement against the
Magyars' capital.
Klamath Falls Man Pleads
Guilty and Sentenced
Without Trial.
(Special to The Argua.)
Klamath Kails Frank Williams
Indicted for the murder of Allen C
M. I. cod, a homesteader near Midland,
last August, entered a plea of guilty
to a charge of second degree murder.
After announcing his regret thilt the
death penalty had bet u abolished DIs
trlut Attorney Irwin said that there
would be nothing gained by trying
Williams for first degree murder, so
the plea was accepted by the state,
and the prisoner was seuteuced to life
imprisonment, without the expense of
a long drawn out trial.
(Special to The Argua.)
Vera t'rui.- Qeneral Carrania has
announced his intention of promulgat
ing a decree aimed at doing away en
tlrely with ambling lu Mexico.
(Special to The Argus.)
Paris The following official com
munication was issued by the war of
fice: "In the Champagne region two coun
ter attacks by the Hermans one to
the uorth of Perthes, the other to the
north of Ueaueejour- were repelled.
In the Argouue two minor attacks by
the enemy have failed at Fontaine
Madame and at St Hubert. There
was a lively fusillade lu the direction
of Hill Mtj west of lloureullles and on
I.eruisseau des Nourlssous, but uo at
tacks From the sea to the Olse there
have been artillery duels. On the
Atsue. In the region ot Solssons, the
enemy, lu spite of many attacks, has
not been able to recapture the
trenches which he had lost.
' In the couutry from Khelms to the
Argoune our artillery has shelled the
Herman trenches effectlvel) at sever
al points, driving away bodies of sap
Twenty Eighth General As
sembly Takes Up Its
Work Monday.
(Special to The Argua.)
Salem. Everything wa In readl
ne for the convening of the Twenty
eighth General Assembly of Oregon
Monday morning. Secretary of State
Oloott, a cuatodlan of the capttol, had
the senate and house chambers and
committee rooms renovated and put In
ship-shape. The name of each mem
ber, his district and county, appear
on each desk, the drawers of which
were bulging with stationery and oth
er paraphernalia which Oregon fur
nishes her lawmaker. Both the sen
ate and the house convened at 10
In an effort to expedite the business
of the session, members of both the
houses tried to proceed with the can
vass of the vote for governor so that
Dr. James Wlthycombe might be In
augurated Monday. But when the
leader of this movement arrived In
Salem, they learned that the people
of that city had made all their plans
for the Inauguration of the governor
on Tuesday.
The supreme court adjourned for
the day, so that Its members could be
At a conference of senators It wa
arranged that Dr. W. P. Wood of Hill
boro, one of the holdover member,
would call that body to order. Sen
ator Day, of Portland, was tempormry
president and John P. Hunt, of Wood
burn, temporary chief clerk.
The permanent organisation wa ef
fected by the election of W. Lair
Thompson, of Lakevlew, as president.
Tho organisation of the house wa
delayed owing to the contest for
speakership betwoen Ben Selling of
Portland and Allen Katon of Eugene.
Of prospective legislation chief In
terest centered In a proposed exeeu
ting law to make effective the prohtbl
tlon act passed by the people at the
last election. A draft recommended
hy the committee of one hundred,
which directed the recent prohibition
campaign, prohibit the sale of liquor
by drugstoree and restaurants, a well
a saloon. Hotel men of Portland
announced that they would try to get
this modified to permit the serving of
minor with meal In large hotel.
January Glearance
Eight more days of this big sale.
You will regret the mistake you
have made if you don't come in
and take away some of these
Special Bargains
Sale Ends Saturday Jan. 23rd
A saving of one-third to one-half
on your purchases
We Sell For Cash : We Sell Cheaper
(Special to
Wahlngton. Great Britain' pie
Umlnary reply to the note from the
United Bute government, requesting
Improvement In the treatment of
American commerce by the British
fleet, wa made public here and In
London by mutual agreement between
the atate department and the Brltleh
foreign office.
The British communication concur
In the view of the United State that
commerce between the neutral nations
should be Interfered with only when
Imperatively necessary and official of
the Washington government constru
ed It a conceding that the principles
expressed by the American note were
Jut and upheld by the previously ac
cepted usages of International law.
Briefly, the Nritlsh note, while con
ceding the principles of the American
government's contentions, points out
difficulties In actual practice, refers
to alleged fraudulent practices by ship
per and cite statistics showing an
Increase, rather than decrease, In cer
tain neutral commerce, In support of
Great Britain's suspicions that Ger
many and Austria have been Indirect
ly obtaining contraband through neu
tral countries. The note promises,
however that Oreat nrltaln "will make
redress whenever the action of the
British fleot 'may unintentionally ex
ceed' " the limit of International law.
Right of Detention I to Be Disputed.
While they are generally reserved in
their comments. It may be said author
itatively that high officials of the
United Stains government regard the
tone of the note a entirely friendly
and believe, moreover, that the dl
cuaslon which will follow It will be
carried on In the same vein, with a
desire on the part of both countries to
reach a satisfactory understanding.
The admllon by Great Britain of
one of the chief point In the Amerl
can note that the relation between
neutral were thoe of normal time
of peace and not of war wa gratify
Ing to official, who believed that the
controversy would now resolve Itself
Into a frank dlculon of what the
actual necessities of the caae which
Impel Interference by a belligerent
when suspecting that the ultimate des
tination of a neutral cargo Is belliger
ent territory.
the Argus)
While no formal arrangement haa
been made as yet for common action
by all neutral oountrle In repect to
contraband and shipping during mart
time warfare, It became known that
the United 8tates had received the
sympathetic support of practically all
neutral nations In it negotiation with
Oreat Britain.
Recognising the Interest manifested
by the neutral government In the
Initiative taken by the United State,
copies of the British reply to the
American note were ordered delivered
by Secretary Hryan to all their diplo
matic representatives In Washington.
When the first note was ent there
were many formal requests for coplee
and It was regarded as significant that
the British note has been sent to them
Food Inquiry Made In Congress
A resolution calling on the secretary
of agriculture for Information aa to
the production, consumption and ex
portation of cereals, beef, pork and
other food products, and for detail
aa to the prices of wheat, wa Intro
duced by Representative Farr, of
Pennsylvania. Mr. Fair explained
that he wlhedto ascertain whether
there was any danger of a food short
age In the United State because of
the enormous Increase lu exportation
since the outbreak of the European
National Bureau to Help Jobless.
A national employment buroau
reaching into every section of the Uni
ted States will be put In operation by
the department of labor this week.
The general plan of the employment
bureau was outlined by Mr. Camlnettl
a follow:
"Notice will be posted In all post
offices announcing that application
for work or workera will bo received
by the postmaster, who will be sup
plied with form to be filled out and
forwarded to the department of labor
agent In charge of the sone In which
tho office la situated.
"Applicants will then be tnformod
of the place where they can obtain
work of the kind they seek and at the
nearest point to them the postal serv
ice acting as tho distributing and col
lection agency for applications and re
plies throughout the transaction."